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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2013 7:00am-7:31am EST

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as nick killings mass graves and thousands dead across the country violence in south sudan as some question whether there is more to the unrest than just an internal conflict. well the white house praises drone strikes as a pinpoint accurate anti terrorist weapon are two looks at the staggering numbers of civilian casualties the unmanned attacks have wreaked. harlan's happy bailout exit leaves people there wondering whether the end justifies the means. i couldn't do anything at all if you think i was this dish. i have no way i wish to speak to some of those trying to keep a roof over their heads as banks push to repossess homes from struggling families.
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international live from moscow with me and used to now a straight to our top story this when they say the un is sending over five thousand more troops to south sudan almost doubling the number of peacekeepers there for the past ten days the country has been engulfed in deadly violence which the u.n. says has already claimed thousands of lives are reports. the security council after a meeting also condemned the fighting and violence against civilians and ethnic communities that have caused hundreds of deaths across south sudan and raise concerns the world's newest country is on the brink of a civil war the u.n. says that investigators discovered a mass graves in the rebel held city of into fourteen bodies one site
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twenty bodies at a nearby site the possibility of there being either even a third site now tens of thousands of people have fled the country amid fighting between rebels that are supporting former vice president riek machar and president salva gears forces you hold forces a loyal to the president and vice president now . the fighting began last week in the capital juba and then tried to other cities in south sudan well you have to remember that south sudan is a young country and a civil war is what initially caused its breakaway from the north you know the united states campaigned for it some experts believe that washington's enthusiasm for south sudan's autonomy had less to do with humanitarian issues and more to do about the south sudanese oil reserves now the irony right now is that no matter which way you slice it the international community has another crisis on its hands that may be costly and complicated the country's top u.n.
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humanitarian official said the death toll from the past ten days has surpassed one thousand but added that there's no official firm counts it may be more it may be less nobody knows what we do know is that the violence is spreading and spreading quickly. well in addition to international forces washington has sent marines closer to south sudan the u.s. has been engaged in the region since the one nine hundred seventy s. when oil giant chevron just covered oil there washington was also one of the biggest champions of south sudan's independence wunderlist covering regional affairs warns that this involvement may have gone too far. the problem is they're young country they have very limited infrastructure they're really not a viable state in regard to. the scylla to its capacity provide services to people and i think it was extreme tragedy that
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sudan was broken out it would have possibly would have been better to have done as an autonomous region as part of a broader republic of sudan but the united states as well as the state of israel encouraged the republic of south sudan to break away but the united states has to be very careful because if they enter on a broader level i think it very well be bogged down in a guerrilla war and a civil war and they could lose a substantial amount of troops as well as military equipment in the fighting. as we prepare to say farewell to twenty thirteen r t is looking at the events that made headlines this year. these locals to be. braving the elements in order to stand up to us oil giants chevron. this comes after
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a massive hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that sums up the gulag of our times. is an undeclared global battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines. a decade of america's drone warfare in yemen and pakistan has left the population in fear of a strike any time anywhere on anyone this year saw civilian victims testify before the u.s. congress but their stories were waved away by the white house that insisted these anti terrorist attacks are pinpoint accurate in the latest incident up to seventeen people were killed at a rural wedding ceremony in yemen. and of reports on the human price of america's
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war. it says no faith for the one who has no trust but both are now in short supply in this part of yemen for months the class has been without its mouth teacher and this pupil without his father this is the big show about a charity you know. his name is still on the staff schedule but i leave hasn't been here since signing out of class on january twenty third though i asked that the that finally be the father of three was killed by a u.s. drone alongside his twenty year old cousin salim a college student who drove them in a borrowed to yoda they picked up two strangers who turned out to be suspected al qaeda militants witnesses reported a whirring sound in the sky and missiles struck their car. the smell of death was everywhere some of the bodies were burned beyond recognition the rest were ripped to shreds and scattered all around. i found
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a part of saline inside the car the rest was outside but we only recognised him by a piece of his trousers. you couldn't tell who was who if they were even human it was sickening. one drone change this baby farming village for ever less than an hour's drive from yemen's capital lawn is far removed from al qaeda operations but without warning it was thrust into the war on terror. celine's mother shows me where her son used to sleep she can't bear to get rid of his things although she knows never return home life going to hell because i didn't understand until the next day that an american drone killed my son why tell me may allah deprive them of their souls like they robbed us of our son that he was the only one providing for this family all we have left now is our tears we only target al qaeda and its associated force and even then the use of drones is heavily can strike before any
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strike has taken their most. certainly but no civilians will be killed or injured the highest standard we can set. except if there was a deadly failure yemen's interior ministry confirms the cousins had no links to terrorism in a country where tribal ties surmount all the loss was felt far beyond the family the white house has never acknowledged the deaths let alone the strike but mohamed shows me the evidence this is what kills them what's thought to be a fragment of a hellfire missile launched from a drone. the u.s. believes this is its best weapon against al qaeda although not officially at war in yemen the covert drone campaign has been dramatically ramped up here under president obama. yemen's al qaeda threat is real it's plotted attacks on international airliners and caused hundreds of deaths but
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the cia described it as the most dangerous and active branch of the terrorist network. the defense is that drone strikes have seriously damaged his ability to plan attacks but critics here say it's doing the exact opposite it does not. contain the ghosts of. folks that may have contributed to the growth of expression of. at some point when i get off the pot for the enough time to be able to inflict serious damage the u.s. war on terror has no borders often waged remotely with cruise missiles and drones it's an undeclared global battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines of fight against groups like al qaida in which ordinary civilians also end up paying a price. i ask obama to bring my dad back to life. all the kids at school have their fathers but we don't. reporting in come on in yemen and lucy catherine of.
