tv [untitled] December 20, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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today on larry king one of hollywood's hottest new stars adam scott i'm told that this sets a lot of fun right it's really fun i mean season six and everyone is still friends and happy to be there is a feat in itself it was the biggest for rob lowe are you getting you know what else plus the whole areas mike birbiglia and i'd like to think of my shows as like a meal as opposed to like just serving people chicken wing well you do a whole bit of being opposed to marriage yes it's very funny that you seem for it seems well you'll never be back much. that's all ahead on larry king now.
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we're going to larry king our special guest adam scott the actor writer and producer known for his role as the adorable believe charming ben wyatt on n.b.c.'s parks and recreation the stars alongside ben stiller and kirsten wig in the new film the secret life a wall of beauty is set to hit theaters christmas day later in the show we'll speak with the actor and comedian mike birbiglia this is a wild concept the walter mitty concept and you play i play ted hendricks who's. walter mitty his new boss walter works at life magazine. he's fired me well he his job is becoming irrelevant because they're shutting down the magazine and turning it into a website much as they did in real life. a few years back. and so i'm part of this new regime coming in shutting it down and getting the magazine ready for their final issue or a bad guy yeah a terrible terrible person not a nice person who really is
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a guy who fantasizes about being other things that being other people but in adventuresome situations where he's kind of living his life through this fantasy world that he creates for himself and over the course of the movie starts to. his reality becomes actually even more interesting and fantastical than his fantasies were at the beginning of the movie did you watch the earlier movie i did well i saw the law a long time ago and then watch it again before we start i think the original was played pure comedy wouldn't it yeah no this is not right not pure comedy although there are a lot of hilarious kind of old school bands still or moments that are really really funny do you like being a villain i do i've done it a couple of times and it's really really fun i just because i i think a holes are really funny. i love watching them in real life and then i love i love
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playing them and i like watching them in movies and stuff but mostly it is kind of find them fascinating and real life easier to play bad. that's a good one as a lot of actors prefer it i don't prefer it i enjoy it but i think it's i think it just depends on the material sometimes it's difficult but i think that it all depends on the character i don't i try not to play them as bad i try to play them as what it was as they don't think they're bad the script takes care of that they've put you in a situation where you're doing the wrong thing and you just have to play it like you're is waiting for a reasonable man for the bad person doesn't comb his hair in the morning and say that they think they're the worst in the whole thing they doing the best they. then still of directs it right out what was it like to have him in a way that where he directs and comes into the sea it was great he.
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i mean i was really inspired watching ben directed star in the movie just because this is an enormous movie an enormous task and much much like tropic thunder as previous movie was and to watch him. create this whole world because the movie really is taking place in. a bit of a hyper reality and then there's the hyper hyper reality of this year's wild things movie right. and give me the modus operandi he stands behind the camera and he says i could and does he say action and then run into the scene well it was the say yeah he usually has someone in the in the scene in the same wardrobe just standing there so he can set up the shot properly and you go through the scene a couple of times with that person and help come and go through it a couple times and then say action and and you just do it and it's amazing because he has to keep his eye on absolutely everything but the performance he ends up
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giving in walter mitty you would never guess that he was thinking about anything else because it really is. a transformative performance on. told there's a scene you have a fight on sixth avenue what is that we shot it's a it's a fantasy sequence that walter mitty has where he and i get into a big brawl and we we fall out of the i guess it's the sixtieth floor of a skyscraper land in the street and our were fighting over a stretch armstrong doll and we shot it for weeks out on sixth avenue. being polled by a truck up on wires going forty five miles an hour that's it a day in the middle of the day we're doing it on weekends so there wasn't as much traffic but there were tons of tourists around of course and it was one hundred degrees in the middle of summer. it was super fun it was an experience like you know whether i was scared out of my mind because i mean i know there's
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a stunt crew around these guys did like the bourne movies and stuff but stuff goes wrong and i was just i was just you know crossing my fingers old i mean while bad as you know unhooking himself and running down to the monitor he's not scared at all but i was touched. parks and recreation rob lowe and rashida jones are right yeah their final episode is i believe in february at some point i'm told that the set so of the fun right yeah it's really fun there's a lot of everyone's really happy to be there which is great mean season six and everyone is still friends and happy to be there is a feat in itself. as we know you know t.v. shows are you know where people get on each other's nerves especially after six years but everyone there we're all we hang out when we're not working with it's crazy who on the set of parks and recreation is the biggest prankster the biggest
