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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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are you to the states now tough action has already been taken against people that have been avoiding that tax bills have already had two thousand rest made over debt so which which they oversee this days as a consequence the state has managed to gather no i mean maybe in your eyes to state coffers so is greece right to come down on paper with up on paying their way is this just a step too far well within all still to make scott because he's an old economist and international lawyer he's joining me from athens just now hynix a first of all what you make of this may. well it's a little bit of a desperate measure desperate times and it will hit the desperately poor people hardest this is putting a measure but the troika has advocated the troika of backstopping where there's of course six twenty ten and they finally got their way when push comes to shove will learn does usually get their way. we all know that in greece one third of the
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people live above the poverty line so the idea that you can squeeze blood from a star is quite silly i think it's going to be a very regressive measure it'll probably be the small most exe of the small ferrari or the big fish but a very sophisticated bernard millions in back taxes are going to get away scot free and there is no argument there can no one of this the greek people are notorious for avoiding paying tax is that unfair to say. no it's not unfair to say a big reason reasoning behind that the greek health system education system infrastructure and pensions are just a disaster so great people certainly don't like to pay taxes because that i would see value for their money at the moment there is about sixty three billion euros in back taxes or now this is an economy of about two hundred billion euro that a country with a natural data from europe or the thirty billion euro of course out of the sixty three billion. forty billion is our god bankrupt companies so it's going to have to
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be very not what they're trying to use access some of the money of the twenty three year left over but of course i doubt they're really going to work very much this policy idea is that. everyone is trying to broaden the system the reality is it's only a small minority that are doing that but they're going to be clobbering millions of people across the. ok make a long way ahead a rocky ride no doubt. talking to us from athens thank you very much indeed for your time today so greece is on the way out of recession apparently am we've also got island with some positive news because today the country will officially break away from international funding of the country will no longer be dependent on its eighty five billion a year i bet it's happened for three years now and just this week bank of america merrill lynch's economic outlook for twenty fourteen in it they said the island
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alone which of n a all the only years and countries likely to see a significant in their words pick up next year. now the bank said the island's economy would grow one point nine percent next year more than twice its projection for the usa and just ahead of germany as well says dive into tito all this we always get the reality from mr across a. from the. listen tell me last time we chatted about this we develop a it's all good for you rosy and wonderful and very pretty but the reality is quite different there you go look below the top line if you look at the property market right now i think you're seeing greater relative inequality rents are being pushed up words salaries are still remaining very low obviously there's been lots of cuts so people are suffering because of the world across the board health care is probably the most inefficient health care system in europe and on top of that you've got very slow job creation and it's all about jobs that we have is that i we know that that's how people survive on. so this only applies if issues are there
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you know the problems are really there and you don't see that in the top line numbers we just see the party numbers listen and still has the year i what does that mean how close they decide and have to watch the likes of portugal spain greece if they go down idence going to be in trouble as well they're watching the euro very carefully the their very very tightly managed by the european commission for example of the troika are still there they still have a very strong influence of what arlen can do there is a warning that was issued from brussels last week when a draft budget was revealed from the from dublin and european commission wanted on and to increase the cost two billion in cuts we're being made european commission is looking for to know how we can because we want to categorize them so they're still roosevelt's and it was terribly more more cuts and you know more. more social happiness man from our hearts ache for the after just five years and yet it's still something you see so the general view the positive view the island is a poster boy for. instance oh it's i got it i think i think on the one hand yes
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arland has has got to take the arj people have taken an extraordinary amount of pain probably too much pain in my opinion but it was the opinion for example of joseph stiglitz the nobel prize winning economist who thinks excuse me who thinks that they are people who were made to bear an unfair burden by the the austerity policies that were that were forced upon them in the decision to let the financial terrorists get away with one hundred thirty billion in about that so i think. i think the situation in arlington is not something that's going to change very quickly i think we're looking at a lost decade in orland and i think as long as issues like immigration are running rampant i think you're going to see a very very slow recovery for a country that's taking a battering from the world economy got to art across a artie's news editor he's now going to do an hour is down three go.
