tv [untitled] December 15, 2013 9:30am-10:01am EST
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wrong the first assumption is that there is a majority of people skeptic skeptical of the number and as it is certainly increased from the last say it has increased thousand priests but that's very different from saying are inferring that the majority of people are against our scandalous leverage or to think you know this campus is growing you are able to is an inference in your introduction as well on your question that the. a majority of people are against the level of integration that we have or where we stand in our relationship with europe at the moment. that's not to say that the russian now oh for why people are accepting dot integration is the same it has changed over time we joined the european union as a country whose level of income was below the european average despite everything that's happened we're now at least in line with and ahead of us in some cases in terms of your specific question regarding banking desmet that's
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a very very controversial question in our politics let alone european politics. but i think there's a number of facts that we have to lay alongside the us the first one is the. irish decision to put in place a banking guarantee and happened at a time of global orthodoxy regarding how failing banks needed to be supported. so to see incurring bank purely as a result of our relationship our membership of the european union is an analysis that i would i would challenge absolutely and the you mentioned this prevailing art of the exit and i think one country that was sort of subjected to the same sort of pressure was iceland which was at the time also on track of joining the e.u. it had massive crisis similar crisis to yours but the icelandic officials decided to defy that pressure and obviously they were. also you know
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sometimes threaten sometimes told that nobody would ever deal with iceland again that he had they decided to decline bailing out banks and nowadays if you look around their economies back on track it's growing they're getting those loans easily the unemployment is falling i mean i think it's ultimately a different country to emerge from from this crisis do you think the. irish people have the right to feel cheated because better than they were they were told that there was no other way out of this crisis but obviously there was a way a shorter way and probably last demanding way to completely different economies. is not a member of a single currency zone we are so because of all of dollars we benefit greatly from . within the european union somebody i know but it's completely different i mean if you look at the icelandic economy and if you look at the irish economy we have
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a very very large stock of foreign direct investment and irish investment across a huge spread of industries. we can deliver here in our land because we are members of the single currency zone so you would lose all of that if you decided no to no longer i didn't say that's what i did start our membership of the single currency zone has given certainty of exchange rates data has allowed us to develop an export performance that is how to sustain and develop our economy that's a fundamental difference for the city i mean oh you mean we in many countries in europe get those same advantages without first being members of the like the european union well for example norway or iceland for example iceland doesn't have that strong though iceland does not have the level of sustained export performance that we do but if you look at the difficulty of the i. banking system has went true
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if you look at the fact that a currency that allowed them to revalue was de soffit. their fundamental differences between a our country and their. i don't claim that they are the same can i take it from your answer though that if your government was in place back down that he would have made the same decision knowing that he would have transect until you can. get to a situation where a country is on able to fund its public services. and a country is unable to fund its banking system it doesn't have any good choices left. to attribute das of some may do to our membership of the european union is something that i would fundamentally reject. or the contrary can have different relationships with the euro were the european union as you correctly say . the force is. to get to where we are much of both parties to forces are
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behind the union now in terms of your particular question regarding what our government would do would have gone i mean it's impossible as you know to look back and say walk would you have done differently with the benefit of hindsight one of the one i would assume that decision now and even despite the fact that it was taken by a foreign government when did i defend this decision no you just said that you had no or better choices and i put it out to you that you actually had to know in the end it is similar to the one that iceland took and i had a chance to interview the president of iceland just last month and he was indeed speaking about this prevailing european orthodoxy almost intimidation by the european officials that you absolutely have to accept all that private debt and put it on to your people and they defied that choice unfortunately you went along that proposal and i think it's. again i'm going to take your country with you
