tv [untitled] December 21, 2013 12:30am-1:01am EST
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as reported in the federal reserve flow of funds report it took roughly one dollar and thirty cents in new debt to create one dollar of g.d.p. growth in one thousand nine hundred fifty two today it takes over three dollars and fifty cents in debt to generate a single dollar of additional g.d.p. so it's those diminishing returns and this is why it's so important that we're losing the last few remaining things and once we lose boeing and we can export the weapons you know how much longer will people even believe in these hollywood stories we've reported on this ratio before debt to g.d.p. growth going back to the one nine hundred fifty s. it was almost one to one so america would issue some debt and they'd get some some kind of g.d.p. kick as a result of it but it requires more and more debt to quibble cape equivalent same g.d.p. dollar of growth and what we now have is clearly a case of zombie banks and zombie corporations that would not survive if they weren't being transfused with more debt continuously which means that good
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businesses are being crowded out by zombies and it also means that you've got a. total loss of competitiveness so this is the worst thing really that quantitative easing is done to america it's just reuters competitiveness down the n.s.a. spying on top of it and again the only thing left are these belligerent quantitative easing moderating fear mongering really trolls whether it's john kerry going around the world threatening people or it's barack obama or it's jamie diamond they have nothing of to offer other than violence well we're also living in this sea of debt right now let's look at how this debt do emerge and how it's diminishing returns you can see from generation to generation because we're seeing this in the news across the world right now they're reporting on how each generation thing is getting progressively worse last week reported about millennial is living in their parents' basement. well the baby boomers are also living in
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their parents' basement and the greatest generation i.e. the ones from you know world war two era of world war one world war two they're the ones that have the most wealth according to all these headlines i'm going to look at and let's look at the first one at sixty one she lives in basement while eighty seven year old dad travels eighty seven year old lu manchester has just returned from a three week trip touring buddhist temples and laos increasing the mekong delta in vietnam his sixty one year old daughter levy lives year round in the basement of her friend's cape cod cottage venturing into the winter cold to get to the bathroom so they talk about the baby boomers from one thousand nine hundred sixty one nine hundred sixty four they were born and that there they have in median wealth eight percent less than their parents' generation had at the same time and now many are asking the question why well america doesn't have a sovereign wealth fund like norway or carter or some other responsibly manage a country like that they simply blew their post world war two victory wealth on
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jockeys. real estate speculation and drugs. well i think also if you look at it the gold standard domestically around the world was ended during the great depression the greatest generation the wealthiest that was ended so we started our global debt ponzi scheme then that was the beginning of the ponzi scheme the first entrants into the ponzi scheme lo and behold they are the wealthiest the next generation then the baby boom generation was up until the next severing the final final severing of the gold standard on international trade and do you notice that the further we get away from the gold standard the poor import you are and yet the media the hollywood myth that is exploited around the world it mocks this sort of barbarous relic and this notion that we can have deflationary currencies are not controlled by a command and control central banker is that we keep this ponzi going and if you if
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you were to wind this ponzi if you were to end this debt based system if you were to return to a gold standard then poverty would ensue and yet the actual data shows otherwise you know that that's absolutely true gold is vilified and unfortunately because gold has been a financial wise then because there are hundred times more paper gold contracts floating around the system than there are bars of gold it's easy for bankers to can made it manipulate the price of gold to whatever price they wanted to be to support their pyramid scheme and the ponzi scheme and we see more evidence of this today the only real outlet people have for their savings that will retain value are the crypto currency is there a day are becoming the new global reserve currency the new global gold standard and that's why year from now two years from now we'll be still talking about crypto
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currencies but a much higher prices because they're the vast majority of people around the world who don't have access. free money from jamie diamond and our get bailed out every time one of their bets goes bad are going to end up going into crypto currency because they want their purchasing power preserved they don't want to be abused like this by these bankers so we showed that the baby boomers have less wealth than their parents and the baby boomers children however have even less well according to the latest data here out of the u.k. anthony hilton says sacrifice is needed to stop the slide into poor times the institute of fiscal studies published a forecast yesterday which suggested that people born in the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's will be less well off in retirement than those born twenty years before them i.e. the baby boomers they will be in trouble according to the i.f.'s because fewer will own their own homes fewer will have good company pensions a few will have accumulated significant amounts of private savings throughout their working lives so he asked the same question of how where did all the money go
