tv [untitled] December 24, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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live from the hour to new center moscow at ten pm here a palestinian girl is killed and troops and tanks at the ploy to the gaza strip tonight is israel escalates the fratelli ation to the shooting of one of its citizens. friends stereotypes within nato and the e.u. are now takes it approach to other countries russia's top diplomat comments on this she is trends in foreign policy during his visit to us. that the bombing attack on a police h.q. in egypt adds to the country's political crisis as the interim government blames the muslim brotherhood for the attack branding it a terrorist organization. and the fracking protests against all corporations aiming for easy cash what shall report on the events of the five twenty for the take.
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over a good evening if you just joined us is to say it's ten pm now you're moscow my name is kevin our top story that an israeli airstrike on the gaza strip tonight killed a young girl and injured several members of her family the shelling comes in response to the fatal shooting of an israeli civilian on the israeli palestinian border israel also confirmed there are tanks and infantry involved now in the operation middle east correspondent paula slee has the latest. one palestinian girl a three year old has been killed in the gaza strip and some nine others injured among those injured are her mother and her brother this comes as some ten israeli airstrikes hit gaza over the past few hours now they targeted the hour the refugee camp as well as islamic jihad and hamas sites both yunis in the south of the strip
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as well as in northern gaza earlier on choose day a palestinian man was killed by israelis waste of beit lahia which is also in the gaza strip this was in retaliation to the earlier shooting and killing of an israeli man by a palestinian sniper now this is radio man was mending the border fence between israel and gaza when he was hit and he died in hospital what we're hearing now from israeli sources is that this is the largest operation that the israelis have carried out in terms of a strides over gaza since the operation pillar of defense back in two thousand and twelve the idea has also sent out an alert in the last few minutes warning of border farmers as well as all of wizard and within the vicinity of gaza to stay at least one kilometer away from the fence and the understanding of course is that we could be through the airstrikes in the coming minutes if not in the coming hours so
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the situation on the ground extremely volatile we're following it closely and everybody particularly concerned that this could escalate into something much bigger than what we witnessing at the moment. correspond closely and they will also talk to palestinian political analyst dr hani elders so seizing gaza city told with the israeli strike follows several days of clashes at the israeli palestinian border israeli army and the military forces i know the gaza strip very world i understand a city which in which some houses can be close to military caused by the same time there israeli warplanes sometimes the fire of volatility billions and this one has been for the past five days and for policy and civilians were injured for the boss for these sort of what happened to the seen him when he turns to it again israeli soldier this came after after five days of atlanta she's on the portable all over the gaza strip so what we expect in the next of hours to be more and more israeli
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attacks on some bostonian military camps on the gaza strip and we are waiting to see what kind of had been what's going to take at least we have fear. in a wider scale beginning with you can please. be following the story bring you the latest course here on r.t. plus live updates available on our website as well r.t. dot com. western countries are gradually changing our approach to the syrian conflict realizing the threat posed by islamist rebels there that's the view of russia's foreign minister spoke exclusively to r.t. about this very subject and this year's main results in a foreign politics two artes it appears can offer is among those who talked to rob a bit earlier today. we spoke for an hour and there are lots of things to talk about since it was quite an eventful year which did bring russia several diplomatic victories like for instance the syrian chemical arms deal and currently with the international community now working on the peace conference according to the foreign minister one of the key obstacles in that sense remain preconditions being
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voiced by the syrian opposition including calls for president assad to step down at the same time mr lavrov said the stance of the west in that sense has been shifting into the western countries are now becoming more realistic in their approach to settling the syrian conflict regardless of what their official spokesman say the number one problem is the threat of terrorism in syria the threat of jihadists coming to power in sitting at the caliphate and trampling on human rights and maybe even exterminating minorities in syria and the realization is doing that region change is not the way to resolve this problem our western partners are becoming increasingly clear about this process relations with the west are also talked about the minister said there is an apparent a will by both sides to create a more transparent and trustworthy relationship but some countries still shoulder scholes warrior mentality and a desire to draw more dividing lines in europe. some leading members have
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a be against russia which is really said this leads to similar european partners still wanting to keep dividing lines within europe and even move these lines eastward levy the developments on our big continent of europe asia through the type they believe the country should be with them or against them such an approach is completely inefficient nowadays the former so also talked about how sometimes moscow doesn't understand they'd also actions for instantly its recent military drills on wall nearer to russia's western borders and some states some members of the alliance after that openly said that it was these were drills aimed to work out . protection from a threat coming from the east the only country so close in the east basically is russia ends all president putin has been raising this question recently about u.s. plans to build the eighty missile defense system in europe since washington has been saying that one of the key threats that it's a possible attack from is this theoretical possible threat from iran but with the
