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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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there is just too much threat this is a society. that. larry he says the voice of lois gribben on family guy and now alex morse again steps in front of the camera for h.b.o.'s newest comedy series i think what's really really cool about this project is that a cow walks the fine line of making you laugh one minute and kind of choking up the other plus if you go into it right now yeah right now that's step in mainland rain and he's a rising star in the comedy world we welcome good b.b. in an actor and rapper christy aaliyah will judge to change about yourself i'm selfish i'm really. deadly so from you i wish it was my show that's all ahead on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king our special guest alex for steam for years she's been the voice of lois griffin on the fox animated series family guy which is only the funniest show in the history of television you know her as well for her fan favorite characters from the sketch comedy show mad t.v. and now she's back in front of the gamma in age videos new comedy series getting on sunday nights at ten added getting on happening and getting on got on i was developing something for b.b.c.'s a whole separate project that's british the british is getting on is based on a series of the same name that is going on in the u.k. it's an award winning bafta winning series that we've they've really developed for the states so i was working with b.b.c. on redeveloping something else and this came down the pike and they thought of me and it was like a week after having my baby i got an email about will you audition for this project
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and i got no i'm not doing anything i'm going to take time off coming on this british are you kidding me yes i dropped you maybe right there and dropped the drama there on the floor and ran down the stairs and my husband put me on tape for an audition i played don for shat who is a very put upon. kind of a woman who's arrested development she's kind of stuck at age thirteen like like the social mentality of a thirteen year old working in a geriatric wing of a hospital an all female geriatric wing of a hospital all female jury as the nurses are female the patients of not all the nurses are female but all the patients are female it's an all female floor you know me i'm getting on in age getting on in age and getting on in life is a pure comedy no it's. i think what's really really cool about this project is that a cow walks the fine line of making you laugh one minute and kind of choking you up
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the other it's it's you know it's dying we're tending to dying women my character in particular is i think she does what she does in a so it's hatch to it because she's so fearful that she's going to be one of these women she's in and i was in alone she's a nurse she's going to end up alone with no one to hold her hand as she you know faces her last few weeks and braff so it's it's a dark little comedy start of you voiceovers or on screen or you're right you're right well yes what started for me i first started in advertising and while i was working as a copywriter i. i had done some improv classes at a place in l.a. called acme and that led to writing sketch comedy and writing there i started writing for daytime animation i got a job for casper the friendly ghost pinking the brain and. so i did daytime animation and then i was still doing the live sketch comedy and then i got an audition for mad t.v. doing a festival in austin texas they saw me there and then i was on mad t.v.
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in front of the camera and that's what i met seth macfarlane and that's when i started doing voices as you are doing and going to move every way i did i loved it i loved and i was sketch i loved the immediacy of it i love the writing of something one week and next week if it passed to the bar getting to put it on the other you get lois how did i get lois while i was working on mad t.v. and woman who developed mad t.v. was also developing a little show called family guy with seth macfarlane at the time i first thought they were going to put them on mad t.v. as interstitials like they did with the simpsons they did with tracey ullman or if you remember that's how it was born so that's what they were going to do but thankfully seth was savvy enough to not want to give up the rights which i think it would've required he would've lost ownership if he did that show a very sharp so he waited the woman who was developing that and had no need for mad t.v. asked if i would help with the pilot present the i did vision for i did not i showed
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up at a studio i should have brought you that picture of a young seth with his hair all day on a rugby shirt and cope bottle glasses we actually have the same haircut but with the alarming we both have this weird all brushed forward bangs that was. good i showed up and he needed someone to help with the pilot presentation and at that time you know i think he was a little like oh my god it's alex porson from mad t.v. i was the big shot of them and he was you know i was doing him a favor of helping with the pilot presentation and. i was doing a live show at the time that was doing. that sounded like my cars and then long island and eisenhower mountain there and he said can you speed it up because the show is only twenty two minutes and that's really annoying so i sped it up and he said that's great and we did that and then when the show got the green light to be made fox made him riyad titian everyone on the planet to see if there was someone
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better than me so you had to go through them i had to go through after i had done the job that i had to as a whole and you have to wait to know did you got it how do you know it was a couple months did you think it would be a hit i knew it was special i mean i knew reading it that it was different it was like nothing else i had way out it was it was really different and the pace was different it was like this mix of it was like something with a.d.d. watching sketch it was like a sketch comedy kind of coming coming at you in all directions what is the secret of lois why does she do what up with him while velma as he's very well hung. shy and cocteau in pain yes larry i don't know you know i think i tend to believe that men you know the x. x. chromosomes are are the way it's supposed to be and men are kind of an accident i think the broken oh the broken leg on the x.
