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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2013 7:00am-7:31am EST

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to see a rise in the desert leaves a penal colony in crossing a yarmulke as part of a presidential honesty just hours after a fellow band member maria you know was also let go of. the new. steps into the media spotlight pledging to fight for the release of his associates examine the case and why they're still behind bars it's. also seen these really officials condemn america for spying on the country saying we're leaders while the government ignores the elephant in the room to preserve its relationship with the u.s. . and we'll have the fast in a series of reports about the brands that monks went to thirteen and today we look at least the captain of trip to rule you wrong with
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a pulse today will be remembered as one of the daily fear and bloodshed. international news live from moscow you're watching with me hugo should probably have things. and the ride bond telecon uncover has been freed just hours after a fellow band member. was also released from jail had both been serving time for carrying out a protest stand in moscow's main cathedral but let's go as part of president putin's amnesty that's not. going to yet line with. freedom at last what did they have to say well of both and there's a lot going to go as well as my look you might have expressed there of course
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obviously they are very happy to be out of prison but they have expressed their desire to continue along the lines of working in what concerns he would rise in the country and i believe we do have those very words coming from. the herself so. i was very well treated many women asked for my advice and support and human rights and legal issues and it's my purpose now to protect the convicts who spoke to human rights activists and as much as we can within the letter of the law protect their rights. but there's not going to go as well said that she intends to keep a close watch on those who have remained in the penal colony where she was she's also intending to do humanitarian and she were rights work in connection with those who are in prison in russia but first and foremost both members intend to meet together we know that they have spoken on the phone already in fact is said to be to be going to cross new york city where there's
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a little corner is now free along. with her husband now speaking to media before the years ago according to his release her husband said that neither he nor his wife intend to leave the country there have been some questions concerning that situation now. both. in the desert they are going to go were given a two year prisons. intern's following this so-called punk prayer in the country's main church and that is the christ cathedral christ as savior cathedral in russia. was them have literally months left over in their sentences but were released follow you now mystic i mean from president putin initially. said that she didn't wish to take a part of this amnesty and leave the prison but and but said she said that unfortunately those are her words and she didn't have a choice so now both members are free and intending to take it upon themselves to
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go through with human rights situations in the country. live arena thank you very much indeed for bring us up to speed. he emerged from prison straight into the limelight insists he won't return to either politics or business but mahela holocaust case has he does need to pay back his dad's to those still behind bars and will find for his imprisoned comrades to honor looks at one of the people who are costly has vast to defend because of course he entered into the press conference in a whirlwind of media hype into a room packed to the rafters with journalists many of whom were congratulating him on his release as a political prisoner however there is a nother side to the yukos saga one that's not often heard. free after ten years this is the sort of because of course these comments after his release raised
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eyebrows. some of my comrades remain in jail they are my fellow sufferers for example my friend platon lebedev i like safe but usually there are still other political prisoners in russia not only those related to the u. cos case i am free now and i'm asking you to think of yours as something which symbolizes that the efforts of civil societies can lead to the release of some people who no one thought would be able to walk free. to choose again was the head of security for mr holder quote ski's oil company you cos he's currently serving a life sentence booked by counts of murder if you have a court finding a person guilty of murder i think it's very difficult for anyone to then say well he's guilty but he's not actually guilty because he's a political prisoner i find it quite order in two thousand and seven a court convicted it too good of ordering the shooting of blood in me
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a better call of the mayor of a town in siberia and his widow believes this was a crime that went to the top there was no one has to give a shit about that question is a wrong moment in my husband's death he wasn't even interrogated both myself and other people who were analyzing this have plenty of facts proving that their coffee was directly involved in the killing of my husband the co-author found no link between the murders and the cost paid the higher part of course he was jailed in two thousand and three for fraud and embezzlement he refuses to accept him killed for the crimes he did from victims of teacher all of a billion. and tried to holocaust case rallies there were reports prosecutors were considering new charges against him that could carry another seven year sentence and older culson a nice to be an advisor to the former only god and suffered an attempt on her life after she fell out of favor with her boss and she says it's not surprising his calling himself and his associates political prisoners. i spoke of
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the course of course he can't act differently now if he ever recognizes what his security forces were doing he will automatically become responsible and not the third you this case could potentially be is a further investigation into those murders and assaults which the company security forces carried out for their goal ski has no other choice he will continue to insist people from his security department are political prisoners and he will pretend to be pushing for a picture against release holder cos he's complained that his case was politically motivated it was rejected by the european court of human rights it found no evidence that the political activists of those involved were relevant as many as many were neither opposition leaders or public officials it was the charges were not related to political life and had a healthy core and political analyst from the voice of russia dmitry babich believes there so seeds of hot across hardly potential prisoners. totally.
