tv [untitled] December 19, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EST
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the u.k. government is accused of putting pride in ideology before its people as the country refuses a helping hand from the e.u. to feed the poor and needy. abuse torture and execution syria delves deeper into sectarian violence international taking a look at washington's attempt to make friends with radical groups that have risen to power among the rebels. and the russian president gets ready to answer some of the most pressing questions from both local and foreign journalists here we bring you a preview of lot of me and you will news conference that will sum up all the political ops and downs of this year.
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it is a thursday morning here in moscow it's r t international with me. from all of us here thanks for joining us britain has ditched the e.u. has helped to feed the poor despite half a million citizens including children turning to charities this year to stave off hunger and the opposition's criticize the government for gasping with pride in ignoring the problem and this report goes to laura smith. just a stone's throw from the seat of government in westminster is something that's becoming a more and more common sight in the u.k. this building's used as a food bank handing out emergency supplies to families so poor they can't afford to eat as the cost of living rises the number of people turning to food banks increases with its funding tighter all the time but nevertheless the government has
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turned down a potential twenty two million pounds info. as for food aid why because the money comes from the european union britain we've caught by government with a very anti european ideology appears to be more keen to not want europe to get credit for something done to get money which can how fate hungry people if you are starving you need some food in your price to die and this government's refusal to cry in the carriage is literally taking food out to the merits of how great the european aid for the most deprived amounts to two and a half billion pounds but the position britain's taken means the country will receive just two point nine million and instead of using that for food aid as intended it's expected the government will spend it on helping unemployed people find work all well and good to say critics but there are people who need survival
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basics now and this money is meant for them my colleague polly boyko has been to meet one of the unlucky many. to go. i was. to somebody else to tell. andrew sick on top of diabetes he has a heart condition and emphysema is part of the benefits shake up on trees disability living allowance was taken away because the government deemed him fit to walk living on his partner's wage and then has pushed that budget over the brink of an apostate hundred months they've had to turn to their local food bank six times it's humiliating. to somebody else. to say please can you help me and need some food
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the stereotype of who goes hungry is changing rising inflation and energy prices coupled with stagnant wages means that incomes in many working households kaante even cover the essentials this is a food bank that andrew had to turn to after he told his local doctor that he couldn't afford to eat now it says here that hunger isn't just a third world problem and the figures confirm it this year between the months of april and december half a million people had to turn to food banks for emergency supplies that's almost double the figure from last year this winter the british red cross started collecting food aid to help the u.k.'s hungry for the first time since the second world war as a humanitarian organization we were more and more concerned about people suffering from food poverty with and also says that we are seeing more and more people presenting with issues around food and not enough to eat we have made cuts too deep
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too far and they are now having very very serious social consequences but at the moment things show every side of continuing to get worse not getting better in grantham we get a tour of andrew's local food bank we see volunteers delivering bags as well as clients turning up for emergency supplies when asked not to film the customers because of their distressing circumstances there is a sense that if feels like it's starting to. backed. off to war situation where there is a big defied coming in those that have. more and those that don't have much less food banks used to serve a tiny minority there's now one in every area the mainstream and for many of those struggling to make ends meet the only lifeline left is charity where surviving still fall. it's another month of.
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london and making money from those in need is a scheme adopted across the atlantic it's something that a. knows all about. workplace loans gaining popularity sonic drive and restaurants around phoenix have added a new item to their menu of workplace benefits short term high fee loans payday lending the high interest landing four thousand five thousand percent loans this is the growth area for banks they destroy the economy because of the crude pleat crash and money velocity due to the complete absence of responsible central banking i once again poor the people up there to learn that sound that is becoming popular now joe. joe. you're a slave in america you know your constitution joe you know there's live.