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is a mistake and men are kind of social accidents when you do that when all women just put up with man and tolerate them give me a. you give me the modus operandi when do you do family do you do it in one day do you sit they give you a script you know looking at the characters they draw up to this to the script correct i'm not writing on the show anymore so now i get to do is what i get to show up for a table read we read the script and as you may or may not know it each episode takes nine months to make i don't know if you knew that nine month was. because it's like a baby it's so from what i understood at the end yes it's like spinning plates you get one going you get one going the things that we are recording now people won't see for a year and a half it's madly got to be kind of couldn't you do and that's the trick the trick the writers are so brilliant because it's picking things that they imagine that are with popular culture now are going to still be interesting in one month and says
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still dros lee there seth does you know stuff the overseas a lot of it but now there's a huge egos and all the artists who does the voices and. but yet takes it takes nine months to get going so i go in for a table read and then a week later i go into record and them we record based on rewrites we record again based on rewrites we record again based on rewrites all the way up until like a week before the show airs they might replace something if god forbid someone we made fun of passes away or something is no longer funny we can change it we were on showtime shameless right yeah well you produce you actors well i did a little part that will be coming back again this season to oh you're a busy busy person i am a busy busy person is voice over a doing yes voice over acting i think the thing that's most similar to is like green screen acting so you know like half of the
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other half of the star wars films that apparently were made just on a green screen staring at x.'s with corners of the camera i think it's very similar with with voiceover actual set this a real stickler about. back to acting and cartoons the animated performer needs to really be an actor it's not just about to do a silly voice you know he feels like for a lot of you know daytime animation and some kids' shows you can kind of do that but he feels like to pull it off with primetime to have to ask what family kids watch a lot of they don't get yet thank god. we've got some social media questions for you there's jersey bell vibe on instagram's what do you do to keep the boys in shape you know i don't really do what i should do i should be taking voice lessons seth is great about keeping up on his voice lessons but i try to warm up but that usually consists of like talking on the phone in the car on the way. you find a voice. sometimes you go into
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a drug yeah i think i'll intellect right now that step. but sometimes if i'm sick you know you can really hear it or thankfully a nasal voice lends itself to most colds or that of couldn't make you sick through the day and you know i always say that i said why don't we just say that she's ill but he's she likely usually likes to redo it sean but on facebook do you have a favorite character was the to like to sing him oh my god lois you know when we do our live family guy shows i will sing as lois and it's actually very difficult it's very pinched really hard to get some of those high notes and we we do a very fill that over a number of you don't bring me flowers and i do that that's i feel guilty gershon a very filthy version. you'll just have to see the live show sunday well. in a six hour amely filthy deal if you want me to be extremely filthy transient in the lyrics instead of you don't bring me flowers anymore are you don't need anymore.
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org and you go he asked. and my wife will go through the room and my kids are watching into a lot. of dollars do you prefer on screen do you know boy child i would never want my life to exist without being able to do both it's nice to take a break you can get on camera and you go through hair you go through makeup you do wardrobe and you get to be the face and control the acting with voiceover i have no control over how the animators directed me they directed they act to you so sometimes i get i need the control of on camera laurie called globe and tell on twitter once you know best and worst thing about working for surfing macfarlane. probably the best thing is the sex. is quite good. and we're method so any time lois and peter have to make love we do it in the booth the worst thing about working for seth would be the sex i'm kidding but best thing about working for me is that he's a genius and the worst thing is that he's a genius he's a perfectionist and i'll never be able to hit the notes he does figurative liam
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literally and sometimes i feel like solitary to his on the day and we have some questions if you only knew right for this person you know the funniest person i know living. anything it probably was my grandmother who miss swan is based on really yes she was probably the one who she sounded like it was one impersonation you haven't nailed yet. i don't have a larry king yet and i have a real hard time with an actual boston accent but i'm working on it really yeah i can't you know but boston p.d. you know peter kind of talks i can do a like a version of peter griffen and then it kind of comes out ok but it is bush but if i try to if well he's rhode island but if i try to do it as a female i can't really pack a cab boston i can't away yet ted was very bush was very boston is it sounding like i'm from boston you know that right here i it's things you're on
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a desert island what three things you have with you. ok. a chair a chair a tree a tree and rope and we'll explain. i don't care for the sun i don't like being alone so i think the first thing i would do is hang myself. so that's what i would do. well to make you laugh every time. you know this i hate to admit it but poop poop things and fart things i've got a one year old and a five year old and i they poop and they for poop and they fart and i just i can't help it i'm trying to set a good example and one final question oh boy why is far for me i think because it's out of our control it's and it reminds us i think because it it's a common denominator it reminds us that in the end we all disgusting smells come out of us my wife reaches to deliberate crawford i don't care how beautiful you are
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farts come out of your butt. parts come out you got it out yeah. light oh thank you getting on sunday nights at ten my guest alex character on h.b.o.'s new series and of course family guy on fox coming up stand up come again actor grids to leah. please it was a problem very hard to take a look at once again on here the claim that her facts were that her make her look. like.
