tv [untitled] December 15, 2013 1:00am-1:31am EST
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you care about you and. this is why you should care only. the spanish capital was shaken by violence as riot police clashed with demonstrators calling for an end to a draft bill that would see huge fines for taking part in unauthorized rallies. and mass demonstrations take place in kiev this time with fans of thousands of pro-government protesters voicing their support for the president while more high profile foreign politicians had to ukraine. island celebrates shaking off international lenders to become the first country to break free from a bailout program but the government of warren's of challenges still ahead. but important delivers his annual state of the nation address saying russia will stand
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firm in order to protect its values but it's not a meeting to impose them on anybody. watching are the international coming to you live from the russian capital a marina joshing welcome to the program the spanish capital madrid has become the scene of bloody violence as police brutally clashed with protesters outside parliament. twenty three have been injured after a sawzall strong rally was hijacked by a mob that attacked police vehicles were tast their reception cars alight and hurled bottles several arrests have been made crowds encircled the congress building furious over a draft law that would see demonstrators slapped with
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a fine after the doors venegas says the courthouse doors are not afraid of the government and will continue to make their voice heard. see and start sending needs you know this is only the beginning we need a lot of footage to stop the speculation but who didn't want this year to end without at least starting to demonstrate against the drug scene and yes this is only the beginning because it will take some months for the law to be considered and adopted yes and we're hopeful achieve what we want i mean it's not a monster time we need more people in this protest was mostly spontaneous we want to make our voices heard and now we want to say look if you only wanted that much more you don't be able to shut us up and we're going to. like see you while some spaniards have decided to literally live in caves stop between a rock and a hard place that cave dwellers are being forced to leave their subterranean homes are the reports from the city of grenada worse citizens are defending their right to stay put. mass rallies gathered steam in kiev this
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week opposition and pro-government activists showed up and there are thousands standing just meters away from each other and that's a as the ukrainian capital continues to attract foreign politicians with u.s. senator john mccain the latest to show up in kenya. to make sure that every effort is made to make sure that ukraine is the and is aligned with europe. and he was there along with another u.s. lawmaker to meet with ukraine's opposition as well government officials are now planning to tour the opposition protest camps in caves main square meanwhile ukraine's president has a span of the deputy security and a fan secretary as well as key of city chiefs and they're being investigated for allegedly ordering the use of force against demonstrators two weeks ago artist both scott is in kiev and he's met with some of the protesters camped out in independence where. conditions are tough temperature is
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a luxury but protest is the main determined. we are here to fight for our freedom it is our right it is ukraine must be in your cities that we will stay here until of it which is good. at the end of the day the maturity of the people who are here for protesting against this government if there were a government made or banned. for more than three weeks demonstrators have come down from independence square initially unhappy at the government postponing plans to forge closer ties with europe but their focus the scenes widened now a change in government is the goal as expressed in this tweet from one opposition leader vitaly klitschko he says the main issue is the resignation of president bush's putrid administration. police attempts to remove protesters blockades and choose day and night despite apparent orders not to use force some scuffles broke out america's top diplomat john kerry said washington was disgusted by the events
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while assistant secretary of state for the tour nuland took to independence square to hand out food and move drinks to by police and protest as sanctions even threaten all policy options including sanctions are on the table in our view. but obviously that still is being evaluated e.u. foreign policy chief catherine ashton was also in town holding talks with both sides leading some to question why there's such a high profile presence of officials from washington brussels review pin union should should back off you should recognize that the democratically elected government of the ukraine which has. made a decision in should respect that decision but often be you doesn't respect the decisions of democratic nation states we say that when. asked to vote again other nations in various before and the same is being what is happening in the ukraine you know the effort to break the deadlock president on a coach to face to face we also position leaders concessions were made to including
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an old person is arrested during the demonstrations he also promised that there's no will turn to have to close the e.u. integration saying he could be ready to sign the association agreement by march that is if they can agree more favorable terms for ukraine's already weak economy we want well tensions have been heightened over the last twenty four hours or so following the arrival of thousands of pro-government supporters who were staging their own rally just yards away from independence square a bright side to provide resolute but anyone making conciliatory noises signaling that this political standoff is far from over. all it's a q have you craig. and the us now take a look closer look i should say of how events have unfolded in kiev over three weeks ago government's decision not to sign an agreement with the e.u. sparked public outrage protesters flooded ten tricky of paralyzing the city
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attempts to disperse the crowds turned violent on the night of november thirtieth leading to accusations of police brutality the next day opposition were to asters turned on security forces attacking them with chains and driving a bulldozer into a police cordon the pro e.u. protest downturn and. government but the opposition failed to push through a no confidence vote against the cabinet foreign diplomats the sand on king of to land their supports to the crowds meeting the opposition meeting with the opposition even offering snacks but the government is seeing plenty of support as well with mass rallies taking place and it's favor tens of thousands of people have turned up to show their support for president victory on a card activist had arrived in kenya for a while crossing rallies for stability and show trust in the country's government while the european parliament spoke for a snap election in ukraine as a way to appease the opposition protests the editor in chief. of ellis newspaper
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says that the e.u. is simply fuelling the divide even further. this tactic to further increase the tensions. because. the. need to have. the blood and they want the whole thing i think they want to crane back the best and forward as it was after the oldest revolution with european government. you have snap elections. you know hundreds of thousands of people who went on the streets demonstrating. with the taxpayers' money being squandered on baxter's know. these demonstrations. and.
