tv [untitled] December 22, 2013 12:30am-1:01am EST
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live play its technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. it does require to think seriously as to how home in the future. we or facts more specifically our children and grandchildren. will be able to realize dreams potentiality that we would like our own society to when able to develop we shall have to find ways of training on how to enjoy the leisure that we presumably i'm going to have to agree to believe that we're going to have in such a way that instead of being frustrating and making life potential. will enable us to engage. in a creative activity. now if you're if you're going to play the same old game and it doesn't really matter there's
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a lot of people out there they almost refuse to upgrade but if you want to play all brand new games coming out. just to keep up i mean it's it's it's not. it's not anything you have to do. it's more just you know it's trying to keep up with the joneses a lot of times you know friend gets you know a new video farther a bigger mama bear something like hey that's cool i want that. thing to remember when you're you know just make sure you get everything. never fails there's always somebody gets for god. using the work to look up part so we can find her look like use google have to find addresses of the weight of it stress you have a rough day on the road to get home or whatever or i come home blow something up at a video game and nothing gets current and i feel
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always try to retain the fighting techniques in the video games later on a football field we imitate the technique among ourselves. just move over this way . and i move around this way and when there's an attempt to throw a punch at me i step aside through a punch like this kick him when he falls to the ground i'll step on him. this place is very small if it was affordable feel he'll make you laugh your head off. i was in counter manto at the time selling pure water there was this friend of mine told an eho he was already breaking these computers apart and i asked him to show me how to collect these metals from the computers when i started with them i usually would collect the wrong metals and show them to my friends who advised that what i had collected were the wrong ones they showed me how to hit the metal against a stone
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a unique stone from the metal will indicate the correct metal or not. how old were you than six years yes it's worse so i don't like it i don't want my son to go out there but sometimes the situation is so hopeless there is no money to send him off to school so on saturday he left me to there to the dump say to look for some money so he can go to school on monday where making no sales does days at the market people are not buying. what is the purpose of your work why are you working here. it's for the money it is better for us to work here than become thief stealing from other people. as for the very young boys who work here it is not good for them. and. why not i think. it is because of money
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that they also come here to work and they are poor however they become bad boys coming here. they don't want to go back to school but the money they make is not enough for their future. osteen's and i said they should stop bringing them because the computers we break to obtain the iron and copper bring diseases but a child will do it despite the diseases because of money children will always break them up the glass in the computers cuts them and if care is not taken they tetanus i have
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a cut on my hand myself to us and. he is there to. assist all the gears together and kind of a camaraderie of of everybody being there if you can see what other people are bringing what they're doing to their computers how they're modern on what kind of hardware they have what operating system are on a quake on a so large you can walk around and get lots why this is for what you want to do to your system.
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and. there's going to be a conference on he wished the title is the woods in africa. there's been organized by the us d.p.a. and another organization i see international. something up a lot of people when. i have seen the program. this is horrible i'll see in the program but i haven't seen a slope for a visit to the dump site but it would be good if they can come to the dump site and see what is actually happening here. be a very good learning experience for the people who haven't been here. this place used to be a beautiful place the water nearby was very good for swimming but now it's a dump site i believe when i am older it'll change back in the day this is what i've done five used to look like. they like the. room meandering through the
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woodlands. i mean some pods there was also among groups. with some trees thumbs here and the but no. there's nothing to show it's all gone. the reality is also the part up to the manufacturers of these lifetimes cannot be absolved from blame the money fortress all the producers of these lives when i should be able to collect these things i believe that they should be responsible for their products from cradle to grave robber. needs to live that way play out again i got cut by broken glass when i was breaking the computer monitor.
