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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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today on larry king it's god's rope's great public to thank you that's what airbrush will do for you what other field other than music particularly country music could you get away with saying hey look i'm having children and i want to just be with them for fourteen years and they say we'll be here when you get back plus i don't know if you know so not but i don't have these talks with everybody you're one of the rare ones that's all ahead on larry king now. larry king now for over a c.b.s. studios in the valley in california our special guest is god brooks he is the biggest selling country artist in history and he has a new get this eight does box set out called blame it on my roots it's being
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released as a wal-mart exclusive you've called this the soundtrack of your life explain that it's all the music i grew up on being the last to six kids mom and dad started the family early so there was never really a generation gap so music just poured into our house from probably three decades before me in two decades to me so there's easily five decades of influence in there so it's not just your son now no this is this is. this is the music i grew up on and how it translated and morphed into the music that people know is garth music go at the vegas show. which is great so you do a lot of you do dame stalest of the air we do we cover everybody that for me that influenced our house simon and garfunkel's all over a house as a kid we were just behind the beatles in the stone so we got a lot of the folk stuff we got a lot of townes van zandt tom rush read it how long to put this together. forever.
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that's been a work that's been a work of labor for quite some time so about a little over a year and a half but that was wal-mart because i got to tell you if you're going to deliver product a day and you going to live or something this size you want at a price people kind of for and wal-mart buy is in quantities so large that you can go back to your publishers manufacturers and everything and they can take reduced rates to make this thing work they'll still make more money than they ever could have at a full rate on a smaller order and that's wal-mart's secret it's always been their secret is to make sure i love them because that they squeeze everything down and then they don't hang on to it they pass that on to the customer because i know every penny of this thing and for them to be selling it it twenty four ninety six or whatever it is those are the. bad days is said they decide that it's the perfect gift or the perfect price for this holiday season i just love it because are some in there for everybody and but when you do that you're limiting it to one place where i get it
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so i can't go get it somewhere else you know wal-mart said you know physically there's not a digital outlet for it so wal-mart is going to be the only place and you know what i'm fine with that because still i'm a physical guy still at this point of the center right yes but the influence to a great deal of very much so well remember on the last six kids and a sister that was ten times more talented than anybody else she played guitar she played bass for us for years and you just did a special initiative and we're taping this right before but you do the initial lived. from the whitton how many is that you do the when we do that when a four years it was a great run they're going to go back to yeah. i love my relationship with steve when things are good man i want to keep their music or not but he's also allowed me to have one of the greatest sounding rooms i've ever been in if not the best sounding member or been in as kind of like my playground to do whatever i want someone taking up on. so you see an e-mail to fans in october you said the sevens
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have a line and it has a big. thank you for believing love geno what the sevens you mean the stars what just some big for the one i'm a big fan of the number seven and i kind of follow i'm a firm believer that god exists a child of god and feel very blessed to do so with that i also believe in karma and for me sevens when sevens lined up things go well. we had just surpassed our seventy seven thousand seven hundred seventy seven person that had signed up for g dot com and i thought that was a good time to start launching similar for us what's going to be going back to the wynn. going to tour again you know we'll see about that we you know we to make that announcement of stuff is going to take a lot more thought that we've put into it so far because it takes a lot more voices than just mine and i need to talk to my children even though they are grown get now the house still taken on a tour is
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a lot and need to talk the most important person is the boss the wife and see if that's how she wants to spend her will too with you i couldn't go with oh no she's she's what makes. she makes life life that's where she's at i'm good so so that sounds like you're going to too well. i just haven't told anybody yet and so when we go back to when. the when i think we're going in january and i'm sure we've announced that yet the truth ok we're going to go two weeks and then we're going to go there when for the new year's eve thing we're going take the band for the first time ever battle really you know i'm on stage alone that the one man show ended when we did the live show on c.b.s. so the band now is going to come and probably do the same they just take requests and talk and then if so how often you do it you do it like every three weeks you come in for friday and saturday for when that gigs over for me so now when i play
