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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2013 5:00am-5:31am EST

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somebody used to make an example out of him because he embarrassed hollywood ambushed by six thousand on line activist faces six years behind bars after a series of legal battles started by a us movie maker over their decline in profit. all i did tortured killed or used as human shields are two years from the syrian city of andro where rebel forces have reportedly carried out one of the most barbaric massacres since the beginning of the conflict. ukraine's multi-billion dollar agreement with russia saved from defaulting on its loans but fails to calm protesters in the capital with some opposition leaders branding the deal treason.
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or welcome to you live from our studios in moscow you're watching archie international with me and he said now why straight to our top story this hour hollywood and pirates don't always go together what started as a legal battle against copyright infringement for the co-founder of the file sharing service the pirate bay has snowballed into a tide of hacking accusations from around the world now godfrey's far from home could end up in jail for six more years as peter all over now reports. banged up abroad since he was arrested in august twenty twelve pirate bay found a ghost for its walk home vog seen the inside of jail cells in cambodia sweden and now solitary confinement in denmark is just terrible as this man there to see that he is being treated like in this way like as if he were
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a terrorist hard criminal or violent criminal or some kind acquitted on computer hacking charges by the appeals court in sweden he now has to wait and see what he'll be charged with in denmark due to the intricacies of danish law there's no way forgot for it to know how long he'll have to stay in solitary if it was you know a decision or warrant that was made by a judge i was i was able to tell him you know for two weeks and then we we can go and see the judge but now because it's a decision made by the prison service i'm not able to tell him if there is i can't give him an a deadline whatever case is brought against got fred for now he spends twenty three hours a day locked in a cell by himself and the thing that upset him most and me as well was that it wasn't and now to have his books in this even scandinavia is most notorious mass murderer anders breivik has access to reading material as he serves his sentence in
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norway for the slaying of seventy seven people those involved in online activism sometimes called hacktivism fear a witch hunt the treatment of graph. shows that the governments are scared on the fact or worse from their door which they've tried to get help to worse for everything they think which might be illegal even if they are revealing crimes support for godfrey it is coming in from all across the world the likes of julian assange the activist collective anonymous of throwing their weight behind the campaign to get better treatment for a man they claim is the. persecuted because of his online activism on twitter using the hash tag an account got for its online alias his supporters flooded the social media site some accusing the danish authorities not knowing what they're doing in the case just see somebody does something online online means birds they agree
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can't control it but they don't really seem to get what they are actually accusing him of for his family his mother is allowed an hour long visit once a week for which she has to make a thirteen hundred kilometer round trip it's immoral i would say and i don't think the danish people understand what's going on in that person's saw tom denies the accusations of illegal online activity and the longer he waits for prosecutors to put together their case the more he becomes the face of online activism peter all other r.t. germany where the swedish pirate party of home is being set up as an example to scare others away we can observe that throughout this entire ordeal starting with the raid against the pirate bay on may thirty first twenty six a number of rights violations some more egregious than others have been
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committed and it's very hard to escape the feeling that governments are seeking to make an example out of god for it's far too rogue known as on a carter just to be scare others that might challenge the status quo and be frankly please the united states which kind of disgusts me to be honest i would certainly agree that he is a victim but somebody is to make an example out of him because he embarrassed hollywood. and problems for the pirate bay began in two thousand and six as soon as the successful fire file sharing websites started to hit the pocket of the us film industry the swedish government was asked to take measures and a police raid followed which blocked the site for days now shortly after founders were tried for promoting copyright infringement and were sentenced to
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a year in prison after a final appeal was turned down smart home who was in cambodia at the time was arrested and deported to serve his time in sweden he's now been extradited once more this time denmark wants to try him in a separate investigation into the hacking of a police database with children and adults kidnapped tortured and beheaded horrifying reports of atrocities carried out by islamist rebels keep coming to r.t. from the rebel occupied town of at least eighty people were massacred there but as the army advances on the rebel held positions the number of civilian casualties could rise the city remains cut off but our crew got to speak to a few survivors who managed to escape. terror still fills the hearts of those who witnessed the militants entering the town about drugs they saw panicked disoriented people running for their lives and they ran themselves they will never forget the
