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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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movies playing out in real life. today on larry king now the channel four news team is back look at this face it's a normal face. it's a face like a tractor beam that's it's a beacon of hope its anchorman two will fare all and then david ketner people like ron because he is obviously a silly before but at the same time he he represents authority i think in a way and we would like to see our our leaders made fun of that's my smart answer plus director adam mckay and producing judd apatow al i think the one thing that i brought to it was what would make rubber going to you're a real person just say but what's he like when he's just quiet harrison ford how did you get him to do this we'll i daresay that's all ahead on larry king now.
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with us now will ferrell and david the costars actually is david's film and you will is also in it will also big dog but also cool over you know how it all all we have certainties you came up with it's plain the carrot why is wrong burgundy it. well look at this face right it's a normal face. it's a face. it's gloria yes right it's like a tractor beam said something big can of hope that this is ron i think wrong people like ron because he's obviously a silly before but at the same time he he represents authority i think in a way and we like to see your. our leaders made fun of that's my smart answer but
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he's an idiot is yes it's you know. at home we like to think of ourselves as smaller smarter than the idiots who are running things whether it's your boss or you know a teacher or someone from the government someone pointed out this film makes a statement about the media doesn't it car chases more than the head of the p.l.o. yeah right we you know when we decided to choose one nine hundred eighty is the launching point for that's when c.n.n. has been seen and began and we thought all this would be a fun opportunity to have you know a broad funny p.g. thirteen movie that reaches a wide audience at the same time have a little satirical edge to it with a comment on twenty four hour news and ron and his guys are the. forefathers of how we report think your character how do you see him you're supposed to have a dozen most sports writers no sports he's in denial a lot of ways he's
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a raging alcoholic he's a homophobe get lately homosexuals he's racist and saajan just makes him yeah i just saw their own ethics that's how i see him so he's just so how emotional relates to the play what's the screen that's worth the script all that stuff in there to me and there's a lot of fun complexity to play with and he's also. got no nothing but anger as the as he's as that's what he uses as a shield of denial to get through life because he's basically in a bad emotional place this isn't because this is sound city that it's it's every duty heavy duty that's mr going to you're going to walk out if you're on the right cham guy who came up with the shark. that was an idea i think adam mckay came up with because we were talking about how would you want to you know this highly anticipated sequel what would be a funny way to start it and so he's underwater and beside you we could sort of this
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was because for all we could start it with ron being attacked by a shark. slain it way in. oh i hope that would be great and if it stayed and how did you bottle feed a shark very delicate. out of the water to out of the water you know i was going to try to say that's our last man but i could get. everybody in this and they couldn't wait to do it. we're having so much fun. we really like each other obviously we get along communicate we get to do these interviews together and the other fun part is we're finally as a group getting getting to take a little pat on the back for the first movie which we didn't get to do it didn't it didn't have it was a modest hit you know who was you know but it really grew in popularity for five six years after and so now we're kind of getting credit as
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a group for the first movie how do you explain that growth. why i think because people thought it was just a big dumb movie and i got that but it is the movie is really a satire at the center with all this silliness around it and he will watch it use there's so much humor tucked in that you didn't see the first time for instance where walking down the hill at one point we're all just casually littering you probably missed it the first time but then what he said here like i think is just not even finishing what we're reading i took a half a corndog in awe and i thought you know kind of comments on a lot of things that are americans who comments on american society in ways you like oh that's another thing we do and fans upon repeat viewings got to rediscover those jokes and that leads to a really strong ownership of the movie and is even more this right yet maybe it is the hard piece that be funny we got a funny from larry king but no it's funny. once the watch cartoonish yes he does
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this to you know do you ice skate. i i i skate in if you describe ice skating being able to comfortably get on and off the ice yes i skate so how do you do that some of these these being too humble i remember that night watching him do that now he doesn't play the flute i'll give him that. here's this guy out there it's cold. and he just goes and doesn't he's laughing have a good time he's a guy that just moves his body in a certain way and he could make it funny he's making ice skating funny i couldn't i didn't do the spends though there was no there was no but the rest of the guys just gliding along like wow look at him you shove this in the blimp and one of the limpers well we really see it as base their room i wish i could say it was you know it's the tax break in jordan yeah. that's the glamorous answer i was pained to learn that was only three days in new york and yeah. even
