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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2013 4:30am-5:01am EST

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hits in google is very very it is very very profitable to publish cables because you don't have to write cables it's pretty stories but. the point as far as i see it is that. there are boundaries to free speech as in the same way as the boundaries to our thoughts into our language and. when you speak when used to speak it is basically what we are dealing with and these boundaries look differently in different countries but they are always exist in one way or another and it's color your senses or conformism or self-censorship or whatever it may be and we had a very unique opportunity to actually just show we are these boundaries are was necessarily mean that these boundary is better than that boundary they're really showing where i was peeling back boundary that there is but one thing is that
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people usually are annoyed with people or if you're unaware of where the boundaries are the easiest way of getting a hold of them is by asking a person and it was me well i cannot write about the king or kind of write about sex or whatever they are most often they lock will not tell you that there are only about most often that we say well we have no boundaries whatsoever yes and this is what you will get when you interview any journalist in the united kingdom or in brazil or in sweden or it ever is yes so what we have here is the tools in actually catching these boundaries if you push any organization they will have boundaries and you're going to yes what i what i write all of them including what i know that. just you know. oh you know. for me it was just super cool. what was yours for pretty. suspicious.
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from the guardian you got a paper that's been around nearly two hundred years. has completely sold this tradition it's international trade it's at the forefront of digital innovation with doing something that is almost unique in times and has no one else that looks like how. very much talk that. let's just average that you're talking to me for a film. which is documented. we're going to do there's the story don't you see how we roll out. there this is not just me with all this is essentially your your eighty five. yeah so here are some big surprise off the gobby we're going to.
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react to. the substantial. u.s. cables why did you go for example. fix the shape of the u.s. don't. say nation to me carol when the mafia lucky guy version. the one to walk. critics you didn't see what was so why did you go with what i have to say goodbye to the got development stuff so i can't. speak more tonight i guess i don't know i'm guess . not. to the moment cos i have been called the mound of being used extensively by people called.
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the former soviet rule. to protect her dish. on the slightest trace looks good on them so. some of these people all good rich can send me millions on on five occasions now also we can fix on their little cable bridge sit in on. it and tell you if you. are ready. old record me soldiers because it. seems he was correct. so this is a case of more now ok if you will drop in. great britain you know what is the loophole and curtains of the company can suit.
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to you and we will see what company. you did with that tesco just in the two thousand class case that. doesn't preclude us not something that. could happen here we go to easy easy and. did it in cost time to do. that so yes the norm for ms companies. we. own the area they're extremely interested in. an hour ago here. on the creation of every state. i have to. run. but it was some i wasn't. the guy you. got. to. actually. pull.
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over a mock you know and it will become. one name remained which was you know roughly . it was the socket. for. your the horse and so i fit both ears which you may. rush through life. was the subject of a. troll memory. we had kind of rubric to begin with. serious what we said we tried to level with it and we're trying to blame. why we. can't remember a day that said they're all in coaching for you so. among them an equal consideration. so. if it's your point is
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that we couldn't. be more explicit and explaining. why we do things and. some nature and gerald ford. were you first of all i. agree. if you actually people are going to try to not. we haven't so it was decided that. the new york times would approach government right the memorandum separated we had. to sit with one's not the embassy in london. to see you well we would go to the right not because we need or. through you. and the second shot was a set up but it's the. only agencies. run rate aim
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was to just go. in who can use. good afternoon you probably have seen either in person or on the t.v. screens the. state partly thing that we just finished i won't repeat everything i said at the start they are but two of the. most significant response to what has happened is exactly what secretary clinton is doing in a style of kazakhstan as we speak you know she is there working constructively on cooperation and security in a very important part of the world clearly the release of the unauthorized release of these documents you know. represents risk to the united states and
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to others with whom we collaborate. in this this is why we condemn what wiki leaks has done basically wrong as it stands. right in through here. to three most ministers we did your grocery in between i realize i'm going to be you as much as i really are there and i thought that. we. pulled the kind of. from two different countries where. you can lead. material has been have been published but they're only looking from the outside without actually having any particular knowledge about it you get the impression that all these various. private us institutions. have acted. from being pressured in one way or another by the us government in
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order to block or flows of money in order that's not true that that is you know i mean this is where it is that is that is absolutely not true. in my time in government. at no time did government tell any private company what to do. i mean there's been rumors there's been suggestions of that and to be honest there's been no. evidence by those who question this you know. it's with companies protect their own reputation it's not for the government to tell a company what it should or shouldn't do. they've taken actions because they they they see it as as in their interest to do this or that with a one hundred look at their fear for the same thing were to happen to for example the new york times if in europe times were all of a sudden. stop from getting funds and they went out of their offices closed i could hear it because hating
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a hypothetical that i can't follow the internet because they go where they are in the exact same position as for example recordings when you're a parent decides to publish everything that they get no i mean no but that there is a very sharp distinction here. i mean. you have two actors who are in the business of communicating with a broader public. one actor made clear the new york times and other publications we are going to report on what we have we want to do it responsibly and we want to do it in a way that is. is. it's respectful. of the danger that this might cause to specific individuals and the new york times voluntarily withheld certain documents and certain names because they recognized as
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we did that the publication of these documents of publication these days would put real life human beings at risk. playing. little. little. cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want.
