tv [untitled] December 19, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm EST
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welcome your take my take a lot of our phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment or ask a question live on the air give us a call at two and two nine zero four twenty one thirty four outside the united states at one for the number for international viewers and. in adrian minnesota thanks for calling what's up. yeah tom i just watched your interview with the guy from the k.k.k. and i and i've seen you interview you know people who are climate change deniers people who are you know trickle down economics supporters and i'm a liberal progressive i support every position you take but my problem and i'm having a hard time trying to wrap my head around this is just where do you think debates like this will take society given the fact that we're in such a period of people in this society yourself wrote this book scratch twenty sixteen knowing that such
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a period of upheaval is always coming you know i remember from when i was in college re you know reading transcripts of the lincoln douglas debates there were fascinated bates but they didn't stop the united states from plunging into a bloody civil war what what is it that drives you to debate where do you see what place you think that the baiting these people has and improving our society knowing that you're not going to change the people you're debating you're not going to change people you actually let me try to answer a question thank you for the call. a sometimes i actually do changed things but i think that you know it's interesting when when richard was first booked on the show there were some people on the staff our staff were like oh my god the coins come in and i'm like you know these guys are poses it's it's like this is not something to be afraid of it's like all those conservatives coming out and you know it's a. here's here's the here's the deal if we don't give . what's the old phrase you know give give give a guy enough rope although it's
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a horrible metaphor to use in the context of the klan but if if we don't show. the conservatives or the klan or whatever the climate change deniers agree another great example. if we don't show them for the. before one is not the right word because it's too charged. for how weak they are. then they just gather strength and i think that your concern about you know wait gee where is this country going to go and that sort of thing is what is what happens when you don't see how weak somebody else's arguments are when those conversations don't happen when people are separated so i think that it's really important to be able to understand for people to understand where other people are coming from even the crazy people where they're coming from jeff in wichita kansas
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a joke what's up. you go on its own you might. want to turn figure out why you have a good. american crew were. in the same question in that document there was the this is this is the point and jeff thank you very much for that and that goes back to the to the earlier caller which is is this the best you've got really i mean and so you know i think it's. i'm starting to get redundant here but i think it's fascinating that. it's birth or is it it's it's and what this does is it demonstrates the you know the the amount of space between the klan and donald trump . and the others who are saying oh you know he's got proof that it's spread there on done one bank's website you know we've got proof that obama was actually
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a citizen of indonesia you know it's all about you know this this tells me and i hope it tells you. the nature of these arguments these arguments are essentially racist they're fearful these are you know fear based arguments and the way how do you evaporate that you evaporated by exposing dana in new britain connecticut hey dan what's on your mind. yeah this is. going to get broadcast because i come i just want to stay quickly i agree with a lot of your position against the war against iraq and serve it and you know just a push for going to war with iran and all that kind of stuff but i think the big problem here and the problem with the f.b.i. that you get interviewed when we speak about white privilege and it's kind of thing we never how come it never mentioned that a huge percentage of the money is in the power of a small the elite and you know they are they go by what you want to call them you
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if you're part of that you. you know thank you for the call but you know. it's like . the klan calling back it's like yeah i get it sue in cody wyoming a suicidal. right and we get a lot of information about it that are going on but what about that. happened to remove anybody in government not just the president but some of the work in a cabinet or on capitol hill from a foreign country or you know has known brotherhood muslim guy or or anybody that had agendas you know being there from an addict not being there is a mechanism for that if in the case of the president it's impeachment and. case of anybody who works for the president it would be prosecution and. sue are you concerned that there are furriners in our government. i know there's
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a lot of. it here it might win by the brotherhood high and there are good people working you know in these so there's a lot of talk where are you going or where of you heard the story you said there's a lot of talk about muslim brotherhood in the obama administration where if you heard. on the. article that they bring in from the bully than other people. back to back to glenn beck's web site interesting sue thank you for the call i. this is why i think it's important to have this conversation. and to to confront it head on and say you know this is out there there are people out there who are making a living and a good living promoting fear of other people based on their race. there are people out there who are making a living and a good living promoting the idea that the first black man in the white house
