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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EST

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dozens of civilians are massacred near the syrian capital damascus as an r t investigation reveals mass executions of kidnappings carried out by islamist rebels . as a european union put to brain integration on the whole of u.s. senators joining the protesters in the capital kiev throwing their weight behind the opposition's pro western ambitions. as mexico was gripped by mass anti-government demonstrations with protesters accusing authorities of stripping the state of its wealth and people of their future.
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which you need a national coming to you live from moscow with me marina josh welcome to the program a fierce fighting continues in this here in town of on the outskirts of damascus as the army tries to push rebel forces from several districts and argy investigation discovered the mass execution of civilians carried out by only groups survivors described her risk scenes out of people being used as human shields artie's arabic channels spoke to an eyewitness to the massacre. r.t. sources in the military say radical islamist fighters entered the town of address and massacred local civilians according to the latest figures at least eighty people were killed in the districts which the syrian army has now liberated entire families were killed other families were kidnapped and are being used as human shields in the battle against government forces. militants from job i don't know strike and the army of islam seize control of all the streets and cross all its
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very quickly this is patient became terrible they were killing the outrage and fear on of them to find our men came to the city they carried out the slow to the worst thing in their crime was when they shot people in the baker's over they kidnapped people and many were beaten. our t. sources in the military also say that some of the kidnapped families have been transferred to areas south of the town they're now being held in strategically important zones which the rebels have been using as a base of operations these places are heavily fortified sources also say the total death toll in an address main fact increase because the syrian army has not yet liberated the entire town. jubal ethical analyst patrick canning son told r.t. that the events in adora show that foreign encouragement of rebel forces is only delaying any hope of peace in syria if there's any western governments that want to have any dialogue or engage in dog with these groups these are the same western
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governments that saying that we don't talk to terrorists we don't negotiate with terrorists and here just the mere idea of wanting to include the radical islamic element into the conversation and for the future of syria is is ridiculous just on the basis of western policy over the last twenty or thirty years doesn't make any sense at all what it does though indicate is that there are there is involvement absolutely by western talk and say agencies that do have links to some of these radical jihad is fruits and that has been proven throughout history and is also the case today the first thing that needs to happen for any peace talks to succeed is the western governments cannot be involved in any way shape or form either through proxies through their intelligence agencies or third parties with army financing equipping giving aid of any kind to the syrian opposition of
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course we'll be keeping a close islands here with rob the day for the latest updates though as well as more eyewitness reports you can always have to r.t. dot com the town right side. now ukraine's locked in uncertainty with both the government and the e.u. sending mixed signals over possibilities for future integration as thousands remain on caves main square demanding an agreement a senior official signaled that all plans are on hold and in this has an atmosphere it's the u.s. that seems to have assumed the role of decision maker as like here ships getting reports. bremer oh there's very few america is where you. are john mccain's media conference in kiev was rich in loud statements thinly veiled warnings to moscow we need to make it clear. to the russian government that i'm here putin that interference in the affairs of ukraine
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is not acceptable to the united states of america or to any other free country in the world followed by explicit threats to kiev if the movement and membership in the e.u. is not achieved that is going to have very serious effects here in ukraine and in u.s. craned lation he accused russia of interfering but many question twice he was there in the first place it's not the first time john mccain has been seen paying a visit to the united states is currently lending its support to get a photo op with some syrian rebel kidnappers now it's a world boxing champion turned politician and mccain is not the only american politician in ukraine his appearance at kiev's independence square was preceded by u.s. assistant secretary of state victoria nuland handing out cakes to the protesters the reason they are there is bluntly because i think these people want to detach the ukraine from russia as they see it and they think that by supporting the
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protesters in kiev they might actually achieve that the problem with that strategy is that it's simply not working the balance between the ukraine and russia economically and culturally ethnically and simply too strong and i think for american politicians and indeed european politicians to go to the ukraine and to try to do that is actually very unwise and very dangerous and he simply exacerbating making worse the differences the divisions in the you cracking which are already very great but as u.s. officials seem keen on pushing the u.s. deal through. brussels old but shut the door and signing it through a tweet from the man in charge of e.u. expansion it's unclear whether it's a matter of the e.u. not budging on ukraine's pleas for more financial help upon signing the agreement the previous offer of six hundred million euro was branded as humiliating by unocal which or brussels rumored willingness to seize any talks with this government this latest statement by the european official also puts huge pressure on the coverage
