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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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i. like to ukraine securest cut price of gas the fifteen billion dollar injection during talks here in moscow but the customs union party was praised despite protests as suspicion of a secret european bloc plot we'll bring you up to speed also the britain for energy over environmental concerns the plan to potentially open up the pristine british countryside to shale gas fracking despite widespread public opposition. which you can hear how. you think it as if fracking to earthquakes weren't bad enough we make the texans living in the shadow of the shale well he's drinking water started to burn. they don't want the world to know that it really is this bad they don't want it an official documents. the syrian army moves in clear the
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damascus suburb of extremists who according to locals the religious massacre beheading children wiping out entire. very good evening just joined us just after eleven pm here in moscow announces r.t. international with me kevin zero in on his big deal day for ukraine after several key agreements was struck between kiev and moscow has cut off more on those talks. the three key points that came out of this meeting are first of all russia and ukraine did agree on the price for gas for two thousand and fourteen which went down from four hundred dollars to around two hundred seventy dollars per thousand cubic meters or so far as when or stand this is a temporary measure given to the financial difficulties in ukraine itself with the second key point is that the country is getting
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a low interest rate along the from russia worth around fifteen billion euros dollars in the form of moscow buying ukrainian government bonds but the third key point and perhaps one of the main reasons why so much attention was focused at this meeting since there was a lot of speculation that this could be a step towards ukraine joining the customs union with russia which the ukrainian opposition is strongly against they were spreading rumors that president unocal which was secretly brokering out a deal to do so well now both leaders here in moscow said that this wasn't even discussed and neither was ukraine's association agreement with the european union and now the protesters in kiev said that they would watch this meeting closely and their further actions would largely depend on its outcome so now the ball is really on their side and the other players whose reaction now we're waiting for is the european union which rejected giving finding financial aid to ukraine and knowing
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the current financial difficulties it's gonna me is going through it has been sending different signals throughout the course of the last few weeks and artie's. took a closer look at the e.u. leaders rhetoric. ah ha from the threat of sanctions if he goes to moscow nafta was his while unsuited then it might be interesting to know that. the bank accounts in general would not be open to any more for some craziness to open a questioning of the great government's credibility this government of ukraine has clearly discredited itself in terms of economic help from the e.u. the reaction of europe's officials to the dance of last month in ukraine has indeed made to reach cocktail they've effectively played pinball with ukraine's expectations some have expressed uncertainty about a future dialogue with kenya we're lacking a decision by ukraine's leader in a situation when ukraine's president says the offer is not good for his country we
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need to take a break and think it over. while other signal. political statements on twitter are not the best way to resolve the matter the best signal we could make is to tell you krane that our doors are still open for it. all this more explained the change from the sweet talk of many european leaders before the vilnius summit in november where president which had refused to sign the deal the offer of signing the most ambitious agreement the european union has ever offered to a nonmember state is still on the table we should always respect ukraine's suffering decisions but the tone rapidly changed said the proposed compensation for saying the deal was not enough it's a blackmail of politicians who try to my. president. and of course it's connected so with they are present connected with the interests
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of those core wants to get some benefits from joining the deep and comprehensive free trade area with a european union the money is still the main sticking point ukraine needs billions . millions and both science refused to budge in their demands this continuing standoff geopolitically and on the streets of. which is going to moscow with a fifteen billion dollars loan. to be the likely result of this trip despite harsh rhetoric coming from europe which has been insisting that ukraine will not step down from the euro association however the protesting crowd behind the barricades already made it clear that every step of ukraine's president in moscow will be closely watched. r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine. story mark oldman believes the deals with russia have a good time now for ukraine. what is seems to be very interesting is that russia
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here is actually in a sense offering goodies to ukrainian society it will help to pay the wages and pensions of people who in ukraine it will help to provide cheaper energy but the europeans and the americans have over the last twenty years decided that the easiest way to influence governments is. to politicians not to the whole society as we can see billions to make life better for many people in a society where as you may be able to acquire influence with the rules of a society with a dominant voices for tens of millions and so it seems to me that if we look at how the west has played geopolitical chess compared with the way the kremlin has i think the kremlin has been more than three pick but not necessarily. the best chess player despite the russian tradition in the sport. and coming to from political science professor petro told me that the e.u. he thinks taken the wrong approach to trying to win over ukraine here. the e.u. lost sight of the ball. the entire discussion was about you and your job and how
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that was to be the sticking point and instead it always was really about how to fund the transition when i look at the statistics of what financial aid is that is typically offered and has been offered over the past seven years to countries don't are transitioning to european association and presumably eventually into membership it has never arrived at of more than two billion euros a year ukraine was offered one billion but that's an order of magnitude below what economists here say that they need. well just like you know you for more expert opinion and analysis on the situation ukraine on our website r.t. dot com along with all the facts and figures regarding what brussels and moscow can
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offer ukraine in case of a closer partnership. check the subject now new energy boom may be coming to the british countryside but so far it's had a far from warm welcome a government report as laid the groundwork to open up vast swathes of the u.k. for oil exploration in q including controversially shale gas drilling the areas of quite a lot of britain there in light blue illustrates just how much land has been earmarked for potential fracking lot of it as you can see much of it pristine british countryside. made sense the report for us. well this is a regulatory roadmap on shore oil and gas exploration and it's the government setting out the stall for where they see this drilling technique taking the u.k. in the future and there are four reports for england scotland wales and northern ireland so essentially all across the u.k. and it's been described as an important next step for the potential of shell gas in
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the u.k. energy mix now it's a bulky document but if you look at the actual wording of it and there are some parts where it seems the government to accept is that they don't fully understand the environmental consequences of this controversial technique known as fracking but nonetheless they are going ahead looking at ways to expand its use in the u.k. now he's for you can to the department for energy and climate change this morning and they said that they've got more than a dozen applications that are under consultation at the moment so they're being considered in that consultation process usually lasting on average of about twelve weeks so you can expect early next year that we're going to find out whether new licenses are actually going to be granted across chunks of the united kingdom and as he said the government has very much tried to highlight the benefits that will come from there saying that we sure up energy security in the u.k.