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central park was in some room so it's fake it's well it's sort of the characters i mean you know people. there wait a minute you're destroying my holy there is no ron burgundy sorry not right now not not at least at this moment and he really knows sports camp know you know ron stuck at la guardia right now. when you do a comedy you don't play it funny that's another thing we all share in common we're totally committed to the characters you never wink at the camera. and that the juxtaposition of being totally committed. with the fact you're saying ridiculous things makes it funny but it christine is there a couple of times a few flesh of the squiggle have to catch it we do break up and they lifted it and they left a little bit of the break up cool increase well it happens because you don't want
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to go ruining also ted but sometimes you just you know you can't help it but i have the good fortune to have that big cowboy hat so i can act like i'm adjusting it better than i thought so if that happens that means i was laughing if you break up . in my personal life. and relationships. no i am you know i mean you know yes. i break up on a kick cage and i'm pretty i can hang in the market pretty good or good light house scene no you know toward the end of the filming and was the last scene the four of us were going to do together and i don't know if it was a combination of two things none of us could keep it together and i didn't i couldn't at all and adam said don't worry your we're on your back right now so we're shooting the other way go ahead laugh it'll be around the weekend get around both i'm going to love this movie is it hysterical we're the only thing not in a sure bet true we believe that it was heels and we believe you know i feel so
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incomplete i would. turned to come to me and i turned it down it's the reason they think we already need to know being here in europe three europe first how much space do we need before the next from eighteen years eighteen years first so you get a double that i mean as my friend albert to know you know you play blind number he did the great you're how did you play blind i just watched you know. nor he said you look at one object and just focus is yeah i would kind of squint yeah you would just focus not move your head and was it hard. i don't know i didn't think about it yeah i didn't it didn't seem that hard i mean but i didn't have the pressure of being realistic with my blind where al pacino in that movie had to do no dramatic performance i'm doing such a list yeah i've never seen a more arrogant petulant blind person. who came up with the idea of a lighthouse when i was out of service i was out of an i o.
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you know with the idea that rod has to go blind and he's everything i did well and i think he should live in a lighthouse. but i have not even that comedy or is it does he run the white house because this is a shot off i don't know. who let him live in a white house black man can't run a light house it's not sound how does he drive a car oh very. good don't you guys wave is over when you see it i did i were the first time i saw it i was laughing really hard and i stop and so what am i doing because i thought i heard laughter in the theater live oh yeah they're all laughing too and that was all industry people so i thought that was a good stuff but i enjoy these guys i enjoy watching these guys and laughing them i was laughing when fact when i came on the screen i'd stop judging yeah yeah friendships have developed from this right you to you for the because i've known will since ninety five we're both actually hired on
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a saturday same day really and then went to a yankee game that night yeah and we're both really was just which is happening and where you stand ups us sketch sketch and improv you know david from second city in chicago and i came from the groundings in l.a. i do stand up now you know you do say oh it's the you know because i was nicholas what are you doing next will oh by the way you know my kids right they have seen the other guys oh really seven hundred times that is one of the great movies that's great and i proceed with walburga that's like what do you do in that. i am actually i think i'm doing going to do this movie with kevin hart starting in the spring called get hard hit hard where it isn't it does not where you think it's a nutter it's an underground. where is it about where i am a i'm a white collar financial person who's been sentenced to a harsh maximum security prison. term and he gets me ready for prison is
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a comedy comedy. where you don't know maybe we should do is. do it i'm doing stand up the first three months of the year during a little tour called together again with just me and then. there's a movie coming out called that she throws fantastically as a lame gun goes out march it's a sinister thriller with dark comedic undertones they shot in twelve days well that's always a it's getting old it's river cheap thrills and spills you'll love it who's in it ethan embry pat healy sarah paxton in myself and it was a great little ensemble picture but it man it pulls you right in it's a pressure cooker that and then i did this thing with brant but in canada it's going to come out called no clue and then also david cross shot a film the summer the paralegal at sundance called gets you want to do something
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serious. i've done it on occasion and i've thoroughly enjoyed it serious liars roles in pictures but you know there's the new series treasure in fiction another movie called everything must go. it's got to do it a couple times i think you're ready for the death of the so don't get. for the fall will be low for larry king's mouth to god's ears you must see this movie the only thing not in that it is me. we get it it's sort of it's not me tell you it's not completely the. car. of the please. it was terrible they are looking very hard to take a look once again for so long here there's a lot that you never had sex with that her great care militants killed about one.
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of. those little lives. look. look look look look look look. look look look look look look. a purple. i'm the best that. aside. i think corp trying to convey that to consume can do and the bad kind of all that i'm all about money and i'm a family pick for a politician writing the laws and regulations that. somehow.
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there's just too much pressure at today's society. that. live. live . live. crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want.