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thank you so you know it's time she was very much. the global economy struggles with excessive debt to russia is playing the heroes so it's a mess by writing off debt that is owed to various countries around the world this week a deal to rise of ninety percent of cuba's thirty two billion dollars debt owed to russia was signed cuba's economy has been crippled by the fifty year trade involved by the us which is being called a barbaric genocide by the country's foreign minister but it's not just cuba that russia is going soft on over the last twelve years russia has been given a total of one hundred sixteen billion dollars of debt so what other countries are being told to put their money back in their coffers that would it have a well the whole of africa has been let off paying back the second biggest amount which is over twenty three billion dollars afghanistan which will no longer have to pay back the twelve billion then it's a rock which will get to keep eleven point nine billion dollars and they were going
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to have it. with eleven billion into it so. north korea snap eleven billion they can keep hold of that as well but russia right now all right let's move on. now let's get to corporate we're going to. impose because christmas is around the corner and apparently the situation is getting better because it is notoriously volatile so expensive russia says it will deliver fifty percent of all apostles between now and new year's eve in the same period last year the company promises they'll be known the piece of them out. since the policy is that stand up most goes passports and so it sounds like sounds silly they say well it. doesn't have it from the start was telecom is preparing to slops jobs with the most the officer post he sets of it's one hundred fifty five thousand stop the main reason for that layoffs is the company's mobile provider have a say. things are rough says the president to say so not black face contact it's
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just stopped offering a subscription to movies so the site will collaborate with media which owns the rights to hate be a say game with friends breaking bad. now i'm going to get a little bit emotional now because we're going to get to the business desk with mr solmes almost for the last time. come on tell me how you've been getting on i'm not going to be asking you this ever again so. well i'd like to tell you that i had great news but unfortunately if you remember i was in financials speer bank down at one percent this meeting that i'd lost one hundred twenty four dollars bringing my grand total to twelve thousand three hundred thirty seven for my final portfolio you know i wish i could have a great news but unfortunately i lost my last round i k i'm not a mathematician but that means you are up for the year tell us about the experience i do you know my. favorite polish i say tell me about your experience how he found
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the whole thing so well. that i said thank you very much and i'm sure that your favorite part of the show ok five months up twenty three percent that's actually really good considering this is very difficult people should not invest week to week in chasing trends they should actually do a more long term strategy and leave it to the professionals and do the long term type investing but what we did was we started off with metals in august at ten thousand dollars took a huge hit end of the month at seven thousand six hundred thirty one then slowly progressive lee each month got better and. one thousand four hundred sixty three october of one thousand nine hundred thirty november for the first time we added above that ten thousand mark it turns out the nine hundred ninety two that's when you got your plane tickets to sorcery on the budget airline of course december twelve thousand three hundred thirty seven a percentage increase of twenty three percent which is good overall but of a very very tricky and dangerous strategy listen thanks ever so much for getting
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involved us so we really appreciate what you've been fantastic mr schultz almost in-house investor for twenty thirty. now as you just heard shawn managed to make the majority of his games during the coin boom when the virtual currency rates the one thousand mark now at this point the world of global finance salted to take notes and now u.s. banking giant j.p. morgan is planning to launch their very own patch system now much like big court this new electronic system will allow users to make payments completely anonymously and users would not have the expense of today's why if that's what the bank says anyway but you know what the reality is the world has already gone virtual as more than ninety percent of all finance transactions taking place over the in sallie's have a look at how big did perform this year thanks it's been a very interesting one and we'll be able to see that the price has actually tripled since october hey we've got these two booms going on just in the world took note of
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the. now moving on an official symbol for the russian cars see the ruble has finally been approved by the center of baghdad now we're going to have a look that went out and it one out of a thousand options here we got. so this is actually i rush an aa like a paid to foreigners like me who are more familiar with the latin alphabet but we must remember is definitely not the people it is the root of all this is a song. government is hoping the ruble will have more of an international state says an abstention reserve currency as well about the idea behind it all right guys that is the rationale for that lesson after friends of my thoughts and i thank you so much for joining me it's been fun it's been informative but i should add as well next week we're going to go all state and christmas a story of that. steady
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stream of snowden related leaks no longer surprises but the all encompassing scope of spying still does he even online gamers have not been spared all the while the powers that be are hesitant to rein in the n.s.a. they appear only want to make legal but it's now illegal is it time for an international bill of digital rights. to me that people with my gun are. bringing good stuff for you. because today but equally yugoslavia should probably. be a great movie of the powers that be. we need much better before that even though this is going to go to. deliberate george is on an epic journey to such. one hundred twenty three
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days. through two thousand nine hundred ton two cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand coming. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp a torch relay. on r t r two dot com. who has nuclear weapons in the middle east and this threatening to use them coming up. then you mean you're revealing what he really thinks about america. the world's top
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war crimes prosecutor tells us why he helped convict israel for genocide. and we're going to be a becomes a battlefield as lobbies try to rewrite history. colin powell will crimes commission on the vendor twenty six found israel guilty of genocide against the palestinians tribunal stays consistent evidence it heard from eyewitnesses concluded since nine hundred forty eight there have been repeated mass killings through and naval strikes forced expulsion from israel of hundreds of thousands of palestinian survivors mostly because of those who refused to leave continued seizure of palestinian lands for jewish settlements some public roads in israel itself of the jews only jews officially discriminated blood banks refuse to accept blood from ethiopian jews use against palestinian civilians of illegal white
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phosphorus which the tribunal notes tears out the insides of human bodies the land and sea blockade of palestinian territory leading to a state of quote siege and imprisonment of the entire nation denial of food and drinking water and the stealing of palestinian water resources and hundreds of checkpoints on palestinian lands that create quote impossible conditions of life some see the whole crimes tribunal is highly controversial faulty and question is. sortie and you just might see the israeli foreign ministry for a response this was this summary. distorting historical reality by calling israel's actions crimes as an insult to intelligence there is now seen jungles out but a naval blockade had been declared and accordance with international law however the independent reports top israeli officials on the record admitting a premeditated intention. the goal is to send back to the middle ages.