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prankster would be the plaza who is the highest maintenance the highest maintenance would be. but had it out there. it's not like the party captain the party captain amy poehler. she is the who's the procrastinator me the suck up. offerman the nice guy or gal pratt is one of those chris pratt is an incredibly sweet person and. and polar is incredibly everyone so nice it's hard because everyone break each other up because there's a lot of improvisation it doesn't always make it on the show well polar as a good description of improvisation which is let's let's try one longer and less funny and we we usually do it and it's really long less funny because the writers
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are so great we're never going to get better than that but they throw bits and every once in a while who's the biggest flirt. who would be the bigger for rob lowe are you getting what do we have a good resolution you know what else oh good what is the the greatest of it and told this industry in television history is a show my wife and i created where we take opening credit sequences from the one nine hundred from television shows from the one nine hundred eighty s. and we recreate them shot for shot. we did a shot for shot recreation of the simon and simon opening credits with jon hamm and i we did heart to heart with amy poehler and i we did it is the show on adult swim which is the cartoon network at night turns into adults where that's a while network and it's more just kind of weird they're a bit well one night jon hamm and i who were friends and we were e-mailing each
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other you tube links to opening credits sequences from when we were growing up in the eighty's like magnum p.i. and the cosby show stuff like that and the last one we did for a couple of hours in the final one we sent to each other was simon and simon and we sent it at the exact same time and watched it and agreed this is the best one this one is just an epic perfect credit sequence and i just said we should we should do the shot for shot and he said yeah it's really that would be great and then i pitched it to adult swim kind of. offhandedly they wanted to do it and so often do you do the well we did. it's been a year and a half and we've done four we have one more that's going to air january twenty third which is we keep it a secret until it airs ok actually so we don't know you know with yourselves i know what you do. so that you know but i don't know i one thing on you larry and that's
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it my wife appeared in simon and so she did really you know play to the lovely girl solving a crime that's great. you know it's a terrific you know we have some social media questions for adam scott addison mitchell sits on twitter wants to know is amy poehler a good kisser of course of course at dave's gone china as how do we get larry king on parks and rec. all you have to do is show up just show and you'll be on parks and rec i guarantee you tell me where to go and i'll go. john houseman on facebook wants to know any chance of his step brothers sequel i hope so i don't know that would be that would be great k j m ten sixteen on twitter what is it like to work on on party down and why was it cancelled it was cancelled because the series finale had sixteen thousand viewers. so. what can i say that's the way it
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goes ok thank you i love that joke to what is there another movie going to be in well party down i think they. they want to make a movie or more of the sun sixteen thousand viewers what i mean what the clothes would be nice grown since then people all have got it's good kind of gained a following since it got cancelled but i don't know if it'll ever be revived or not join him but it's the rule both kind of came up together in l.a. we used to not work at all and so we would just go and drink beer and talk about how great it would be to have jobs that you have to wait it is yourself and we were no we both like made a living at it we were doing my guest spots i remember we we each did c.s.i. miami back to back and we were pretty excited to have a guest spot on c.s.i. miami. you know and then we both got on shows and it kind of changes really john by the way jon hamm is on
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a show called mad men i don't know if we'll never make it everybody should watch this show it's great we should help them out food but party down it's not about the sentence let's play a little game of you only knew what was the moment you knew you made it there was a moment i got a small part in the aviator and when i got the call bell you got that part yes i played his press agent johnny meyer i got this role and even though i had a long way to go career wise before i would actually have you know a sustaining career getting the call that i got that role and would be spending the summer in montreal with the temple yeah martin scorsese that was a big moment we're still edition. how about all of them. are the first girl you haven't kissed yeah it was what was your name lana fry well enough and where was this in santa cruz california bronze accordion junior high oh
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junior high because i was a late bloomer or if not acting what would you do i will always kind of wanted to be like a rock journalists like oh overall we're just going on our problems moment. i promised my kids i have two kids when they were born and old their seven and five when i grew. up with my kids my kids just this weekend watched three amigos two nights in a row and that made me incredibly proud. by choice. great thanks larry. they thanks to my guest adam scott check out his new film the secret life of walter mitty it is christmas day also don't forget to watch adam on parks and recreation thursdays on n.b.c. when we were turning the very funny my book big shyness stay tuned. thank you adam thank you very much.
