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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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anytime you want to. on larry king the academy award winner anjelica used in on her famous roots i wanted to be an actress but i didn't necessarily want to work for him as a director i wanted to work for practically anyone else put be turned to penelope and that beautiful voice that will appease said you're never going to be the same person again now you're penelope cruz oscar. and that's what it heads it's like being reborn and in some way plus with woody you know he comes up to you and you're expecting some huge piece of directorial advice and he'll say he'll be out of here by four thirty. so all next on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king our special guest the delightful talented angelica used in me academy award winning actress emmy winning director and now both of you no doubt should get awards for that to let the national book award and so many memorable roles in the rotunda bombs and preaches honor and the adams family to them just a few and i love this smash your book is a story lately told coming of age in ireland london and new york the first of angelica's two part memoirs the second book called watch will be will be published in two thousand and fourteen why two books i mean should just do it all at once well i did actually all at once i came up with about nine hundred pages and i think just the sheer force of. having so much material cause my publisher nandigram to say i think it's
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a better idea if we do two books it's been since you were reviewed it's. it is it is hard to let it all out actually for me it was just the opposite i. was trepidations that first time i was a bit worried and then i thought well i'm just going to write without censorship i'm not going to. i'm not going to hold myself to any rules i was going to write it was at times painful if i was writing about painful things but i think it's so much better that if you feel. that pain than you don't feel when you're when you're writing the decision to rewrite it how did that come about. well i guess i've been in the movie business now for over forty years and there's only so much people know about me what's funny is that i've done a lot of junkets i've talked about myself
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a lot of talk about my roles but i think people don't really know a tremendous amount about my life before i came to hollywood. you lost your mother young william yes you were seventeen yes what effect did that. well i never got over it i never go on a trip without thinking it's possible that i might not come back i never get into a car without thinking of the possibilities of what can happen your father lived to an old age where i do not. know not that old eighty two but but not i don't consider that old anymore not what i'm looking at you know walter died in his sixty's actually of a hard enduro some which my father also had to have a big heart operation or do i didn't know him at all he died a year before i was born but i got to know him through the movies and i think you
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do the baby that's right not for other juries gag me that's right i thought he was the little old prospector and treasure of sierra madre and then i saw dodsworth and he was something else entirely so then i realized of course my grandpa was an actor father did a few movies to write my father did just a few yes what do you think he'd like this book. i hope so it's a little hard to tell since he was unusual and. had his own opinions and i'm sure there'd be things. that he would be interested in the book and other things probably they're not like. maybe i don't know it's a little bit hard i think actually knowing my father he was very much like my brother tony and his judgments and tommy felt that the book was fair and i think my father would have probably had the same instinct so the said symbols already
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written it is for the most part this book teaches to what age. to about twenty two before you begin acting you know i'd i'd already done a movie with my father when i was seventeen. which was an interesting experience not a very good experience well i i wanted to be an actress but i didn't necessarily want to work for him as a director i wanted to work for practically anyone else. because i was rebellious and. bit of an obstinate teenager and i there was also a school search going on by franco zeffirelli for juliet for romeo and juliet and i had been called back a couple of times and i really wanted to do that but my dad had other ideas and so i made this movie with him a walk with love and death and in vienna and it was
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a it was a difficult experience i was very badly reviewed we were both very badly reviewed he was accused of nepotism and. i was accused of being on the tractor and. francis couple of i did father of three yeah when he testifies daughter right that's right and so pathetic was a fear because she took the breath to was there was there a sense in the book of clearing up things. i want you to know this you know time thing. to a degree i don't have any bone to chew with either of my parents i am very lucky in that i i was on great terms with both of them before they left the planet and i think that's terribly important. i there's nobody really that i want to point a finger at. or say you didn't understand me you should have understood me better
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came up with the great title it's from a poem an irish palm about magpies magpies or black and white birds that often did go to the potato fields to pick worms they're kind of like crows black and white and and the poem goes one for sorrow two for joy three for a wedding four for a boy five for silver six for gold seven for a stole story lately told so you know when you're in the car driving along those irish roads spotting magpies. ireland was a phenomenal place to grow up green and. under-populated if you can imagine when you left. a leavened to go to school in england and then but i didn't really leave ireland i never really left ireland and ireland still in my heart you were faced with the reality of and right
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willingly about this of the infidelity of your parents both of them yes i did you deal with that your father love your mother had over their children right they were just lover a lover they both had lovers. and. i think at the time when i first discovered. that fact it was disturbing to me but discovered about first a my father. my. keith he had a little box and his bathroom and my brothers showed me some photographs that were in the little box and. i was face shocked yes i was very shocked him and but at the same time my father's girlfriends were always wonderful and beautiful and let me try on their makeup and wear their stockings and their high heels so i like them very much about your mother's boyfriend. i like my