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seeing it's to recover from that and you've got to inferences and all dot dot are fundamentally wrong the first inference that you've got is. pressure that you're talking about that orthodoxy with european origin what you're doing is you're associating a global economic orthodoxy at the time not only letting only our organs of c.e.o. know what is abuse by doing here isn't going to do this it's something that had the european origin if you look at what was happening in america at the time and if you look at the aftermath of what happened with the lehman brothers you had central banks all over the world that made the decision to say they wouldn't a bank fail to say that is a european decision is simply wrong if you look at the challenges that we had to cross the time period where we how they put you treat deficit that nope that we could not fond ourselves what i simply said is that when the country gets to the
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point it doesn't have good choices open source and if you look at the decisions to know the countries have made i mean you can as i said from the start you simply cannot compare iceland and ireland but the course the real thing would be in a few years time for both economy stand and i hope what you will see happen is that the forces of growth that are beginning to develop in qana me that they are going to accelerate in the coming years and i believe that our membership and participation in the european union has been a very strong force and i would have to happen now in order to achieve that growth that you were alluding to some economists say that our needs to grow at least by three to four percent. get out of this that crisis. you'll need. bright well educated workforce but on the other hand you know our land is probably the country that faces the highest ration in. in here i read
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somewhere that every six minutes one irish person leaves his country and there's been a number of status recently that show that it's not just the number the sheer number of people living but biquad of the human capital to put it crudely because people who are living tend to have higher education they're more likely to have college degrees can you really achieve that growth when so many of your best and brightest they're leaving the country yes the reason for that is that we have been true just before unfortunately. we went through an experience like this in the one nine hundred eighty eighth and the one nine hundred seventy s. i left our land myself six years to go and work abroad. precisely because i wanted to go off to opportunities that were not available in the dock point what then happened as we have done before in our history if we created an economy and society that encouraged people to come back again of course you correctly acknowledge the
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fact that we have high immigration rates true our entire history but also during this part of the crisis due to part of dot of course the start we have one of the highest birth rates within europe and you will probably know one of the long term drivers of economic success is the ability of a country to be above its for placement ratio notice where this is what he says he's here people get if you if you grow now i mean you would have to wait twenty years to you know allow that new generation to grow up i mean literally new growth nontraditional generation has grown up i mean if you look at the if you're living there. where i'm sorry not all of them really if you that's wrong. you only are a thousand people left since two thousand and eight that's the highest level since i believe the. previous crisis of course but alongside the. economy now is one of the highest levels of private sector job. creation of any country
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within europe and we also have a large number of our people abroad that are interested to come back home to ireland to see how they can accelerate that level of job creation and that level of company and technological creation but why does unemployment down. fall saw slowly i mean as far as i understand it only went down by less than one percent if you say that there is such a fast speed of creating jobs in the private sector if indeed but i think that's an amazingly. one sided interpretation to take of what's happened in ireland across the not last two years because of course you're right to say the level of unemployment has come slowly many economists are now saying done in r.l. and what we have achieved over the last year is doubt we have achieved growth for this job creation as opposed to the other way around which is what normally happens
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. and we're now seeing our economy generate jobs at around three thousand new jobs per month after going to many years of losing them by eight thousand jobs per month mr donohue we have to take a short break now but when we come back ireland has unique experience and many of the issues traveling the world today but why is it often reluctant to stake a stand well that they'll be and just a few moments. they look like bounty islands where the locals can enjoy the sun and the ocean. but what was buried here years ago. means these people are suffering the consequences.
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how much more poison lies on the ground. behind this zone there is what we call the callet bank on which there is a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused the dispersion of radion you clyde's despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock and the coral reef about ten meters down. tests a never ending legacy. speak your language. documentaries in arabic it's all here. in the world talks of peace into. arabic for me visit arabic don't call me.
