tv [untitled] December 17, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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on larry king now long island medium to receive the bugle they had suffered from anxieties for many years and what i learned was that it was fair trying to communicate with me she's in studio and channeling the dead and we'll close to him yes because he told me that you with a son that he never had she says you used to not make me feel sick he looks i'm very spooky right now that is a spot on all next on larry king now. welcome to larry king now we're teresa computer the internationally renowned medium her show long island medium is currently in its fourth season it airs sundays at nine pm eastern eight center on t.l.c. she's also written a new book called there's more to life than this healing messages remarkable
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stories and insight about the other side from long island medium to receive computer we have a studio audience with us today and teresa will do some readings in a little bit but let's start from the beginning when when did you know you could talk to the beyond i didn't know until i was actually the age of twenty eight i actually thought it was normal i mean as a child i used to say to my mom i don't feel right i don't feel like i belong i feel different than everyone else and i used to see and hear things that other people did in the room and i just thought it was normal and my mom used to say we cannot adopt it so you should feel normal and love then there's a reason why you should feel that way and then at the age of twenty eight i had suffered from anxieties for many years and what i learned was that it was fair trying to communicate with me and what i learned was how to understand what they were trying to tell me who you saw the movie it was as i see dead people you went into bruce willis right there that's actually one of the movies that i can relate to as a child the movie this sixth sense and also to the movie ghost there's
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a lot of ways that i would be in that movie i connect with spirit who is the first person you told the truth had this ability. my husband and my mother. didn't tell you when you were engaged i we didn't know we were already together for ten years so what do you say to him oh by the way louis larry larry says and larry oh by the way lavry louis was my first husband don't tell anybody larry. all which by the way leads to the obvious you talk to louie oh louise oh i live there so you don't go to . when louie dars where you talk to we just made up louie larry. larry i'm sure you were dating larry you never said larry i know your father who died no well i i didn't know i've been with my husband larry since me teen oh. thank you very much and he's the best i would say i wouldn't be where i am without him because he's allowed me i would say he picked up where my mom left off but you know
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what do you believe you're connecting with i mean they're not humans in figure form on what i'm connecting with the energy in the soul of our loved ones and where are they just everywhere just like how energy is everywhere you might not be able to see it or feel it but you just know that it's there but have big communicate do you things about people will have the story or the new good feelings in them it's great i can i listen i could make up on the male maturation but you know why larry i've been demanding an explanation for years and i've been saying i want to be five seven hundred twenty pounds and it ain't happening now communicate with any of the people who were your family i have but you know what that's actually harder for me because it's more emotional more emotional for me because when i channel someone else's loved ones they're not my forte's feelings and emotions so if i like get things for me from my loved ones i might sit back and say what was i said i
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remember experiencing that with my grandmother did i remember that because that was my own memory what happens is when i start and i'm just in front of people and i start i just start sensing and feeling things. i feel how your relationship and bond was to them like for example if i say to someone who's the father figure that's departed so i say why did was my dad but i've lost my grandfather or my uncle who was like a father to me you like having this ability i feel extremely blessed and honored i would not want it i would feel go i'd go nuts you know what though larry for me i feel complete i never i like i said to you i always felt there was something missing in my life and i still have parents here i still have a grandparent here he just turned ninety my grandfather and my husband who survived a brain tumour might in-laws who are well in their eighty's and i never felt complete until i accepted my gift so obviously you do not fear death not anymore i can't work with you you know you go on right you have
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a communicate with negative spirits like murderers i've had souls i can sense and feel their energy but really i'm not allowed to channel them when you're not allowed or there's a law i won't step to you if you want to communicate with a murderer and you did a community all right will see will i tell you i knew him oh you have a kang's or whatever it is getting our interview to move quite a few times i want you to me with jimmy hoffa you know i think you look at this summer and how i knew you were going to stop it terry said good good ok. do you think you're weird. what my my you make of fun of my hair going out and i am on my own and i like the world i live good lives i like the whole i or i love you or you a great very much i you know what i feel that we're all weird in our own way there's the cameras you think affects the ability to go i know you tour you do concerts you were the most fair place with the cameras clearly you think it was
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below john edwards or do you think oh i have a lot of respect for john edwards i feel i look at john edwards i look up to him he's doing what you do yeah but i feel he really opened the door for i feel for myself i only speak about myself because he put himself out there first in television of a lot of respect for john edwards so you never feel incumbent by this or unsafe or you know that when i'm growing up i did because i feel things because what just happened now and it's interesting that you asked me that because i feel spirit so they will make me feel how they felt even during their passing or through an illness and what happened is someone just restricted right throat area so what happens is i actually feel as if i'm being choked her. so it's actually someone restricts my throat or you have a savior so one me for years said that when i first found out i had history i said why me i'm no different than anybody else and i just i have my own little was your