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despair in the eyes of those who were forced to stay behind we have no reliable way to communicate with the people trapped inside but officials are saying the atrocities against the civilian population are continuing and people are being butchered and even burned alive and every bit of news coming out of the town is doing a new blow to those whose families are still being held by the militants and everyone working for the local authorities was to be killed regardless of their religion organon in a sion they were all taken to be killed they took everyone even those who supported neither the government nor the rebels they were all either tortured killed or used as human shields the things being done in the drawer unthinkable they're slaughtering children and throwing them out of windows and no one's doing anything about it because the syrian authorities as well as human rights organizations say they have evidence confirming that massacres have taken place and address adad latakia and many other areas which remain under the control of the armed opposition
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that the situation in syria has now deteriorated to the point that international norms of combat are no longer being observed it. is an industrial town with a lot of the us residents working both in the private sector and for government badge and sees horrifying crying as have been committed in this town houses who are set on fire with people trapped inside. the syrian army which is a position just outside the town that continues to carry out surgical strikes as part of their effort to liberate address which is now the only hope of the families waiting for news of their loved ones inside the town. r.t. . as soon as reports of that bloodshed in address started coming in r.t. contacted the various leading human rights organizations to find out what they knew of events there are many scars father paul the slayer describes their response. r t are a number of human rights organizations about what is happening there and even they
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do not know what's going on the fact is that syria is so deep in crisis that the international community is essentially unable to do anything it cannot even verify various mixed and partial reports that are coming from the war zone and this is what we see happening currently with the reports that we are receiving from both and aleppo what we are being told is that thirteen people have been killed and this is after the military launched an air strike on rebel held positions it's the third day of the army assault on the opposition's northern stronghold and according to local activists at least one hundred people have been killed including some twenty eight children now the chaos in the country has led to the rise of extremist militant groups among the rebels and it is now essentially the extremists who are leading the way now many both inside syria and the international community have been sounding the alarm bells from the beginning that this is what will happen but
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only now are others particularly in the international community starting to see what is going on in the ground even though where it is no longer insisting on assad stepping down we saw this at the recent friends of syria meeting understand of the thirteen when western supporters of the opposition say that they would want assad to remain in power because of the rising influence of the extremists including. militants among the rebel groups and this is essentially because if assad did have to leave this would lead to syria being turned into a terrorist haven. but despite the concern over who is joining the rebel forces washington is still trying to forge tries with a newly formed radical group the islamic front and its western support for the rebels and whether the militant groups want democracy bats up for debate in cross talk coming next hour. a lot of these people are fighting against assad and they might be religious but they're fighting against assad because they want
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freedom for their country and the thought is that to pay to say this is not a democratic country and he's a dictator let's not pretend the round are they interested in democracy i've mentioned this before here they're not interested in democracy at all so they're not actually very much you know actually being split it keeps the country together that's the that's what russia has been. this is all foreign country they're killing christians they're killing druze they're killing alawite it's they're killing. you know disagreeable sunni's who are they not killing is the question so i think the idea that they would form a stable government let alone a secular one is insane.
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there are thirty international coming out later this hour high tech hypocrisy boxes of the world's biggest like you companies ban together against the n.s.a. spying and many just don't believe their call is genuine. victims of an invisible enemy u.k. nuclear veterans claim compensation for their service that was recognized in many countries except their own. markets consumer of the seas and i see it with me in the country is the federal government simply saves property overnight if these governments. the united states was probably going to realize it can't just by. just throw it away this is a problem for instance belongs to the university. environmental protection agency i found this on a dump site here this is a. way. that produces of these left when i should be able to collect these
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i believe that they should be responsible for their products from cradle to grave. fatal from mexico department of mental health property of south america incorporated but also belongs to the washington metro area transit authority properties of a dentist aids page and trademark office. welcome back to watching argy international ukraine's newly struck deals with moscow may have given some risk by to the country's troubled economy but they've also further