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we now welcome to larry king now and adam mckay and judd apatow the producer writer directors they do everything on anchorman two what are you on the producer the producer yes adam is the writer and the director and the producer he got three things and i got three what does a producer do well you know most sleep about how get to a town and i'll say where is the spot where is this bob who does a good friend had who does a good shot to massage and that i stay there this is important and then what i say people go why are you on the set and i say because you got to let the director direct the film what am i going to do micromanage and then so you deserve it i disappear and then i show up with larry king. and that i take credit and you get a percentage of the profits and i get it up massive percentage of the profit you're hired him and i'm a hired hand yeah i just take care of a strap a towel i make him look good and at the end of the day we're all smiling who comes
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up with what i mean want to give me the origins we didn't begin well that was will and i wrote that scripts wrote a crazy version of it that no one in hollywood would make we basically took it to all the studios and financier's in town twenty six of them all said no is that the one we saw it was a different different one that we had then brought the strap a towel and rewrote it with him and then they made it because of his name because he found the good spot and what did you change and whatever your age you know i think the one thing that i brought to it was just trying to talk about what would make rubber going to you're a real person in addition to what was so funny about the character i just kept saying but what's he like when he's just quiet. when he's on like when he's at home . and i think oddly you know you really care about him as a person he didn't is very sweet will so sweet and so. you know the idea that is
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above the water that is and i was in the initial r. how do you explain its genesis in the not initially hit and now become a worldwide favorite through what i have no idea i was hoping you could tell us it well this television to playing and kids loved it and d.v.d. and television and snippets on you tube and people kept watching it over and over again and. you know the character is kind of an infectious character so i think people eventually took to it as a lot of jokes in the movies so when you go see it in a movie theater for the first time you don't fully appreciate that somebody is there's nobody watching but lots yeah i certainly was it just funny or the fourth time you did when we would watch it in the editing we would laugh so hard on the one hundred one view of it we would go look at chorales doing in the corner just eating a banana for no reason and we would notice all these little details and i think other people had that experience was that a difference is it true there's another i think i'm in script that has not been
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done that is crazy in this one or that was the one we tried to get made that every studio said no to no that is still around it was we still have it yeah maybe that'll be the third one i don't know can you tell me just briefly what was crazy about it well it is hard getting crazier than this one all the anchor people are to play a role on a plane headed to an anchorman convention so it was the fifty guys on a plane and one woman and the court. records it. was over so i get confused that's right. stick with her and basically crash into about him and then they it becomes a survival story beside him but with a lot of the flies away and they end up fighting baboons with martial arts weapons . all of craziness and that's going to be to bring in on the house and for how did you get him to do this i don't want to tell you who else is in it because everyone's a surprise but house of one comes on early as we lived there or something and he
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told them to tell him there was a family dinner called impersonating his son he showed up you know how did we get her support and i remember we always wanted a mini may be our first choice when my dad as a peer favor. just someone did us a favor and another an agent said. of show up and harrison showed up and he was very aware of the movie he had seen the movie and not had as in the movie had not watched the movie even before he came to shoot it it just was there was a man with i think he claims he will never see it after shooting him you ask and later if he'd seen it and he said still no i said no i haven't seen it and then his children hadn't even seen i said we have probably seen it he goes no they haven't seen it either we still don't know why he showed up but not for nothing. but he was already there and is very very funny and i think that people take for granted that the reason why we love star wars and raiders
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a lost ark is that arson for it is really funny and i think he personally wrote a lot of his material and a lot of movies and he's quietly one of the great comic actors working with will what is not like. you know will is just so collaborative he's like such a kind of giving actor you think of hollywood stars is that it has to be me me me but the weird thing about will is he's always trying to set other people up in the scenes he's trying to make everyone else funny and he's a great writer too i mean the crazy thing is on set with them you know we start improvising which we do a lot of he's always coming up with the greatest lines who came up with. the shark . and on the great characters and so and that is what they do a questions of all time. with the shark that's why i. don't know who did come up with the shark i remember the telling me about it is that there's going to be a whole sequence where he raises