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live. live. live live. live
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york post sent a very intrepid reporter down there to sleep overnight he spent thursday night in the chicago park i did live to tell about it what was it like. it was a scary place i mean zuccotti park right now is it is it's own country part of your top queensboro right but in queens you're not afraid of this stuff you went down there what what's up what is you the most about what was going on in zuccotti
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park what surprised me the most about what was going on there is that it's. totally lawless you despise yourself and you try to look like a protester are you going undercover worried you weren't advertising you were supposed to write one on one i spoke to people i told him i was a post reporters there was no secret and how did he receive it. well. some people didn't really like that i was a poser of orders to be honest i don't very disturbing here though you write from your column from your article the threat of rape is very real here for men and women i just sleep the night i did it and see. if you could see made it to be ok see i had so many characters i paint canvas g.o.p. from your post thank you so much thank you thank you.
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i you know that. i'm also like i said once you study into these closed doors and don't come out. it's general assembly at the u.n. and we. really. want to be coming to. the u.n. general assembly opens this week so there's. a lot of presidents and foreign ministers and stuff and some of them trip through here it really is a customer yeah yeah it's pretty typical i mean when they're in town with some of them invite themselves and some of them we invite to come over and meet with the.
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editorial writers and things. and how does it seem to work out your. roles in the. pretty predictable but every once in a while one of the makes news but it's you know it's good to just give them a chance to come over and share their views that. we kind of makes you into an embassy or. they're the embassy of the new york times or a basically a right. i think you know you may have discovered this yourself or a news organizations don't always get the kind of access they would like to officials in washington and if you want to go ask the military or the white house to respond to classified information. you know. it can be difficult if you're if you're a representative of a foreign news organization i don't think that's a shame but it's just it's a reality so i think they felt. we would be in a better position to confront the administration with what we had and solicit some
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kind of reaction from them which which turned out to be the case and your counterpart was that mainly year p.j. crowley or some other people. over it the you know this is. the first couple of meetings i think they went over and had them in person and they were representatives of the state department is assume the intelligence agencies were there i know the cia was represented. i'm not sure i just don't remember that the military was there. because at that point it was mostly nonmilitary matters. after that after the first couple of conversations they just had a daily phone call basically. they did it all you know there was none of this everybody gathered in a room it was that they would say we really think you should hold back on this particular cable and here's why and then we would discuss and decide whether to
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withhold it or not. many of the countries where we have been traveling and. talking to be the editors or politicians there has been a concern that. these materials can have a destabilizing effect and that in a particular country when you consider. the consequences of not publishing that we considered it yeah we talked about it a lot i mean yemen is a good example of that because the state department's argument was this this these could be destabilizing. but i kind of think it's not our job to decide what is destabilizing and or for that matter to preserve the stability of. countries elsewhere but if you feel that you would have acted differently had the material been of such character that it would have potentially destabilized your country rather than. you can imagine that it's hard for me to imagine what that would be i mean would you have had an example or
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a few years ago yes see that wireless what weren't let's wire tapping right yes i mean if you can explain how you reasoned at that point in time when you didn't understand the differences that were when i did publish the first one when it didn't at first and then i when i didn't publish them. but the concern with it wasn't whether it would destabilize our government because certain was whether or not it would be of significant value to people who want to attack us. had been your choice. and if you were the sole on theirs of this material you would not have published them the whole thing that oh. you know first of all because there are. at the you know. in the documents that we posted. we redacted many names of people who would have been put in danger. we have not.