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mother's boyfriends less because they didn't have stuck. with me. how did you deal with this your whole about. nine or ten young yeah. but actually i mean i say i like them last my mother's my mother's lovers but they were there everyone was nice to me you know your own pub more religious than an older partner you wrote about him bob richardson was in his forties when i first met him and i had had barely hit my twenty's. he was an extremely gifted photographer a very sensitive very. very moving person and she is. he he had he had been suicidal in his life he'd
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also been a patient of dr max jacobson who was known for putting famous people on a cocktail of drugs to feel good dr feel good and a lot of people were kind of victimized by this dr bob included. and but apart from that bob had some some serious emotional and mental problem members that have something on you so martin you know it did yes and i was unprepared for it i didn't i had no idea about mental illness i didn't know about. being bipolar or schizophrenia or any number of he was all the above he was all of the above i would imagine we'll learn more about jack nicholson in book two i have a batch of it's not new well i don't know that there's there's much about check
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that people don't know maybe ninety four and of you jack is just one thing on him he called me before my last week on c.n.n. and i can't ever do but you know my only i really love to do a show i watch all the time but if i did the show i have to do everybody else and i don't want to do everybody else why what is he referring from the spotlight. i think it's not that he refrains from the spotlight he refrains from television and he's never done television. and that's been a personal choice the only time you'll see jack on television is at the laker game other than that he's a film actor and he's always been very he's always in the here to that. and i think maybe it's part of his mythology is dick
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not just stick but i think it's a conscious choice i don't think he wants to be in your living room apart from. if he's at the at the laker game i don't know that he wants to be that friendly guy that you feel so you know. close to him on television what was it like i magine will see a lot of. this step ahead of tuesday's going to be a major bust so i only. get the name of. it. in my all time favorite movies but thank you it was thrilling and chilling and completely intimidating and. you know you see people year after year with that oscar in their hand at every at every oscar ceremony and you think what is it about this you know we
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watch this performance year after year what is it about this moment and it's because it's never happened to that person before. and. i can only say that it's you know you kind of entering delirium i remember when penelope cruz got her oscar and goldberg and tilda swinton and. oh there were a few of us on stage goldie hawn anyway we took her off backstage and we were walking down this car door and there are all of these photographs on the. side of past winners and put be turned to be in that beautiful voice of war peace and said you're never going to be the same person again now you're penelope cruz osco.
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and that's what it is it's it's like being reborn i'm someone who would not have the ridiculous thing is who announced your name. richard dreyfus and martha. marshall mason when they were very tiny i remember there were you know there was a stage. it took forever to get up there was like waiting for water it was great i guess is the great and josie used to maybe she would pass it from the story would be to do with. technology innovation all the developments around. covered.
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wealthy british. writers. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two counties a report. on the new. policy just like people.
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like to have you with us here on our team today i roll researcher. the book is a story lately told me guess is angelica use and how did lauren bacall help well lara bacall was there when when my father received the news that i was alive he was in the belgian congo and uganda making the african queen and i was just born in the sea there's lebanon hospital and right exactly and the news of my birth was cable to the township of tired but
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and barefoot runner took off and. ran for three days through the jungle till he got to the location of the african queen where my father was directing katherine hepburn. and humphrey bogart lauren bacall was there she'd been cooking for the crew and. and dad received the telegram from the barefoot runner and and read it and put it in his pocket and katie have said for god's sakes john what does it say and he said it's a girl her name isn't jellicoe so that's sort of how it all started as a great girl yeah she is very she's a dear friend and. a story lately told ok this is the prologue all. there was a shrine in my mother's bedroom when i was growing up the built in wardrobe had a mare on the interior of both doors and
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a bureau inside higher than i was with no rave persian bottles and small objects on the surface in the war and a wall of burlap stretched above it pinned to the burlap was a collage of things she'd collected pictures that she'd torn out of magazines poems pomander balls of fox's tail tied with a red ribbon brooch i bought her from woolworths that spelled mother and malakai a photograph of on mckenna saint joan standing between the glass doors i loved to look at her possessions mirrors reflecting me into infinity i was a lonely child my brother tony and i were never very close neither is children nor as adults but i was tightly bound to him we were forced to be together because we were on our own really although i knew he loved me i always felt the tony had it in for me a bed and that a year older than i he was always having to fight for what he had. we were in the
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middle of the irish countryside in county call way in the west of ireland and we didn't see many other kids we were tutored and my life was mostly fantasy wishing that i were catholic so that i could have a holy communion and wearing my mother's tutus on the front lawn hoping a husband would come along so that i might marry him i also spent quite a lot of time in front of the bathroom mirror nearby there was a stack of books my favorites with the death of men electing and the cartoons of charles adams i would pretend to be morticia addams i was drawn to her i used to pull my eyes back and see how i'd look with slanted eye lids i liked saffir lauren a lot i'd seen pictures of her and she was my ideal of female beauty at the time if you think you and the adams family can. know that. you wrote by hand with pencil i did guess what the paper made sharp master number