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progress being made with the iranian nuclear program what is the point of building that sure there now and just let you know you can watch the highlights of exclusive interview with the russian foreign minister a bit later this hour in fact here on r.t. . egyptian city of man sewer has been rocked by a bombing attack that targeted the police h.q. in the city fourteen people were killed there more than one hundred injured the blasts devastated a large portion of the building where the government put the blame the muslim brotherhood with a spokesman calling it a terrorist organization reporting for us but the story tonight from cairo is tom dale. around one am a series of at least two explosions went off inside and just next to the security directorate building in months. we know that at least two senior security officers are among the dead according to state t.v. and this is the deadliest the most audacious in a series of attacks a series of bombings which are plagued egypt since the july third ouster of mohamed
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morsy. and the group which has been behind most of these bombings which has claimed most of them has called. this the party zones of jerusalem. while they haven't yet claimed responsibility for this attack they did issue a statement two days ago where they specifically warned employees of the security services that they would be targets and that they weren't safe. so this is an all day since the time on which apparently managed to penetrate the inside of a security building destroying as you can see from your pictures part of the top three floors and one which poses a real question about egypt's transition post the ouster of president mohamed morsy the first official reaction was from a spokesman for the cabinet office who appeared to blame the muslim brotherhood and who said that they had been designated as a terrorist organization however shortly afterward the prime minister hasn't we
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emerged to say that the muslim brotherhood had not been designated that they aren't officially considered to be a terrorist organization and it should be said that it's very common for quite casual connections to be drawn between the brotherhood and terrorist activity for their own part of course the brotherhood denied any involvement and condemned the attack. tom daley reporting their first major remains in turmoil since the military coup that led to the overthrow of president morsi in july this year the interim government launched a massive crackdown on his party the muslim brotherhood we still maintains wife supported in egypt i spoke to blogger a journalist while eskander bitterly says the blame game the authorities are playing with the muslim brotherhood dragging the country deeper into chaos the government has been leading. a propaganda call the war on terror basically they've they've used people to support them to crack down on terrorists this is what they've chosen to do and this is is this is the way the security forces have chosen to deal with the with the muslim brotherhood is
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a security solution and rhetoric of war on terror so i think that what we've seen over the past few months is that all the blame for anything that happens has gone to the muslim brotherhood and someone even a representative from the police has said that the killing of protesters on twenty eighth of january was also the muslim brotherhood's fault it's basically rhetoric and they don't have a lot of evidence for it but they're using the rhetoric and pushing it and polarizing the country a lot more you watching are to international come a bit later this hour with me kevin or in the arctic thirty may soon be going home as russian authorities begin to drop charges against the greenpeace activists the rest of the course of the arctic in september we look at how that story is developing tonight. but not before the future of mikhail khodorkovsky has been number one topic in the foreign media since the former russian oil tycoon of course walk free after a presidential pardon from khodorkovsky plans to fight for his imprisoned comrades
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to putin's reason for letting metta jail the last five days since the actually release of been full of speculation analysis of him like well mark is probably dopplers from the u.k. magazine politics first has been following the media hype and explained why he thinks called a cult is being glorified in the west. if we. had done what he had done in russia but say in britain where i live he would have been frightened into jail there would have been see from the british major i'm quite lightly as well become could of course kate is a criminal but he served his time and in fact swapped a justice system is a pow but it's important to remember that while his company you cos was built on the back of the pain and suffering of the russian people he is not innocent in the future with this in the same entity that we are that we are here and this is not a man who should be glorified in the west the only reason he's being glorified in the west is because he's
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a goal. is that no one is asking with the gas they deserve answers from. politic. well again with twenty four to just a week away now a sifting through all these top stories. these local two big mouths our heads braving the elements in order to stand up to us oil giants chevron . this comes after a massive hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some
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have dubbed the gulag of our times. is an undeclared global battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines. oh oh. one of those big stories of the year more than day david versus goliath local communities fighting for their land against the oil and gas giants seeking to drill for easy money so called fracking technology widely criticized as being dangerous and devastating for the environment but drawing attention across the world at his bully boy could visited one scene of fracking resistance in rural maine. the locals in this remote region of or mania have been saddled with an ongoing to guest u.s.