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it it's just whenever the only date we have on the books with when is new years this next year and that's it was are two of the things he's offered i'm not taking up on with the band yeah why that decision i just i love being with the band and i love taking the band into a room that intimate used to take a band into a hockey arena football stadium some like that but they use a band there's sixty seven pieces and you've got a daughter graduating high school right last one less one out there bay so this gives you room yeah now and now you know when she does if and when she does graduate goodwill and then beamish year would have to choose where or how we want to spend the rest of us if you do tour again big arenas. well yeah i just i just want to do what i did tell you madison square stay yeah let's let's talk about the arco rain in sacramento and rain in lexington target center st paul minneapolis these are the places we've got are aligned to where these are places like the seven
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snow you when you go these places you're guaranteed a good time because that's the people are going to come and they are going to come in they're going to sing and it's going to be the greatest time of your life on stage it's guaranteed does it matter to you bigger or smaller doesn't matter at all because the wind is small but the what is it two thousand and two when it's fifteen hundred but these people will sing like dublin croke park you know where you can put put eighty thousand in there these people seem just like a mad loud if they can't stop their long love that it's the bismarck that is sale now right yes to the whole of the great gift thank you god very proud of this great cover to thank you that's what airbrush will do for you. play by the way i get it we've been together so many times have you ever worn slacks. you know with slacks so i think with the crease things the things you wear the funerals yes you have to remember the last time you yeah unfortunately you know you wear suits to funerals
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and weddings so yeah i remember that. i got i want to get this right according to the record industry association the beatles have sold one hundred seventy seven million oh it was one thirty four point five and you stand a one twenty eight the third biggest album selling artist of all time and it's very sweet you know if this keeps going and you're only fifty two you're going to pass all those. are present only six million behind you know. what is the word here there's two words or squandered in there quality. if you focus on quality quantity is going to take care of itself because you are the two names you mentioned quality you think you know so if you just focus on quality then you might be confused with the greats and sinatra told me once there's a lot to be said for longevity if you've been around a while somebody likes you. we're lucky we're very lucky and you know you want
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to talk about longevity. let's talk about sports let's talk about hollywood anything you want what other field other than music particularly country music could you get away with saying hey look i'm having children and i want to just be with them for fourteen years and they say we'll be here when you get back. why is that uniquely country i don't know thing i don't know if it is uniquely country but i could really feel the music because i think it's a good buy it might happen on a few on a few names with a few fans but to country music it's the whole format they've been so sweet to just say oh your kids you betcha and let us know when you get back we were together when you left yeah was it hard to leave i know you love the family but was it is hard not to do what you love to do. ok and what to say this but it's got between
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you and me ok. you did it scared to death you stepped away and you thought ok i'm saying all the right things doing this for my kids this is it and then when you left you thought holy what happens if if these people don't come back what happens if these people move on and you're going is it worth the trade every day as a dad just made it more right nothing beats fun no it's like what they had to be days when you said. i liked. things where tonight i'd like to but the truth is if i never get to play again and i got to be a dad i won and still as much as i love music you know it's the love of my life it can't compare to being a dad so in two thousand and nine comes this call from steve wynn who changed my life forever without changing anything in my life who's going to be easy he sure
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did he came to me and the first thing i was mouth disease said this deal is easy and i said oh really he goes yeah because it's not about money and he said that while you've got my attention fool because it's about not disturbing your life at home so this guy's smart do you think a young artist today. the stones over the is the business changed enough the record because we've talked a lot about the record business you need someone could be a young guy could have a garth brooks career yes i mean you know the three names you mentioned pretty far apart from each other in decades you know so i think you can always happen i think as long as you're sincere then i think the people will be wherever you are as long as you get another statistic regular music sales in two thousand and one with the record music sales was one thirteen point seven billion last year
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is seven point one billion that is a forty eight percent drop where is it going. truth i mean you really want to go here you know we're going to see. well if you want to hear something today go to youtube. you know you a rainy day where you don't have to be with a nobody gets nobody gets the songwriters that create this piece or listen to get nothing you know and they can talk about all day the deals that they're doing and stuff but at the songwriters you're going to shorten the stick. no you're not asking for this long answer but in life they taught me there's four levels in life god your wife your children and whatever it is you do for a living most of my life i've had that kind of up side down right well in music i'm going to give it to you the right way to do it songwriter is first artist record label and the technology that plays that music right now if you look at it.