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welcome back to worlds apart where we are discussing our lands many gains and failures for the country's minister for european affairs. mr donohue member talking about immigration in our land. as you said it's a very pressing issue but europe as a whole has to deal with a broader much larger issue of incoming immigration i'm talking about refugees from africa and the middle is some about related to the conflict in syria and libya. i think ireland has a very unique position here because on the one hand for decades you've been receiving country and now you are once again their country of immigrants how do you think this issue should be dealt with in a broader european context other three hugely difficult and sensitive issue the three elements to how we believe the should be handled better in the future the
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first one is that we have to do all we can to make sure that people are not in a position to have to leave their country and region because of the terrible violence and state break that's occurring there and europe the role to play there secondly we need to ensure that if they are travelling across the seeds as many of them have been done more be drawn to ensure that as people get into terrible difficulty that they can be dealt with safely and the third element of that i do if they do go to europe and if they are legally allowed to stay and encouraged to stay we have to find a way of ensuring that this is dealt with ferdi across all of europe now in the beginning of your answer you said that people shouldn't be forced to leave their countries because of all the conflicts and i think some would argue that. the european union itself may have helped or aided through its policies some of these conflicts. how would they argue the wall let me explain that for example the
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conflict in libya or the conflict in syria where some of the european countries sided with the. opposition against the sovereign government but my question is a bit different i know that your country in particular has a unique experience first with the. sectarian strife and down with conflict resolution you are more knowledgeable on that issue than any other country in europe but for some reason when it came to both libyan see. are led to a back seat you. know essentially gave the initiative to your france and the united kingdom why is arlen so passive on those issues of war and peace especially given your unique experience. your question base based on two premises start are wrong again the first of primacy is that the european union was involved in the policy
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decisions that led to some of the countries further but this is different this is different between european countries and the european union do european countries have decided not to give compton seats to european union regarding where they put their arm use for this debate on the it is a very rare if. only so you can't blame the european union for youth empowered to not using power if that doesn't have i mean you're correct to say that member members of the european union talk different stances in relations to reach as i am asking with ireland has never voiced either luciferian or at least will guarantee its expertise in materials that are you know that's wrong though ireland is a neutral country precisely because of our history we've decided dot. we believe it's the right thing for our country to adopt neutral stance in
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conflicts that take place throughout the world but the neutral stance is not the same thing as a passive starts so if you look for example what we have to on in relation to the middle east in relation to syria. i point to three things that aren't stone true its foreign policy the first one is that we have to ploy our armed forces in a neutral capacity in the golan heights to try and look after and protect people who would otherwise be vulnerable to the conflict that you destroyed. the same. and want to think that we have to start we have made contributions to the organization star involved in the hopeful decommissioning of chemical weapons within syria in the financial contributions to us and then the third thing is precisely because of the historical heritage that you are currently identified regarding what we happen to of what happened in the north of on and what's happened
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within our own country we believe the best response to the kind of difficulty you're talking about is a political response i think that the if the history of your country shows that you can only achieve a political solution when you recognize the legitimacy of both sides the problem is that the european stance is of course that from the very beginning some of the your european neighbors and your european partners declare it one of the sides to that conflict illegitimate and some would argue that the main reason why we haven't been able to achieve a political solution at this point but again be clear to this is the stance of european member states individually making their mind up as opposed to a a european a collective european union response time this need not be blaming the european union for the exercise of power it does not one of your favorite phrases is the voluntary sharing of sovereignty your on for size common european values our full
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sized common european approaches so it seems to me that whenever it is convenient for your course you would stress the commonality but whenever it is it may not fit your narrative few strands the individual is a man of the rights and you know if you are now under god of course the first part of the concept which is voluntarily sharing this what you decide is start on the different elements of your national sovereignty what you will do it spilled out with contraries when you believe it's in the south to. it's in the interest of your own country when it comes to where your armed forces go and when it comes to the exercise of your foreign policy in a very sensitive matter that's what alan's house the side of i think is the case for most of the member states that we believe that's an area of national competence and it's precisely because of the heritage of history and history that we have of
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dialogue and political settlement that we have said we believe that's the right option to be taken within the regions that you're discussing just recently irish prime minister said that to make our land the first country to add the european bailout program as far as i understand one of the crucial elements of the successful exit strategy is breaking obese link between public and private debt and . i know that the european security mechanism was created at least partially for that very purpose to deal with the banks and to you know allow our taxpayer is to be a concern to the public that now we're heard recently both from the. officials and from the yes some officials that they don't want to deal with the banks that if the. task that is going to take place over the next year reveals that the capital
