tv [untitled] December 15, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am EST
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then there is a formal way to go for the goods on the other side my problem a little bit problem in hundreds of understanding this if the current the present. administration with the president is a hundred percent decided not to go to europe as they as they said it i don't know if this is sincere act of mr what is it you know on the cards or what is it they were intact in fact negotiating trying to get more from europe but the point is they will never get money from you because europe cannot give them i think they are selling them money and now the question who has the money and they will all know that russia has the money because our side has the sources in sebi area which they don't have for whom napoleon was kind of coming and trying to get it hitler was trying to get it. and even medling already said that
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it's unfair if such a small number of people living in a such a great territory she was in fact thinking that europe gas your oil and all the minerals and all the stuff that you have over there it's unfairly not shared with them but what do you think about the people who are on the my down square when you think of them they look well it's very frozen they are like many other but i think that you believe in their sincere wish to be integrated into europe some of them yes i watched the punk raids the man who was the nazi and who is celebrating was in fact marking the anniversary of the death of the man who. was a nazi so you could have advised the range of different people there you could have a people who really believe when they come to europe they will have one thousand
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euros each for a month and you have people who are instrumental eyes were trained because when you see syria it's very obvious that syria is not a prize that came just itself i've been in syria beautiful people then there are people fantastically cleaned like never seen in the whole other pop up in per person world and what broke out there is for sure a realist who does it. for its export of fundamentally slum to syria i am victim of fundamental list in both it. ethnically cleansed from saturday were like hundred fifty two hundred thousand serbs there and i know what it is this was always the one that was attracting people who didn't want to fight in fact he
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is a fine of a what do you mean attracting people who do you see everybody who likes to live in a good society in which you could meet a friend and drink coffee with muslims speak about. it with with or to those speak about electricity with about nikola tesla and many other issues when one nation is concerned it's always less attractive so there was multi-ethnic today as much as i was fighting for it was started to stay together barge in which i. am active which is called republic of srpska. i think it's time to try to live alone to to use and to choose selves as the finish and as the issue of self defense because if you are sharing space with somebody who tells you. that muslim ideology will win in the end in between
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catalysts and the orthodox the future of this state is not a guarantee but i want to get a little bit better say or since you brought it up you talk about it all the time until your films you write about it even said that you dream about it you never been back what would happen if you went back to sarajevo. the problem is that there is. an emotionally blocked because most of the people who are loved they died naturally in the war. sarajevo is ethnically cleansed city in which. ninety five percent of people who are muslims said it was constituents from. at least two hundred fifty two hundred thousand serbs were pushed out it sounds paradoxical the city was closed by serbian troops around the hills but most of the people who are civil as they say europeans like
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myself i think consider myself europeans they were pushed out so when i think of going once i was dreaming i was in in the kind of hiding myself first of all because of the fact that i was i was raised there i made two films over there and i was. i would say i started living there in south living that means opening a spiritual and other processes so one could say how come this guy doesn't want to go there but i am absolutely scared that my disappointment would end up in a kind of existential story of course out there in which if i would have gone there i would work and you know nobody kicks my as i would be probably leaving it without one single emotion city is not cities
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who is there. you've been you go in night when it was cool you go to the place where you find people because the crowd is not something that interests you and this crowd has been changed socially religiously intellectually and it's for the last twenty years it's built up another system of values in which it would fit but your story is also like a typical story of the represents a lost generation breakdown of so that you know like well no one can make waves that first generation you know soviet union breakdown people went through that i mean i'm a little younger but i also feel lost you know i don't have that strong sense of belonging to one country are now there because i'm a georgian but i now live in russia and i was born in soviet union team have a strong bond to one country or sense of belonging to one place two three hundred percent serbian is this what you are. identity wise yes i do hundred percent
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but on the other hand. very much booking everywhere so i'm playing music in latin america so we got to make a big movie i do a little world i have friends a similarity to people is. very much devoted to the idea of friends vision of i don't know how long time it's going to last but i really feel good with the french. so there's nothing general but break up of this kind of big. countries even it was like it was big is making i would say consequence is. absolutely difficult to carry on because once you were growing up with the national team in. being sleep with crowds my kiddo kneels with everybody around you and apparently
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the. this is. this is this is with the. but we're back with story souter a short break stay with us to hear what he thinks about the future of europe and how to balance artistic freedom with political conservatism. i didn't know that you know the premise is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and across silicon we've been hijacked lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once it's all just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing the book ready to join the movement then walk away from the big picture of. what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. for a factual standard of living.
