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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2013 5:30am-6:01am EST

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it. is just dumping and nobody wants them to but in your opening united states so they find a way to dispose of this was because it was deemed with so much for it but this is what is left of the locals. there's nothing to show just he was slipping into the water is so polluted nothing above lives and nothing survived. by you to play computers all day long i mean who doesn't like that technology there is something new i know about it probably before the consumer does so every day's new every and every truck is almost like christmas a year ago a gigabyte was common for four gigabytes like top line but now we're talking to
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a bytes of the are you know who knows what next year is going to break so big thing also is the size of the hard drives a year ago a terabyte was kind of something that was brand new very very expensive some of our desktops come built in with a terabyte drive you can buy drives up to two terabytes and for those who didn't know it's a thousand gigabytes so that's well to terabyte i don't think they take it for granted i think it's just mainstream it's almost like get a drink walk it's like there's my computers my glass of water it's just something going in the really think about new technology that said there's something for everybody you know people still like the desktops but they want smaller people still want to like the laptops that they want to make so they're kind of changing over to that as well and make it a more today is a very important day all right we have a lot of we have a lot of great advertisements going all right with you guys to remember that all right we also have a lot of customers out there we do. here since ten thirty in the six and
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a half hours that will be waiting here audacity that absolutely got a good tease i don't know whether the t.v. set. average only we can still scream it's going in the garbage a different tax rates are low place to look at is there today we have a very large sales goal that i want everybody to know that we have to hit we have to hit three hundred thousand today as a goal we can do for a legendary exciting right i never want to do or that three hundred thousand would be absolutely nice if we did that i know sometimes there's recycling programs miles you can actually scrap some that are all metal sheeting day the scrap yard had a metal you know had a metal melted in a couple by chance here for the circles the for the most part. and i don't know i don't know where that all technology is a warehouse underground somewhere holes at all these two hundred fifty megabyte computers out there that really no use going to. be
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this was one of the first of the proposals that i believe made to be a symbol selection committee i work for i.b.m. and i was given the job of designing a barcode and did i ever believe it would be this big no way i didn't have nobody had that idea nobody believed that people your age have trouble remembering or knowing what things were like in one nine hundred seventy three there's more electronics and capacity in my hearing but in the war in big computers that took up a whole rooms in those days the hand telecare leader was on oddities to see such that they would not spray in new introducing l.c.a. were old smallest electronic calculators by sharp price tag to match three forty five complete l c eight the answer the biggest thing about i.b.m. was safety that's what we worried about we were concerned with safety but not we
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had our concerns for pollution. and we did follow the law well i don't think we went overboard. yeah this is the birthplace of i.b.m. this is where it started in new york. spilled a lot of chemicals a. crack pipe. and they kept phil fil a. and. were was all go on until is. a big plume of chemicals it started out as a drip. drip and they never really came to a conclusion of where they were going all these chemicals were going because there would be times where they. are we use that macho and there was a weekend there was two water wells that are closed up now but all this they went to any of the schools here and anything you're drinking that water i was diagnosed
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in eighty one with. not hodgkin's lymphoma which was a very rare cancer at that point and i was only twenty twenty years old and i had this big things brought out my neck and put this sign up so people that moved to this town know orders a problem i don't want to comprehend the town and not know what happened here and what's going on here and now everybody should be notified that there is a pollution problem here should be had. we know we have to try carol atheling we know we've p.c. and the other chemicals it would take you maybe a week for me to tell you all of them we have a book that's there we didn't know all those chemicals
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until about two years ago. because apparently nobody wanted to tell the health officials. really have been working on. the e.p.a. to change the level of allowable t.h.c. in water they say it said ok level right now what's ok it may be ok for may may not be ok for you you have your chemicals which is actually a pool in the ground in the groundwater and the vapors are seeping up through the ground they take the easiest path. and then they come into your home and that's why you have these really great on machines it's a subset of thing though it takes the pollution disperses coming into the home puts it in the air outside where it's breaks down we know tricolor at the link as
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askance or we know that and they say it's a moot point now because they're not using it but it's on the ground the first year i moved into this building. and there was not. i had to storm one long the i.b.m. problem and the chemicals is du pont's problem and the chemicals silicone valley problem in california nationally we are a hidden. chemical kind about their worry about people but overcomes the. stupid frogs are not stupid but. they get you here do it as there are but you can people. you know how they wish.
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we need these products we need a computer the needed television sets but we should make a conscious effort to reduce the toxic components and i believe it can do it we should make conscious airports to think about how to dispose of these things properly it can be done. if you if. i. was if. i. was if. you think. you have if. you have if it. was. if you had if. it.
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was if. how long should a product last shouldn't last five years or so that last one year because what do you do after that how do you keep expanding your product why we can't compete with what a computer can do for us because a fast. and it is certainly helped in research or. but think what we've done with thinkable hoebel told school think oh please. please all those sort of maze of whole bunch advance of that there has been the middle of just to the computers themselves so they're going to do more good than bad it no question about.
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the would like to know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albums. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crowd simak know we've been hijacked right handful of friends dash all corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying
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rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing us to find ready to join the movement then welcome the. wealthy british style it's time to rise. markets finance scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to gaza report on . the search for the twenty fourth genome and what's this place like on the line is this so special as the russian resort prepares to welcome the world power the games shaping the city's present and future life so it will bring you
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this is the moment they replace you from a very cold snowy windy mountainous tough being young dylan picks what to say starting germany the first on our team. on the word revolution issues very pretty and yet i think there's a meaning to the word the computer revolution we have got an increase in computers of a million people increase in cost as we said before i believe the reports we hear of this revolution are very misleading they often underestimate the speed which is going on and the import of worst of all they end up the size material aspect i want you to have much leader but wonderful thing to do i have met paleness he in fact will have a view of ourselves and our world over there i believe is the most important part of the computer of.
