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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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i think if i could give jamie diamond a present for christmas it would be syphilis so that he could experience firsthand what everyone around the world experiences with his day to day banking terrorism what about don't believe that what we get from may. well for george osborne my first choice would be maybe a little polonium two ten but maybe not bad aggressive something along the lines of . some fog walk from a fog off farm in france to kind of personify what's happening to the world banks are being stuffed with all this cheap cash and in the end are going to be harvested and his liver along with a bunch of ducks will be exempt take it out and sold on the open market right. at the gate people can christmas party entertainment what would you do. for the curse of party entertainment of j.p. morgan that's a good question i guess we'd have to hire some. of the cast of
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the soprano's to come in and reenact some of the famous sayings there where several people got a whacked i think i'll be very entertaining you could say been put on paper of you i think it's a fantastic way to extend the brand of j.p. morgan j.p. morgan most of soprano's bankers get gunned down while you're cheering on the likes of tony soprano this is a great cross media opportunity even high that the staff full the christmas party for they. were going to cook up. oh well i'm going to stick to my theme i think for the christmas dinner for the banks there's again he have to give them a visual reference of what happens when a ducks like them are plucking the world economy their livers get extended in fat to the point where they must be harvested so twenty fourteen will be the year that the world harvest the banker's liver they take all that money that's been stuffed down their gullit and they break it up like a pin yada and all that money is distributed to those who have been screwed and
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plucked in abuses by these horrible banks or so twenty fourteen is the year of the banker pin yada everyone should get a big stick and prepare themselves for this i've got a lot of talk going into about what's going to be inside those christmas crackers on the data table. on the christmas crackers i think we're going to find many bitcoin because the other is going to be the gift that keeps on giving for twenty fourteen i myself purchased those lovely jacket from tom baker and soho use and pick corn and this is a this is a roving phenomenon across the city of london merchants are realizing there's a big coin or bust you don't want to do business with the banks are big coin is the future now i think and what was going to be dressing up as a christmas cake. the christmas turkey this year on battle has got to be tony blair he likes getting naked he likes dressing up in strength bikini's he likes parading around the ship flashing his moves these male breasts that hang down and he going
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to do this in the public i think they make the perfect christmas turkey he loves the being stuffed from the bankers from behind that he's a guy that looks great on a plate nice. to open it to people i you've got to do a baby. the i. don't k. . well this year so to have it is quiet i think obviously the baby jesus is personified by situation not promote and i think that's pretty obvious and then the angel would be my co-host a servant of the cars. that makes the show special and then the donkey unquestionably would have to be reaching back into the past gordon brown makes a perfect he's the guy who sold half of britain's gold supply at the absolute multi decade low so he's really the arse of the century thank you so much for that
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insight how do you stop a brilliant christmas my pleasure see you next year see you next. christmas corporate news good things that russians will this year they want really old things in their stocking jet that's right according to russian online. and take goes to the best some us this year the most amount of things books dolls silver dishes and christmas tree decorations in the last three weeks alone more than five thousand items unseld. in christmas time is all about something friendships imus's energy giant rough draft in the u.s. made some i bolt pot completed the creation of a joint venture that will spend up to three hundred million dollars on developing. western siberia and last that will have access to excellence projects in the gulf of mexico. i don't know that a jew was quite looking that a festive spirit rushes that gas from all over the amount to spend on investments
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next year by more than twenty percent the gas giants twenty fourteen investment program will be more than a full point three billion dollars down from the amount spent to ship now the idea of christmas shopping are a little esteve high street is often much nicer than the reality of crazy crowds and miscues and stressful traffic jobs now this is exactly why online shopping is now big than ever so shops are getting creative coming up with ways to make the trip worthwhile and now the e-commerce is taking russia by storm department store attractions are getting bigger and better as i found out. that seemed. like they don't really own and it was something that was authentic a bit completely blown up with it take you know here you know cross it down was like you love me was it was like maybe we thought this was going to float very much like we may blow away from that there was. that the driving down.