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fueled protests in kiev as despite the issue of ukraine joining a customs union with russia that the opposition feared could be agreed on not even being touched upon during the talks or to venture capital host kate pilbeam explain what exactly the deal means for ukraine to my colleague reno joshie the end of the day it came down to a practical economic decision ukraine simply can't afford the e.u. deal at the moment and russia gave a fairly good terms its talk about that then so we've got the bond purchases which are fifteen billion in toto added to that is the gas discount as well so in combination that would equal twenty billion dollars it's just that the problem at the moment is that that form is our dwindling and that's a real problem because at the moment borrowing costs are really escalating and that's where the risk of defaulting on your debt comes in and it was thought that they accepted the e.u. deal and not be still that russia has now put on the table they may have defaulted
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in less than six months which is quite telling you asked about the e.u. deal so this unique approach we know he famously called data humiliating and said that it was a sum of six hundred ten million euro as it were offers in order to receive that money they would also have to enforce harsh spending cause also gas increases as while so is at the end of the day it was an economic decision basically i mean people. would be a bearing the brunt of it all in case the e.u. . struck would agree which could mean if you think about it lead to more protests in the future and that was a concern as well but they are still going on. people are not happy at all but i can tell you that investors are happy day that's what i can tell you the overriding fact is they're going to be getting three billion in three days now the point is the e.u. deal would have had long term benefits no one's arguing that but what we are saying
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is the ukraine economy could have defaulted in getting there now with ukraine's deals with russia have failed to placate the antigovernment protesters in kiev one of the most vocal critics of the lifeline moscow provided is the leader of the nationalist football the party who called the country's president a traitor for signing the agreement or to the likes of yours goes he takes a closer look at the rhetoric of one of the most controversial opposition leaders in ukraine. an offer of support for ukraine z. u.s. durations was not enough to persuade one of the country's opposition leaders and the activity book dropped shoulders with the german foreign minister during his surprise appearance at the protests in kiev mr westerly is openly gay and the left of your book sponsors for border has made its position on homosexuals quite clear attacking gay parades the most we want to build a country based on harmony and social justice we're being dragged into homosexual values by the western states and we will not allow that but homosexuals and people
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of different races are clearly not gently bokes biggest foes. any treaty with russia is not worth the paper it was signed oh. dear he looks forward to not make up the core of the protest movement but there are clearly it's loudest voices and it's actions as well as words and assault of the city hall and scuffles around it ten days ago they told the lennon statute he of an event described as the fall of the tyrant by the guards and reckless vandalism by many others this is a crack in the pavement where the toppled lenin monument literally lost its head and if you walk around the pedestal of what used to be the monument to the former soviet leader we can see some graffiti over here first one here says yellow card which you're next and the one at the bottom says glory to the insurgent army of the 1940's in ukraine which some in this country believe to be freedom fighters who fought for independence while many others described as nazi collaborators on top of that and no militant field commander such core belief was spotted at my done
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a man who fought as a mercenary in creation and south of said in all cases against the russians until the end of my days i will kill muscovites jews and communists. british reporter brian flynn had a first hand glance at the militarized right wing forces in ukraine and of the you were twenty twelve football championships he went undercover into their training camp these are people very serious about what they do they train physically to back it up with violence and i watched while they followed live weapons and the presence of such people among the protesting crowd seems to cause no concern among european officials walking on the same square. which is rather extraordinary isn't it to see somebody that the united states has banned from entering the country on the same platform as senator mccain to see somebody who's been by and by that i say francis mistake statements for denying the holocaust who supporters actually in the streets
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of kiev still do make anti semitic as well as anti russian. gestures and slogans it does signify that the west and politicians are quite happy to use nationalist forces when it suits them that lack of reaction is particularly bewildering given many european statements about ukraine's right wing factions in the past and the burning over ukrainian football ground for not slogans in this stance so if you create does make it into the e.u. someday it will be interesting to see how people with such different values sit at the same negotiating table. let's see reporting from key of ukraine. and at r.t. dot com for you right now putting pressure on israel scholars and researchers in the u.s. call for an academic boycott of israeli colleges pushing them to rethink their mideast policy takes more on that on line. and in the removed security barricades
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from the u.s. embassy in delhi in retaliation for what it calls the humiliation of its console in new york on line you've got more on what's driving a wedge between the two states. tech giants have paid a visit to the white house urging barack obama. to overhaul the national security agency's surveillance program bosses of the world's biggest i.t. companies including google yahoo and apple press their case right after a federal judge ruled that spying may in fact be unconstitutional former cia officer ray mcgovern thinks the move is simply a p.r. stunt. i think the internet executives are crying crocodile tears they've made a lot of money at it since sorry for you their their establishment and then a permitting the united states government to get trapdoors behind. their losing business that's the name of the game for them and so yes they'd like to have a sensible rules to make it easier for them to do business particularly overseas