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glenn is eventually going to end up in somebodies ring was every one of these miners has forty eight pounds a lead embedded in the glass it's ok until it's run over with those big machines and bulldozers and everything and crushed that lead dust will leitch into the water eventually even if it's aligned live field is going to be a way for the water to get out of the line of. live.
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people think that the donating it to some cause and it's really a recycling event and then say well this still works and. i want to walk you know if it looks like. that. i guess i don't use them. in the public has to realize they can just buy and then. you know just throw it away i mean i mean they're going to be responsible the public has to be responsible and until you get to that level. you know it was always going to be stuff going in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing. live.
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their. lives you know you don't sleep and faithfully so you go to school this is. everybody's trying to get to see how the ankle in a city it's nice in the ships so it's a funny b's. he buys the ships and then plays from the ports and then i sells it i send them money back to his city planet illegal sustain its journey and think. about it. some of them any good see it it's no work if yeah at least if they need me to feed me do something not they maybe checking the
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faulty brings each down you know what is coming this way keep. some of them in again see it's like you picking their rubbish to your house because it's it's very bad. to the standard by which. you must come through this is. basically second hand computers in courts coming in from the woods i examine them to look for all the ownership labels that's the case on them. and also i talk to who will buy them again and how they but i think it is simple to you know it's not a soul is the origin of these computers so we need about it more than a hundred days to get it. and from which country the mother who is please notice that oh then deep down i know you know the face of the book the most is actually nobody can use to change the most most kate you can be kind of
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hate mail so say. we have a policy in place to a brand new policy that does not allow us to dispose of the dumping will show you just another contrast but here you see everything is dale. everything here is to. keep them out of both victim. thing happens all the time and each time i go wrong you will stop. the kind of dump site i've come across these going to shit like this one say's state department state of connected called department of mental health this is just dumping all these as a rather obsolete do not have been functional you know sort of person is why just the united states dumping on gone the dumper did it when it was done it was done the bill stopped it may come is to recycle electronic waste simply. because some. one is sad to see that you ask. the right
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out is getting my life to. pieces what to do when you don't want to take. sides. alex no not not what you want to do i'll come to what you want to do with these than this why you do what i why it's my own country you know what do you think do. you know. this people. or what do you think will prejudge. the outcome of what i say is i only go forward to bring you know but i don't know what to use a full. time in the world of numbers man has been developing. now i might make even our most theory. the reason. moronic calculator has already become
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a. much of our daily i think. we've got this computer by on it's computer trenton which he goes by. that's his computer cheyennes got a laptop we just bought a new laptop for crystal. and then i've got a couple other ones around here that don't they're not working correctly the parts computers but maintaining all those computers it's very expects a link by the simple description a whole bunch of people that like to play games get together on in life pretty much one room in the will play the same game it's a neat hobby it's expensive hobby thing it's free it's a cool interview it can be really good and i like it for these guys because it's a really good father son bonding hobby i just think it's neat that they have something in common that they grow up is a teenager and at that with his dad playing. cons like.
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james least in the united states it's the biggest. party first so it's very skeptical about it i found it kind of people gather together but it sounds insane as if they're computers that can play. play. power hungry show. we're having to rob peter to pay paul cables coming down here to go back up in the halls even. just to feed it is
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happening so fast and progressing so fast. that if you bought the ultimate computer today before you get home it's already obsolete the new generation doesn't know what it's like to. not have a computer to not have emails. sometimes three or four cell phones. in. this. i remember we were really excited because we're got a new black and white t.v. . and then we got super excited when we had a color t.v. that was the bomb.
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so electronics has just. done amazing things for our society some good some bad just like everything else. one. hundred. go get the story. like boy. finally. go get the stone to break this one on.
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this one over there and here's another one. like you. think. i'll.
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just say i'll wager so you plan to do this work until you become a pastor. you know i will be in. another child before i become a pastor or something so you know what kind of work my son made. i'll become president. what are you stupid to say that you know tell them when you are older and by god's grace you are able to complete the education whatever god has planned for you is what you will do is present to you
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don't know what you will be or do in the future to have a good life simple or am i wrong rather. tell them by god's grace you complete your education you will do what god has planned for you. to do and be i mean you. should be on the ground. it was a. very hard to take a. while to get. that back with the earthquake here please. please.
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please. please. please please please. please. please. the people. little. lists.
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crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. he wasn't like the easiest person to negotiate ways i mean many people who've met him or even those who knew him briefly all say that he wasn't completely saying what was it like when you were talking to him and negotiating with him about the lives of these people you know he was very he was very. how can i say maybe on the drugs or medicines but she was listening maybe it wasn't the right place at the right moments. some of the sixty percent of imports came from movie goofy shit. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this
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is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. the territorial waters the fish they load the fish on to the ships and leave for. illegal fishing just taking the bread out of our mounts.
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breaking news and also international percy riot in the desert select. leaves a penal colony in cross najar risk as part of a prison amnesty after her fellow bonded maria walk free earlier today. while the new freedom. steps into the media spotlight it pledges to find where the release of these associates will take their cases and why they're still behind bars . israeli officials demand an end to the american allies spying on their leaders hot on the heels of revelations the n.s.a. was intercepting e-mails of former prime minister and. the u.s. federal reserve the result of a hundred years since its foundation.


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