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talking about job creation but the months local communities will be seen test sites already using this technique we have seen activities from activists and opposition groups just yesterday in fact in manchester near a test site we saw a group of activists laying down the wing of the wind turbine in opposition so certainly the government aren't going to have an easy time i think convincing members of the local community who are concerned if she's about water pollution about earthquakes in areas where test drilling has been carried out so a lot of convincing that still to be done this is a very bulky report that we've seen published today lots of nitty gritty details are quite hard to get. as he said it's really made very clear that the government is going to want to push ahead with this technique all across the u.k. . because the energy minister of his parts hailed this report as the next step and i'm lucky britons frankly return szell but now the campaign office of the young
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greens banal dutchy told us he thinks this is the wrong direction fracking is that is an expensive way of not solving the crises that we face fracking to very little to bring down prices it will do very little to resolve the crime a crisis that we face generates a false hope for the issues that we were looking to resolve it won't bring down into prices that the government has admitted this is simply offers the opportunity to hoover up wealth from government subsidies and commodity sells up to hold of the companies and it's not about everybody's people's wealth and well being unfolds to from the fund refract free sussex and some of the england tells us that the gas extraction process simply can't be made safe it is an inherently unregulated will process say fracking is an oxymoron it is simply not possible it's such a human arrogance to say that we can legislate for the vagaries of subterranean geology what i have learned from the people i now know personally in pennsylvania
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and australia has made me very scared as a mother of someone of a child or someone who lives four miles from a fracking well in a country that already has sixty percent plus potentially licensed for this eco cycle nightmare this technology cannot be regulated they're making all kinds of you euphemistic excuses about why it's not to do with the fracking it's to do with poor operations it pollutes drinking water it pollutes air it is widely proven to trigger seismic activity both nearby and far. so the golden question what is down the road for britain for fracking revolution takes hold well apparently you need to look no further than texas the shale gas drilling capital of the world is being dug their property prices are tanking is said wells rank smells stretch for miles the merced quakes have been linked to frack using some of the britain too and that's not all is going to come explains. the local government in texas tells steve lipski that the water from his well water that he can set on fire is safe to drink
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and to use in his home. you can't get in here. thank you but steve has the assessment of other experts who say he's well is it ticking bomb in his backyard loaded with methane and other contaminants why the starkly different assessments steve claims that a fracking operation nearby contaminated is well and that texas energy authorities are shielding the gas company. they don't want the world to know that it really is this bad they don't want it in official documents it could be that the fracking allowed gas from lower formations into the aquifer and subsequently into steve lipski as well the gas company denies the claim the lips his suit the range resources corp but the firm counter sued and won in cause and effect evidence a ground water is incredibly difficult to prove my use of us are is an engineer who
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worked with the federal environmental protection agency is not surprised that the state oil and gas regulator sided with the gas corp conceit that derives its income in survival from oil and gas production issues should we put him in charge of also regulating the protection of groundwater from our going down swells and there's an inherent. conflict of interest that determined to fight for his home father of three steve has been shipping fresh water from the city on trucks at a cost of five hundred dollars a month but the family now faces another blow from the fracking corporation of four point two million dollars lawsuit for defamation steve lipski his dream house and
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it's a beautiful property has become his nightmare several of his neighbors apparently have the same problem but they're reluctant to speak out after they saw how the gas company went after mr lipski they shouldn't expect much help from washington either so why do you sell us our says the environmental protection agency has not put nearly enough resources into studying the effects that fracking has on groundwater but that didn't stop the p.a. from coming up with a reporting favor of the practice. phillips kids were advised to vent the gas constantly to keep it from accumulating under their property as their neighboring gas well continues to frack this guy thousand feet do you pretty much standing around on top of the one hundred years from now when somebody dies because there's some contaminant the border and they're able to trace it to this fracking everybody else instead who cares invest in a few loss of feed for now it seems that the authorities at all levels are so fired
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up on fracking potential profits that households like steve leaves his family are left to fight alone to get a healthy environment in their homes. gonna check out our t. parker county texas. locals on the activists. report about companies in the us catastrophe to come to the coast guard offer to use rivers to ship toxic waste. coming up in the program he is snowden strikes again with a new leak norway's been caught conducting covert surveillance with the n.s.a. targeting russia just weeks off the sweet was found to be not as well as just to. try to tell you we warned you so the government is not publishing well we have been
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reporting on this show that they have to buy scheme well cause more than one hundred percent guaranteed outcome a crash in the real estate market and people will be underwater negative equity and the banks will need another bailout and the wealth and income disparity will increase yet again.