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russia's foreign minister has criticized the e.u. for putting pressure on kiev saying it has nothing to do with the interests of the ukrainian people have a line to argue dot com for more on that story. russia's president vladimir putin gave his annual state of the nation address this week and he touched upon topics from the economy to international politics is championed russia's traditional values and stressed the country is capable of defending itself are just going off has more it's traditionally become the place to be to find out the president's vision of the present and his plans for the future every year russia stop politicians businessmen economists and elites gather at the kremlin to listen to his annual address first head of just returned from there as well and here are some of the key points that i would have to make russia isn't looking at
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dominating the rules but that doesn't mean it has to stop protecting its sovereignty and traditional values. through it like a stone a piece we know that there are even more people around the globe who support our position in terms of ensuring traditional values these are the values of traditional family and the value of human life including religious life that is not only material life but also spiritual of course this is a conservative position but the point of conservatism is not that it hinders the movement forward and upward but that it precludes the movement of backwards downwards back towards chaos and a barbaric state. he was another point in the president's genius was specifically decent breakthroughs and syrian chemical weapons and the reigning nuclear program many analysts agreed these are examples that diplomacy still works by the time when russia. has adjusted to the process of chemical disarmament stars and syria.
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very few countries in the world working to support the so-called obama option which would have been yet another bombing of the it and as a country so i think that this is a very important lesson. lesson on how the crisis of this time should the sole u.s. plans to build an anti missile defense system in europe one of the biggest sticking points in moscow's relationship with washington was of course and talked about the president's message was simple without a threat from iran what's the point of building it. does say the shield is a threat to us national security and we can says powering up russia's military is one of the ways to protect against it you can still go nuclear when you look at use it unless it was more sinister that it's what no country should harbor illusions of achieving military dominance over russia we will never let it happen russia is ready to meet those challenges both political and technological that we've got all
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the potential needed our military doctrine as well as our military equipment allow us without a doubt to ensure russia's security finally could be for. into the current situation in ukraine who said moscow respects the desire of those provinces want to will see to the e.u. as long as decisions are made by heads you know beast. what's the role for tea must . island pass an important milestone on its road to financial recovery this weekend and became the first state to break free from the eurozone bailout program the government says the country's economy is improving and can now go on its own but as artists are sillier reports there's still a long way to full recovery. in two thousand and ten arlie received an eighty five billion euro bailout package for the creditors out for a company led to massive a balance sheet problems three years on our will is set to become the first bailout country in the eurozone to exit the program by receiving the last loan installment now three years ago the government took the decision to stand behind its bags
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a decision that still remains controversial among many in this country nevertheless it's been three years of sacrifices these people here tell me the government has had to impose separately more than two hundred fifty a stay already mesures cuts deep cuts in spending on the public sector they've seen a rise in unemployment to be seen higher taxes and lower wages now the government right now was trying to call this a victory by saying that it's regained economic sovereignty and also trying to dispel any warnings that the country may need a second to bailout moving forward however despite the confident face that the officials have been trying to put forward those i was one that i've been speaking to tell me that on the ground there really isn't much paul's for celebration of interest comes through the worst of the crisis but we shouldn't underestimate the size of the crisis it fixed because of the enormous holes in the banking sector which in turn resulted from very lengthy by the banking system. citizens
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and taxpayers to pick up. the banking system so there may be some in europe pretty tempted to look at our lives and see it as the poster boy for us there to homelessness but that really is something that you'd be hard pressed to find someone here who would readily be accepting of that especially since they're well aware of just how fragile our lives economy is moving forward reporting from dublin i'm. coming up a fresh surge of violence has sparked on the syria turkey border. as one hundred twenty kurdish civilians are reportedly taken hostage by islamist. with the ethnic minority caught in the crossfire once again. do you have north your confidence that the irish people won't be asked again to step in and you've got to see what the what the private banks that any costs and
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staff are hopkins wasn't it be funny in our economic future what always happens as a regulator and central bankers politicians they say this will never ever happen again and it keeps on company but we hope to ensure that if this does company again it doesn't cause such a consequence make an awful cost for tots sleep. sleep right on the street. first street. and i would think the church. on our reporters would. instantly. be in the.