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actors here in about a twenty four minutes from now though you are human rights groups are sounding the alarm over a motion reports of secret prisons in syria controlled by radical islamist groups of civilians including children are said to have been tortured and executed in such facilities a most of the four so called crimes against islam is the mists in syria have been getting a foothold among the opposition ranks so overshadowing the more moderate groups and with the nation plunging deeper into turmoil washington's dealings with the rebels are only worsening the situation as guy nature can explains washington says it's willing to negotiate with the so called the islamic front in fear you know just days after the front kick the western backed supreme military council lot of their headquarters and seized their warehouses to do we can engage these on the front of
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course because they're not i think needed and you haven't you yet the islamic front includes groups that are demanding a hard line shari'a state could be a strategic mistake if the us administration. or europe or their allies would be engaging in a partnership and a partnership meaning they would be collaborating with organizations that are the hardest and have not committed to become moderates or recognize the fact that if they come to power or part of power they will recognize human rights that did not happen while washington is we evaluate whom to support in the fight against assad all qaeda linked groups have made significant gains in the north of syria where they've pushed out other rebel forces in the name of allah the gracious and merciful. when you're firing rockets it's allah who fires them with your hands these strikes are only a drop in the ocean the lines of the islamic state are fulfilling their oath from iraq to lebannon is islamist forces are better trained and better armed some of
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them got their training fighting against the u.s. in afghanistan in the one nine hundred eighty s. when the u.s. was arming the anti soviet mujahideen in those days some got their experience and their arms fighting against the u.s. in iraq much more recently washington says the islamic front that it is willing to negotiate with does not include designated terrorist groups like job but a little sore and the so-called islamic state of iraq and live on but on the ground in syria there are so many different groups that the labels could be relevant. residents of the town of adria near damascus can't name the exact rebel group that executed over eighty civilians there including children earlier this week. the u.s. has supported the syrian opposition on the premise that washington would be able to discern different shades of extremists they would figure out which ones are less extreme but even the report that there was no battle over the warehouses between the islamic front and the western backed supreme military council is one indicator
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of how blurred those lines are and how flawed is the assumption that one can distinguish with certainty between those groups in washington i'm going to our team . and while the assad forces may be united in their goal to topple the president there's very little unity within the movement itself particularly as extremist groups gain more and more power and turn on the moderates just last week the secretary commander of the entire free syrian army was executed by radicals and it's not the first such clash were inside the opposition as internal strife reaches critical. and syria has become a beacon for extremists all over the world volunteers even from the most secular countries of europe coming into five alongside the jihadists of course this raises worries among e.u. officials especially as these islamists are likely to come home at some point later all of a addresses the issue. the number of europeans heading to syria to fight in the
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country's going civil war is currently topping me you counter terrorism agenda speaking at a meeting of security officials in brussels the belgian interior minister says as many as two thousand citizens may be involved in the conflict his french counterpart saying well those numbers on the increase statement reiterate spying things by the international center for the study of radicalization there are a group based out of king's college in london they suggest that since april of this year the number of europeans going to syria to fight increased three fold the findings suggest that up to eleven thousand foreign is as many as seventy different countries may have taken part in the conflict at some point eighteen percent of those coming from western europe the majority of that eighty percent from britain and from france also
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a contingent from right here in germany in fact in the german state of the interior minister has been proposing a nationwide campaign to try and tackle radical isolationists after a study that found that jihadist recruiters were using universities to try and recruit potential fight says this is all adding to the reason why why the issue of europeans heading to syria to fight is topping. the counterterrorism agenda because the leaders of european countries don't know what will happen when these people return home and will they return home radicalized as potential homegrown terrorists . and that's the power of the radical islamists continues to rise the west admit the assad is the best candidate to prevent syria from turning into the. report saying there are clear signals to consider the full story for you online right.
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we are standing by for this at r.t. international more than a thousand journalists are getting ready to grill the russian president on policies and decisions that mark this year of law to meet putin will hold his traditional annual news conference in just about an hour or so we're bringing you the event live but for now a preview with our risk. conferences have become a tradition the president has been holding them for quite a while at the end of each year and also another thing which we've gotten used to is their extended length last year's conference was around four and a half hours long it's not expected that the president will cut journalists short this year either an hour or more on the hottest topics that we're expecting is the upcoming amnesty in russia which should affect up to twenty five thousand people ukraine with the latest developments there the association agreement with the e.u. and the alone the fifteen billion dollars loan which was given to you by moscow just recently also diplomatic breakthroughs like the one with the syrian chemical
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arms deal and the iranian nuclear program of course relations with the u.s. and many other topics since over thirteen hundred journalists have registered for the so where the vents were true we are expecting a great variety of issues to be totally on usually not all questions are serious either some of them the rules give the president an opportunity to show his human side and this conference is set to take place just a few in a few hours in moscow i'll be there as well and we bring you all the details of course throughout the day now you can watch of a lot of me and you will news conference live or dot com that's coming your way in about forty five minutes as far as it goes for this hour here on the program still loads of come here on to international i think that of the three headed ukrainian opposition we take a close look at the man at the helm of the month long protest in the in the ukrainian capital similar to the political ambitions but rather different in their agendas and methods. no flying in because of the spying brazil
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can jump in anytime you want. good laboratory was able to build a most sophisticated robot. tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care only. the media leave us so we leave that maybe. the same security. issues that no one is with the guests that. is from. politics only on our t.v. . approximately sixteen percent of imports came from illegal fishing. the
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european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. on top of that they enter our territorial waters they fish they load this fish into the ships and leave for europe. to day illegal fishing just taking the bread out of our mouths. busy street interested. strategically should try. a longer covert team of journalists trying to release wiki leaks documents about how the united states is trying. their. media more. they encounter fear ignorance and pressure.