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theory conversation with god if i might say that i was told that this was my soul's journey to be able to restore people's faith whatever it may be whether it be a religion or more importantly the faith in themselves and knowing that there truly is more to life ok less question how do you give work you tune in to something but it just happens like i already said there is somebody is telling me that he passed from something from the throat either the throat cancer could be hanging or restriction of approach or you're just not going here you know ok we have a kind of a studio audience here we have people in the cars control room as well so she might tune into one of their. well you do know. that. well this is what happens i feel that there is first of all this for souls that step forward there was a father energy that is stepping forward and there was also a gentleman stepping forward with the throat this something about the throat and somebody is wearing somebodies necklace or they're wearing something that somebody
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gave them but i can't say so whether it's in your pocket in your pocketbook if you left it in your car they are telling me that i can't see it is that correct who wants to make one. when i might well and someone also wants the brother ok so that in person that would be you here to my close you lost the the brother is that correct father and who passed from the throat my father and what did you feel that you did not get to say goodbye to both of them my brother so please and did he pass tragically because what he did or do you feel that he might not be at peace because what your brother showed me was he showed me the holding of the hands the whispering of the ear open this hands and i watched the doves fly out of his hands that's my symbol for that his soul is safe and of peace with god do you understand that the whispering of the ear means that nothing was left unsaid you have a tattoo in memory of your brother or you talk about getting the tattoo no my
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sisters do a perfect that's fine and how do you connect with the number three are you one of three children are there three sisters. most sure ok who can i put the month of march. there tell me i'm with you. and you're not going to say anything. my uncle died in a private plane crash ok and i'm wearing a necklace that he gave to me. and then we go and when the plane crash wires themselves from the top of the plane actually rafter on the ground and then he drowned so you wonder but he also took you have to understand this is the remarkable thing about spirit they will band together i refer to it as piggybacking where i can speak channel one soul but it might be healing messages for so many other people so no because when i was sitting there i was looking right at you and you knew that but your uncle tells me you feel him you
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sense and are very sensitive to spirit is that correct so this is for you to know that when you sense and feel is real it is not your imagination not wishful thinking and more importantly you're not crazy he also wants me to tell you because i felt the restriction again he says i want you to know that before i hit that water. i was already gone do you understand that he says everyone says that i drowned he says i want them to know that i didn't suffer he says teresa everything happened so quickly was i don't boom he goes and then the next thing i knew i was like what happened to me do you understand that so even though if it might even say whatever the autopsy says what he says i want my family to know that i did not suffer it was a low flying plane too so it was very fast very fast so no from the moment of the i want to use the word impact but it's just an interpretation for me whatever that is whatever the first thing was whether if he was hit in the head that knocked him unconscious i don't know the specifics of it but if so you understand that he did
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not suffer fair enough and then i went with my mom to get a tattoo of his name to use so you understand i don't have that tattoo but i went with my mom to get perfect are you hearing these the what is it it's more of your you know you don't want to. i don't know that's the crazy thing it's just like i get these feelings and i see like clips and what he showed me was i sort of plane and i just felt like one two three and it was just it's just a no win for me i don't know how this happens or what happens or wired up or why it happens but what i do know why it's so that we know that they are still with us and what i was told and what i know in what form they are right you know it's just like it like i'll tell you the management of their community is judges and they have to have a brain that you know gave this you as a term from rival to be here this something has to be happening and it's insane because people i always say we've all lost somebody and we've all lost people in a common way those things are true but what separates that
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a part of those you unique things of that you might even forgot about or may they also communicate with their personality so know that. we might be coming things with them there's going to be a lot of different other things as well that somebody who's like a like a spouse or like a partner my mom actually lost her. fiance because i felt like it wasn't a husband but it was like a significant other you know and that partner yeah. yeah but are you very creative shows when you like to paint the symbol of creativity to understand that. perfect so he you know what he told me he said to me that now your mom still here in the physical world caress because he took red roses and handed them to her which is my symbol of love and devotion and or anniversary he said she gave me he says it was almost like the time that we were together he was it was like a lifetime for me he said she resort my faith in unconditional love. do you
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understand that totally and were you close to him yes because he told me that you with a son that he never had now you have to say maybe he did have children do you understand that it's acknowledging the bond that you shared with him and he says you do honor me every day you have a hard time talking about him. because he says even though you don't talk about maybe you think about me that's keeping my memory alive and that is also honoring me i don't usually believe in these types of things and this was a moment where it was too acrid to kind of be something that was made up those two initial things going to get my heart beating a little bit in the beginning when she mentioned you know there's something about a father there's something about the row there's something about a tragic accident in a brother is this this is me this necklace that i'm wearing that she kind of pointed out even though it was hidden underneath my shirt was
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a gift from my uncle to my mom when their dad died and i and i never wear jewelry or anything like this so it was just kind of strange the today some kind of subconscious urge made me put it on and i'm going to wear my necklace more than i used to because it just definitely i don't know i just provided me with a weird sense of pleasure.