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a. fuel please. please. please for. approval.
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welcome to larry king our guest personally and name one of araya these top ten comics to watch he starred in the n.b.c. sitcom whitney and will soon be a very in another upcoming n.b.c. show called undateable now chris is releasing a one hour stand up special on comedy central called white male black comic premieres this friday december sixth at midnight and goes on sale this december tenth is his white male black comic you do do black off color stuff no it was i didn't actually expect that title to be so controversial people are definitely tweeting me about it asking what it means it's just really an inside joke i have another buddy is named eric eric griffin he's a black guy and a comedian and it was always an inside joke with him and i that i would he was like
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i'm black but you're better at performing in front of black crowds so it was a yaml like i but i you know i like that title things you have an affinity for you're a rapper too now explain that to me rather how did you have another name yet chank smith rap album that i i came out with last year it's a it's a joke as well but what happened was i. i don't know i mean i love hip hop and i i had a guy that i heard this album called one crazy weekend and the producer was mr green and i thought it was really great production the production is rate i tweeted out and i said hey man i love this album the production is the best all year and he tweeted back at me as i thanks man a big fan and so he heard me do this character chang smith on a pod cast and i said let's make a song and he said ok we both had so much fun because you know he's used to work with like serious rappers so we were laughing the whole time we did. i had to go over that means i did i don't know i think i mean i don't even know it was just
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something that chang it came about i have no idea only a sample of chank rap. what sank that raps about study that's not necessarily cool to rap about but it would just be like you know i finally got a lot of a king you know i was a little nervous but now it seems to be going ok and it doesn't necessarily have to rhyme so that was a lyric for heresy so you got two careers going yeah yeah i want to work in a much better but yeah you discuss give me an idea of your comedy because it's new to me yeah you do hot button issues i don't know i mean i i think oh i'm not political no but i i i feel like political stuff has a shelf life and i just like to talk about people and i talk about race yes sometimes i talk about. girl dating girls and i talk about one especially talk about homophobia i talk about black eyes the way they laugh i talk about church so
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yeah i mean i guess it's offensive to some but i'm not i wouldn't say i'm offensive you grew up good show business family right yeah well as you did my dad's a producer and a director and he he's director and he oversees yeah t.v. he did like boston legal alum appeal all the way back to doogie howser and now works on crazy ones with robin williams which is a hit. is he put you in any of the shows i've worked with him once or twice yeah when i was a kid but i he actually i this is a joke in our family you know he supported me my whole career everything advice monitary really coming up and he put me through some college and i i said i asked him to direct this my special my one hour special and i said you're welcome i paid you back. so we're square i said we're square now do you ever want to be anything else than a comedian. now you were born for this i think so yeah i mean growing up in my in
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my. in my family was just kind of all we do is make fun of each other that's how we like show each other. love kind of in a way that says his one brother younger brother and i for some reason got it the most do you have a bomb yeah. like when you bomb well in the beginning it's. the worst feeling you could ever feel i mean to have like three hundred or four hundred people staring at you like you're a painting is just like the war is the war you can't even describe it you know it's just you can't describe it it's the worst feeling ever you feel terrible you feel like you should kill yourself nobody gets singers don't get that no yeah because you can just kind of zone out and saying you know let's not play the guitar get lost in the music there's a music to get lost and that's what you do in stand up you get lost in the sila loan yeah yeah you know there's no so that's happened before and you know it happens less now that i i somewhat know a little bit more what i'm doing but now if you bomb it it doesn't matter i've
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always thought that if it's the only i don't know i don't i mean it still stings a little bit but i feel like it only matters if the comedian cares if nobody's really bombing if you're bombing and you don't give a shit if you're a comic and you just bombing and whatever people are really is uncomfortable but if you're like oh god this is a working then it becomes extremely uncomfortable that's bombing to me i did get heckled though that one we kept in and they cut version and what happened in the huddle and i get heckled i probably i probably get heckled more than. what do people say to you one of the a lot of times is positive but it's still happening it's like whoo like if some girl won't stop going woo you're like ok but you're really of the timing of my jokes here like i get a thank you but you're liking me in the wrong way you know and so i'll be like ok be quiet but in this girl there was a normal and so everybody was drunk so she was just some girl just kept going yeah . so i said i finished a job at the hay shut the fuck up and everyone kind of erupted because it was all
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on their minds you know and then i and then i just explained to her what she was doing wrong and i said you you think you got to go home and you're going to think that this show is better because i just made fun of you and that you made it better but you're wrong you're in it up and i'm making a bet i'm fixing it so it was one comic had an influence on you as a kid anymore for the jim carrey. i like physical guys i like guys who are feet to me was the best robin williams you know i love the i love him there's a genius and yet there's what about wouldn't give me the story of would mean i like that show thanks yeah we were she you know we would kick around at the clubs together i mean she knew we knew each other she's like my best friend one of them and we would she just like she told me she's like i wrote a sitcom and i want you to play my boyfriend and i was like ok you know something you hear in hollywood a lot is like haven't you this thing i want you to be in your life and then you're right i want to who's going to end up who's who's playing it but she meant it and she did an audition a few times and for n.b.c.