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a shark this is feral and i in his house basically trying to make each other laugh and at some point there was a shark and then we told judd about it he goes really a shark and we go yeah a shark is good producing or imagery of how to be a producer they say hey we have two holes he goes he raises the shark when i said. i'd rather see how that goes. and came up with the ice skating. that i think was we'll yeah i think we wanted to have him play the jazz flute but we felt like something else needed to be on top of it and he did he state. you could skate a little bit as a doubles skating for a bit what makes me laugh is the cuts from double to will to double to wilbur's is closer to where you think he looks like he is standing a little bit yeah he gets skinnier and chubbier skinnier chubbier well yes i'm a stunt man to will which makes me like you know one of the all of the larry king live in the twenty six year history of larry king live at c n n one of the great shows that was talladega nights it's one of my favorite things whenever both of
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them are on my show and it was the only show i ever did my life that is scripted everything said on that show was in my prompter i wrote it. as their uncle knight that was my state and carrot i just brought that up to will the other day i said that is the grit to this day the greatest thing we've ever done ever to promote a movie that we've done with the uniforms amazing and you totally straight and in the whole time it was like a one act play or something i think that was amazing new baby jesus. i get a copy of that is there going to be anchorman three of the look this is obvious this picture is hysterical about it on anything you don't know it's funny if i gave it a quarter of a laugh riot i think it's a laugh or other surprise a part of you marie is surprise you mean doesn't work unless it surprises you and says a million surprise and you were the ghost busters is the first one for my first movie that's right ninety's is there an anchorman three. should there be yeah you have to
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tell us it's absolutely you think so but we got to wait a little while right you cannot ten years yeah but i think like two years at least to me is you have a jump on it yeah because the worst thing to do like the fans demanded this second one it was how we did it's we want to let them demand it a little bit of doing anything in the interim other other project well what do you do i work in the t.v. series girls oh those are done this and so that starts up in january and i'm going to make a movie this summer with a comedian amy schumer really funny woman this summer you like comedy i do like comedy i don't really trust anything that doesn't have jokes if i see a movie it doesn't have a joke so i feel like it's not true as you will not produce a remake of death of a salesman there's some jokes in there. but you know i it's depressing i've shot things that have funny i mean the dramatic scenes in them and then everyone's depressed that but they're not to present
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a bottle raising a shark because it's what are you doing on it i am working on a movie with will smith and denzel washington remake of uptown saturday night the old movie from the seventy's. so hopefully we can do in that next summer you know both of them to get wow that's what we're hoping yeah i will definitely committed that he was interested did you have any trouble he's doing reasons yeah you know did you have any trepidation about the racial scene the dinner. no you know we knew that the joke was always on the side of the fact that burgundy was so ignorant and if the joke stayed on burgundy and how stupid he was and never got mean spirited or it was a race we knew we were in good shape and right away when we tested it the audience identify that it was all he's an idiot and some of that was the joke we know we're ok there's about an hour cut from this about three hours worth of the euro grab the thing you cut and it is going to be a d.v.d.
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that has a alternate version of the movie that has done obviously there's a d.v.d. wasn't it i sure hope the d.v.d. you got to host the d.v.d. i think it's a great idea you can do it right now look at that camera and welcome into the d.v.d. welcome to the d.v.d. be of anchorman two you will see things never seen before scenes cut that the cast regrets you will cry you will laugh you will go home better than you were before enjoy anchorman to revisit it. i just called hello zillion dollars it's amazing that first he did it like it was free but i doubt voyager of all he's going to really all get on the d.v.d.'s although we'll see you guys are tremendous talents they have brought comedy to a new level you should be very proud to see great great things and you get
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a pleasure so let's see well in a snowstorm nonetheless a jewel in the snow. put it on your cultural harmony watch and the polish face just like you know. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v.
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today i roll researcher. wealthy british style. time to write. market. is going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to. an end to kaiser report on r g.
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the. hello everyone i'm having martin and this is a break in the set to marks the one year anniversary of operation pillar of defense the siege of the gaza strip by the israeli military the offensive killed the six israelis and left one hundred sixty palestinians dead the majority of which were civilians and like previous israeli military actions against gaza a pillar of defense was marred with violations of international law israeli military targeted civilian areas with missiles and airstrikes killing women and children in the process they also shelled public utility buildings severely crippling gaza infrastructure even a journalist tower housing offices for several media agencies including this one r
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t was deliberately bombed fast forward to today and a chance of peace in the region is frozen once again as israeli land grabs and harsh rhetoric by bibi netanyahu continue this week also mark the anniversary of the passing of palestinian leader yasser arafat who died in two thousand and four evidence now suggests that the former statesman was deliberately poisoned that's right swiss experts recently concluded that arafat's exuma remains contain traces of polonium a radioactive substance two hundred fifty thousand times more toxic than cyanide so needless to say this is a somber anniversary indeed and while here in america we only hear one side of this conflict in order to learn from history and change our future we must acknowledge these dark truths. of the. terror.


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