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why is the price of gold so high right demand global demand do you think gold is money. know the value of the only place we have to live above the water that we need to survive it's not compared to gold. i mean gold we're not going to eat gold we're not going to bait with gold. we're not going to drink what clearly what amal is and is in a desperate economic situation absolutely right what we're running to do is say they're for any kind of economic development from the outside is going to be
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a benefit their only purpose is to extract as much money as possible to feed into the global financial system. with part of the geo political economic system that's extremely exploited or. first of all is a question where the mining should even be carried out altogether can it be done in a way which doesn't destroy people's lives resources environment and soon will you know those are pretty serious questions mining is not a what a moment problem it's happening in asia in africa and south america in central america in mexico and it's even happening in canada and the united states. it's a big journey to. one hundred twenty three days. through two
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membership because i like ukraine belgrade isn't being offered an alternative. i would say that. serbia is placed in southeast europe. and becoming a member of european union. makes a lot of limits in production. makes you developed as much as they want gives you a chance to have access to the great phones the question is how much you get and how much you lose i think because to become a european union member it's very expensive first serbia and i don't think if i was the president i would never go this way they go but what i chose to survey had to think you can survive on your own why not you can survive over the best how customer survived next america and still are still doing well and still even alive
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why not if you become. and then another question is when you become european union does it understand but i don't say becoming a native. i think it's it's compatible it's a lot of money understand the other and this is then the biggest bigger mess i would say in which show i would be playing militarily and economically a country which could combine the two worlds if i look. if i look czech republic except today of all these old houses i don't think the life of individuals is much but if it was before except they could travel they could or they could do many other things but what do we know in twenty years. in the crisis that is very obvious votes will be europe in twenty but i mean no one
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can say what it will be twenty years but if you look at it now if it has a lot of problems and mostly big countries dictate what they small members should do but overall i mean it has to diversify see you have a big program because they can be a good producer ikea you know that produces this and this is where the i think the boos when that when they when they were given two chances to go to europe to lose rockier they will do is make a camel to go to europe so there's a chance that serbia won't become part of the year that's. now what i'm saying is like if you look at here up now it does have the unity and the diversity and these are the qualities that you appreciated in former yugoslavia plans please. give me where they say the break with the with with the idealistic vision with europe is germany. oh the power you know the old reproductive power and
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ultimate political power these are goods or meters it will be you know towards what will be or or. you're speaking here about the region the whole reason there is going to a big crisis. so why would your money need your crane if they have greece and spain and italy so many other every piece of land in which they could bring siemens they could bring better bangs they could extend their power if they have a one million people country it's a market you know russia very well honestly coming all the time you can speak russian you know i think here you're filming a new. project it's also based on i. guess if it was and you've said many times that put in what russia needs because he's supporting he said he's great for russia why do you think why do you think conservatism and ask anti western stance is good for russia in your opinion i think. every country in the world including england
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which is the parameter for this needs to have conservatives because all what experimental people bring. is just too quick and state government of the state is with many layers and with many difficulties unexpected. so you need somebody who will control the territory with by all means with a with a very strong hand and i think putin is not as strong as they say be. in between putin and some others you have either and that he or studying it so i think you put a good middle in which at least. the goods that are
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coming to russians is still processing and i hope one day he will start developing very soon more the question of social event us because some of. the the people the teachers who live better middle class the problem for him is that the run in the world makes middle class even in america not living as good as they used to the wood the whole world is stepping towards funnel only times individual have three percent of billionaires and and nothing and then you will have more or less poor people so. that system like this is to be awarded and and my support to put in was in fact i would say very fair because when they were elections they were asking me what. you would do to whom to you would i would save if i was english i would be against him
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because i know what english ones from from russia english history in the last two hundred years was how to stop us on its way through to europe if i was american and we know what america is the around the world everybody knows one says loudly the other one is not. brave to say we know what nato apparently the military. unify the rest of the world that the existing two to kill the. pact and in the end they still continue existing for what for terrorists not very persuading so when you have a guy who came after us enough to dancing president. who allowed every single agency to come to his office somebody who is trying to protect your dignity to have you on your own to decide
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which way to go. and i said i would always go to put in it's so interesting the way you talk about politics nero and russia and america like if you look in the artistic style like thielemann music you're always about breaking the rules in everything you do and there were you talk about problems getting sixteen of them there when you talk about politics here you know for an average year you're a pretty conservative man how does that mesh together it develops because develops from the period if you if you remember scorsese's movie taxi driver. he first. doesn't have a job then he gets on taxi then by driving the taxi he meets many people who falls in love in the middle of this he just cut his head it becomes looking like a bunker that he's been seeing abuse of
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a girl the woman they love is gone he's alone and he kills in a very bloody scene people who do bad things then another key is behind him he survives the goes back home and he's again normal men so when i'm speaking conservative i'm speaking because i don't want to see again both civic revolutions in bitch the us is destroying. such a such a strong and such a good killing saddam killing all family around i don't believe that this is the way to do things. i'm all is. today more for evolution than revolution but i could be still a revolutionary on the other side because. the tell me that people in my den.