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a house that was originally built was slave labor but that's where most of the buildings here in washington d.c. is somehow illegitimate or exotic. i mean it's it's important to see how. just exactly what that what's what's what's the real face of racism and you know there's there's a powerful dangerous phase but there's also a weekend. kind of sad sack face to. denison schomberg illinois schomberg by the way the town where the nazis wanted to march in the and the a.c.l.u. stood up for their right to do so back in the sixty's hey dennis you old up remember that. you are what you go. i'm sorry. sure that was in skokie l. and i was a skokie i thought it was schoenberg a the maybe not in skokie ok i'm sorry mix and match them lights out well i i don't
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want to detract to track you too much for the subject which is very important subject but today i am so glad i had a chance to talk to you because you've been such an advocate for promoting a consciousness on climate change i tried to get ahold of my tammy duckworth who's a you will you let representative and he sent me a picture of a a list of concerns that that i was both the categorized as far as far as being important and you know what not a single category listed climate change really and i was appalled right and i was told to get called i called up to i called up our local office i called up d.c. i wrote a letter to her and then i had a chance to talk to mike they represented by to this party morally bankrupt that they can't even include that as a category as a concern which is dramatically in your face kind of statement and i'm against it honestly this was more like a survey that was put together by a staffer or an intern and it was a screw up on what kind of they responded today and on the question. they took my concerns and you know i mean they have national security you know they have
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economic concerns but you know you and i know that climate change is a ball game but far as how we look out we're going to live in the future and if we don't address it if it's not even on the map and the democrats and i you know when obama made that statement which it was appalling last year about the fact we're going to go and explore oil and natural gas pedal land my mouth dropped saying you know i didn't campaign for you on those but the in that particular vision we're supposed to wean ourselves away from that so he's apparently from what i've been reading with bill mckibben it would make george bush blush as far as what we're going into with with our oil and we're going to during the obama administration we have amped up the amount of carbon that we're pulling out of the ground here in the united states in ways that now a lot of in ways that we've never seen before now a lot of it has to do with the fact that fracking has just gone. national it's gone from not existing in years ago to just you know it's the new way to to to drive to
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drag. carbon out of the ground. it's taking the foundation of our of our planet ok dennis thanks really by i think you're i think you're right and climate change is a major issue and we need to be talking about it more sir in charleston south carolina hey sarah what's on your mind hello hi how are you implying. hi i want to tell you that i really enjoy your show and i want you to keep up those and to do what the guy was saying that is no need for you to do it i think you should continue because you just escalate a seat in the in the season grow somewhere else so good job on doing that. the thing that i wanted to talk to was about the k.k.k. guy. i don't have a problem the way why people are being separated because self-preservation is something that can be good if you want to say why they why that's not a problem but the thing that i have with him is is a lot of he's talking about the immigrants right well to as
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a black person the same thing was done to us when they brought all of these europeans here to take our jobs so far so now that they have mexicans here taking the y. people jobs i have a problem and that's grass be a problem in that yeah it's so funny how people are it's not funny it's interesting how if you just change the frame of reference i mean look at a front through the eyes of native americans. like you know we're all set on that. and so you it's something else but i just want to say i really enjoy your show and keep up with the work thank you sir thank you it's very kind of you. or was that i was. ok and yeah. ok we just have thirty seconds left so i'm just going to. wrap by pointing out that i want i'd like to get your thoughts back on national
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security actually the very first guest that we had. when everybody in a society has committed a crime. and the government selectively enforce its laws against things decides who to prosecute who not to that's the definition of a police state and the mechanism for enforcement of a police state is knowing everything that everybody does so even a small crime can become something that can be turned something very larger than even a literally a trafficker so be thinking about any of that's it for your take my take live thanks for all your calls we didn't get to your call tonight tris back next week. coming up there's a cult in washington d.c. as leaders are forcing americans to drink potentially deadly policy kool-aid more on that into that steely take.