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technology is running everything which all they care about is selling their widgets or selling their their space the record labels who own all the copyrights are having to do whatever they say to get it done which puts the artist third and when you put the songwriter on the bottom and music's naturally going to suffer and you know there's more singles and albums right that's a scissors feel buying the trend yeah well the thing is let's talk about the album versus single the thing with singles the singles are always safe every now and then once in a blue moon you will get a single that is safe. but as an album you can put out a safe single but on that album are going to be some unsafe songs that really reach people and those people are going to cry for those to be singles. so now we have something unsafe on there that's making us all think about loving one another how
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we're treating one another and it's not safe that's when music does its greatest work so it all singles market to me just sounds like you're going to hear pretty much the same thing over and over again so i would i would caution the whole music industry to not give up on the album concert. hall with a great dog books right after this. wealthy british style. that's not on the. market why not. get in the. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. plus some of the new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry here's a. great thing. that had read in a court of law found alive is a story made for the movies playing out in. real life. i am the president and i think a society based big corporation trying to convince us to consume consume consume
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and the banks are trying to get all this all about the money and i'm actually sick for a politician writing the laws and regulations to tax bankers. there's just too much isn't a society. that. back with god broached his thanksgiving especially did that live from the wind he'll be at the women jenny where you learned it right if you don't want to say it but he said you'll be to be there sure you probably meet him more times nineteen eighteen to twenty fourteen i learned things from god and you could trust me he's going to fight we already know some of the sites it's going to be is sacramento that stuff on it at the arco. the country music awards just gave the pinnacle award to taylor swift i think you're the only one who's gotten it right yes or what you think of her love her she's sharp she's smart very talented and she. she's doing her thing you know the the
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whole question with taylor of course is country not country and where is country no well. i don't know if you caught her acceptance speech on the a.m.a.'s but this little girl's brilliant and she is and off from the acceptance speech she thinks country radio but she also thinks hot ac and all these other one because not thinking about format allows her to write whatever she feels that was a beautiful statement be it will stay in the works for her me under the flag of country music very proud to be on the flag of country music and i'll stay there. like that answer from her that answered a lot politically we think there's every we think the right wing republican you came out for gay rights are you against the trend is country still conservative not a country is country is real life country is the news at six o'clock put to music i
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mean that's it but you know what let's talk about let's talk about republican is talk about democrat it's far left or far right i think that ninety percent of us live in the middle somewhere i really do so. you're socially liberal i'm not going to i'm not going to label country music as a close minded format at all. i think it's i think it speaks well of the times and even when it was blamed as a close format sixty's haggard jones these guys were singing about real modern day stuff loretta lynn comes out with the pill you know the songs that address all this stuff oh my god i'm trying to think to be a gay country artist sure there could be sure and then and there probably are you know the thing is the thing is man would you it's just people is i think we're all scared to just be ourselves and what i love about my daughter's generation right now they love each other just for them you know you're seeing the bullying stuff
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like that i know will ever outgrow that but you're seeing a lot more tolerance in a lot of things like children with special needs they're not anymore put on a shelf in a different place in the high school they're right there among the kids and they're doing wonderful things with these kids during sporting athletics and all these events so they're showing a lot more love for their generation i think that energy aeration past has any link been a good info. scared to death scared for the kids way too young to have children you know and the second they put their baby in my hands i got a girl you'll know. but dogs are girls who older she know she's well i wouldn't keep up with that she's four months seventeen days we say is money four months nineteen days and yes she's she's sees a doll you know grandparent thing is a lot different than parenting what's one of her clothes you get to go home. told my daughter said look if you just give me a week with her well give me a headstart you'll never find us oh i take this little girl in a heartbeat she's
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a doll your daughter is a raised by step mother and their mom yes all three of us yes step parenting is very hard because you really don't you have no legal power how did that work out well the first thing you did was i went to all three of my daughters and set them down they were very young at the time and then ask their permission to get married if they would have said no i would be really mean mature would talk about this again here's your order of god your wife your children your job but in our situation the children came before miss yearwood so they have always been placed above her until they get off in their own life that's that's how the order is in the family and mr wood understands that and we talked about it but then at the wedding ceremony she also got married to each one of them individually they exchanged rings and they understood the commitment to themselves so when we when we when we celebrate our anniversary we celebrated as five of us go out to dinner
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together and this is very important because i can't imagine what it's like to be a step parent miss you would call it a bonus mom which which i like but that's how our family was we were blended three from mom's first marriage one from dad they came together and had the last two boys which i was one of the two but we were never allowed to use half step and it's intelligent you mentioned two up. you have a doubt it when you see no no no no no no i do i doubt i'm going to have a new bets just because you see. they say about free will but when you see typhoons munns trina free will have nothing to do with that so why don't you don't i don't doubt because. it's too brilliant for a human to think of. the one thing that christ said to all of us