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but it's long since time for them to speak out about violations of the fourth amendment. a brief look now at some global headlines the united nations as from its number of dead from two days of finding in the capital of south sudan has now reached five hundred around eight hundred people have also been reported injured with thousands seeking shelter in human camp compounds i was ruptured on monday after a failed coup led by the former deputy prime minister the country is now facing the largest crisis since its independence from sudan in twenty eleven. a demonstration of african migrants in jerusalem has ended in scuffles with police they were rallying against a new law allowing authorities to keep them in detention centers indefinitely around one hundred fifty african migrants abandon one such center and walk to jerusalem where they were joined by rights groups police and protesters back to custody after dispersing the rally. then visible terror
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that's taking its toll years later british veterans of nuclear bomb tests in the one nine hundred fifty s. attribute most of their current illnesses to the radiation they were exposed to and are asking the government for compensation u.k. authorities however have rejected their claim despite other countries recognising their service men are tests are sulia has more. jeff lydiard was seventeen when he joined the royal air force and was eventually posted to mary lincoln south australia nuclear tests were carried out there in the fifty's with some publicity but minor trials reportedly continued in secrecy until the my nine hundred sixty s. run through i mean. we knew every a for every fortnight aircraft flew in with a nuclear flask. which we unloaded onto a lorry and it was taken away by the scientists who did what they were doing with
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what he termed fifty illnesses he believes were caused by his exposure to radiation that malinga started manifesting i started off with i had tb i then started having degeneration of my spine my daughter. pancreatic condition which can only be of trace back to genetic source so i have the question in my mind. many was it because i was there and many others are asking the same questions even before world war two radiation was a hazard. measuring it in a meaningful way very very difficult indeed nevertheless there is undoubtedly i think tradition among the british authorities not to own up to any responsibility these people were experimented on quite honestly i was disgraceful how those soldiers were created and they've long been asking the government for recognition
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and compensation their service is part of history of war your lies future generations will not forget but for those who have actually served the forgetting is not an option especially for those who feel that of the social they made decades ago may have cast a shadow on their lives and those of their loved ones if you look out of the country's nuclear bunker is a treaty that veterans and compensate them and recognize them and we stand right at the bottom of the table that is wrong france the united states and even the tiny aisle of men have already done so but the ministry of defense maintains that while there is a quote huge debt of gratitude owed to the veterans the government rejects any link between veterans health problems and their military service citing a two thousand and ten health needs audit overall the range and severity of problems reported was typical of older people in the u.k. in general any veteran who believes they have suffered ill health service has the
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right to apply for a no fault compensation jeff knows the clock is ticking and while he's hopeful he has no illusions about how difficult the fight will be at the very least what he wants is this and so he found we need cost money money to say thank you we're like goes. we don't exist does or sylvia r.t. london. and i've had on our team international we look at the achievements of gone on the economy and whether it's really brought change to the people there if you're in the u.k. though it's going underground with. syria in collapse western backed rebels have either been routed or on the run saudi supported jihad it's now prevailed in rebel held territory civilian population steroids meanwhile assad remains in power with this military intact what's next for
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sigrid laboratory jim mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about
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humans in the world this is why you should care watch only on the dot com. lazy i'm going to throw all the jobs so that i could money to buy seeds. dies or to manage the money i have received and i spend it for books. be open and school uniforms my kids need for school sick i'm going to be. so i have no money left to seat on the day no matter how cheap i might be. demoted you know too much money to. come. to a community has a borehole that isn't easily accessible by all. the damn dries out during the
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dry season and there isn't enough water for the animals. tim. doesn't do anything about our situation when that's done and i mean i could have provided the commanders say with enough water. no i mean they refuse to do anything like that for us a lot of money almost every government comes in so we have. a what's in our courts and by that to get. funded that. need to support most in most cases deal who can lead to big. bum why did you file for me if i was. if. you.
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let her down my. list. this is now what this device was this in existence were somehow we have missed the let's listen to the media to leave after i mean that was then it's a democrat this is how i look of course this. week. almost everyone money but. this is this it was well it did come to light it's a double that is that is because you would markets.


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