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because he has been saying all along continuously during the last call it says that meetings with european officials and the opposition that ukraine would not. integration. he was all expecting to sign your association with here is the future and with the news that this prospect is as remote as ever the protesters resolve is now also being hardened by a rallying cry from the new was the rivals from america lexy reshevsky see reporting from kiev in ukraine. and we discussed the american senators in a wavering support for ukraine's opposition rallies with international relations professor mark the voter he thinks their involvement is driven by anything but genuine concern over the authorities handling of peaceful protests. senator john mccain hasn't shown any such concern for occupy wall street protesters when they were brutally repressed in the united states and driven from zuccotti park and from
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the main centers of american cities across america or with. protesters in europe against neoliberal austerity measures when tens of millions receive like treatment over the last two years indeed just this week in spain in the united kingdom and in italy we saw police repression of peaceful political dissent john mccain hasn't. shown any concern about this what john mccain has always been concerned with as he views russia as a geo political enemy of the united states of the greater trans-atlantic community and he like many a western officials is viewing this through a cold war lens of trying to separate russia from the ukraine in order to in his mind keep it in a permanently geo politically weakened state. well that whole turmoil a crackdown on protests and an economy in limbo life in egypt is no easy ride just
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to add a look at what happens to the dreams of those who took part in the arab spring uprising almost three years ago plus. no warm welcome for new members as immigration and finance drives a wedge through the european union. and . the. review economic up down in the final. days the longer the deal
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sank i and the rest because i think the case will be every week. prevails sleep peacekeepers for a president who are concerned with monitoring peace deals again at post conflict environment nowadays there are increasingly asked to operate in a high risk of violence while believe bibles are still angels all we need to stay. motionless what these people have schools over almost twenty years four million people killed millions of displaced and refugees tens of thousands of women raped
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dozens of thousands of children recruited those soldiers who were slaves no. but. i would like to know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy like albums. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked by handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once will test by john mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying trucks rational debate real
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discussion critical issues facing them but are you ready to join the movement then walk to. the back of watching r t international with marina joshie mexico has been hit by tide of protests as people call for the government to stop selling out to corporations compromising country's future recently congress approved an energy reform to private eyes the state run oil sector a sticking point which has brought hundreds of thousands of people out of the streets across the country while the bill has now been approved by more than a third of the mexican states but what began as a protest against the energy policy overhaul has now turned into
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a nationwide discontent with the entire government r t spanish correspondent a witness to one such demonstration i protests against the energy reform might be held in all major cities across mexico it's a new demonstration of power of those who oppose what they call them and has approved without. consent we can't forget that there are three points of the mexican constitution that will be modified under the new measure to many mexicans this new era in the energy sector just means the beginning of the end of the country's independence many also believes that the whole process has been just a farce and that the decision was really already made even before the debate began the rapid approval that the reform is getting in the local tell a geisha only strengthens the position of those who think the politicians of mexico aren't on the side of the people on the side of commercial interests losing that is not interested in asking that they don't care about what they think at all this
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states who have sort of full maturity and ten minutes they know know what they are doing in there to train us the streets and the only thing is we have now and will do all it takes as a planet and symbolically protesters in mexico city the nation's capital chose the square of independence to kick off a massive march pressure tension and frustration been building up here it's not only about managing reform they talk about education reform about the trance wallaces indeed it's just the mexican people coming together really demonstrating they just are not happy with their policies. international action center activists column up and believe the government itself is the source of the unrest. the oil in mexico this is something that the mexican people you know have called claims for themselves they say it's their property they say it belongs to doubt but now just like so much of the wealth of the world's being privatized being handed over to private corporations and being utilized to make profits work for some capitalist
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and that's that's an outrage and that's why the people are are rising up against it that's why we see all these massive outcry because the people of mexico will have really made clear that the government of mexico doesn't represent them that represents interests in the united states and they would like sovereignty and independence and if i'm more stories we're covering on our to dot com it's our website and also there you will see three hundred lashes for calling for a constitutional monarchy saudi activists are punished for criticizing the ruling family and get a further four years in prison plus. preparations for world cup twenty fourteen could be undermined as workers and brazil call for a nationwide strike over the human cost of construction more details on r t dot com . right to see. her street. and i would think.