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because these are the people under the thought to revolution who should've received all the benefits of not only north sea oil but also this deregulation that was supposedly supposed to help us out and make us all wealthy and get rid of these crack of the old you know national owned enterprises and yet we're the poorest generation how did that happen well there's another angle to this go back to the reagan thatcher era deregulation the financialization the commodification of all markets around the world simultaneously you also had something going on in the environment around the world we had peak oil we had. timber we hit all kinds of peak resources and natural resources are the ultimate source of wealth for the planet earth so during the last twenty or twenty five years you see scarcity of
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natural resources concurrently with plough proliferation of skyrocketing. debt so the debt creation as enabled these corporations and bankers to extract the what's remaining and you end up with what we've talked about before the economics of extinction so you fish the seas so there's no more fish but you've got a few tuna in the freezer and the price per turn as a five hundred thousand per ten a i mean if a tuna fish can be five hundred thousand for a tuna fish in japan then big going to be five hundred thousand dollars per bit coin because it's the extinction of money the extinction of all the world's economy is going to drive bitcoin to and tuna fish and diamonds and things of real wealth to all time highs well we're talking about debt and we're also seeing under thatcher what happened is this neo liberal notion that more complexity more financialization more contractual ization will all set us free but it's actually bog us down it's sinking us we're all sinking into this net of a financial fraud and you know you can see that in what he asked the simple
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question of the myth that is pushed by hollywood by thatcher by breaking the myth that was pushed is that you know we don't want those those old state run socialist sort of systems that we had in the forty's and fifty's when everybody was rich and everybody was getting wealth and everybody was saving wealth and he says that was when taxation was much higher with the top rate of income tax at eighty three p. in the pound the debt to gross domestic product ratio was much higher inflation ran at up to twenty six percent and the nation was saddled with all those lame duck industries which according to the mantra could no longer pay their way in the world and yet those that generation of people has more wealth then the generation that followed once freed of allegedly the shackles so what have we done what new shackles have been put on us in this allegedly free world. you make a good point that the supposes freedom that would come with deregulation has
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resulted in the bankruptcy of this current generation and the immediate generation they're living in the best. and while their eighty year old grandparents are roaming the world having a grand old time because they grew up during a time of being spent reffed. values valuing their society their neighbor and their reaping the benefit of having values once that year and reagan came along and ripped up the social contract yeah the result now twenty five years later is that people are mired in debt and they have no values and there is a base and there you know in america you get a gun and kill your neighbor and say well i don't like the way you look so i shot him and i'm standing my ground so why give me some more free money from the government we got to go states ever thanks so much. stay tuned for the second half .
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information freedom. media stock. markets consumer p.c.'s and i see it when i'm in the country is the federal government would simply say property. line is the united states suffered image when it was going to the public has to realize it can't just buy. just throw it away. for instance belongs to you know those thieves environmental protection agency and i found this on a dump site here this is their computer it's not a way to not laugh it produces abuse and that's when i should be able to pull that . i believe should be responsible. to great. for mexico quadrant of mental health. america and corporate it also belongs to the washington metro area. properties are big business trades and trademarks.
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millions around the globe struggle with hunger each. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge. against g.m.o. and we think that. there is no. evidence to this any problem with genetic engineering when you make a deal. or is free cheese always in a mousetrap. for. its profit. for these golden
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rice. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to chicago to talk with andrea's and tonic pull us he's a coder hacker and author of the bitcoin book and various welcome to the kaiser report. you so much for having me all right andreas many ask if bitcoin can survive the government crackdown but you ask will central banks and nation states survive bitcoin your thoughts. yeah well i mean we've already seen a bounce back from the latest regulatory slow. you know bitcoin is this is a shallow pool of volatility and every time someone sneezes so all of the volatility sloshes around a bit but at the end of the day you know this is a technology it's an invention and you can see an inventor this incredible in french and that allows consensus of the street did that work and allows people to
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move around me internet all right let's stay on this theme of central banks because it seems like the central banks are under attack by bitcoin because bitcoin is an algorithm that is in charge of distribution of the supply of bitcoin whereas a central bank is all very subjective it's a moment monetary policy committee or it's the federal open market policy committee in the united states and it they are to highly politicized whereas the function that is the central bank function of bitcoin is an algorithm it's not politicized it's just pure it's more pure in that sense your thoughts. well i wouldn't say that the central banks are under attack for a bit coin frankly we're tiny at the moment but at the same time central banks are under attack from themselves and if all it takes is for people to suddenly have a choice between a national currency or an international currency that is not affected by politics