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the various leg it was just so i mean that you know on the one of the things that you're out there i was talking fun i was very you may love to quote shout out. ok i'm going at it right by. but well this all looks like great fun when it comes to a coma as well it's a force to be reckoned with here in russia there are sixty million internet users also most in europe and that's why international companies like e bay and amazon they're looking at tapping into the market next is always already launched their online store and as we talk about money well this is the interesting part because by twenty eight forty russians will be spending thirty one billion dollars online by twenty fifteen that number will go up to almost. forty billion dollars now the reason why these numbers a climbing so fast is because russians are changing their attitude to buying online
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whereas in the past i've always liked to pay fighting in cast now they're getting more comfortable with using their credit cards so you could say that the tide is changing. now talking of shipping one of the reasons why russians have typically stayed away from internet shopping is because post of russia is notoriously bad for delivering sometimes this part of the process here the price of us could be the most annoying part because people can wait months on end for a parcel not as if it ever arrives at all now post of russia they are getting better and they vow to improve the situation they're going to do so in a liberal righty of ways including being more innovative being less take dependent as well as improving their online services as well and all of this is to become more profitable in the long run they've just introduced an app which you can use on apple and android as well so you can track your parcel which is a brit way of getting to the way. oh you bet. on the
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parcels along with the pressure is piling up because fifty percent more piles are making their way to russia at this year's. son's elza hard workout this year president reagan is going to bar humbug on corporate christmas party cards in a speech earlier this month which is the employees of state corporation should pay for their own office parties involved in using company funds. finally just a month was a victim turvy ahead for my opinion and why you should get him you know the autism christmas party is what is going on i'm gutted you know you tell me really disappointed because you know what corporation rush are the biggest corporate for a. lot of the other here you know what should or should worship games are too great to maybe it would be good to put that money in the pocket to be employees but there should be greater opinion my opinion is on the far to go and i was thinking. champagne caviar i was thinking it was all going to go on i'm obviously disappointed although we don't have strippers jim people can have your hopes up if
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you can but a cool remove the old t.v. who do you know. yes about very little close to truly believe one of the things that we got to so this is of course is fun think we will policy no matter what putin says this is of course much a venture capital we will see you next time have a merry christmas and take care of you so. shut. down the stand your correctly. you don't believe that add a word snowden performed a public service maybe in the best interest of the united states but at least in the best interest of humanity here countries don't want to turn over their play
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book to the other side and that's essentially what's happened here it is true that it is heard a big debate about the role of our intelligence services in the united states i think that debate was coming anyway after nine eleven but i don't think we've had sort of anything in the eucharist of humanity served by this episode. to doxy wasn't like the easiest person to negotiate ways i mean many people who've met him or even those who knew him briefly all say that he wasn't completely sane what was he like when you were talking to him and negotiating with him about the lives of these people you know he was very. she was very. how can i say maybe on the drugs or medicines but she was listening maybe it wasn't the right place said
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the right moment. welcome back you're watching the weekly live from our moscow studios this is our. tens of thousands of people continue to rally in kiev to demand the government
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resign after it signed an economic deal with russia that's as the prime minister claims the country could still sign a trade deal with the e.u. next year but opposition leaders remain unconvinced however it's not just the government that standing between the pro e.u. protesters and europe as alexei euro chef kaye reports. an offer of support for ukraine z u s gracious was not enough to persuade one of the country's opposition leaders elected and woke up shoulders with a german text foreign minister during his surprise appearance at the protests in kiev mr western valley is openly gay and they looked at your book sponsors for border has made its position on homosexuals quite clear attacking gay parades and most of all we want to build a country based on harmony and social justice issues were being dragged into homosexual values by the western states and we will not allow them but homosexuals and people of different races are clearly not books biggest foes. any treaty with
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russia is not worth the paper it was signed oh. dear he looks forward cannot make up the core of the protest movement but there are clearly it's loudest voices and it's actions as well as words and the salt of the city hall and scuffles around it toppled the lenin statute t. of an event described as the fall of the tyrant by the party and reckless vandalism by many others this is a crack in the pavement where the toppled lenin monument literally lost its head and if walk around the pedestal of what used to be the monument to the former soviet leader we can see some graffiti over here first one here says yellow card which you're next and the one at the bottom says glory to the insurgent army of the 1940's in ukraine which some in this country believe to be freedom fighters who fought for independence while many others described as nazi collaborators on top of that and no militant field commanders believe were spotted at my done a man who fought as a mercenary creation and south of setia in all cases against the russians.
