tv [untitled] December 23, 2013 9:30am-10:01am EST
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now cecilia asked panda and memoir calling it a desire for truth and she's our guest today. to succeed where others failed libya free. from its present the world long to see a new princess diana. but she. gave up her presidential as well as her country. so why do we want to its brightest. something happening country once right like europe. is front. and our guest today sicily at yass former first lady of france isn't your new book is called. every day the desire for truth and the autobiography now the most remarkable it visited in your lives as first lady as you've said it many times was the role you played in liberating a number of bulgarian nurses and a palestinian doctor who'd been jailed in libya when warmer khadafi was still in
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charge but what was it like i know you get that question a lot but like i still want to hear from you once again. of course it's a very interesting i mean part of my life if not the most important. part of my life because i mean just to say i tried i release six person it's important in and i very mean those nurses and this doctor was condemned to this as you might know and there were jailed for more than nine years and i when they're trying to make a difference trying to talk is not only cut afy but his government his party minister and the people of save me is his son and i tried hard to was on my will to liberate those nurses and i succeeded it was too important trips the first one was twenty i was there the second. it was forty five hours dealing with
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all those people and when they came back with the nurses it was really fabulous for me i tell a lot it may book about this it's something very important for me and i think my life is all about that trying to help other ones that's what i'm trying to do with my from the nation and to be able to release those nurses was for me a very important part of my life and i want to even tell more about that because it was really something huge and happy to about done it but also i mean daffy wasn't like the easiest person to negotiate with i mean many people who've met him or even those who knew him briefly all say that he wasn't completely sane his son also wasn't the easiest person to communicate or negotiate with what was he like when you were talking to him and negotiating with him about the lives of these people. qadhafi i mean you know he was very he was very.
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how can i say maybe under drugs or medicines but he was listening maybe it wasn't the right place at the right moments because as you might remember there were dying those nurses were dying and i mean part of his government wanted to keep those nurses and i told him you're going to i mean it's like killing someone if you don't release them they're going to die in your jail i mean it's not maybe the best image you want to send to the world before. not being any more in charge of the country so maybe i offer him something that he was i mean lucky to receive the chance to release those nurses and this doctor there were really dying and i don't know if you remember he was wearing always a big map of africa on his jacket and he was telling me i want to be the gate for africa and i told him why would you want to be the gate of anything if you are you
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going to kill those nurses so i think it was a win win deal and i want to see the nurses in their prison and then i went to see the kids remember it was four hundred fifty kids infected by the. virus and fifty or sixty were already dead and the other ones who were in the hospital i went there and there were very small kids and it was really sad and i mean i told him maybe we can help to send some medicine and doctors to take care of those kids so i think i was that he was listening to me i thought when i was talking to him in the middle of his i mean i don't know drugs he was listening and he understood that it was maybe you know with for him to to make a new humanitarian act in his life so i think i was at the right moment at the right place like you say right moment right place i mean you went there as yourself
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but also as the wife of the french president and at that moment everyone knew that nicolas sarkozy and khadafi were were friends why did their friendship and. not at that moment not at that moment though we're not friends are although not talking to each other it's one of part of the deal and i told him that the president french president will go to an official trip to libya if they release the doctor and the nurses so it was part of the deal to be back again in the international scene remember he went to the united nations after that so it was a part of the deal as well so he was very much i mean interested it was his own interest as well i knew how to do with him and it was tough it was long it was a lot of discussions it took me hours to deal with him but i mean he was listening
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and i think i had the right words and i knew i felt you know woman field those kind of things how to to shame and how to make him realize that it was his own interest and here no interest of not to release them people have tried all the international community tried for years to go and release the nurses and they didn't succeed so maybe. i found the right words to touch him and to to make him interested in a deal that was the only way to make him react. but also i'm sure you've heard for many years now there are allegations that qaddafi was sponsoring nicolas sarkozy's presidential campaign what do you say to that when people tell you something like that. i don't want to hear about that. i mean it's. not interested in that i don't want to hear those kind of things. i think it's
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a nonsense. but you said like it was you being a woman who actually persuaded him and probably that actually added to the negotiating process so after that with your success as negotiator. did that persuade you that you can actually play your own role in politics beyond that of first lady. not in politics the first reaction i had is to create my foundation because i receive a lot of e-mails and messages from all over the world the women of addition or n.g.o.s asking for help and they thought i could help because they have the will to do it and they trust me and i receive e-mails from all over the world of women really need asking me to give them a hand which i did i create my own foundation in united states which is a silly excess from nation for women and it was like a from nation built by herself by itself because of what happened in libya so
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having the rule in politics. at some point we thought about it a few years ago and to have likened legitimacy for me to work on nicolas side it was a way not to be criticize and to have a rule as you might know in france there is no official rule for first role for a first lady and i think it was it was part maybe of of helping me to help the other ones it's to have a special role and really have a legitimacy and official role as a first lady or even the wife of a. minister or a profit but to go in france in charge of the regions here and if their role is really off shore and with a budget of cabinet nobody could criticize i think it's important to talk about this because you have the power to do a lot when you're