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julian and the other bob no further cost you who is doing jail out on labor day of they never did a nice human rights or political activity they never criticize the state what they did was just following dirty war of people working in a big oil russian company in the ninety's never was involved in any political activity he never made any political statements he never ruled any articles in the newspapers he never talked about politics in public he was just ahead though. i would say quasi military organization that helped russia's biggest oil company certainly its course and sometimes all this lead to remove its opponents. and who no longer cause he's class public commons up to his release and to get opinion and analysis on his case and surprise bod and head to our web page at southgate at.
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the latest n.s.a. revelations claim among other countries america has been spying on israel its closest ally but i'd like some other time is such as germany which has been explicit is outraged israel opted to swear this kind of under the rug. the prime minister's office the defense ministry and the foreign ministry have yet to officially comment however one senior israeli government source has said that israel will not allow this announcement to pass without any kind of comment and that an understanding has to be reached at that these things one doesn't do among friends having said that though there is no visible from the israeli side and this of course is because israel presumably is well aware that the u.s. is spying on other countries and so the assumption is there that israelis know that they too are being watched israel is quiet because it once its relationship with
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the united states to continue particularly in terms of intelligence sharing and in terms of the very large amounts of money that israel receives from the united states if you remember a few months ago there were reports that israel has sometimes joined the united states in its electronic spying on others at the same time israel is on the receiving end of huge volumes of the controversially collected american intelligence we have heard from the israeli intelligence and strategic affairs minister you've all statements and he has said and admitted as much that israel she is all its intelligence with the united states the u.k. and germany he says and to quote him and these conditions it is unacceptable to behave this way of course that's a reference to the united states but having said that there's no way that israel is in a position to severely criticize the united states because it doesn't essentially want to jeopardize its relationship with washington and that is why steinitz has also said that we are extremely careful and take into account that not only arab
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countries but also the superpowers are listening to us. meanwhile washington monthly one hundredth birthday of the federal reserve coming out will look back at a century of scandals and financial scandals and the world's most indebted country . plus. people should feel free to go out and come back safely where is that i can leave but there's no guarantee i'll come back alive and our correspondent has to iraq had still iraq to find out what it feels like to live in a country what dozens die from terrorist attacks almost on a daily basis that sounds much more all right after the break.
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the news sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world events this is why you should care only on the dog. do we speak your language anything about the will or not of the. news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news a little turn it into angles couldn't stories. you hear. that try to alter the spanish find out more visit eye to eye. teeth.
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you're watching our senior national walk on barack and today we are starting our loop by the brands that trade twenty thirty. and for the people of iraq this year was the deadliest since two thousand and eight marred by a deepening sick terror in divide and more innocent lives being lost as a result more than nine thousand people have been killed this year sectarian violence has claimed up to one hundred twenty seven thousand lives in the decade since the u.s. invaded while seeking to undermine the shia government sunni insurgents have a target civilian targets in different parts of the country bringing the total number of suicide bombings to four thousand the northern city of kirkuk is often
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caught in the crossfire lying close to al qaeda strongholds and being claimed by both the iraqi government and the autonomy as kurdistan. found out how people that cope with the deadly violence. but it did. he walk or is supposed to be over but these pictures tell a different story of chaos and confusion in the aftermath of yet another deadly blast here into a kook. this bluish city has been described as a fault line a symbol of the country's most intractable woes escalating violence the conflict among ethnic and religious groups and the fight over iraq's resources. getting there was our first challenge a group of kurdish soldiers had agreed to take a sin go baghdad and the kurds lay claim to care coop and are sparring over control
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aside from the danger those entering from the kurdish side need special permission to get past the iraqi checkpoints when habit. roadblocks and concrete barriers to find the new iraq checkpoints like this one are a dominant feature of life and they are everywhere aside from the houses that also frequent target of attacks for us is a blatant visual reminder of the country still very much as you are. inside your commute we drive quickly to avoid danger we're told to look out for black b.m.w. use apparently they've become a favorite for iraq's insurgents who didn't pick the best day to come to roadside bombs exploded here earlier that morning around the same time that baghdad was rocked by a series of deadly blasts but good food has been a flashpoint for years now and in the city center it's clear that life doesn't stop just because of the threats we were expecting empty streets but people continue to go about their business as normal vendors and busy families did their shopping beneath the surface there are scars today kirkuk continues to be an incredibly