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problem to my. is. the this is the here and in your body talk about it broke it was my. sand into a bigger wash your hands and then the blood with soap. so i read that but they're not talking just the move ok so bump it up thank you i would just go away. so i'm going to order soil has bathrooms when you wash your hands. clean this is nowhere near the truth we're talking about pollutants that are persistent reversible police and the bio accumulate you know researchable pollutants those three almost horrible
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a problem and be able to not only get an actor to. question their eyes in a particular situation but to find other creatures that are similar to the mission one that we. i mean. in a position to so just one concrete problem but a whole crowd of you know the average household today you don't just have one computer you have three t.v. set so you know your thirteen year old your fourteen year old they both have cell phones your wife has a skill phone maybe a d.v.d. players you don't just have one item you have a pallet or a couple pallets of items and then builds up with the new i phone in the new i pad coming out every day and every year it seems like apple's they're on something new out other companies are bringing out new l.c.d. televisions blu ray d.v.d. players you know people want to know where a culture of wanting an end to end getting so i think a lot of the old stuff that average consumers just a good job get rid of it this is your computer it's not wait it's influence on
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plastic i mean it's just. you know for us it just makes so much more sense and is something like this to do anything else but. i think the biggest thing that separates create oversight from other electronics is like for the processors is our investment in technology i mean we'll show you millions and millions of dollars of investment capital investment into technology to help revolutionize this industry we named our first processing system david one that's kind of the answer to that goliath amount of electronics and it's kind of a process where all the materials shredded becomes out in pieces anywhere from you know up twenty to a no bigger than a silver dollar and then from there it enters a series of starvation systems and these are taken systems allow us to take a co-mingled computer that has been shredded and then separate also if you take one p.c. drop it in there you're going to get aluminum you're going to get pieces of steel pieces of circuit board pieces of copper you know as we speak there's probably
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about twenty six different states that have been and that have enacted some sort of law went through our cities. and those laws are all different from state to state mentally we need to go to a bigger broader so that there's some sort. national legislation that really takes this issue and addresses it to the largest consumer of p.c.'s and i see equipment in the country is the federal government so if they can you know they can come up with the solution at their level you know then that is going to drive it down to the state level to business to. some of the sixteen percent imports came from illegal fishing in. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action.
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but they enter our territorial waters they fish they load the fish into the ships and leave for europe. to day illegal fishing just taking the bread out of our mouths. right from the sea. the first trip. and i were being put. on a reporter's twitter. and instagram. to be a month. on. i know we're going to a conference room of the. e.u.
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was an offer is being organized by the us the pew and then the international network for environmental compliance and then false when it was a french film friends and i'm going to see every hilde. well i think. even most possible forgetting the first thing the time we have in such an international conference. here again i would say is just the beginning of something good i mean does the way i see it but i'll keep monitoring i think the real need to move from talk all rhetoric to action for me would symbolize something really cool you know otherwise it would be the same old talk show. you know. received. so. many things. you're going to get but it
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doesn't mean you know. the company gets the. cars because it is not the prices or. the prime or full name that it has was well. like i was filming because i know the love to get me in was sitting out in. the top and bottom and i'm sure you recognize and pass into this experience you're a bit like us and you don't want to work you know i'm probably asked if you're in the service for a part of the world and anything. i say to myself would be have nothing to hide why would they want anybody to fold me you know is all about i wanted his creation you know is all about says phase ation is all about educating people. i just found a soft. rubber deal supped america incorporated. in this deal i also found it also belongs to the washington metro area transit authority is
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simply ses property of the united states government. and i found this on the dump site here as well this is the property of a dentist aids patient and trademark office. i'm going to assume you know this is not enough the us e.p.a. should know better is also part of the dumb freak this equipment for the scenes you know those thieves imbibing to protection agency the us the v.a. and i found out a dump site here. just never it just keeps coming. up we can really recycle everything in a few. there's no problem showing things because our more costly to recycle than all that like to live in the glass you know that's very close to recycle yeah that's going to go away eventually because now they have the l.c.d. screen but the l.c.d. screens have mercury and so that's another which you know the mercury has to be inside if they can just come up with
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a better way it's on the up i would think the not having hazardous stuff in there it is just going to keep going to keep growing and more people more transient more landfills and just will be recycled everything out of the recycling. is everybody's problem really have so many landfills and why you know i'd rather have a car built than another landfill and if we can keep this about a landfills we can put the didymus that should go into landfills but i mean recycling you know it just makes sense and smart i mean this is a mixture of c.r.t. televisions and c.r.t. monitors these are all these are obsolete they're not they're not using electronics anymore so when they come to us we will take them and will process nice these gentlemen are taking the c.r.t. to actually two out of it's plastic casing and they're also being able to harness and gather the copper the low grade circuit more and that's in the material and then we can use knows they'll be processed into our precious metal refinery but the