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on our reporters would. be in the. welcome back you're watching r t international well showing symbols like those behind me could land you in jail and eject a fifteen year old boy was arrested last month after he brought a ruler to school bearing the sign of the muslim brotherhood prosecutors claim the boy was inciting violence the brotherhood unites millions of people who oppose the interim government in egypt but they say their voice is being quassia as bill two reports is just another reason why a man egypt sions are looking elsewhere for a better life. omaha meet a young egyptian design student sits in his favorite downtown cairo cafe talking about a better life abroad three years on from participating in two thousand and eleven
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revolution almer is frustrated by the state of the country he says once he finishes his studies he'll have to leave you i have been. here your story for four years and then you don't find a job at the end of it there are better johns is outside egypt there i can find the freedom to work with the skills that i have that is one of the most important reasons forcing people to leave egypt there are eight million egyptians already abroad and others and looking to join them as the economy flatlines in the political instability even if the economy of the country will grow in the future of a double digits they will never be able to accommodate every new job seekers there is going to be always a percentage of the population that would seek job elsewhere job outside the country youth unemployment rates are at a staggering seventy seven percent and that may well rise after years of turmoil for young men like almost seeking work abroad is often the only option but it's not
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just the economy driving egyptians to leave some fleeing and made a growing crackdown on political freedoms a growing numbers of activists are now facing jail sentences after the military installed government enforced the law banning protests without official permission daily battles between student protesters and security forces broke egypt's campuses police and the army continue to patrol the streets here where we need democracy freedom better health care and social justice to fulfill the main demands of our revolution the police need to change the whole regime needs to have a better ideological way of dealing with egypt or more people will go the government hopes and new constitution and upcoming elections will help stabilize egypt but until egyptians can find work and enjoy basic freedoms moreover. before was to leave. for. us take a look at some other stories from around the world in starting
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a was philippines were a bus has wandered off a raised section of motorway onto a van in the capital manila twenty one people are reported to have been killed and twenty others injured according to local reports heavy rain and traffic conditions may have played a part in the accident. i proposed a bill that will shield the remaining years m.p.'s from probes over corruption has led to a violent protest in the capital bucharest crowds broke through a police cordon outside the government headquarters chanting slogans and demanding the proposal be dropped rainiest president whose signature is required for the bill to become law as condemn parliament's plans. and israeli soldier has been killed by a lebanese sniper on the border with lebanon the soldier was treated at the scene but died later in hospital the lebanese army has been high alert due to fear of reprisals by i.d.f. troops the region has been hit by sporadic violence since the two thousand and six
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lebanon war when israel fought a month long battle with hezbollah fighters. this agreement between member states is growing as its newest members romania bulgaria prepare to gain the same rights as other citizens freedom of movement and banking are driving a wedge between nations fear if lot of benefit hungry immigrants and fear of competition authorities bully boy who now reports it's suppose to be ever close a year but the european commission the body responsible for keeping the twenty eight country club together is facing a growing number of complaints from its members. in january as the newest members romanians and bogus. aryans will be able to travel to work and live anywhere within the euro zone but the u.k. prime minister david cameron's not exactly offering open arms you need to change
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the rules about every move with people moving to countries for a job is one thing but i'm not in favor of people being to be able to claim benefits that's why we set up a series of measures this week to put beyond doubt that there isn't the freedom to go and play at the same sentiments have been shared by germany and france so it's no surprise that views not going down well with the european commission it argues migrants boost these countries economies rather than sponge off that governments but immigration is by no means the only issue that you can't agree on god only what we're facing right now is actually has been lost and i'm not talking about u.k. or rhythm equates always have been outside and inside europe i'm talking about their. european banking union has long been on the cards designed
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to offer the same confidence to a depositor in a greek or spanish bank as enjoyed by someone in a german one but richer member states a worried at all only end in bailouts for banks and other countries last time ministers met to discuss the union they wrapped up early because of a lack of progress and speaking of money brussels has strived for tax harmonize ation but cost your mind back to recent scandals about google and apple housing their headquarters in ireland with a corporate tax rate of just twelve and a half percent compared to thirty four percent in belgium and you'll see that harmonized nation is a long way off you're seeing economic effects of the show from greece across the eastern europe recent germany but without political control over those things happening it's a very on turnabout situation to have. our london. and out where we turn to with more news and about half an hour's time but before that a sports round up with partridge don't go away.
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well with. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered wealthy british style and some time to write limericks with. the. markets find scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for our no holds barred look at the global financial headlines join in to cause a report on our to. do we speak your language anything about the will not advance. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news
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a little turn to angles keep these stories. for you here. spanish find out more visit. hello welcome to the r t sports show coming up our twenty six action packed minutes of sport from russia and around the world with me kate partridge and here's just a taste of. top of the trade was a neat lead the table at christmas in russia finally give the same in germany going seven points clear with a we won her went over how. while kings of the court discuss avenge their recent loss to barcelona with an eleven point victory over their rivals in moscow as the top sixteen beckons in the euro league.