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dangerous place that shortly after the city without the help of a military escort residents here say that attacks have happened at any time in any place in fact it's not really safe to stay here for too long so let's get inside we need car want to his. family there kurds who say they're happy that saddam is gone but their fear of political repression has been replaced by fear of the unknown and . we don't know who the enemy is when the next bomb go off but it's a daily fears we've got used to it you know i do small things to feel safer like driving the car windows down that way if there's a blast at least the glass was heard. such precautions didn't help sixty year old mood he says that a decade of war has ruined everything he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time a bomb blast went off injuring his leg for him daily life has become a painful struggle to buy the. hype is what benefit did the your bring democracy
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only explosions shootings and kidnap people should feel free to go out and come back safely where is that job i can leave but there's no guarantee i'll come back no it's not about the city area and differences unfortunately it's book black. and behind this oil is the hit in the interests of politicians. pawns in a political game playing with their livelihoods and lives for conflicts not of their own making the iraqis we met didn't hate their neighbors or care about who controls the oil just like they simply want the peace of mind of knowing they can go out and return to their loved ones alive to see captain of our team here in. the u.s. led invasion of iraq in two thousand and three marks a k a stop to what would be a very bloody parrot in the country's history the president of the our association told us this daily contact while containing. the structure now is much worse than
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it was two thousand and three because there is no security there is no infrastructure the there is a total failure of the infrastructure of the society the health education the teachers and their colonics have been either assassinated or immigrated you have a situation where about four million refugees outside the country of almost two million displaced in the country within the country and the killing is continuing on a daily basis that it is unprecedented so the situation is much worse now. made by both the government of iraq and the western powers who created the situation and they still want to say it was a success but it was. created a special online project on how web site which brings together detailed reports on the diet scale of the violence in iraq so that online at home and for most of the
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big events of the year our series why twenty thirty knots says will be running all this week. these loopholes been braving the elements in order to stand up to us oil giants chevron. this comes after a massive hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some top jobs the gulag of our times. is an undeclared global battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines. founded to prevent boston omegas the u.s. federal reserve is marking
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a century since its creation its faced many challenges from double digit inflation to near depression but hasn't served its purpose. the question. secretive powerful wealthy and now it's got a birthday america's central bank wields enormous and almost unchecked power over the world's largest economy the federal reserve under the not means basically the. other agency of government which can overrule the actions that we take the country has seen as many as eighteen recessions since the fed was created leading many to argue it has singularly failed to end the boom and bust economics that it was designed to prevent it's been abject failure it's been a dismal failure in promoting prosperity. sustainable prolonged prosperity and raising the living standards of americans. the past thirty years
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have produced the biggest growth of income inequality wages for the low and middle class have remained stagnant while the fed has allowed banks to double in size accounting for forty percent of the u.s. economy the fed has twelve regional banks and this one in new york is not only the largest it's also the closest to wall street salaries profits and bonuses have all grown over the past century one thing has shrunk the value of the u.s. dollar has declined a reported ninety five percent since america's central bank was created following the two thousand and eight financial crisis millions of jobs in homes were lost. but wall street went on to make a record breaking profits courtesy of the feds want to cheat if easing program done is it's basically taking a lot of the credit that was on wall street's balance sheets and it's onto its own balance sheets and so it's playing this huge support function and they calling me
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andrew sar who spearheaded the first quarter of q.e. has apologized to americans for what he calls a backdoor bailout for the bang. most americans can't really get credit after the financial crisis still to this day even though wall street's been stabilized and so we have this long term decline in the economic prospects of the average american and yet a lot of our leadership both in washington and within the fed specifically are really focused on trying to put humpty dumpty back together again in terms of wall street and resists resuscitate a system that i think is working less and less for for the person on the street for one hundred years america's currency and economy has been run by unelected and virtually unaccountable central planners and while the fed has helped the rich get richer the gap between the top one percent and the rest. is the largest it's been since the great depression marino point ny r.t.