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the end of my days i will kill russians jews that got me this british reporter brian flynn had a first hand glance at the militarized right wing forces in ukraine ahead of the euro twenty twelve football championship he went undercover into their training camp these are people very serious about what they do they train physically to back it up with violence and i watched while they followed live weapons and the presence of such people on the broadcasting crowd seems to cause no concern among european officials walking on the same square. which is rather extraordinary isn't it to see somebody that the united states has banned from entering the country on the same platform as senator mccain to see somebody who's been by and by that i say francis mistake statements for denying the holocaust who supporters actually in the streets of kiev still do make anti-semitic as well as anti russian. gestures and slogans it does signify that the west and politicians are quite happy to use nationalist
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forces when it suits them that lack of reaction is particularly bewildering given many european statements about ukraine's right wing factions in the past and the burning over ukrainian football ground for now it's the slogans in the stance so if you create does make it into the you some day it will be interesting to see how people with such different values sit at the same negotiating table. looks you are . reporting from key of ukraine. syria's kurds say they want an independent seat at next month international peace conference in geneva they say their interests are in opposition to both the syrian government and the rebels the kurds are pushing for autonomy in northern syria where they've been fighting to protect their homes from radical islamist rebels and the kurds are the largest ethnic group without a country in the middle east and are most are mostly spread out across the region they call kurdistan they make up
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a key minority group. or groups rather within turkey syria iraq and iran with the total population estimated at around forty million and as artie's palace they are reports they have their sights firmly set on long awaited independence. discriminated repressed and divided for years the kurds were the scapegoats of the middle east but now the fortunes have turned resilient and hopeful history is on their side for four thousand years kurds lived in iraq now they're enjoying defect autonomy and many believe independence is not far away but is now practical is another run by a powerful state in baghdad. a strongly believe that we are moving towards. a full independent kurdish state in the north of iraq across the border in turkey as much as twenty percent of the population is kurdish they fight for independence has long been a thorn in ankara side but most of the larger long. always called for kurd fighters
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they have more weapons and they'll never give them up easily but it's in syria where the kurds face the toughest fight they are caught up in the middle of a bloody civil war their territories are being claimed by al qaeda their villages raided their people killed residents of this kurdish village of pursuit fina forty five kilometers from aleppo so all it does is make them tougher fighters they're prepared to die to protect their land and their people. now every night they want to restart the clashes but now we're well prepared because we made new bunkers so we have more ability to them before if they attack us we are ready to defend ourselves but if they don't we want to attack anybody. with such a strong fighting spirit and even stronger desire for sovereignty the kurdish influence in this part of the world is growing and arguably it might be only a matter of time until a new state appears on the map of the middle east policy or r.t.
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. the syrian government spent too busy with the civil war leaving the kurds to fend for themselves and one analyst told us they had to gasper has capitalized on the power struggle to the fullest. because syria was emboldened by the fact that the arab spring came about the regional powers busy with internal strife with. the stability of the government while the siniora observe the different factions syria fighting each other and the governments we could. the kurds have found an opportunity to run their own affairs and grab to whatever they were territory. historically has been someone to take he's not very happy because what you see is if he. were to because the kurds in syria get hold of and have some sort of autonomy turkey fears that this will translate into
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or encourage. the kurdish population to demand the same rights or similar rights. repaid with sickness for their service later in the program we report on why veterans of the u.k. nuclear tests feel that the government has let them down badly that's just ahead. in egypt three prominent arab spring protest leaders have been jailed for three years over protests in november they were convicted of violating a new law restricting gatherings for more than ten people but while the government concentrates on its crackdown on the rest things are getting worse for egyptians as bell true reports. omaha meet a young egyptian design student sits in his favorite downtown cairo cafe talking about a better life abroad three years on from participating in two thousand and eleven revolution omer is frustrated with the state of the country he says once he
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finishes his studies he'll have to leave you i have been. here your story for four years and then you don't find a job at the end of it there are better chances are that side egypt there i can find the freedom to work with the skills that i have that is one of the most important reasons forcing people to leave egypt there are eight million egyptians already abroad and others are looking to join them as the economy flatlines in the political instability even if the economy of the country will grow in the future the double digits there will never be able to accommodate every new job seekers there is going to be always a percentage of the population that would seek job elsewhere job outside of the country youth unemployment rates are at a staggering seventy seven percent and that may well rise after years of turmoil for young men like almost seeking work abroad is often the only option but it's not just the economy driving egyptians to leave some a feeling