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energy giant chevron is due to begin drilling for shale gas. agriculture is our lives if they come to drill on our soil and for sure we will die so because we have seen what they have done in other places when they drilled as adults to move them up alone even if many residents here fear that the process of fracking could release chemicals into the soil and contaminate the water. i'm so afraid of this kind of guess exploitation people see they will be big problems for our animals because the water will be affected and this one and the food for animals and for us and our children as well we have children and grandchildren what should we do these locals and environmentalist spent countless hours. braving the elements in order to stand up to us oil giant chevron an armenian government which is given the green light to start exploratory drilling in the field over there without any public consultation the sense of betrayal is acknowledged by most
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protesters there are many and prime minister was against fracking during his election campaign but after being voted into office he changed his mind and granted chevron permits for the controversial practice for now nothing is happening chevron were forced to leave the area last week unable to get past the locals human chain around the site but it's only a matter of time before they return when if they call the gas line have a new future because the children represent the future the old people in the village told us that they can die but they say it's important for us to have a future chevron told our sea that they have all the required permits to begin drilling and plan to return to the site and begin fracking safely assume as they can something that's less than reassuring for the growing number of people gathering here. we hope to stop them even if it means being with our lives even if we want to send the army we will die if it is fated for us to die so let it be but
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we won't give up until the outlaw fracking in romania. romania and the fracking trends we picking up picked up by corporations around the world not willing to give up on a money making opportunity protest as the u.k. for their part in fighting of all companies we get the job despite being. from some german in the britain nevertheless stand strong what company is there so even public pressure isn't enough the government with knowledge of the danger. the key from our point of view is to keep up the pressure so that the government and their cronies in big business can't get away with forcing this on to the british people what we're saying every time this this technology turns up on the doorstep of a community in the u.k. that community does not want it unfortunately the government is preparing legislation at the moment and it's trying to make it more and more difficult for people actually to oppose this this technology and meanwhile they've actually made
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it possible for people to oppose wind farms but not fracking so this is obviously highly inconsistent from our point of view. but this is also giving corporations and their lobbyists a hard time in the u.s. to with a lucrative shale gas extraction the booming we're going to watch our reporter how american stand their ground on air next hour. the leader of a rebellion in south sudan says his forces now control all of the country's major oil fields the world's newest state broke off from the north of the country in two of the eleven taking with it said five percent of all sudanese all reserves american corporations have had their sights set on the all rich region ever since although the latest violence cast doubt on doing business there let's get some more thoughts on this know from me as a kiwi is joining us on the line i'll be on the hi there from spain where there's a man a small contingency of u.s. troops are already in sudan marines are on standby as well as a larger american military involvement likely any time soon you think is this escalates. it could very well lead to
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a larger united states as well as united nations our presence in the republic of south sudan it's a very volatile situation we're right now analyzing reports about the possibility of the discovery of two mass graves one in the capital of juba and the other in bor in the capital jungle a state there's also been fighting and unity state which is all producing area the united states has a lot invested politically in the republic of south sudan they were one of the main forces a behind encouraging the sudan people's liberation movement to break away from the republic of sudan in the north of the country therefore they have a lot to say about developments that are going on right now i think a nation as you sabby i mean washington was one of them may not be champions of all this secession that you think it could have for saying these problems so quickly let's face it just
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a couple years after that. i think they were more interested in weakening the republic of sudan pointed to the partition done was the largest geographic nation state in africa it was also an emerging oil producing state they were producing over five hundred thousand barrels of all per day eighty percent of the oil concessions with the republicans some done in khartoum our way held by the people's republic of china through state owned all farms there so it was a concerted move on the part of the united states to weaken the government in khartoum and also to lessen the influence of the people's republic of china and some down course what it was done as a whole it was on the us it functions of the time wasn't it all companies couldn't trade there i guess that's different now despite the problems yes in the south the us is trying to develop mechanisms for exploiting the oil the problem is the united states does not have
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a lot of resources to invest in the oil industry inside the country present south or care of the republic of south sudan went to have china several of months ago to try to get them to assess and the building of a pipeline where they could circumvent the flow of oil from the south into the north however the chinese refused to finance such a project although they did pledge to provide some aid so it's a very difficult situation as far as the united states is concerned because of the country deteriorates into a civil war between fall was. the ousted vice president and president salva kiir this of course will damage our u.s. interests in the region and it could also spread to other countries throughout central as well as instead africa we're talking about america to talk about america all presents a just when you're on the line how big is american oil present old companies presence that well in the past during the period of civil the. war in the
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early one nine hundred eighty s. chevron all had interest there is a tremendous amount of potential in terms of the extraction. resources. of the probably have is that the oil has to flow through the north and that is in fact has been the source of a lot of problems between khartoum and juba because they have to agree on the terms under which this all is extracted the fees related to it and also the export from the south into the north and out of the country to other areas which are. both nations have suffered tremendously as a result of the partition and the ongoing instability or production now even in the north is down to less than two hundred thousand barrels per day so the partition is actually crippled the economies of both the north as well as you know ok.