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but only based on an algorithm if that's all it takes to really cause problems for central banks then they're on pretty shaky ground to start with let me ask you this people make the comparison between bitcoin can do to a banking what peer to peer file swapping did to music and movies is that a fair comparison and if so can you expand on that it's absolutely a fair comparison and the same things that the internet did to the news and media the same things that skype did to phone companies you know all of these really are the result of the centralization the fact that things that we could only achieve with hierarchical and centralized organizations and institutions in the past and by giving up a lot of power to those institutions those things can now be achieved at scale on that the centralized system a distributed way like with the internet so decentralizing power has this disruptive effect on the hierarchical systems because they're basically solutions
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to a problem that no longer exists if we can do it at scale we don't really need the hierarchical organization that as we know eventually gets captured by the people who rise to the highest ranks of each organization so these are simpler solutions and people understand that intuitively they've seen that with the internet and bitcoin is nothing more than that the centralization of money let's talk about the protocol for a second it i'm going to try to explain it in a few quick sound bites if that's possible but essential a the beauty of it is that transactions are verified and to verify these transactions people lend their computer and power to into the network. and the verification process requires ever greater computational power to verify those transactions but if you're part of the network you get compensated by enjoying a bit of a bit coin every time a transaction is verified and that in a nutshell is kind of what's going on in the difficulty of verification gets more
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difficult and the supply of big going gets ever smaller so that's the basic protocol and that if i summarize it in that shell would you expand on that your thoughts yeah that's certainly the basic protocol but so what we're already seeing and i think we're going to see more in twenty fourteen is the development of overlay protocols above and beyond that point see pick win as a way for achieving consensus on a distributed ledger of assets so that means we can figure out the network as a whole can figure out who owns watts across the world without anyone being able to cheat but at the moment we're using it to show who will inspect coin but you can also do the same thing for stocks for bonds for other currencies cryptocurrency is running on top of the same network so there's a lot more behind the scenes so what big question is this not just the currency it's really a platform in the network and currency is just the first up the currency is just the first up running on this network so imagine the surprise of people if they do
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actually manage to slow down bitcoin when we when we start booting other currencies and other applications like for example stock exchanges and peer to peer lending and things like that at home but there's a lot more than meets the eye all right let's talk about stocks for a second so in other words the brokerage and astray is one that's filled with a lot of bloat and fees i know having worked in the industry myself the typical initial public offering or i.p.o. there are millions and millions of dollars that go into the pockets of bankers and brokers to get the i.p.o. or the shares off the books of the bank and into the into the accounts of shareholders in this process so what you're saying. thing is that using the block chain using this distributed ledger and by identifying individual bitcoins to be let's say associated with the stock offering you eliminate all that overhead correct basically you could do kickstarter but instead of it being based on a company kickstarter it could be
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a completely decentralized protocol that is global and instance so a company could actually crowd funds from across the world with individual investors investing bitcoins and not only investing but also being able to vote in board elections as well as receive diffidence as a result of their investments so you can implement the entire basis for a distributed stock ownership with fully transferable stocks right on the block chain ok let's talk about some industries or companies that are really in the crosshairs right now for this new disruptive technology obviously firms like western union or others that are in the business of sending money through the wire services are could go the way of blockbuster entertainment because the cost of doing it via bitcoin is ninety nine point nine percent cheaper it's instantaneous instant verification is that correct in saying that these money transfer and remittance businesses are could be the first wave of businesses that are
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essentially distance or mediated out of existence or thoughts. and it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch i mean these are companies the charge a higher percentage of fees the poorer the country that this nation country so just as we're sending foreign aid all around the world from the developed nations at the highest levels and that's where we hope a trickle does that on at the same time in the remittances market the remittances companies are extracting seventy four billion dollars a year from the poorest people on this planet and the ability to take that out of the equation remove those fees and in some cases return twenty percent or thirty. percent fees that are charged on these remittances and have that money reach its destination some of the poorest people in this world i think that's not only an industry that will be dis intermediated toward disrupted but i but i think it's one both deserves to be and it will be a huge bonus for the world and will have
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a huge impact globally let's talk about the other crypto currencies that have appeared yet bitcoin of course made a huge splash everybody understands it is one of the most rapidly adopted technologies in the history of the world but in right behind bitcoin or other alternative coins or crypto currency is going to talk a little bit about these other cryptocurrency is how you see them fitting into the crypto ecosystem what your thought i think a world with no crypto currency is is now in possibility but i also think that a world with only one crypto currency is extremely unlikely the most likely scenario in my mind is one in which we have one major crypto currency and perhaps four or five to currencies that address other nish demands or needs and live alongside probably with a much smaller share what's interesting however is that all of the crypto currencies we've seen so far are based on alternative block chains so they have to