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and the devil of a k h l tesco moscow are stunned for a fourth time to minnows luvin and we take a look at the slovakia you colors and their superstar captain in the last lap shot down. so let's kick off with football and with the russian premier league now in its winter break so these are top of the table at christmas while by munich will be the same in germany going seven points clear and still unbeaten in the league with a three one her win over how member but guardiola side bounced back from their surprise three two champions league defeat at home to manchester city to stretch their unbeaten wonder sleek a run to forty one games mario monk you could headed the hosts in front of the forty two minutes against a backley hamburg and seven minutes after the restart volley didn't to make it to nil well the visitors mashallah saw that grab to go back later on but kerry wrapped up a victory in stoppage time to inflict
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a fourth defeat in six games of the visitors. while simon who appears by a late because and stayed second but are now seven points off the top spot after a shock one zero defeat at home to struggling i'm proud to prank heard the burned out marco rust headed the visitors in front on the hour then go keeper kevin trout help preserve the lead they could have doubled it after being one. the g.p.s. penalty that strike at joe saloon missed with the last kick of the game the victory ended frankfurt's tangoing when this run and handed lay vicars and their third loss of the season. while buster dortmund are now twelve points up top spot after coming back from two goals down to drop to two with perfect time then shipped what marked his signing of a new five year deal with the eighteenth which i put out and had the ball and made it to will twenty minutes later but just before half time goalkeeper young's brawl
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fumbled a corner and here and with it one way and one back and midway through the second half cash fish check levelled from close range two to dortmund stage third on goal difference. while here in russia the premier league held a garter ceremony to want to some of the country's best players so the midfielder a man should all call for striking teammate alexander and says god defender surrogate ignition a bitch were all given a special award for their contribution to the development of domestic football while all three will also be looking to brazil next year as their part of fabric apollo's world cup squad. while in italy ac milan vice president agree on a galliani has announced japan midfielder keisuke honda will join the club in january on a three and a half year deal the twenty seven year old becomes a free agent at the end of december after spending three years at tesco moscow scoring twenty eight goals in one hundred twenty one games he's also netted eight
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times but you come this year to help his side qualify for the world cup finals both as being mixed reaction to the signing of milan's new number ten. rovers a good he's a great player an important player so we expect a lot from him he's happy to play for milan and we know that in japan everybody is happy that is joining the on a bit of the marketing i guess is a marketing action i don't think we learn needs him really. well meanwhile you can kinsmen will remain coach of the united states until after the twenty eighteen world cup in russia the forty nine year old became manager in two thousand and eleven and has led the u.s. to qualify for next year's tournament in brazil to form a strike as scored forty seven goals in one hundred eight appearances for germany winning the world cup in one thousand nine hundred ninety and then coaching his national side to the two thousand and six semifinals. and some sad news from brazil as a construction worker was killed after falling from the roof of a twenty fourteen world cup stadium in man hours the twenty two year old man died
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in hospital after plummeting nearly thirty five metres from the top of the arena amazonia stage you will host the group d. game between england and italy on june fourteenth brazil is rushing to complete its building was as it struggles to have all twelve world cup venues completed on time . now moving on to your league bastable and says scott avenge their recent defeat to barcelona by winning seventy six points to sixty five here in moscow to make it victory number six for nine group games with one left to play richard reports. it's always one of the must see matches when serious come barcelona lot cornice even though pro-science to really put their places in the top sixteen. of the start of a season both are among the favorites to win the euro and this campaign is proving to be no exception the only minute taking time to get used to
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a new roster would be additions of car hines jeremy pargo and the tully free john but are slowly beginning to find their fiends d.n.a. chemistry was done to come while ago there was time to play good together unfortunately that means a lot of criticism i'd like tired but. the start to come together and gel as a team despite a full point loss against fenerbahce last time out on their home court things have been improving a serious. after a tight first quarter they began to pull away in the second sunny wins who had a two year spell with the toronto raptors playing a pink parts. i told him to see the size defense was improving and descended from inside the paint as they would take a plunge two points to thirty one lead into the half time break there was a touching moment during intermission a serious car paid tribute to one of the great players of the last decade feel people who cuss and hope the argument would be you really good.


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