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all right well news now we stay in africa next to central africa lease peacekeepers been hacked to death by christian militias peacekeepers are increasingly becoming the target old rival insurgents over allegations that taking sides from six thousand troops from the african union in france battling to end the christian muslim conflict there right now just into nationalist makes some five thousand people have lost a lot. of pakistan's funny to spend a gentle the first of january after explosives were found on the route that he would have taken to court he faces charges of treason musharraf sic use of illegally suspending the constitution in two thousand and seven when he declared emergency rule he says the charges politically motivated. so little more cheery christmas schools if you're celebrating and children adults in some parts of the world already celebrating you know very best not forgetting the message of christmas. in the west bank the birthplace of jesus christ crowds there are gathering ready for midnight mass despite the difficulties and lead to just
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a tension in the region hundreds of machines joined in the first of the. story of the greenpeace activists arrested after their return to scale the russian oil rig in the arctic maybe reach a conclusion russian authorities have begun dropping charges against them with one already set free. this story began in september of this year when several of the activists on the arctic sunrise vessel have scaled an oil rig in the russia's northern water they were pulled down by russian authorities and were arrested and later in prison today were charged with piracy because according to russian officials the activists were in fact putting in danger the lives of those who were working on the oil rig and endangering the oil rig itself later those charges war dropped two charges of them the arctic thirty work in jail for some time but were later released on bail however their criminal proceedings
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against them were still going on until the countrywide amnesty which was announced in the middle of december and already saw some high profile releases from coming out from under it and now we are hearing that at least one person from the so-called arctic thirty has received papers granting full amnesty and the rest of the greenpeace activists will receive the same peepers and will be able to go home by the end of this week at least this is what their lawyers are telling us. so you sort of so father saw the next bulletin in full with me kevin only just over half an hour's time as i mentioned earlier celebrating christmas around the world right now a very best to you coming up a unique glimpse into world affairs for the eyes of russia's foreign minister visitors earlier on today this exclusive interview with a. right
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to see. first street. and i think picture. on our reporter's twitter. instagram. to be in. sochi for the twenty fourteen olympics what's this place like the law is is so special as the russian resort prepares to welcome the world power the games shaping the city's present and future life so it will bring you this is the moment everybody from a very cold snowy windy mountain is stuck here beyond the olympics what. starting journey of the first on our team. hello
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mr landor off and welcome to our teeth thanks for joining us today in the studio we have journalists from our two spanish r.t. arabic and english and if my colleagues don't mind i'll start two thousand and thirteen has been a landmark here for russian diplomacy what is your personal assessment of the arrangement on syria and iran and what do you think are the prospects for geneva two talks going on the sokoto sure. these are very positive agreements and i believe they were made possible by our joint efforts this is further proof that initiatives can only be put into action by our joint and sincere efforts that ensure a balance of interests and are in line with the international law. i wouldn't go as far as to say we've made a breakthrough this year in terms of syria and iran first the greens to destroy the syrian chemical arsenal and to convene the geneva two conference as well as the first stage agreement on further steps to resolve the reigning nuclear issue the
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fruit of years long efforts at least when it comes to syria we are talking about three years of russia's consistent efforts of defending international law the same applies to the progress on iran for over three years we've been seeking two things first to get all the parties to the talks to greed that eventually iran should have a recognized right to develop its peaceful nuclear program and enrich uranium to make fuel for nuclear power plants while making sure that this program has no military dimension and that it is subject to talks will control of the i.a.e.a. and providing security of all the countries in the region including israel but it took a very long time for our western partners to start reasoning this way the way which is fairly comprehensive and takes into account the interests of the international community western countries the regions and iran's interests but also strengthens
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the nuclear nonproliferation regime so we have managed to reach this deal right at the end of the outgoing year another thing we have been advocating for years he's the necessity to drop some kind of a roadmap in this expression has become a buzzword now since you can't resolve a conflict overnight so we suggested moving forward step by step on the basis of rissa prosody which means graham is to meet the demands said by the i.a.e.a. and supported by the u.n. security council and the. the national community in its turn starts easing sanctions on iran if it is supposed to continue until iran has fully complied with all the requirements and that is the moment when all the sanctions will be lifted for a few years and we have been advocating these two things the so-called and game and
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the procedure of the dialogue as well as promoting as the little settlement in syria so this breakthrough if it was indeed a breakthrough was the result of russia's long term afterwards and patience when the arab spring began russia was sad to be on the wrong side of history to have lost the arab world and the middle east unfortunately at the time our western partners and some of our partners in the region by the way weren't looking for solutions that would help stabilize the situation and help the nations in the region to implement their right to a better life instead they opted for information warfare tactics i'm just stating the facts that's what was happening at the time then up until the beginning of this year but i.
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