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specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across silicon we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built i'm john mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing. are ready to join the movement and walk. with that with my birbiglia very funny comedian actor filmmaker and writer known
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for his confessional style of stand up for his latest special my girlfriend's boyfriend is available on netflix and d.v.d. right now might also has a new show called thank god for jokes and he's taking that act across the country throughout two thousand and fourteen thanks for coming your monologist that's a throwback to the age of the alan king is in the sun fills and yeah to stand on the stage and told stories right i think in a way. out of that start for you we with funny kid in high school you know i don't think i was i don't think i was actually i always feel like the class clown was that was the mean guy in class who walked in the room was like you're fat you're gay i'm outta here you know i was always a little sad a little guy and they were going to long about how did it start for you you know i just think i was i feel in high school i was. writing articles for the newspaper i was in student government i was all about kind of. organizing people and i always
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feel like you know organizing the dances or the graduation or the events and i feel like in a way that's what standup is it's like you're kind of getting a group of people and you're trying to convince them of ideas that you have and convey those ideas and how did you turn or to stand up comedy or when i was in college i won the funniest person on campus contests georgetown and rates yeah it was a great school and and then one of the prizes i want to. go there's a. check for two hundred dollars that was like a one of those big checks which is a layer is because it's two hundred dollars it probably would cost that much to print of a check and the other prize was to perform at the d.c. improv the washington d.c. improv comedy club and so i performed i opened one night for dave chappelle this is long before the chappelle show and and then i asked if i could perform there again
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and they said well no but you can work the door you can sell tickets and things like that and so that's what i did all through college i worked at this company your form is storytelling right yeah and that's what it evolved into what happened was i started out i moved to new york to become a comedian none of the clubs there's about forty of them none of them wanted me to perform there because i wasn't good at it yet and so what i did was i drove my mom's station wagon around the country to areas of lesser comedy concentration. in pennsylvania and ohio new york yeah and then along the way i started telling stories there's just storytelling series i became a radio show called the mosque. doing some stories and there are surgeons and stories on this american life on public radio and then and then eventually develop these law. i like to tell stories as opposed to jokes yeah stories have a theme right and yeah i'm in the going somewhere exactly yeah i like to think of
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i'd like to think of my shows as like a meal as opposed to like just serving people chicken wing will put the you are all the stories true yeah although i certainly embellish i have to you know i tell stories when i was eighteen years old a lot of it is from memory but there are a little embellish yeah but the essence of it is true yes the core of it isn't true yet my director in this is directed by seth barish who is a great great theater director at new york city and you know we always we always talk about the emotional truth of what we're doing you know if you're ultimately trying to convey an emotional truth and that's what you're there for anyway you think pain is a recipe for comedic success you think that all comics have some i things i don't think well neil simon said all comedy is based on tragedy yeah it's the reverse of tragedy divorce bad things happen to comedy will never go away because it because
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life is painful and pain equals. you see that it was a tween saying funny things and seeing things funny that used to be described as the difference between the two mean i did mean. that one's too confusing for me and i've heard that a million times would say i've heard it a million times explain to me that it's never good never quite get it no there's one thing i got watching you you're you do a whole bit on being opposed to marriage yeah it's a very funny people why people should be married you seem for it i seem well i think. you'll never be back. but you're married i am married yeah so that is a false bit right it's not a false but it's it's i lead people down. journey where i explain to them that i really never intended to get married in my life and that's what the whole show is about is that i know when i was a kid i never looked at my parents' marriage or anyone who'd been married more than
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thirty years and i got to get me some of that you know it just didn't seem to be for happy and i would say you know i mean i don't want to get married until i'm sure that nothing else good can happen in my life you know and then at a certain point you know the series of events happened in my life where i had this car accident and i had a bunch of things happen with my my now wife jenny and i and i and i say in the show is so i don't i still don't believe in marriage but i believe in jenny and i have given up on the idea of being right. well you have children we don't have children we have a cat you want children i don't know maybe you you seem for that as well. little good mother watch over nothing and they're funny yeah i get you that's true nothing funnier than kids i got a bunch of nephews and nieces that's good and you grow up with this title which of course is you yeah that's i guess that is yeah it's a double entendre that i get to. have you build let me explain it to you larry if
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you didn't criticize shore does it hurt you. sure. have you ever had a critic teach you something absolutely really yeah i actually i have to say like i read my reviews which a lot of people say don't do and i listen to the notes i listen to it yeah i i because i when i'm in process i feel like the audiences are critics i feel like my wife and my brother and my director and all these people are just part of a dialogue about what ultimately this is going to be and if i if my voice is strong enough it will show through all of that stuff it will use the information that's there you like writing you like doing you see is stand up forever i think so it's so hard to say you know you look at carlin and cosby you know there's people who've done it really well he's a classic story so he's incredible there's no one better to talk yeah i mean cause