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a growing crackdown on political freedoms a growing numbers of activists are now facing jail sentences after the military installed government enforced the law banning protests without official permission daily battles between student protesters and security forces broke egypt's campuses police and the army continue to patrol the streets here where we need democracy freedom better health care and social justice to fulfill the main demands of our revolution the police need to change the whole regime needs to have a better ideological way of dealing with egypt or more people will go the government hopes and new constitution and upcoming elections will help stabilize egypt but until egyptians can find work and enjoy basic freedoms. forced to leave. for. time for a brief look at some other news making headlines around the world now in the capital of central african republic thousands of mothers muslims have marched
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against peacekeeping operations in the country according to locals the rally was triggered that triggered after three gunmen were killed in clashes with french troops it was the first demonstration since african union and french troops arrived to end the sectarian bloodshed in the country. eastern canada has been hit by a major ice storm leaving more than four hundred thousand people without power and threatening to leave them in the dark over christmas hundreds of flights were cancelled roads have been blocked by fallen trees no casualties have been reported but some are comparing this storm with the january one thousand nine days aster nine hundred ninety eight disaster rather that left dozens dead. a suicide car bombing at an army checkpoint in eastern libya has left at least thirteen people dead and scores more injured a truck approached the site and exploded when soldiers approached it to check the vehicle government troops in the east of the country regularly come under attack
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from armed militias when they did their duty and were repaid with sickness servicemen with the royal air force were tasked with carrying out nuclear tests in south australia at the height of the cold war and those tests a test are cilia reports calls for the u.k. government to compensate them are growing louder. jeff lydiard was seventeen when he joined the royal air force and was eventually posted to mary lincoln south australia nuclear tests were carried out there in the fifty's with some publicity but minor trials reportedly continued in secrecy until the my nine hundred sixty s. run do. we knew every or for every fortnight aircraft flew in with a nuclear flask. which we are loaded onto a lorry and it was taken away by the scientists who did what they were doing with what he turned fifty illnesses he believes were caused by his exposure to radiation
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that linger started manifesting i started off with i had tb i then started having degeneration of my spine my daughter. pancreatic condition which can only be of traced back to genetic source so i have the question in my mind. was it may was it because i was there and many others are asking the same questions even before world war two radiation was a hazard. measuring it in a meaningful way very very difficult indeed nevertheless there is undoubtedly i think contrition among the british authorities not to own up to any responsibility these people were experimented on quite honestly i was disgraceful how those soldiers were created and they've long been asking the government for recognition and compensation their service is part of history the war your lies the future
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generations will not forget but for those who would actually serve the forgetting is not an option especially for those who feel that a decision they made decades ago may have cast a shadow on their lives and those of their loved ones if you look out of the country's nuclear countries are treated that veterans and compensate them and recognize them and we are standing right at the bottom of the table that is wrong france the united states and even the tiny island men have already done so but the ministry of defense maintains that while there is a quote huge debt of gratitude owed to the veterans the government rejects any link between veterans' health problems and their military service citing a two thousand and ten health needs audit. overall the range and severity of problems reported was typical of older people in the u.k. in general and a veteran who believes they have suffered ill health service has the right to apply for no fault compensation jeff knows the clock is ticking and while he's hopeful he
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has no illusions about how difficult the fight will be at the very least what he wants is this and say funk you we need cost money money to say thank you we're like ghosts. we don't exist does or sylvia r.t. london i'll be back with a full news roundup in less than five minutes from now here watching r t international. wealthy british style.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because the reports on our. markets consumer sees and i see what many in the country is the federal government to simply say. this united states company image when it was public has to realize it can't just by. just throw it away. for instance belongs linos thieves environmental protection agency i found this on a dump site here this is not
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a waste of. producers of these little i have to. look at these i believe vision responsible. for a bill to bring. to mexico. the mental health jail cell to merge protocol for all but also belongs to the washington metro. properties or bennett states page and trademarks. sixty percent of imports came from illegal fishing. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. with the territorial waters they fish they load the fish on to the ships and leave for.
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illegal fishing just taking the bread out of our mouths. full of. face. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today.
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i'm not planning to be involved in politics. reveals his plans for the future at his first news conference as a free man but some questions about his past are being avoided. people consistently over the. the european court of human rights has repeatedly said that he. never seems to get. a suicide car bomb attack in syria claims the lives of up to seven children that comes amid allegations that is on this massacre dozens of civilians in a damascus neighborhood. i mean you can't get into your home. if you are a kid apparently not many would especially after a report found that can't.


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