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bootstrap their own network with their own hashing power what we're going to see in twenty fourteen is really some of those currencies moving to work on top of the bitcoin block chain network and taking advantage of all of the hashing power the thing is that bitcoin has a very powerful network of fact it has an enormous security infrastructure that's already being deployed and it's very difficult to unseat that or to bootstrap something comparable to that so i expect we'll see a lot of these things really exist as currencies on top of bitcoin and that will really start showing it as a platform and a protocol rather than just as a currency ok i want to repeat that because i think it's a very interesting point. so you're saying that these alternative currency is eventually many will essentially glom onto the block chain of bitcoin because the hashtag power which is another term is to describe this this verification process
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of transactions is it requires enormous computer power i think the last number i saw was something in the order of the current hashing power is that a fifty thousand petta flops or something like that about five peda hashes at the moment so yes ok five petta hashes so this is this is equivalent to five hundred cray supercomputers all working in tandem correct i'm not exactly sure what it would be equivalent to but it is the largest supercomputing infrastructure on the platter right now so i think else in the individual or institutional environments competes with it so that that speaks to the intrinsic value of big point people say what's intrinsic value well part of the intrinsic value story if you've created the largest distributed computer network ever in history the world and the barrier to entry is enormous at this point and no country would really have the wherewithal to do it no group of countries would have the wherewithal to do it at this point and
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so to get back to your point the alternative currencies could do better by simply attaching themselves to the block chain and existing as specialty currencies accordingly i want to talk about another criticism but people talk i mention the volatility issue just to be clear in the case of somebody buying a hundred thousand dollar car with bitcoin the seller of that car can instantaneously convert back into any currency they want so there is no volatility currency risk for these transactions if the buyer and seller don't want any volatility rest correct yes exactly there are two ways to address this you need the hold for a short period of time in which case you use that as a payment mechanism and. convert it back to the currency in which you priced so you price in u.s. dollars and then convert back to u.s. dollars and expose yourself to exchange rate risk for on a short period of time or you hold for the long term and you look at the underlying fundamentals of this revolutionary technology a technology that is changing the way we look at money it's changing the culture of
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money and it's enabling global collaboration on an unprecedented scale and in that case you recognize that this this technology and being able to participate in this essential i.p.o. of this technology is something worth holding on to it's only the medium term where you get exposed the maximum volatility and of course speculators are learning the lesson the hard way right but it's the merchants choice whether they want the villa volatility or not all right andreas try to time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thanks so much for having the max. ok and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max geyser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest andreas tano poss if you'd like to get in touch tweet us at kaiser report until next time x. guys are saying bye oh.
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government to simply say this property of the united states government. is the united states privilege and it was done in public has to realize it can't just by. you know just throw it away this is a problem for instance belongs to the united states environmental protection agency and i found this on a dump site here this here is not always the last it produces of these little i think should be able to collect these i believe that this should be responsible for their products from cradle to grave. fatal from mexico department of mental health proper tool south america incorporated but also belongs to the washington metro area transit authority properties of a dentist aids page trend and trademark office. she good lumber tour. was able to build the most sophisticated.
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fortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything turns mission to teach music creation why it should care about you and. this is why you should care only on the. down the stand your correctly bad you don't believe that add words no then perform the public service maybe in the best interest of the united states but at least in the best interest of humanity here countries don't want to turn over their play book to the other side and that's essentially what's happened here it is true that it is heard a big debate about the role of our intelligence services in the united states i think that debate was coming anyway after nine eleven but i don't think we've had sort of anything in the interest of humanity served by this episode.
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behind bars to burlington former russian tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky is in germany looking forward to being reunited with his family following his pardon i'm released from prison. defense surprise eight and a half trillion dollars goes on the county for less than two decades as part of the effort to keep the pentagon running. and friday fries turned violent in egypt as police just the supporters of the i said president were protesting against the no restricting demonstrations. are you watching art.
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