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is ation of the irish banks is good enough you know it should be left to the irish taxpayers to deal with that again even though they've been promised time and time again that they should be carrying the burden any longer. don't you think that these two concepts at all it's a video concept of voluntary sharing of sovereignty because first it's not voluntary irish people no longer want to continue caring for that for the banks and first second of all there is no sharing i mean the when it comes to relying on some european to relieve that pain europeans now say that you know ira should deal with those problems simply because those were pretty good europeans are not saying to us really i mean that's a diversity of view in relation to this. those opinions are being voiced context very open for us but doctors not mean that it's the europeans are saying that that's the decision of the european union i mean there are two different things if
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you looked over in relation to her negotiations stand on the banking union european council that the european stability mechanism should be able to play a role in the directory copula sation of banking systems now all. you have to acknowledge that there is an awful lot of debate taking place regarding. broke and how tightening should be broken some members of political elite hearing. and some members of the public i think they would argue that you didn't have to encourage that that in the first place and my question to you is whether you are confident that the irish taxpayers won't be asked to carry that burden as law in the input into a question to me we can acknowledge the value judgment that's been made in relation to this that history will be able to tell if it's correct because what we can do is correctly acknowledge dot the irish taxpayer paid far too high a cost for supporting the banking system now in relation to your question regarding
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the future while we house what we want and we will press for is for the. been an option for our country in dealing with this left this banking death but what i would have to say is we want this to be one of a number of options we want to open to our government on the tax payers in the future can i just clarify you mentioned b. is sam as a mechanism yes so if for some reason the sound decides not to deal with the irish banks i confident that the irish taxpayers won't be asked again to hear how this recapitalization up that banks we need to bring these conclusions to an end in the first place. but if you look at what is happening there at the moment if you look at the arrangements that are already in place for example requiring bondholders to be bailed in to support the cost of a national banking system. i can't i'm certain that in the future the cost to any
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tox payer is going to be lower than it has been in the past and there's no believe yes and no no because i mean not everybody is open to first coming to tell us i think people who says want to know when it's going to sign up i'm sure of the worst with the research. which are of course the reason for that is that we're involved in a negotiation at the moment and you of all ask me to comment on something that could happen. for them that the irish people won't be asked a guarantee a step in and pick up the belt for the year for the private banks what respect i never said to us what i was i'm saying it's not in the context of a fully functioning banking union that we want to see open running next year which will be a european banking union if started some place the cost to national taxpayers regardless of whether their irish are not should be far smaller than the how it's been in the past and that's why we are pursuing this fine communion but you know
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what i'm conscious of all of this that at the end of any crisis that ever happens for that or be bunking our economic again what always happens is regulators central bankers politicians they say this will never ever happen again and it keeps on happening but we have to ensure is that if this is the stop and again it doesn't how is such a casa klyce make an awful cost for taxpayers mr donohue thank you very much for you very much and if you like the show please join us again same place same time here on the world the pike. largest consumer of p.c.'s and i see it many in the country is the federal
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government to simply say as property of the united states government. why does the united states not privilege when it was done public has to realize it can't just by . just throw it away this is a problem for instance belongs to the united states a moment of protection agency and i found this on a dump site here this is a computer it's not always close enough to the producers of these little i have to be able to collect these though i believe that vision responsible for the products from cradle to grave. fatal from mexico comment of mental health for up until sucked american corporate are all but also belongs to the washington metro area transit authority properties of a dentist aids pay trend and trademark office. dramas that challenge be ignored to the. stories others to the few still
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and to be good to pose with germany to be able to adapt to the media or or. speaking to the region the whole reason that is going to a big trade is. so well in germany is ukraine you say has greece and spain italy so many other every piece. in reach the who bring siemens they could bring their bearings they could extend their liver one million people come to. a month of. secret lover touring each year mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation and why it should care
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about humans in the world this is why you should care watch only on the. ukraine cease clarification from the e.u. after our european commissioner says trade deal talks with the country and now want to hold all this made nonstop anti-government protests in the capital that are being cheered on by politicians from the west. it is the protest about protests a rally in spain tones ugly during a campaign against possible. demonstrations which are being labeled as in a democracy. russia does not want to dominate the world but will stand firm in defending its values president putin delivers his annual state of the nation address. breaking free of the eight.
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