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well again the syrian army's reportedly liberated key districts in the city of address which as it seems witnessed atrocities described as the most barbaric since the war started almost three years ago local residents have told r.t. that adults and children were tortured and be headed by a battalion of islamic rebels who tried to seize control of the area some estimates indeed put the number of civilians killed at around two hundred across marty's arabic channels there. when dawn was breaking over address the al nusra front and the army of islam gave a signal for their fighters to attack that they came in hundreds making use of bad weather and the element of surprise over government forces it was a year after fierce fighting with the syrian army the rebel factions achieve their
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objectives with the city soon falling into the hands of those who the residents of the city have dubbed the decapitated hours. a friend of mine told me that he claimed he was insane in order to save his life and avoid the militants they believe just story and let him go he also said he's children have been emotionally scarred from the savage act they have seen on the road between their house and the places where the fighters gather people's heads were chopped off in the bodies thrown all over the road. in the slaughter everywhere the eldest was only twenty years old he was slaughtered they were all children i saw them with my own eyes they killed fourteen people with a machete i don't know if these people were alawite i don't know why they were slaughtered they grabbed them by their heads and food and slaughtered them like sheep. and industrial town is inhabited by thousands of workers and their families who were all trapped when the fighters surrounded the town a few details of what happened there are still on certainly no we've only had leaks
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about massacres that have been described as the most gruesome since the start of the syrian crisis sealants told us that the workers of the not to be crude were all legs accused and burned during the first hours of the attack whole families were massacred we do not have an exact estimation of the number because we were unable to get into the town but the number is high the other the woman vicious and the syrian army commanders in the region decided to besiege the town and protect civilians by isolating them from areas where fighting is ongoing and a move seems necessary by the military whose operation is not expected to be an easy. one year with the rush of people to live. r.t. . the cold blooded assault and murder was supposedly carried out by the al qaeda link a loser a front it's also suspected too that some members of the newly formed islamic front group were involved it's a radical organization now apparently trying to forge ties with the united states to a meeting and he could even take place this week foreign affairs analyst to split over
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whether the u.s. should actually negotiate with this group. it's very important that both sides now recognize that there should be a political settlement and that means talking to the people with guns as long as they have some agenda of the rather could be common ground if they're just jihadi fundamentalists who want to slaughter everybody who is not to the sunni or who agrees with the interpretation of islam then obviously it's impossible but there that is not good majority view i think the majority view among the sunni use of syria is that there should be a negotiated settlement they don't many of them like this al qaeda infiltration that's happened in the last year or two i don't negotiate with terrorists but i should say that in this particular case the people who have dialogue with the terrorists they have blood on their hands because they have they have facilitated the training of these mercenaries in saudi arabia qatar they have provided funding
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they have not provided a significant level of funding to the so-called moderate opposition forces all opposition brigades and those moderate opposition brigades in fact is a myth most of the military and logistical financial aid has been china holds to these al qaeda affiliated organizations and that's what we have to address there could be no peace as long as the west military alliance supports terrorists. the latest leak from edward snowden has exposed norway's role now in america's global spying operations the nordic countries apparently been sharing intelligence with the u.s. about russia's political elite as well as all and gas companies and ordinary civilians directed the center for international strategic analysis believes this was a very complex set of operations to. this is a multi faceted all kinds of operations and also interests that go far beyond the war on terror on the fight against or quote. some extensive network seawalls
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intelligence up into most. collects symbols and joe johns about all kinds of especially military russian looked into which was also dole against the sort of the usual during the cold war but not actually deals with these capacities also seeing or relevant or standing for more political a local only six source germany taking steps to turn the lights out on nuclear energy as soon as possible the fukushima disaster sparked the rush next to the course which the government hopes to complete now in under a decade but it is going to be cheap it's thought the waning the country of the cost could be about two hundred fifty billion euros well let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of green energy shall we of course unlike fossil fuels the sources of power don't run out and they've got low environmental impact but the wind turbines and solar panels are expensive to us to install