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two did you like writing i love writing and i was sure you have been well i've written all my life and i've i've written prologue forwards for people for other people's books but something about sitting down and writing about the things that. that you know that have affected you it's a wonderful thing it's a really lovely practice and i find that i walk my dogs the morning come home have breakfast start writing and a basically go on until five thirty six o'clock in the evening without looking up or you think of his age of texting. i think it's great and i think it's great that people are doing it on their machines rather than on paper and killing all those trees with nonsense you like the sense of i love to write but i think there is room for all of it and i think. you know what i think there's a lot of of course mindless useless texting but there's always been
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a lot of kind of. car. i don't know my own swords your key to aging gracefully. smiling trying to retain your sense of humor i think smiling the world for me. i think we have to try. the uni do you like acting right away like i've always loved acting i don't i'm not so crazy about learning lines but i really like acting was it hard to noons no it's not hard to learn lines it's just boring. and sort of tedious and that's. that's the one thing about acting i'm not so crazy about but other than that i love it off did you enjoy a good television experience to a degree this show i love that i like the show very much particularly the first year when theresa rebeck was was the creator show runner i think it had
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a really nice narrative and i enjoyed i enjoyed the show when we all had a back story and some great talent that's right well under full wonderful we have some social media questions young milou via twitter wants to know what is it like to work with woody allen and if the two you are friends. it was great working with woody allen i really enjoyed it i've done it twice. i would say that when we see each other we're friendly we don't really keep in touch he's not the most open . no i think he's he's quite introverted although he was very friendly towards me and with woody you know he comes up to you when you're expecting some shoots piece of directorial advice and he'll say you'll be out of here by four thirty. four games. where an instagram you
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have any memories from shooting that which is in the u.k. loved shooting which is a prosthetics were a bit of a drawback but. i loved working with nick rogue and. i would say for sort of full blooded fun on screen i have the time of my life in that movie darling on facebook wants to know what it's like being the third generation to win an oscar. it feels great just great and i'm looking forward to the fourth generation of houston's to win an oscar my my nephew jack is a beautiful actor and. i'm very. young tony's and he's been doing boardwalk empire and he also has been he's actually on stage in london now doing strangers on a train so he's he's got the stuff pamela's facebook you are the best
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morticia addams in the world how do you prepare for that well i just read read to you how i prepared i've been in love with that part since i was five years old. look back then levy and what's the most challenging role you've played. well i would say the grifters. scene you had met here was the man. oh the actor oh. pat hangal oh yeah he has. a great head of course john cusack was was phenomenal and then that banning guns of film you are it's a film the arts a great film and and i'm very proud of it and it was a really fantastic part of the time you know. let's finish the show with that we little game called if you only knew first boy you have a test joshua thomas joshua thomas was in ireland no was in england who are you.
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twelve three or did it occur at a bonfire you know they would have a tree human or a marsh you know what happened to him you know was the best advice you ever got. my dad. my dad said remember you can always put your hands in your pockets and walk away that's good advice great advice. things that keep you up at night worries we worry about most. the people i love and miami. and then i'm over where you have everything horses dogs chickens ducks where you live pigs. i live in l.a. but i have a ranch a little far you're on a desert island what three things do you want to have with you. a really good
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library or. a really nice lover. and. and protection you have a lover no no you miss that yes dude look for it no can you explain a track or no words or maybe you have the answer attraction can you explain what that is that it has absolutely no rhyme no reason only thing you can plan for the only thing you kept could happen in twenty minutes could but you know i'm always so fascinated by men because i think it happens to them ten times a day from what i read. i'm happy if it happens once a year when you look for most sense of humor
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was your father funny yes great he was great fun great fun. great practical joker what surprised you have. my grandmother's ring if you weren't an actor or director or would to be. a guard is a gardener i think probably a gardener. i already work i work with animals that are area yeah not a veterinarian two to sorrowful i would maybe i'd be a dog walker something i don't know a very very well paid dog. did not and both to is this something no one knows about you yes and they won't. see your next january thank you self but thank you i guess that jelly he used in a story lately told is available now and what could be will be published next year
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and then you can find me on twitter with kings things i'll see you next time.
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cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. last time was a new alert innovation scripts scare me a little. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the war you and your great things that. you had regarded as a core of war zone. is the story sort of movies playing out in real life.
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hey hey i marinate this is boom bust and here are some of the stories we're tracking for you today. first up j.p. morgan is cutting yet another check to the justice department this time for the troubles of bernie made off we'll tell you all about it coming up and you also when you or i print money it's called counterfeiting on my part a direct quote though from jim versus new film money for nothing the director joins us today from our l.a. studios hopefully to discuss his a bad place later on in the show and finally it would be nice to realize shopping it was just like online shopping what if they were the same thing what one start of this trying to make out a reality raise apparently is and i will tell you.


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