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really need to flatten all of gaza the americans didn't stop with hiroshima they hit nagasaki too unaware he's being filmed israel's prime minister reveals he wants to inflict quote unbearable pain on arabs and claims he's manipulating america the main thing is to hit the arabs so painful that it will be unbearable the world will say we're defending america something that can be very easily moved without urgent action the us report finds girls that will be quote unlivable by twenty twenty one news reports israel repeatedly bombs girls as only power station when treatment plants run outs of fuel last week thousands of liters of rule sewage again run in calls the streets it's not floodwaters which this man struggles walk through waist and sewage even our children if they want to go to schools or to the shops were
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forced to carry it out we've become sick and have trouble breathing and new skin diseases emerging because of this situation the post years this idea for a good deal of michael evil star and was a great one for television broke its attacks from girls on settlements have stopped in those years israel's reciprocal pledge to help girls the rights the economist hasn't been kept un special rapporteur on human rights warns the world is slouching towards nothing less than a palestinian holocaust first richard fuld thank you very much for joining us why is this behavior actually genocidal when you. are. and if an ethnic group and inflict this kind of punishment. you are. in a shack. nurturing kind of criminal intention
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that is genocidal was leading war crimes prosecutor helped establish the genocide tribunals first frances boils and president milosevic to the hague is now working for the creation of a hate international criminal tribunal for israel first of all thanks so much for joining us israel's now threatened preemptive conventional and nuclear strikes on tehran what is its legal basis absolutely not your core already decided that the legality of nuclear weapons case that the. threat stands the same. as the actuality of preventive or preempt to worsen or was condemned by the nuremberg trials the end all but the bottom line is israel uses its nuclear weapons to terrorize and intimidate the surrounding states in the region it has nothing to do whereas with
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defense it guardian reports how close we've already come to all out war prime minister netanyahu ordered a peep plus alerts on iran's energy facilities in twenty ten that would make quote an israeli military strike inevitable a country spy chief with a gun knows it was an illegal move without going through as ation of cabinet and then netanyahu was quote trying to steal a war it's not no more stop that's in your hose or the being carried out but it received extremely forceful opposition from two people who were informed all me had gabby ashkenazi a man who called netanyahu as planned quote the stupidest idea i have ever heard both. have now left the posts israel's institute for national security studies war gamed precisely the attack ordered by netanyahu and found two outcomes possible one a contained reaction the other world war three. six often is
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producer and also gilad atzmon renounced his jewish religion and israeli citizenship the core of jewish identity he says has become racism joins us now it's great to speak to you why do we keep getting these unprovoked apocalyptic crises then more. easily are. they're marked out operate by the palestinians may as well be. a i've been to be. sure former u.s. intelligence estimate chairman ray mcgovern estimates four in five americans don't know israel might even have an atomic bomb thanks to complete distortions by mainstream media suggesting iran is the nuclear power and iran with their nuclear program ready to aim those missiles straight ad straight at the country according to both jane's defense weekly and the institute of strategic studies israel's estimated to have two hundred to three hundred nuclear warheads all sixteen u.s.