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thursday let's get geeky on global warming and evolution you know stuff we had a guest today or so ago we said isn't happening never did have a fixed super storms to raging wildfires we've all seen first hand the devastating effects that climate change and global warming are having on the environment and on human life they're having more of facts that are hard to see but equally as important startling according to a new research paper a species of caterpillar is having to evolve at a much faster rate because of climate change and the warmer weather over the past forty years normally caterpillar to caterpillars eat and coal and grow or at least
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the species in. cold temperatures but thanks to the warmer temperatures this particular species is had to adjust their eating schedules and their genetic makeup to be able to eat and grow in warmer temperatures the new research reveals that the specific species studied caterpillars study the cold the us has evolved to expand the range of its ideal feeding temperatures so that it can eat at higher temperatures but while caterpillars might be adjusting well the climate change the same cannot be said for caribou species of reindeer that's because climate change and global warming are threatening their natural habitats it's part of a new study on the evolution of caribou researchers at the university of calgary pointed out the caribou need undisturbed like in rich environments to survive but as temperature warms those types of habitats are becoming few and far between cases the caterpillars and the caribou highlight the fact that some animals are able to adjust to new settings and evolve faster than others more specifically larger and
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more complex animals like caribou and even humans have a hard time evolving adapting than smaller and simpler species like caterpillars and as climate change hastens on the planet continues to warm more and more species including humans will be forced to either evolve or to live in the new environment or face the consequences but it doesn't have to get to that point. there's still time to take the actions necessary to save our planet from the greatest threat it's ever faced or at least our species is that it's a phased planet will get along fine without us let's protect the future of the caterpillars the caribou and humans. just. the. it's the good the bad in the very very sick way should ugly the good solar city the
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california based company recently announced a plan to provide free green energy for poor students and eighty bolli malawi and nepal every residential megawatt solar city installs in two thousand and fourteen it will donate a full solar power system to a school that doesn't have electricity solar city believes that it's going to install between four hundred seventy five five hundred twenty five residential megawatts next year and means it'll set up over five hundred schools in some of the world's poorest countries with access now to totally renewable energy too bad the republicans in congress make it almost impossible for our government to do it solar city is doing but in the meantime a company should be commended for working towards a renewable future bad phil perry according to a new report in political magazine perry a hot shot d.c. lawyer who just happens to be does going to lose cheney is registered to vote in both wyoming and virginia despite signing a document wyoming certifying that he is only registered in that state all the
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periods said he will take his name off the genius voter rolls report is sure to cause trouble for his wife who is running for senate in wyoming against incumbent senator mike enzi well that's nice the real story here is that republicans finally have proof of voter fraud is real and the guilty person is one of their own a federal or a fellow republican. savior this one for one. and the. very ugly bryan fischer phil robertson the star of a nice hit reality show duck dynasty was suspended today in the wake of almost phobic comments he made in an interview with g.q. robertson told reporters that he thought homosexuals sex was unnatural and not once or are obvious and has been rightly criticized for his comments not everyone thinks he's such a bad guy and fischer of the american family association let him know on twitter how he feels about robinson he said phil robertson is a new american hero he said exactly what the great majority of americans believe. whether or not a majority of americans actually do agree with robertson is beside the point what
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he said was ignorant and hateful fact that anyone could find homophobia worthy hero worship is just fear for. republicans or drink in the cool i mean almost literally on wednesday political publish an article in which john podesta bill clinton's former chief of staff and current new advisor to president obama said that republicans are quote a cult worthy of jonestown in charge of one of the houses of congress and quote those comments caused outrage with republicans in washington and in the interest of
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political correctness and civility put us to apologize to speaker of the house john boehner. but apology aside for this he was right the republican party is a cult worthy of jim jones. and to take it from the funny to the serious and this really is serious. all across america. republican party is actually killing off its followers. in ways different than jim jones did but really people are dying for reasons that typically have to do with god gays or guns low income people across america frequently vote republican thus becoming republican cult followers. and then just like they were followers of jonestown. they let their leaders of the republican party pass out policy kool-aid. that actually kills people and it's killing some of them some of these republican cult followers
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for example right now in twenty three states led by mostly republican lawmakers these twenty three states are refusing to expand medicaid under obamacare even though it's free free money for the first three years ninety nine percent forever after as a result of this literally millions of low income americans in these states won't have access to lifesaving health care or medication. it's going to cause deaths as millions of americans include the followers of the g.o.p. and these are red states. include the followers of the republican party who helped give the republicans control the house of representatives. meanwhile as republicans are taking away health care from their followers they're also taking away their food last month thanks to republican opposition congress failed to extend food stamp benefits to more than forty seven million americans and given most of the poverty america in the red states the republican states for