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a first lady or where new work in a minister on the side of your husband and you can do a lot but i mean to do so you have to have i mean really you know a frame and that was the first thing and then we thought maybe i could be elected and then you know my family my kids were still very young and i. wanted to take care of them and still work with my husband at that time but do you mean do you just does a woman need a strong man by her side to succeed in french politics or is she to actually push forward her ideas or is she better off alone i think woman or man doesn't mean it's a gender problem if a woman is i mean we have a fabulous politician a woman's a man politician i mean it's not a question of gender if you're married to a politician you can have your own it's a question of choice you can have your own professional life or decide to help your
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husband if you have if you want to be elected you have your own autonomous but i think it's it's not a question of gender everyone chooses own live and work in the skill he wanted to work in but you waited until the end of nicolas sarkozy's complaint to divorce him why did you feel that was important to wait. i didn't think it was important to wait it was not a question of politics i was married for a long time i was living for him with him for more than twenty years and i mean now we're fat millia we're. had some problems some issues and i tried to rebuild. after those years you know we have the family so i try to rebuild my and my family you cannot quit lead this and get divorced in one month or two months it's too much important and i tried hard to rebuild my family and it was not
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a question of politics or agenda never it was only a matter of a couple having issues and trying to solve them i didn't succeed in solving my issues but i tried hard now your ex-husband parties pick it up again these days do you still share their vision for the country. you know i tried not to talk about politics because for me you know i left this country six years ago i'm living just a side of the atlantic in the united states and of course i have the news immediately because of the media's internet i know exactly what happens here here in france as soon as you can know but i don't want to take part of the debate and i don't want to judge anything and very much it's not my rule and it's not. very elegant of my brother of course i have my own opinion but it's for me and i
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don't want to share it the only thing is that i love this country it's my country i love friends and i would like this country to go better and be better because we deserve it there is amazing people living here we have great talents it's a fabulous country that you know i think i mean and we deserve now to put this country back on the international scene. isn't it thank you very much we're going to take a short break and we'll be back stay with us guys. come . dramas that
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trying to be ignored. stories others refuse to notice and. places change the world lights never. grow. old pictures of today's new models. from around the globe. look to. the. wealthy british. margetts. scandal to find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on. her lips. curled.
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little. clip earlier. little. live. in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. to live. the county fourteen olympics what's this place like. this is so special as the russian resort prepares to welcome the world power the games should be the city's present and future what more sochi will bring you this is the moment they're reporting from a very cold and snowy windy mountainous stop here beyond the olympics.
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starting the first on our team. and we're back with this idiot's ass off the run former first lady of france it's great to have you back on our show now you have said that france reminds you of a beautiful lamp which isn't. what exactly do you mean by that. it's like like a museum it's a beautiful country paris is a beautiful city but people are sad and it's like there were no more real or didn't have ms min this country when you travel all over the world which i'm doing with my husband and for my for the nation i can see the country's
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really was a fantastic deny me is and i think we have lost that in this country and when i talk to the people they have lost hope and that's a problem for me because we're living in a front fantastic world and a new great country we have been through an economic crisis all over the world and france deserves to get out of the crisis and deserve to have all the people who are leaving the country to go and work in other places and it's very sad to see that and it's really like that like a lamb. was no light and it's sad for me but you are surely sad about it because you love your country more than anything why did france lose its dynamics what would just say is the main reason is this france's problem only alone or is it because of the crisis like you said crisis in the eurozone maybe a crisis it was not only in the euro zone even in united states we had the crisis
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it was a worldwide crisis and the thing is. i don't know this country seems spain is starting to be back in the game i mean arlen distorting to be back in the game united states they have created an employment is going below the seven point two percent and creating jobs every month and so now we need france to be back in the game so why is it longer and more difficult in our country i don't know i don't know if there is do you know there is not a mirror concern lucian and there is another explanation to specialise for that and many people much more intelligent than me and special is the me that are working on that they can and cannot find a solution so i cannot give an explanation what i want is my country to be back. i just want to touch upon woman and politics the same one more time but precisely
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in france i know that being a mayor of paris is a stepping stone for many presidents of france now in the coming election in paris two women will be fighting for the position did this woman have any chance in your opinion of becoming presidential candidates one day. i hope so i really hope so look at the united states hillary clinton has more than a chance she should and she might be the next president and why not in our country i mean we're not that bad and we're not. smart for. the man there's no so much difference so i think it's not on because it's a woman chose to have more or less chance i think it's only to be smart woman or man once again it's not a gender problem it's only to be kept to be to have the will the courage because it's not easy politics is very violent and that's my only into a geisha is
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a woman. i mean tough because politics is very violent today and i mean i hope that women will have the will and the desire to run for important and the jobs as minister of president of this country i hope so so do you think you could run for the president of france one day i mean you certainly have all it takes. no i'm not sure capable of and. i mean i'm living in the states now so we'll see. so i take it's not a definite no and we'll leave it at there but you know i was actually growing up in paris and when i was growing up in paris the national front. heard you thank you very much but our viewers haven't heard my french so they will