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that was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of joy and in great things other than just their. read or hear the core of wall around online there's a story made sort of movies playing out in real life. and i think a society. big corporation kind of can. do
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and say. all about money and i'm actually sick for politicians writing the blogs and what. might be. just too much. of a. wait there's something happening here there are two or three things going on here now i want to talk to who is the mother figure for you. your mama stepping forward and when you just saying in your head how do i go on with my life without my mother yeah kind of i don't know she like necessarily remembers me or one of them oh did you know her as well as i wish i did cheetah who could that somebody have an issue with says i feel things physically was there someone that before they died was very sick way either their eyes would always run or their nose would run with it was a reaction to some type of chemo tree because my nose is running for no reason.
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yeah that's my mom how great it is weird because my dog is running and i keep going like this on larry king how does that i know i do is the other version. for my god this is like think i could. but this is what happens. when i talk to dead people you think i'm embarrassed ari i'm communicating with clara that i'm just take one for twenty four hours ok that is insane but you have to understand i communicate with spirit through feeling so they will make me feel how they felt sometimes how you feel so you feel that you don't you don't even know if your mom knows who you've become to understand that exactly so now you do you know about this with the running or the i just like in the last months before she passed away she couldn't really talk and she was like really sick and like the chemo and she had all these other physical thing happening with her but she says
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but you always sat with me she said you always sat on my bed and you always told me about your day shows and you used to sing and she says you used to not make me feel sick you look i'm very spooked right now that is spot on completely are you can i put the number six the month of june we are six when she died i was seven when she passed when june near my birthday. ok so you understand that your mother through all of these years through every breath that you have taken for every milestone that you have achieved your mother has been with you her soul has been with you your mother talks about a bracelet do you have her bracelet a charm bracelet i don't have a bracelet from her ok she showed me a bracelet and then she showed me a necklace that's why it's a charm bracelet so what has to be something that you had of hers that either you changed or you made different or you thought about making it different from give me one after she passed away a charm bracelet perfect that's so you know that your mother is with you but you
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say you would never expect your mother to talk about a charm bracelet correct i recall her spirit to talk about things that have happened since their departure to acknowledge that they are still with us and you are that no you're not married man because your mother says please tell my daughter that she will be married one day and that when she is my soul will be there with her and that you will be a great mom do you understand that you let me see if you extremely good your mom all she does is play with your hair braid your hair so is that something that your mom did or that you liked you know. so you understand that your mother does not want you to remember her second and she actually made my nose run that is freakin crazy racist stuff that i'm that i can't even say but it stopped why would my nose just stop why was my nose running it was crazy my ears my eyes were tearing now were you looking at the picture she showed me two pictures there
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was one of when your mom was healthy holding you and then there was another picture either right before your mom died of you actually sitting on the bed with her definitely the picture of me holding or i have it right next to my bed college that was to acknowledge that your mother's soul is always with you do you actually still have her blanket or an article of her clothing that she always had yes i do. have a blanket. so again these are things that only you would know and do you sometimes feel that you can hear your mom or you try so hard to hear her know i wish i could but you have to say we know that when you do that her soul was with you but we did she call you a nickname or sugar bear perfect i don't know what it was but just know that she told me that she called you by your nickname to receive you know you're on the right i got a role or there you know you're part of the muffin top but we'll call it a roll larry. so you. see you hit on three people here.