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bringing good stuff for ukraine because to date in breakaway yugoslavia in each republic they have a great memory of the past and they all say believed much better before that even though they say how come you are now in europe be don't know but it was much better but also like. catalyze and when you become so famous always sad and unser won the palme d'or it was because of the western viewer who sell your movie and who claim to said contradiction here i am not in the cause of the accident in my best of you is that all the problem of our eastern perception of the west is that we believe that. vest and world is unified from the top to the bottom they think the same go to paris and finishing in four o'clock in the morning different budget will see
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how much they hate the politics. so this mess. these groups of people are like us normal people those who govern they think about behalf of billions is the slaves he says and they could even kill but to be guilty. when you speak with everything you do you have this complete inner freedom right your feelings your music the way you speak to people but you have the luxury of speaking about the issues not being in the process do you think that freedom is appliable to politician less freedom is comparative to the fact to the truth that was never politician so that's why i'm asking do you think that could be applied to politicians who are in charge in the moment that if i become bullet isn't everything falls apart because then you have to have a discipline then you have to follow the way that somebody tells you like this i could say what i feel and i must tell you all my life i was doing what i like and
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this is. why i could say that i have a quiet successful and happy life i know that you know when you became a worldwide famous curating lecturers in a commune university you were making films in hollywood with the best actors why didn't you stay there i would die why i would die because there is no freedom there who would is impressive great it was the source of my knowledge the movies from fifty nine hundred seventy two from. from couple to beach the best directors in the world then hollywood became what it is today it's a factory which they called film industry and when they speak agency between them they speaking about the industry i must say that old person. we see cinema as a great adventure in a beach each time i start making a movie i never know where i could stop it's like playing psycho ski and finishing
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with her about the. one hundred percent in into the shooting which is not you're not allowed there they have a strong system into beats they fabricate movies and i create movies but i'm into other things now i'm finishing another city second city. which is you know on peninsula during that eva it's a closed mind the border in between serbia and both republic of srpska. i am building a farm in which i'm going to start taking care of cows and sheep. and i'm finishing my movie. and i hope that my life will be so stretched. and so diverted the when the moment comes i wouldn't even through the. process thank you very much for this ensuring that worship all the best in all
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your fish and thank you. martins consumer of the seas and i see it many in the country is the federal government to simply say property of the united states government. the united states to give it to the public has to realize they can just buy. just throw it away. for instance belongs to the united states environmental protection agency and i found this on a dump site here this is not always. produces of these left but i think should be able to collect these i believe that this should be responsible from cradle to
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grave. from mexico. mental health from patil south america incorporated all but also belongs to the washington metro transit authority properties will be devastates pay trend and trademark office. wealthy british style the sun holds a spot on the front. of. markets on. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. cause a report on our to prove this li peacekeepers' for president our concern with monitoring peace deals again at post conflict environment nowadays they are increasingly asked to operate in
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a high risk obama while the only violence is still illegal are we to stay. motionless with these people has caused over almost twenty years four million people killed millions of displaced and refugees tens of thousands of women raped. children and recruited those soldiers who are all slaves no. dramas just trying to be ignored. stories others to refuse to notice. the faces changing the world writes never. full picture of today's events no longer from around the globe.
12:00 am
dozens of civilians are massacred near the syrian capital damascus and as in our team estimation reveals mass executions and kidnappings carried out by the islamist rebels. the european union puts ukraine integration on hold u.s. senators join the protesters in the capital kiev throwing their weight behind the opposition's pro western ambitions. and mexico is gripped by mass anti-government demonstrations with protesters accusing authorities of stripping the state of its wealth and people of their future.
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