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have to take your word for my french. so anyways to get back to my childhood i was growing up in paris and when i was growing up the national front before mr knight it was a marginal party that no one took seriously now. whom i've interviewed couple of months ago is one of the most popular politicians in friends and her party is gaining ground as someone who knows france how do you explain this why does this party resonate with third of your country so much. you know. countries of. arrayed or worried you go to do extremes. he would have been try to change the major for a party. but it's the same it's the fullness and it is the extreme party of the right side which is frightening and i don't want that for my country so people have to be aware that it's not a joke we're not talking about something easy it's it's
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a danger for our country you have to be very very careful who is that so when a country's worried people are worried they don't know what's going to happen to morrow they don't know what's important is going they don't know how the economy is going they're starting to be in those extremes and we have to be very careful with that you know every french person that i have spoke to spoken to recently admits that immigration has become more of a problem ever since to boundaries are open now if it were up to you as a regular citizen what would you do with the immigration problem because i have to say a desk feel on confortable is treats of paris sometimes and this wasn't there ten fifteen years ago. good very difficult for me to answer to your question because that's in turn politics and we have people in charge today so it's very difficult
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for me to answer i know that we have. to be careful of is doing me gratian. we cannot open our doors to everybody all the time. we have to be very tolerant so it's a mix of a lot of different postures but i mean it's not my role once again to talk about it well neither of your parents were born french your father was from the russian empire your mom was from spain you have become a target for about any of them because of that now having felt it personally what do you think about the level of xenophobia in france you know we have a global war and people are moving from one country to the other which is a good think because if you have difficulties or issues in your country you can go and find work in other foreign countries in united states which is fifty two states if you don't have work and you're living in montana or you're trying to go to way
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you're going to find work so i mean europe is big and we we created europe to have this citizen ship going from one country to dia other the word now is getting smaller and smaller because of the internet and the way of communications i mean plane trains cars whatever so we have to be to have special rules for that because we have to protect our identity we have to protect our country but we cannot close it completely so it's very dearly kate subject but we have to think about it and try to find the right to live in a modern world i want to talk to a budget out there. and he's made a lot of headlines here in russia after giving up his french citizenship and there are others like him as well they're living. the country to avoid such high taxes what is your attitude your opinion towards the is it an apache or take or is it ok
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no i told you at the very beginning of our of our talk i mean we have great talents in this country and i don't want the talents to leave the country it is so dramatic and sad i mean those people have to stay in their country and we have to find the way to have the kind of me back and employment back to you know i was in london a few days ago to sign my book in the french bookstore and there were a lot of people french people who left the country not because of the taxes because they don't have no hope in france and not because they don't want to pay and i think it's only because they found a job in london or in england or in belgium and they didn't find a job in france so it's a problem bigger than that it's only that our country is not doing well at all and people are leaving because they need to work and to earn money and it's they don't have chance or opportunity is here in this country i want to talk a bit about your foundation you talk about it in your book you mentioned it twice
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during our interview it's called sunday so cecilia jaspal if there are forums and discussions hosted by it but how exactly is your foundation helping real woman in everyday life. we're helping more than helping women who would have being from nations or n.g.o.s around the world i mean it's very difficult for me to be in the field to go to africa to south america help people it's try to be a helping hand for foundations in need around the world and that started as i told you after the libyan a piece of my life and we are trying to give a voice to those foundation what does it mean and means to put them around the table and give them a voice and tell their issues and what they're looking for. or were they fighting against it so it was women's matters but we tried to find what i call response the
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look for action that happens every year it's like finding helping those foundations to find a response to their problems we can sit there on the table media partners people from the government in charge of the country people of the i mean business world trying to find solutions or responses to those foundations in need. to see i think you so much for this interview and i want to wish you good luck with anything you decide to undertake thank you so much. that's all we have for now we're talking to sicily actually ass off there and former first lady of france and we will see you in the next edition of sofia.
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he wasn't like the easiest person to negotiate i mean many people who've met him or even those who knew him briefly all say that he wasn't completely sane what was he like when you were talking to him and negotiating with him about the lives of these people you know he was very he was very how can i say maybe on the drugs or medicines but he was listening maybe it wasn't the right place at the right moment. largest consumer of p.c.'s and i see it when i'm in the country is the federal government to simply say the problem. is the united states suffered image and it was probably going to realize it can just by. just throw it away. for instance the
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launch of the you know sleeves environmental protection agency and i found this on a dump site here this is in the future it's not a waste of aluminum producers of these little i have to should be able to look at least i believe responsible for improving the grid. for mexico. i'm told bill. also belongs to the washington metro transit properties will be done as trades. and trademarks. approximately sixty percent of imports came from illegal fishing. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. on the territorial waters of the fish they load the fish into the show. leave for.
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who see riots not just about leaves a colony in. the presidential on the street just a fellow bond. was also that. on the new free. steps into the me just spoke lines pledging to find who they were least of his associates examine their cases and why they're still behind the. scene israeli officials condemn america for spying on the country's leaders while big government ignores the elephant in the room to preserve its relationship with the he was. on how the series of reports about the monks went to thirteen today we'll look at least account of trip to rural
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