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country blocks the way to information freedom. media stocks are today. it's r.t. international for you today thanks for joining us and the e.u. says ukraine's recent deals with russia will help to stabilize kiev's cash strapped economy and will not be an obstacle in the way to the country's potential european integration though that views not being shared by ukraine's opposition leaders who slammed the multi-billion dollar agreement and even used it to further insight protests in the capital and while there may sound in choosing on kiev's independence square there's high chance this unity will dissolve radically as soon as the rallies are over. cesky explains the story.
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he used to deliver hammer punches in the boxing ring and now he's given up his world champions belt to succeed in politics but old habits die hard but honestly school likes to use boxing language even in his politics his party's name is the ukrainian democratic alliance for reforms which abbreviates to the ward which translates as a punch. i call to victory in a courtroom battle i make you my personal opponent. hearing the status of a living sports legend in ukraine klitschko made a rapid rise in politics with his party making it into parliament last year previously known as a politician of relatively mild views he raised many eyebrows when he nearly provoked a major brawl by directing the ngo fired up protestors at security offices during a rally. ukraine cannot be controlled like one
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controls the situation in the boxing ring the chaos is too big in the country now i like klitschko but you can't use force to change ukraine. another card in the opposition pack is our senior gets a new x. foreign minister relatively young but experienced in politics he took the reins of former prime minister yulia timoshenko sparty when she was put in prison gets a new has been vocally advocating her release. in order to relieve. us of our ability. to govern living. some of the president's abilities though not everyone is buying it should tymoshenko walk free his days at the summit of the greats politics will be numbered there are even some real connection. to michelle has released with tim shanteau new shanteau that was always that changing it was always that simmering that undercurrent which frequently exploded into our right intimacy moved there between the two sides with us and yet
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there's very little prospect that that would be any debts and in fact is every goal at least when he'd be worse and last but not least i looked at a new book the leader of the nationalists were the movement gays migrants jews and particularly russians have been in his crosshairs all along he wants to surrender us ukrainians to servitude to eternal slavery under moscow. new book supports your integration for ukraine but many say his values are incompatible with the european ones the western powers think well anything will work if the if we can work with them together and elements and you radicals are ok i think it's a dangerous game i think it is basically represents interference into ukraine's affairs the european union is actually prepared to raise the stakes or cry in the european countries on the fringes and basically risking a sort of a civil war in this riding the tide of you know my down and the troika of ukraine's opposition looks like
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a solid unit but appearances can be deceptive when the storm settles and the twenty fifteen presidential election draws closer the lack of a clear opposition front runner could play into gonna call which is hands and these three men would hardly miss a chance to grab at each other's throats to be their one alexy russia ski r.t. reporting from key if in ukraine and over on our website for you right now europe gets nuked in a promote. what about. an enormous mushroom cloud pictured hovering right of eastern europe but. exactly what's behind the story. i'm curious to know perhaps one of the largest shareholders of bitcoin you might be surprised it's none other than the. details of. the first strike. and i think.
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it's all too international the kaiser of. brazil has snob with the american plane making giant boeing after years of negotiations over the supply of fighter jets now it's believed the news of washington spying on the country's president ruined a multi-billion dollar contract for the chicago based company those billions will now go to sweden's saab and one current affairs editor says american companies are losing competitiveness simply because of the n.s.a. spying. once this these revelations came to the floor they damage the reputations of american companies the fact that the n.s.a.