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we was the first special i ever saw when i was a kid and i just lost it laughing just lost just how can someone view that. and yet i did the bill cosby him self all that dad is great give us a chocolate cake stuff just kill me to a point you know and that that's what i love about comedy is that euphoria i remember when i watching it with like my friend matt beaton in his basement and like just the euphoria you feel with someone watching it and that's that's actually what i said really what my my whole new tors about thank god for jokes is a whole new show about how comedy is you know jokes are a thing that sometimes and alienate you from people but sometimes make you feel closer then there's nothing like the great joke yeah i mean stories always wonderful it's fun but a great joke yet in a way they want to do something here in which we take something that random over here until a story about it ok yeah you go first i'll do that sure you know we don't know it
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then i don't know you were going over some can't. but it was mind as no one tells you that about falling in love. what is no one tell you about owing tells you that about falling in love i think it's that. when you fall in love there's nothing you can do about it i would add on to that there is nothing you could do about it and you you know how you know how you know when you're in love when you can't reach him on the phone. and when you when they're not there you know in other words you me some good you can reach him forget it or they break a day with you so what yeah but you meet a girl you go out three or four times and she calls one day and she can't make it that night and you would destroy your life is not the same yet everyone i met jenny we were i met jenny in st louis she was there on business and and i
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immediately. fell for her in this way where i'm just i just need to see her i just have to talk to her i just need to and we got back to new york she lives in new york too as i just want to spend all this time with her and i would and i was like oh great it's almost the best and worst the only simultaneously i met shawn we dated a few times and she was recording in nashville and i was in philadelphia interviewing colin powell. and i had called her all day and never reached her she was in recordings to know couldn't reach her in a hotel never reached her and we did about four or five times and i was falling in love yeah i'm going on the air with colin powell having never reached her and i'm like this what's the matter that's all about this girl i can't reject then i have to ask you a question we go to break so as i go to break does she call it what it is right and that finally a girl came over and said she called when we got of the colin powell says what's the number. and called her and said listen. you either tell his guy you want to be
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with him or not because you're destroying this man while he's in pain so colin powell increased he's sort of told that this is the real thing because the man is a mess but then after a while it now she don't close to him. you know someone said to me once when i was delivering about whether or not to get married because i was so torn on it my friend call that said to me that one of the piece of advice that i think i always take with me she said if you're with someone she said the world is so hard life is so hard and if you're with someone and they make your life a little bit easier then you marry them and it's as simple as that you know and then you want to know how to keep a marriage always going soon as you open your eyes and warning just say i'm sorry that's my that covers yesterday and what could come today and i think that if we do a live thing at the end of a show we do if you only knew just stories about your the other favorite comedian of all time ah you know it's so hard to say i think i think caused he's in there
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everybody says pryor you know like most comedians sales a prior i love pryor. and i probably would too i mean i feel like live in the sunset strip was really impactful for me in that one needs tells a story about freebasing cocaine and lighting himself on fire and it was this for me and my director first when we made sleepwalk with me it was built around that idea of if we can make this thing because i jumped through a second story window sleepwalking if we can make that funny the way that pryor made running on fire funny then than then that's great the whole secret when you have bad things when i told stories most of them oh bad things that happen to me i don't i don't mean. it's funny now i think i wasn't funny when he was running down the street on fire yeah absolutely i have the days then when i was at a party and somebody goes oh you're comedian how come you're not funny now and i'm like well i i'm just going to take this conversation we're having and then repeated
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to strangers and then that's the joke you're the joke later that's right you are what was your pet peeve is when you have a lot of i think being cheated just being cheated disrespected by like corporations or companies or restaurants and things which are being so often you talk about lying in your special do you have a tell when you lie i think maybe when i say to be honest i. got through the year i was really that's come i don't know that a lot. if you were in a comedian what would you be. when i was a kid i wanted to be a teacher or a comedian or a rapper or the owner of a pizza restaurant or third graders could hang out my goals maybe i was in third grade and i was going to buy an old. pizza model is just not a fan of all there's not enough audience for any great talent thank you very much larry during all next year thanks to my guest mike birbiglia i love that name my
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girlfriend's boyfriend is available on netflix and on d.v.d. it's hilarious and poignant and if you want to see him live my story thank god for job's post nationwide starting in january this is a very big slats tour dates for you to get information and remember you can find me on twitter with kids things i'll see you next time. well. it's technology innovations all the developments from around russia we've got the future of covered.
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