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study all the documents to know how many more people might be put in danger to just post the whole thing would be i think irresponsible. and let's say with every dime to the names of those who would have been in danger and published it on your site would that be something which would be indicted bill. probably not. but we had up we had cited how we were going to publish how we were going to have the material you know regardless of legal consequences just on journalistic grounds . you know we only wanted to publish we only wanted to do you need the room. yep. you need me here the. home office. i was dense and you hear it right then i heard you were in here. house the house i'm glad you liked it oh yes it made the drudge report so i'm getting some so we're getting
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a lot of traffic to prove it i drafted this of course because the but you know that you got a traffic you got the kind of traffic you necessarily what because a lot of a lot of people who use the word scumbag. but it's a technical term they would think you. were talking about our favorite subject wiki leaks oh. this is arthur sulzberger was the publisher. and. we're just barely ever going back to the writing life of my first op that was published this morning which is. a somewhat. half hearted defense of obama against. distant disenchanted liberals and you know what the drudge report is the drudge report is a website. very conservative website. that has for that
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basically aggregates headlines from all over the place but with a kind of right wing commentary attached that it's got a huge fall so if matt drudge is the guy runs this web site. find something that you've written puts it on his home page with the snarky comment . it drives traffic amazingly i mean driving traffic is nice but the traffic that he drives is mostly you know. you scumbag you idiot but traffic.
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from google groups like you are surviving just to be a muslim or. look at the bricks through prayer to him for when you see that little room on stuff that's got it's kind of the side of. the law this is the significant of death for us he didn't let them assume that it was him but it was. different in secret the symbol. of a group modest effort into. a ball that he flew to the gun. safety gets up and down. if the us sitting them down see what we're doing is we're going to hear from a number. of
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those and if the person really cocked to put our showbiz document up it will enable us to cut the cost of. this to simply look at the movement to put a good book it is possible. to be another google it is music to discuss with. him the seven delirium walk because that's something to thank you.
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gold going into the. future even if he had people there's already been plenty to celebrate based december on this month's show we'll in how the future tense so lazy set in stone call to make movies with an instant messenger and their revenue sharing exoskeleton makes life work of heavy lifting. elysium dangerous year on. the center. millions around the globe struggle with
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hunger each good. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge only and they carry said they can the very strong position against g.m.o. and we think that. the genetic anymore the fight products are priest to pool out there is no. evidence. so there is any problem with genetic engineering. or is free cheese always in a mouse trap. that. is profit. for this golden rice. such as the twenty fourteen olympics what's this place like an la is is so special as the russian resort prepares to
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locum the world power of the games shaping the city's present and future like mall so it will bring it this is the moment they're reporting from a very cold snowy windy mountainous stuff yet beyond the olympics what. starting journey of the first on our team. dramas the truth being. stories others refused to notice. food just changing the world. cup filled picture of today's the long. run from around the globe. dropped. to fifty.
5:00 am
the u.n. security council doubles the number of peacekeepers in south sudan amid reports of mass civilian deaths and look at how the foreign clamor for the african states oil is influencing the conflict. a three year old girl is killed and ten civilians injured in an israeli strike on gaza as the i.d.f. rolls out tanks troops and warplanes in retaliation against a sniper attack on the border. and our this crisis has been declared over but the homeowners it's anything but. i couldn't do anything at all if you think that was the dish and i had no way i wish to speak to the people whose lives have been shattered by the banks in a country where one in five mortgages are in arrears. we have never evaluation how much this is costing.


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