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a family of four receiving food stamp benefits means twenty one fewer meals a month two point three million children in california texas alone lost access to food because of republican backed cuts. so the republican party is killing off its followers by denying them health care and food. but it doesn't stop there for followers of the republican party who are lucky enough to still have access to food . that food might be contaminated very often is contaminated with diseases parasites are less savory things you know chemicals and stuff because republicans don't want to know where our food comes from or what. they oppose g.m.o. labeling they oppose country of origin labeling. all of which would. help us figure out what food is safe and what isn't and since republicans hate regulations they've cut funding to the food inspection programs that keep us safe from contaminated and sometimes deadly i mean literally thousands of people
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a year in america die from eating contaminated foods publicans or cutting the cutting inspections take shrimp for instance eighty five percent of the shrimp that americans consume is imported much of it is never inspected as childress is richardson points over at alter net that means that shrimp is making it into the marketplace that is all too often riddled with salmonella covered with antibiotics or pesticides or contaminated with neuro toxin it's. not that much different from jim jones cyanide laced kool aid is that. for a problem it's really republicans are also killing off their followers by taking away their homes and jobs and condemning them to lives of poverty and despair they support corporations that layoff millions of american workers every year and then ship their jobs overseas to the lowest bidder when those millions of americans get laid off because he refused to help them survive yesterday the senate passed the bipartisan budget deal but noticeably missing from the deal was the extension of
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unemployment benefits for one point three million americans benefits that are set to expire at the end of the month unemployment benefits were left out of the deal because republicans think unemployment insurance makes americans dependent and causes them to stop looking for work. i do support unemployment benefits for the twenty six weeks that they're paid for if you extend it beyond that you do a disservice to these workers there was a study that came out a few months ago and it said if you have a worker the. spin on employed for four weeks and on unemployment insurance and one that's on ninety nine weeks which would you hire every employer nearly one hundred percent said they will always hire the person who's been out of work for weeks when you republicans think that americans will magically find jobs if they aren't receiving unemployment insurance but what really will happen when one point three million americans lose their job lose their unemployment rolls accident right after christmas is that those americans are going to fall deeper and deeper into poverty unable to afford the most basic things needed to survive like food and shelter for those followers of the republican party who are lucky enough not to lose their
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health care their homes their food in their jobs and they still be likely killed by the party's refusal to combat climate change despite overwhelming evidence the climate change is very real manmade and that it could be devastating for the human race over the short term it is killing people republicans continue to argue that climate change is just a big joke spread around by crazy liberal scientists but look at their content to let their followers die climate change fuel massive super storms and epic wildfires finally republicans are killing off their followers by sending them off to fight unnecessary and illegal wars. my fellow citizens at this hour american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger on my orders coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war. these are opening stages of what
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will be a broad and concerted campaign. as of last month there have been forty four hundred eighty nine american military deaths just in iraq says george w. bush's war hawk cronies lied america into a war in march of two thousand and three call an entire political party a cult and out of in the best move politically john podesta is common some political were entirely accurate from taking away health care and food to failing to fight climate change or give unemployment and unemployed americans assistance republicans are effectively killing off the very people who have helped put them in positions of power if that doesn't scream called i don't know what that is and that's the way it is tonight thursday december nineteenth two thousand and thirteen and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your.
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there's a media leave us so we leave the media. by the sea motions to. play your part of the musical. shoes that no one is asking with the guests they deserve answers from. politics. look it was terrible a problem very hard to make a problem to get along here a lot of that has that played into. place let's play a.
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coming up on archie a white house appointed panel has released its report on the n.s.a. r.t. is sifting through the nitty gritty details of the panel's recommendations will give us a listen to it and that is it enough to protect your privacy and some answers ahead amnesty international has released a new report on atrocities in syria detailing inhumane acts by johannes roups like torture and murder for the crisis in syria coming up could jamie dimon end up behind bars years after the financial meltdown of one report shows how the j.p. morgan chase c.e.o. violated a federal law that could carry twenty years in prison so where's the justice department will take a closer look at this story ahead.
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