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and they liked me and i did it and we desire like your acting yeah i like acting i mean you know if if i could do one thing for the rest of my life would be stand up but acting to me is it's cool it's another way of kind of like being a part of an audience and getting that she told howard stern recently she felt there was a negative backlash. the she said i think that as someone who didn't really have a family unit growing up comics were like my family as soon as i got the show i thought like everyone was against i guess people like to hate on who successful but i don't know i mean there was a backlash i think just because of the way it was promoted like it was in your face i think people like to find what shows to watch and i mean we were on every billboard i was on so many bill sygate is a show to air it's on the look at this guy anymore and now what about this new show and datable yeah you know the subject are you the one i mean it would be the whitney part in this yeah but yeah i play
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a character who's who's. roommates with another character who's like a lovable loser he's a lovable loser and i help him get girls my character is good at getting girls but hard it it's difficult for him to keep them so in that way he's ended it with a both and datable and so it's like the blind leading the blind is it coming next year at some point and we figure i'm sure it's a mid-season replacement so going to be a hit is going to be a hit yeah sure it is i know it sounds like it's got it honestly it's a lot of fun and i'm having a blast i get to play a version of what i do on stage you know it's not i didn't create the show but the writers and the producers are very they know my comedy and they kind of like write for the other actors the other guy the other guy is brant moore and which is actually really cool he he used to open for me on the road and yeah he got the part for the audition for it it was the number two lead and then they offered me the number one lead and i called him up and as i hear not going anywhere without me. i was going to play
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a game of of you only knew i just throw this at you know his first person you ever kissed a name you know her name was john now. chris. i was fifteen i think chris yeah although i know i'm a late bloomer to having sex i can't wait till i have sex. who would you like to kiss if you had the chance miley cyrus. really yes she's twenty i think it's ok to say you know. well judge to change about yourself on selfish i'm really. badly selfish you know i wish it was my show. is their t.v. show you're embarrassed to say you watch. i don't i only watch cooking channels and i don't cook at all so you don't cook oh i know also watch cooking i watched whitney a lot and. i watch all the stuff that i mean people are like i can watch myself on
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my own i love myself that goes to what the selfish thing i did get that was you guilty pleasure right now it's chocolate i've been on this chocolate cake and i'll just eat it i don't even want it i'm halfway even i'm like milk in the dark no milk and dark is a dozen supposed to be healthy but move case much of the results of these items are admitted dr offit doesn't taste good dark sort of book and enter in mountains yeah but that's all about the mounds though that's all about the whatever else is an area. if you were an actor or a comedian what would you be i thought what i would like to say i would be in jail i think that would be a cool thing that's like fifty cent and you're stranded on a desert island what three things would you like to have with you a two part cd i would like to get to parts of course cd because i love his music he's my favorite. oh and an audience that would be good to have an audience and a microphone a good sound system thing on an island yeah well it will have fun and i'll be like
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you guys just zillah turner entertainment you have let me do let me let me tell you jokes you have a girlfriend chris yeah what are you serious with yeah we're serious what does she do she's an actress so why do you living together. it sounds not serious but it is it's your proudest moment doing i think it's doing this one hour special and having my dad direct it and just having him cooped up in that little van being like go to camera one and i'm on stage you know what's it like having a father director what's it like it's just so cool man i mean like a lot different than having none fought the director yeah it's got to be there yeah you knows me he knows my act he's seeing all that i'm he yeah he changed my diaper and directed my special that's his claim to i hope so but i think going to big thank you chris thanks man keep it up man you going to be a major star thanks thanks to my guest krista leah and stand up special white male black comic airs on top of the central december sixth that midnight i knew would be
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at midnight. sale online starting december tenth and get from the on twitter at kings things and i'll see you next time. i know c.n.n. m s n b c fox news have taken some not so lightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was going to close it for the truth and might think. it's because once all attention in the mainstream media works side by side. i had the joke actually on here.
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at our teen years we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. you guys talk to the jokes will handle them. i've got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. stay where it's about story. let's get this guy like you would smear that guy stead of working for the people old tissues the mainstream media for each other right bribes digital. photos. of the dead rather. wealthy british style. is no time to surprise.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cons a report on. what's happening folks i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set last week a sixteen year old texas teenager named you can couch was sentenced for killing four people and severely injuring two others while driving bill literately drunk so knowing texas his penchant for punishment one can only assume that this could get at least a couple years.


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