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back this is our t.v. international high court has overturned the country's first bill allowing same sex couples to marry less than a week after it came into force and in another blow to gay rights in india upheld the law criminalizing homosexuality are just going to count reports on a growing number of countries rejecting gay marriage. most western countries already recognize in some form the right of b. couples to get married in the program but in other parts of the world they were these yahoos that train in less in less than a week. we've been married and we've been on there it's really a just days after the nation's capital allowed same sex couples to get married the high court there struck down that decision saying regional authorities said no
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right to decide the matter and to live in a relationship with loves and trusts to do any seven australian couples thing saw their marriage annulled takes australia's high court ruled that gay marriage was legal because the marriage act only recognizes marriage between a man and the woman and only the parliament increased the legislation the most recent attempt to change the law in the australian parliament failed last year polls in the country show support for gay marriage stands at fifty three percent. absolutely amazing that at the top in our history britain jumping through hoops to try to make sure that every tree on the planet has its natural environments from far east that we would be challenging the definition of marriage which creates exactly that environment for a child requiring that it's between a man or woman you need the supreme court has just made gay sex illegal again
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since the nineteenth century india has had a ten year sentence on the statute books for quote court only in the course against the order of nature four years ago a lower court found it unconstitutional the supreme court just brought the law back into force by making a similar argument don't feel silly in judges only the nation parliament has the right to change it but with the overwhelming majority of indians against same sex marriage and with a conservative nationalist group leading in the upcoming elections in a legislative change in the next two years these highly unlikely you have about it would. he just said god sort of lead us and all the communities of this country feel that albert indigents de doo does that opens i think should remain so. it's seen something similar this december. in the referendum to outlaw same sex marriage . the most powerful the population. changes in the constitution in the tug of war between those who are and those who are not allowed to say i do the conservative
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view of marriage seems at least at the moment to be prevailing in many parts of. our team. now let's take a look at what our team has lined up for you on our website a miracle for some an extreme conditions for others. severe winter storms for us government offices in some parts of the middle east to close while people are left with wiring there where winter scenery log on to our t. dot com to watch the video. was mass surveillance causes even more controversy across the globe and to our web site to find out what an english artist has invented to pass down the street undetected. where style of life is under threat in an ancient settlement in spain were authorities have renewed attempts to vig dozens of cave dwelling families from their homes throughout the week dozens of activists have been protesting the
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vacation they deem unlawful and unfair arches those enough was welcomed in one of the unconventional homes. hammering out an existence on the outskirts of granada sprucing up the front yard with some of the best views in town it's an eclectic community that's literally burrowed into a mountain the residents of the hill of san miguel have converted dozens of caves into bona fide homes. we've been living here for two years not and do not a look in here it's the kind of place when they bruise help the child around. it may not be a life of luxury there's no running water or electricity but for residents like anna that's not a problem when it does that i believe long and lay their eggs that we've done nothing for them down we've got everything here. but those who have made their home
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here may have their days are numbered although they've lived here for years now the city council has been fighting to get them off the land. these aren't proper houses and it is a residential area of the city and that the caves are unsafe for any humans it's a lot of it going to collapse at any moment of it it's an argument this resident simply doesn't buy one i'm tony opara has lived on the hill of san miguel for more than eight years he believes the city is over exaggerating the dangers in order to help developers get their hands on the land actually one of the first united fans here and that's why your house is because you sort of already. i mean i think of it said with the yards to protect the roof. they need to be done even in a venue and he's willing to do everything to keep on living here and have a boil for a. big. house where you're coming from
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a given the city council wants to clean up the hill years ago developed it was announced plans to turn this area into a tourist attraction and we think that's what's really behind division. for now only eight caves are facing the risk of a vacation allegedly because of safety concerns burma is one of the residents who could lose her home she too suspects and i'll tear your motive. the city council wants to shut down the capes but they don't want to tear them down this while. i think the really just want to get the land to use it's who their own papa says another concern cited by the officials is sanitation the caves they say are dirty and the area has been described as a slum that sits above the city we made a very not so say the residents the city council isn't likely to abandon its plans to the residents but for the people living in the caves of san miguel giving up is simply not an option reporting or we're not