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has been pushing back doors and to date is that the data systems of a lot of american firms means that those american firms can't be trusted either by domestic customers or certainly by overseas customers companies are going to continue to lean on the government to push back because they're losing customers they're losing money losing the companies based overseas and that's why one of the recommendations that they're supposed to hit the president's desk is that the n.s.a. stopped doing this stop pushing the compromise. systems because they're damaging american competitiveness by doing so. let's get some of the global headlines for you a brief here on the program to egypt we go the ousted president mohamed morsi is now facing charges of treason espionage and sponsoring terrorism his already ongoing trial for inciting violence officials allege morsy collaborated with iran and militant groups including hezbollah to destabilize the country following july's coups if convicted he faces the death penalty and new charges have been brought
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despite almost daily protests by morsy supporters that often result in by. thousands of rounds in rome to voice their discontent with the country's economic policies people also called for parliamentary reforms and demanded the government steps down italy has witnessed a spate of protests over the weekend some of them having ended in scuffles with police. israeli troops are shot dead a palestinian man during a counter terrorism operation in the refugee camp in the west bank israeli army opened fire off the being attacked by crowds throwing explosive devices at soldiers another palestinian reportedly a member of the security forces was shot dead by i.d.f. troops who had been trying to arrest him over the suspected shooting of an israeli soldier. all right well thank you for joining us here on the program as the rich get richer and the poor continue to get pummeled might there be
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a robin hood to the rescue at some point perhaps is max keiser. the parliament of yemen has put forward a motion to ban drone attacks in the country the motion is now waiting approval by the president and it's probably impossible to enforce unless they could build a really big net or something is a bit strange that now after years of drone strikes in their country the parliament just wakes up to the fact their systems are getting blown up from the sky that we fear yemen doesn't have a ton of cash and i could see how having the well equipped and funded u.s. military to take care of the al qaeda problem for them for free could be really in tyson i mean it must be scary to be a politician with lots of power hungry terrorists about this would be the first time in history that a stronger foreign power for a weaker states battles for them but the problem is that according to the
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huffington post a former u.s. state department official in yemen says that every year drone attacks create eight from forty to sixty new terrorists why they create terrorists because according to the human rights watch seventy percent of the people killed by drones in yemen are civilians you know if the yemeni government is really free from washington's grasp and really wants to deal with their al qaeda problem they'll have better luck doing it themselves or the good old rifles and bayonets pointed at the right targets but that's just my opinion. i wonder if we can add democracy at least expansionist democracy of the kind of styles by george w. bush to that at least a few tolkien ideologies on par with communism on par with nazis along party with. interim agents you know the ideologies that can. mcgrew to an increase in violence i think the problem is the idea that by military force you to take a government create
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a state of anarchy and hope that democracy would spontaneously blossom. welcome to the kaiser report i max kaiser you know this week it was reported that factory farm towns are being said the mess from the bottom of chicken cages a combination of feces feathers and on the chicken feet which includes antibiotics heavy metals disease causing bacteria and even bits of dead rodents i know if you're thinking you're thinking that sounds a whole lot like the federal reserve banking tree farm citizen consumers fed cheap credit laced with the feces feathers and dead rodents and chicken feed of
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a hundred years of old toxic debts of money printing pushed by financial disease causing banks to bacteria and both feeding the systems result of disease on healthy consumers stacie a gruesome story that isn't really thriving and these factory farms citizen consumers are in our first have imax kids living in basements dragon us services spending economy consumer spending on services everything from ransom water bills to health care and haircuts as a laggard as the economy as a cover from the worst recession since the great depression such expenditures adjusted for inflation have risen six point three percent since mid two thousand and nine compared with a thirty four percent surge and outlays on durable goods such as automobiles and appliances according to data from the commerce department and washington imax the culprit is the millennial living in mom's basement slouching toward the robot's row . living back in the basement. camping out on
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a ping pong table. drinking tang. and you know open for the best get the worst an educated unbanked unloved or kids there's no drag on the economy because you're not out there spending. an appendage the they're the society's appendix they need to be appendectomy yes well as they said people are spending and durable goods like refrigerators and washing machines but they're not spending on services because you don't need to internet connections you just have one for the home of these there is no new household formation and in fact they say outlays have been held back by a slowdown in new household formation and meager wage growth as young adults stay home with their parents rather than forging out on their own spending on utilities and amenities such as cable television has languished durable goods. like freezers you know serial killers they chop up.
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