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all of whom this is kind of wild no you don't mean it comes to you from it's somewhere oh it just it just happens so it could be people they're always talking about when you were little did you always talk into a microphone or pretend that you're tempted i want to be in really only because that's what always wanted that's what your mother showed me you sitting at a table playing as if you were talking into a microphone so just to acknowledge that all of your loved ones are here and have celebrated with you in your if birthday when you know i thought i was going to make it. better they. three said what i thought you know what i don't get larry you're a freakin riot was. talking to spirits it's kind of just like an unimaginable concept but just it was so real and in the moment and i think she was just so like in tune and in touch with my past and she just knew like the minute details and she
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was just like so on the spot in it was pretty incredible you're a practicing catholic and yes i am our own words you do sort of defies the faith in the sense that it is what it is i you know i mean i i found a way to be able to so honor my faith and know that i have a beautiful and amazing gift from god you often say i want to get this right that their loved one is safe in a peace with god is anyone not safe and not at peace with god in other words is this somebody god's kind of this that well spirits never said to me trees for it's hot down here so i'm going with that there is no hell i don't know but i've seen other levels of where spirit will show me when we leave the physical world our soul enters a level where we have to learn lessons i will see sense a soul like it just happened on the show i was reading my family that was their daughter who was murdered by her boyfriend the daughter was channelling i could see the boyfriend but i couldn't chat. i'm a he was at a lower vibration that my soul when it's what i'm not allowed to i could not lower
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my vibration enough to be able to channel as a famous person i have a comment to you oh i see them quite often yeah pop and michael jackson has popped in i would just happen when at the supine last night i was channeling this woman her dad and i go you're i forgot that he died i said to george carlin passed away and she looked me chills are you kidding me she says my dad was the you just george carlin and we saw it we saw him that was one of the last things that they did together before he died so it's crazy to go should begin but so the interesting thing is is back to your brother so you understand that your brother does not want you to carry i use the word burden or guilt it's just any negative emotion that you feel could have should have would have only if that he would still be here gee wonder stand that or that you feel that you could have prevented something does that make sense yours or yours so your brother would like you to release any
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negative emotion because what happens is with things like this your mother unbelievable gave you the gift of knowing that she's still with you your brother giving her the gift of saying you need to release these burdens because that holds us back from healing and that's what this is about it's not about anything else who committed suicide it was only oh sure yeah well you know i will take full responsibility for the some some will say that they struggled medication never work some will say because of job situations are you tuning in. all the time by that i mean do you ever have moments where you leave your home in a plane we're not communicating well but will you just just to reach it why do theresa caputo every second of my day and that's just who i am i don't know there is always coming i always know why when you are your mind. i don't go out of my mind would argue i know that i would like i just don't pay attention to it like i
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know that they're there i just don't acknowledge it we've been so we have a ghost in the studio yeah really well i don't like to refer to their god or do we have you there was a woman and an older woman she walks around like a black robe. like oh a garment i don't know if it is like a cloak and then there is also a gentleman that tells me that he tended to this building years ago and he shows me the altar like cleaning and taking care of me. i repeat my boy in the spirit who are you. well i one who's the mother figure she stands right behind here whose mom has departed or grandmother. jennifer my concern for my mom and my grandma i'm so know that they're stepping forward acknowledging that you are not alone do you understand that. and did you move somewhere or did you move around a lot yeah so they want you to know that wherever you went their souls go with you and there's something i don't i don't know how to interpret this so you're going to
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have to i don't have a symbol for this they made me kind of feel unsettled and then i kind of felt like you know i feel like i'm in a really good place right now so do you feel that way. you know you're there isn't alone even though there was a lot of whatever going up and down like you know what i kind of i feel good it's almost like scary because i don't know what that feels like i'm used to everything being a mess and now you know what it feels good so i'm afraid because i don't know what to expect like if things were a mess and a hot mess i would know how to handle it but i don't know how to feel this good does that make sense so i know this is their way of saying to you know why stop dwelling on the past let it go you can't change what has happened you understand that yes and you need to focus on tomorrow that's the only thing that we have control over is this depression you know it's it's a lot. she's been through
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a lot of a lot and you're this amazing person you have to understand i read someone's soul i don't read someone's physical appearance of their body language because i feel i feel what you feel isn't that incredible have they told me how you finally feel that things are kind of coming together and i'm afraid of that because i don't know what you do with that so it's almost like go with it if you feel happy don't veer from your gut instinct i feel like you've learned from the past never going to make those mistakes again correct look at them as lessons learned not as bad choices or i mean it why did i do that. i think each and every one of us can do that in our lives but there's no sense into welling up because you can't change it the only thing we can do is learn from it now did you who had the brain issue or they couldn't communicate in the end my mom so she wants you to know their chain knew that you were there for her do you understand that and you need to stop going back over and saying i should have been them with our i should have realized how sick
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she was or i shouldn't have taken this job done that or went to this school function fair enough. this should help you a lot i always wonder if she's she knew she know she died of an overdose and it was accidental overdose it was really said and i wasn't around and left my sister but does not want you to feel good look how one mazing is it i wasn't told what happened yet they first went into how you're feeling now do you understand that that they in a sense are giving you permission to be you and not to feel guilty about that do you understand math and will only tell you that i'm very impressed oh thank you. one soon as soon as frank calls oh thanks so much you gotta give up my business i will the book is there's more to life than this she's the amazing to research computer oh thanks for joining us thanks to our guests have a club or a route to go follow me on twitter at kings things i'll see you next time. thank
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you laughs thank you guys how about it because she was able to put into words what i didn't even i couldn't even like i was it's all like up there but i couldn't grasp for it and she she just nailed it put it right in the way. well. science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got this huge area covered. well it. took to get.
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