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initially in the take a long time to pay off which is going to mean higher household bills and the crucial thing with a lot of these energy sources is they're not reliable you never know when it's going to be windy when it's going to be sunny and so far at least they produce only small amounts of power compared to conventional sources peter all of the reports on the cost of germany's transmission. disagreeing with germany's no to nuclear has become it to be topic in a country that has set itself up as the world leader in renewable energy that can argue it for all their lives germans have been told that nuclear energy is bad but that idea has now filled up their brains so that there is no space left for any other thoughts on the race for renewable z. wind and solar is being financed by rising electricity bills for consumers in twenty twelve the cost paid by households was three point six euros cents per kilowatt hour now it stands at five point five cents adding about one hundred
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eighty five euro to the average yearly bill that seeing the emergence of groups who want an end to the wind and solar switchover and the return to nuclear that is not true because on those who have money who are the target audience of these green energy can pay everyone else gets left behind despite the ability of nuclear power stations like this one to generate large amounts of electricity relatively cheaply no matter what the weather conditions the pro nuclear side of the debate in germany have struggled to get their voice heard the experts say part of the problem is that people are worryingly naive about the real issues of generating power. only know is that electricity comes out of the wall in their house they don't know what it takes to keep a stable power grid to do that you need big power stations nuclear coal or gas the twenty eleven fukushima disaster prompted germany to ramp up the shutdown of nuclear power stations which is being carried out with
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a neo religious zeal. i know this whole movement is like an eco religion you commit a sin creates an evil and as with other religions this leads to the end of the world this attitude to energy makes me angry so as prices rise more fossil fuel power stations are having to be built to take up the slack for when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine leaving germany's green revolution coated in coal dust peter all of a r.t. germany. coming up is a question key name a single political similarity between north korea india and the u.s. you cannot relax and stacie those in the obviously been doing that research the a kudzu report reveals all right up front right.
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there calling obama's happy smiling sophie photo with the danish and british prime ministers at the mandela funeral an international incident but before we rail on obama for doing something stupid a funeral we need to clear one thing up the washington post says that this action occurred at the memorial service after the funeral was over and trust me after about three hours of serious lectures at a conference or some sort of super long waiting most of us would just be banging our heads against the wall out of boredom and i'd probably check my email about seven times obama's place know i said most of us but the president isn't supposed to be like most of us because he represents all of us it's one thing when you're fourteen and too stupid to realize that selfie photos at the wake after grampa's funeral is a bad idea but it's another thing entirely when one of the most photographed and powerful people on the planet takes a selfie at the memorial service of someone he claims to respect although i might sound annoyed this sophie is pretty much irrelevant this is just a big error of etiquette there are plenty of real concrete things with real
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consequences to be bad at obama over like our being religious wacko rebels in syria or signing into law the n.b.a. i wish with all my heart that we only had to be angry with obama over some minor etiquette errors but sadly they're just a drop in the obama bucket but that's just my opinion. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser the despicable human scum jang is dead the uncle of kim was shown no mercy after he allegedly drove the economy into an uncontrollable catastrophe and perpetrated thrice cursed acts of treachery by failing to clap enthusiastically for a supreme leader arranged nephew dear leader kim jong un had also shown no mercy no
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remorse no pity when he had his ex-girlfriend and her girl band mates machine gun down after they sang some music which annoyed him. i know what you're thinking you're thinking that kim jong un is looking increasingly like an american high school student snarky bad music loving chubby. who doesn't hesitate to machine gun down his friends family or passer bys just because why the frick mom but those chubby little mass murdering high school students in the america look a lot like these so-called adults who also run the economy isn't this true isn't this true stacey well yes i like the reason that kim jong un gave for executing his uncle is that he calls the uncontrollable catastrophe of the economy and you see that in our own western economies. it's not the leaders of the countries that are to blame it's all the other the people are they have austerity inflicted upon them
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they're sent to gulags of a work camps that tesco for free for example but the other thing that is very similar here that we see over in north korea is this airbrushing from history because jang has been airbrushed out of all the public documents the state documents of north korea so let's look at this first headline from the u.k. where we see some airbrushing happening government hides risks of controversial help to buy scheme ministers are refusing to publish the government's own risk assessment into its flagship housing policy it emerged last night triggering suspicions that they are trying to cover up official warnings that the scheme will endanger the british economy yeah i tweeted about this i said ha ha ha you limey plugs we tried to tell you which we warned you. the government is not publishing what we have been reporting on this show that they have to buy scheme will cause more than one hundred percent guaranteed outcome.


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