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intelligence agencies admit iran is not even trying to build one you know it's middle east pub quiz syndicated charlie recently just simple facts you'd be sure referred to iran if you relied on mainstream media and they actually applied to israel. fairness and accuracy in reporting notes absence of any evidence against iran mainstream media are now resorting to storm the shingly crude racist slurs they'd never dare prints about jews currently being printed in all seriousness about the entire peoples the new york times claims that iran is a land with straight talk and virtua not widely seen to overlap persians lie like a rug smokes the washington post journalist a new yorker contributes a joan sure says we shouldn't be surprised if history when officials need the public's support for bomb provoke brutality against a weak
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a victim they say there's just something fishy about the whole race thanks chief richard helms claim to congress that unlike quote asiatics and eastern europeans americans are raised to tell the truth when india refused to join the us in war in pakistan president nixon said it was because all in. just slippery treacherous people change their roads like slavery should remain in place as african nations are coming and use various all to fifty's and pretext and native indians are quote naturally given to treachery israel's defense minister says palestinians don't suffer from the problem of telling lies that exists in judea christian culture but the top and rainy and smear claimed in today's us mainstream is buzz all trickery c.n.n. concludes the us their own deal must be a trick in the spirit of the poser of. the new york times poll only concludes obama must have been out negotiated in the persian nuclear buzz off believing foreigners
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is an ancient potion form insists the washington post even the economist magazine which usually supported u.s. bombing campaigns from libya to syria and iraq is going a bit far. have any of these people try to negotiate with say mitch mcconnell somebody has got to put a stop to this whole persian bizarre rhetorical fixation it's ridiculous it's absolutely offensive and it should tire purpose is just serve as a smokescreen for disastrously bylane the policies backed by another dresden israel and neo conservatives in america we keep pedia is the key battlefield in this war the telegraph for polls israel lobby is building quote no maze of rewriting history books such as this all tickle on what palestinians fled israel these leaked e-mails expose the low beast plans including infiltration of wikis administrators. make
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relationships with wicked pedia editors and super editors known as administrators after we have built our army we will go to war just so with asia times correspondent pepe escobar it's great to see you how to explain these coordinated campaign is denigrating an entire ethnic. group oh is that they're being taped working for the israeli lobby big by their agents and us it is very easy to identify these people and especially us pastry media you know the usual columnists for washington polls or our usual people who write op ed pages for the wall street journal phlox kneels or goes without saying you could do show israel's last bomb so merker is getting fed up with its behavior it's the first time debt an american administration is actually thinking first of all u.s. national interests and not trying to do something that would be israeli force sold this is also
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a real game changer in. when president obama was cool with his mike switched on the green he called stand quote lawyer been your minutes and your proposed a.b.c. news it will reduce sun's israel's losing support from the us united states has said that there is a real settlement helpful to the public censure against israel's occupation of the west bank notes n.b.c. breaks decades of fishel tacit approval so prime minister netanyahu has claimed he could move the united states any direction he likes no longer seems quite as kosher .
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so you know if you're confident that the irish people won't be asked and down to stab him to come to town why be why the private banks of the only constant state after hopkins wasn't to be found not economic and what always happens as a regulator its central bankers its politicians they say this will never ever happen again and it keeps on company but we have to ensure that if this does company can it doesn't cause such a consequence make us all full cost for tots. family . i mean people know me as. a mobile forty.
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sadly i've got no other family no. i'm still looking. for my place in the world. i literally have no place to live. no. chewing on the bread that you bowl with the last money you were able to beg and all they can say is get out of here. there are only two possible outcomes to the situation you have to get miami and it's all about fancy cars politics the other option you die in the ring breathe breathe deeply. what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. or a factual standard of living.
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margins consumer he sees and i see what many in the country is the federal government simply saves probably. this the united states company image when it was done public has to realize you can't just buy. your own just throw it away. for instance belongs to the you know thieves environmental protection agency i found this on a dump site here this is a computer it's not a waste of. produce of the business when i took a look at these i believe vision responsible. for a bill to bring. to mexico. mental go.
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to murder incorporated also belongs to the washington metro transit authority properties will be done as deeds. and trademarks also.
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have. an e.u. commissioner tweaks that integration talks with the cry have been put on hold but kiev wants official confirmation meanwhile there are still thousands of private and antigovernment protesters on the streets the ukrainian capital and the american people would want to react. to support the people of ukraine. and u.s. senator john mccain joins other american politicians who are pushing their full support behind the ukrainian opposition. also this week syria is shaken by another wave of. rebel forces is said to have massacred dozens of civilians in the latest in a series of attacks. and is set to exit its three year long program the prime minister says.


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