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a space for our tea i'm lucy coughing of. i'll take a look at some other stories from around the world i suspect a grenade attack on a bus has left at least four people dead and kenya's capital nairobi more than thirty people are reported injured and it is the latest in a string of assaults that have killed thirteen people since the beginning of the week khania has experienced an increase in violence over the last several years with much of it blamed on somalian rebel groups. more than five thousand people have been evacuated from flood damaged homes in northern gaza at least one person was killed and over one hundred suffered injuries due to the severe weather in some areas the water level was reported to have reached two meters high making some homes accessible only by boat the flooding was triggered by several days after initial rain. and china has joined the moon club its on manned lunar rover has landed and rolled onto the surface of earth
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becoming only the third country to do so after the us and the former soviet union they exploration vehicle is named jade rabbit after the story of a mystical chinese moon goddess who kept a pet rabbit the rover will spend three months carrying out a geological investigations but even before the mission blasted off america was critical saying it could raise a cloud of dust during touchdown. now this week in a syria al qaida linked rebels reportedly have ducted one hundred twenty kurds from a village close to the turkish border the new suit was released on friday by the u.k. based observatory for human rights and it said that all the captives were taken to an undisclosed location. a kurdish human rights activist explains the reasons why kurds are being targeted by islamist rebels. they could not get civilians all from
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the village of north or ninety two. sixty one north east of us from videos of jobless and holds on its are not. just a supporter of secularism in syria or egypt every just sectarian programmed as those of the armed groups or an opposition of the opposition or those of the regimes dummy's the islamicists hundred kurds is secular tendency which is directed toward establishing a multi-religious a multi asleep there is a ton of mistreatment indeed traditional seating to stand. up next a tomboy to host her fast paced an in-depth discussion show the world the dark davis. just imagine a foreign leaders like alexander lukashenko or vladimir putin to shut up an anti
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e.u. protest and all garia greece are hungry to urge people to leave the e.u. and join up with eurasian customs union obviously the mainstream media would be on fire screaming that this is part of an attempt to usurp democracy and steal the country's away some sort of imperialist agenda and you know what they might be right about that but the weird thing is that for some reason the mainstream media isn't talking about foreign politicians speaking to and or possibly agitating protesters in ukraine like speaker of the lithuanian parliament loreto grows in india an e.u. vice president got sick proto c. of h. and former polish pm jaroslav kaczynski he had the european union brassfield is just fine for their politicians to go to foreign countries and fire up protestors to start a pro e.u. revolution but then all their journalist write about is how russia is trying to put pressure on ukraine to not join the e.u. the obvious hypocrisy of this stinks all the way up to moscow but that's just my opinion.
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well welcome to worlds apart this year marks fourteen years since arlen joined the european union but you don't see much liberation here and that may be due to the fact that few have paid a higher price for this integration than the arash people each one of whom already contributed almost nine thousand tourists in taxes to effectively saved are the euro was that worth it well to discuss that i'm now in joined by the country's minister for european affairs pascal donahue mr donahue thank you very much for your time i know that when arlen was celebrating the thirty if thirtieth anniversary of joining the euro there was this whole program of exhibitions and conferences to solve their cation but we don't see. that level of celebration this
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time around and i wonder whether it is due to all this perhaps it reflects maybe a broader more skeptical reassessment of joining the e.u. well the main reason for the change in diet mood is the scale of the economic crisis that audience house and jerked over the last five years. we have gone through a period in which our economy went through a very sharp decline we saw on employment go up do we had to deal with a very very difficult. crisis within our banking system. and because of all of dos it's understandable that people are not really in a mood to celebrate anything. because of the difficulty that many people feel all the being said we are seeing for the first time now in five years some sawin.
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the scale of difficulty is coming to an end we're seeing our private sector create jobs for the first time now since two thousand and eight and our economy is now one to thirty year of growth. hope if you were to come back in a few more years time to look at the next face of where we stand you see a very big difference from where we are now well indeed hope to see a big difference a couple of years from now but i think some would argue that one of the reasons why people are so skeptical about this whole european integration people in ireland i mean was because of that having you in occur all that private banking doubt upon themselves and. i wonder whether you think that arlen would have been pressured an obligation it's you be all that banking that if it wasn't a member of the e.u. citizen number of assumptions in your question that i would challenge i think they're wrong the first assumption is that there is a majority of people skeptic skeptical in the number of times as it is certainly
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increased from the last say it has increased thousand priests but that's very different from saying are inferring that the majority of people are against our skin tone is that there are gertie i think you know this campus is growing you are able to is an inference in your introduction as well on your question that the. a majority of people are against the level of integration of where we stand in our relationship with europe at the moment and that's not to say that the russian now oh for why people are accepting that integration is the same that house changed over time we joined the european union as a country whose level of income was below the european average despite everything that's happened we're now at least in line with and ahead of us in some cases in terms of your specific question regarding banking i mean that's a very very controversial question in our politics let alone european politics.
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