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go forth and show you are my disciples by what the one thing that the rich and poor could do black and white if you were old young if your handicap or not the one thing they ask is to love that's brilliant and that's the most powerful weapon we have of all the stuff we try to construct as human beings that's the most but it doesn't mean that there isn't. something looking down ok well here's a here's a here's a my answer to that. let's say you let's say ok i'm having trouble believing in god i'm not sure here's the bible i want you go to the bible and please forgive me for all the bible people out there going to kill me for this everywhere you see christ everywhere you see god just simply scratch it out and just write love over it that to me what god is you're going to define god as
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somebody in a white robe with a white beard no i think that's so we can understand it in our heads but it's about love your grace oh yeah oh my god with kids because you pretty much learn as a parent you're not in control so i think you pray more as a parent. you know if we had talent i think god for everything. you know our the thing is you know. whether you get to go in or not whether whether there's good or something after this life i like that thought because if you're not accountable for your actions down here who keeps me from killing you just to have your shoes and i mean there's i mean we can talk all day about what exists or what doesn't exist but if there's no accountability that's why if you want to shift this from god and religion to the internet the internet is a blessing it's that the future is so bright but not being accountable being
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totally anonymous in your actions and your voice i think that's dangerous before we get to some social media questions you do not have a twitter account tricia has one right why don't you tweet i'm not there yet. so it's i was there back to you know what everything's about quality. so there's something to say and fans like to hear if somebody like you asked me i'll answer them but i don't i'm not a big guy and i don't i don't do things are going up at a grocery store i think that's stupid yeah i don't know if you know but i don't have these talks with everybody you're one of the rare ones i've done three thousand interviews today ok here's the difference tween a singles world and an album world i don't three thousand interviews a day and they all ask the exact same questions. you haven't because you're on an album format and not a three minute format so when you get that you get deep and so if you think i talk
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like this there buddy you can ask can't see your interviews of hell i'm going to have to lay down after this one near you you get in deal and it's appreciated love i love doing it you can tell that we have some faith we have some internet questions and so shal media met mclaughlin facebook how inspirational was the late george jones on your career george jones as the greatest voice to ever grace country music this this guy was what country music's all about and male female i want to say that for me my favorite male country or small time talk about record sales would this in vegas you heard this record sales musicianship album sales whatever isn't haggard i think this guy's a genius but the greatest voice of all time to grace country music store show jody williams on facebook what song in the new box set was the most fun to cover probably superstition and the band when they saw the chart to go we're going to get
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to play superstition are you kidding me and that once that was that was fun and again no way can i touch stevie wonder's name but my whole thing is hope stevie wonder goes respect he treated the song the way that it was it was written to reason birds of mars on facebook was a no how did you feel about playing in a smaller acoustic setting at the wynn versus a larger stadium did matter to me give me five people right here around this table give me central park it's still the same thing and if you can touch those people that are in front of you around you and they send it back and that's what music's doing it's job steven burrill of on facebook would you revisit the chris gaines concept maybe another album yeah when my ribs heal up from the last. like. i mean for doing that that was that was fun to do though but. you know i would i would love to do it those guys work too hard for me the guys in the pop world because they were we were up till three or four every morning country music were
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home you know you know by six so it's a lot easier to country as they are it's just. hope we don't facebook in what ways as becoming a grandfather affected you. i'm different than a dad tell you the truth. i hear i hear why people think grand kids are so much better than kids and i've even heard people say i should've had them first grandkids you know but i got to tell you i hate them leaving you alone you love larry gelbart the late larry gelbart great comedy where i was walking down the street once with his little granddaughter on the shoulder and he said to me you know why grandchildren and grandparents get along so well they have a common enemy. i can agree with your guest you were going on and on twitter wants to know favorite of tricia's dishes. and pick that one be like picking your favorite child but now she's fantastic and you know she's
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a does your own is an amazing cook i'm telling you she can bake anybody on the planet i mean just her pies pies cakes you name it that she never gets credit for that but she can she can she can hit a park and that paraphrase she thinks on facebook what's on your bucket list. nothing left what do you got left to do nothing to damn sure what i was done that's just ok if you only knew just couple quick things they really are a give written. take that no idea probably bellow would maybe that i got to write with joe henry your favorite song to perform yet only do one performance love one song what would you sing a call in baton rouge are you kidding me that's the fun and the song just sick of playing not of mine and the song you wish you'd written the dance hall oil hailers forty have been here you know musician you'd most like to collaborate with dead or
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alive he said musician so it can be an artist right you know. characteristic do you most value in others love just being able to do to two to let all the things that you think showing the love makes you less or to put all that aside and just show. thank you very much. play with all of my roots five decades of influence is available at walmart our guest brokers you can follow me on twitter at kings things and i'll let you know his moniker when he tells me that.
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science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. hey hey i'm marinating this is a boom bust and here are some of the stories we're tracking for you today. first up j.p. more.


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