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. it's might it might make enormous impact on their finances but everyday americans have little chance of influencing the federal reserve and that's unlikely to change according to professor of political economy crisis. even today it's very much determined by the big banks themselves you can get a nomination and become the director of the new york fed without the big banks themselves and in fact people aren't aware that the banks actually pay for the operating they did day of the federal reserve itself so it's always relative to to shoot for the bankers and you know it's really a bit of a misrepresentation of the third is going to stimulate the economy pumping money into the economy what's happened is that money earns up in the hands of the investors and speculators but because that money is not getting into the real economy business you know stimulating rule of verse with united states we don't see
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any real recovery in the real economy for real folks here in the united states. have you ever wondered what it's like to be and i say balls well as you'll see online the russians with fake wallets could soon get the chance because most careers are looking into plans to start selling access to the fees from around one hundred twenty thousand c.c.t.v. cameras. and also on our website what does it take to get a residency permit and hundreds of desperate i'm going to asylum seekers stage a sit in in one town demanding the prime minister himself into being to help them stay. japan is breaking its own radioactive records huge amounts of baser a missing substances have been discovered in another reactor at the crippled fukushima power plant and the government has admitted to contamination what shuttle
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to be completed by spring may actually take another three years alex cohen expert in japan says talk arrow has done so much to keep secrets hidden but it's hard to assess the actual scale of the disaster. entire system of management of tepco in fact of the entire nuclear industry of japan has been to rely on unskilled uneducated and specialised d. the workers the guys in the pick up of the street are brought in and paid a daily we wouldn't have been some of them don't even realize they're going into a radioactive circumstance but it's not professional it's it's a comedy of errors. the tax is just one of many many structures that were built hurriedly without extra without consulting the national specialists it's fair to say that it's a big mess and it will get worse the real problem is that the government has but so
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much energy in the information that at this point i can i think it's fair to say that nobody knows what's really going on. now to some other international news and briefing for three keys secular leaders of the twenty eleven arab spring uprising have been convicted in egypt of holding an authorized a rally and a tightening police officers under a new controversial law that restricts protests the man were given a three year prison sentences and large fines the government defends the legislation claiming it's designed to bring peace to the country while human rights groups say it's actually being gives to curb dissent ahead of what general referendum on a new constitution. has in thailand try to blog their registrational candidates for february's election in their latest attempts to stop the vote thailand's current prime minister was forced to call the vote two weeks ago under
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growing public pressure on large scale projects activists claim they believe he is being influenced by her older brother a telecommunications billionaire who was himself were moved from office to my military career in two thousand but that lead. and up next it's terribly light and looks at the hazardous legacy of computers that are thrown out over the rubbish. summer break a time when all students rejoice and most importantly relax but in russia summer break for male students could change dramatically and involve lots of guns currently male russian citizens have to put a year into the armed forces but the ministry of defense thinks that they can make things easier by having students spend their summer breaks in the military this training would tie in with their future professions such as engineering students
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being put into military engineering position now the question is does your summer break belong to you or another words to the government have the right to tell you what to do and make you serve in the army even if just for three summers during your college years i think the answer this really depends on your culture in places which haven't been invaded countless times or have a strong individual ism streak any form of conscription sounds barbaric and oppressive but if you come from a country that is less individualistic and has been attacked invaded by pretty much every country that possibly could like russia then having a draft makes more sense i think this program could work and if i was in college i would be pumped to spend my summer vacation with some heavy artillery but this is definitely not a universal idea for all countries i don't think liberals are libertarians in america would take too kindly to it and rightly so but that's just my opinion.
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requires me to do oh. we have more. children and grandchildren. will be. to realize three potentiality that we would like the five hundred to one able to develop we shall have to find ways of framing on how to enjoy the leisure that we presume we are going to have to agree to believe that we are going to have in such a way that instead of being frustrating and making life potential. will enable us to engage. and creative i through the. now if you're if you're going to play the same old game and it doesn't really matter there's a lot of people out there they almost refuse to upgrade but if you want to play all
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brand new games coming out. just to keep up i mean it's it's it's not. it's not anything you have to do. it's more of just you know it's trying to keep up with the joneses a lot of the time you know friend gets you know new video farther a bigger monitors on the site hey that's cool i want the. whole. thing to remember when you're you know just to make sure you get everything. never fails there's always somebody gets for god. a user might work to look up parts that we can't find or look like use google map to find addresses of the weight of it stress you have a rough day on the road to get home or whatever or i come home blow something up in a videogame and nothing gets harmed and i feel a little better.


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