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great thing about this system is it is essentially to clean the glass and turn a c.r.t. seen glass by separating the leaded glass from the non lighting glass and then clean. and that is what we want to call a furnace ready blast hole and that's ready for blasting glass recycling going into this morning and. he said that you want to start to add that suction bag gratitude securely and the laser measures the series so that the flames are set right and zoom in a certain way it goes in and makes you cuts into his inflict on a rotating table the other side is then cut and that's all done by laser measurements and some great software and that was straining to make this machine after the c r t's me cut and let it last and then remember from the panel last the paint on the last is then clean this is furnace ready and on last night will go to a recycler and then they will use it to make it last this is not going to end and i third world are developing country is a commodity this has
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a value that you know dollar value associated with. so these people from becoming friends into the cone friends they want to see what it is like to be other he was dumpsites you know so i decided to bring them here so they can see for themselves at first what it was like so do appreciate it no matilda problem and don't go back and help put in place. just a bit dumping if you will just fold industrialized nations countries offical into gone off with. yeah i read you another one. ok let's move. this go. bury me and then we see the only hope you know a good. thing. somewhere. you
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know it is. oh ok ok ok so he's in the queue to use for disposal so little slaves for disposal wherever they came from but this is disposal here in goma. these little ones come here they expose themselves to all to come home brew we need a flame retardants the lead you know. all of the companies that if you never think of but these are kids whose blood is also going up there's one thing to see that i just have a nice cold cup of peanuts next to it's in them and to actually stand here and experience to smell that ninety three experience i mean if people would be able to smell this we don't feel like eating peanuts anymore makes me really angry because of all angry all the crazy time i came to prison my grammar was. ok so let's go. and. spoil.
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their view can step on this so now we're bridging the digital divide. you can see if it works. ok good here you go already. there. ok. ok. i've got to. think we're not going to solve this all of your. body of credit all thirty of us will say no and by the we'll we're going to ask this girl. never know when you're hot when you see you complain rather before going boniva it's so i thought oh it's or you want to call they're going to somebody will reduce. that was the thing i mean certainly based on hostile stop sometime there. are enough is enough i think poisoned enough children
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it will also poison the earth the soil everything else is just going to go on like got you know in a little responsibility all the risks with the industrialized nations absolutely the blood even if it turns out there. the marchers use the money for interest they really have to come here and see what to do to people's lives if the army just environmental racism based on feelings angry. you know the first will to scaling the third world so badly it's so unfair to have all this wealth and all this well being and oldest techno. undersold is of people who really die from it and interestingly. it is illegal to put in some landfills in this place and yet it is legal and the bird good idea to bring them here to africa where we don't have any. we don't even have any recycling facility at all so it is not.
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all these are. just the real sure the belong to all of us. one of the oldest or did all get to good lives. below principles. to do you enjoy your work. and you. know i don't like this job it makes us sick. i'll stop when i'm fifteen or eighteen years old or something like. what type of work will you do then. i'll go to church and look for a job when i'm twenty years old i'd like to be a reverend father holding on to the truth of god makes me want to become a priest so that one day when i die god will bring me to heaven to ensure. you know we as a society need to get away from the charm of the ways we've created this like me
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don't even use that term a waste because none of this you see here is a is a waste it's all a commodity i mean there's nothing here that isn't a computer and it isn't a printer that is an extreme or it isn't a v.c.r. d.v.d. player in israel or. why we're using new technology or nearly all technology and yesterday our that's going to be a continual cycle this is the riskiest cyclist allison and we're going to get megan manners. at. least slightly. it. you. yet.
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and the data that is given must be mandatory. and here's responsibility. millions around the globe struggle with hunger each good. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge. they can the very strong position against g.m.o. and we think that. the genetically modified products are pretty the war tool there is no. evidence for this any problem with genetic engineering when you make a deal. or is free cheese always in the most trap i don't believe
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the. poor and the free. enterprise is profit. for social justice golden rice. put it under full strong arm an ally should be thanking the face just like people. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. your news sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give
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a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the dog. former russian tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky is getting ready to meet the press after finally being reunited with his family in berlin following his surprise release from prison. also this week eighty seven ians are executed by islamic rebels in syria while western nations signal upcoming peace talks might not need a sad removal after all. and a big deal for ukraine russia agrees to buy fifteen billion dollars of its debt and slash the price of gas which kiev hails as its rescue from bankruptcy.
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