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how to discuss the issue of the american drone warfare we're now joined live by reuben patter he's the creator of the so-called drone survival guide thanks for joining us what exactly moved you to make this survival guide. well i think. when you see the amount of drones to be in use and. i mean. domestically but also brought the military but also for civilian use. i think it's taken a flight in the last few years and the idea that maybe in the near future our skies will be full of them i mean they can if peaceful peaceful purposes are long before but i mean if this is the case and the f a a estimated that in two thousand and twenty. already thirty thousand drones food for u.s. soil i think we should learn to you know what they look like and what they're
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capable of i just for our audience take i want to explain that it literally looks like a dictionary there's dozens of drones pictures of them and you basically point out which ones are specifically dangerous which ones you can kind of ignore do you actually expected to help those in the regions of yemen and pakistan where civilians are dying in great numbers from these drones. well i mean the idea that you can be safe from a drone using something simple as a survival guide that i made to that which is based on public information is of course absurd. so. i mean at first it's an art project to inform people because i think the first step towards a better legislation and better oversight in the use of drones is creating awareness there are some thing is to guide that are definitely i think helpful so you so people that really know what kind of sensors a lot of these drones use and how they work you know if they're going to fly under
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certain conditions you know how their cameras operate and i mean but i don't but the idea that this will keep you safe from drones is this is not. a guide so it's about where and yes earlier this year leading human rights groups published reports revealing the much higher number of civilian casualties than the u.s. officially admits do you think there's a real chance that your survival guide could affect legislation and policy. well i think it's very naive to to to think that says something so small as you know i'm an artist i mean designer made a small contribution to the debates and do anything i think a lot of people are doing really great work on that area there are some really interesting websites where they're monitoring the strikes the civilian casualties i think in the end it hasn't much more effect but i think generally you see as specially in the u.s.
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there's a lot more discussion and there's a lot more critique even from congress so i hope that you know what a lot of technology you see it is that in the beginning people are don't really know how to respond to it and i think now i hope it's week and going to the direction where it's possible and we can work together into better legislation and . we've certainly seen watchdogs develop over time for nuclear and chemical weapons perhaps we could see the same thing in the future for on man systems do you have any hopes and that. well yeah i mean look personally i'm against any kind of silence against people. you know if it's men who are unmanned i'm against it that's the diffused talk about oversight because i think it's necessary because there's a lot of really good reasons to use drones. and like rescue missions environmental protection i think it's the idea that the drones are bad i think we should it's
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like this. we talk about weapons of weapon a system which i think we have to be needed careful because i think the danger is not just because in the end it's it's basically to same as a helicopter or i want to jet fighter have i think the idea can be get we can have this kind of permanent war where it can be deployed everywhere no matter if they're sworn in i think it's a very scary our dear patter designer and creator of the drone survival guide thank you so much for your time here on our team. and it's not just the heavy civilian death toll that america's drone strikes have brought to pakistan people cannot leave the area where the unmanned aircraft are waging war our correspondent went to the region that has been turned into a walled off firing range for the u.s. military machine. well return in a few minutes for you with more news stay with us. to
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the. eason's he adds but there's already plenty to celebrate this december on this month's show we learn how the peter been so lazy section stone how to make movies with an instant messenger on their revolution exoskeleton makes likely to get heavy lifting. your. interview.
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or connect our to international live from moscow. the irish banks may have managed to shake off the burden of a new battle out but at what price to the man on the street homeless organizations their estimate that sixteen families lose their homes each month in the capital dublin and our taste tests are sillier finds out thousands more are still battling the banks to keep their homes. most people here remember the cold to tiger with this sense a melancholy economic boom times in the mid ninety's up until two thousand and seven that went bust in no small way the arm for the structure behind me would have
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been the offices of the anglo irish bank one of the struggling banks it was effectively nationalized it was a stark reminder of the property boston the ensuing banking crisis and the painful austerity that continues to today now for some irish families though there is also a daily reminder of the threat or reality of losing their homes we had a mortgage was very high on the value the property was falling below the mortgage so i ended up with a cash offer five hundred passengers and two thousand and eleven and i was delighted but the banks refused to accept the offer because there wasn't more which was eight hundred i climb with the rears so instead they prefer terms of course. repossessed the house while arlo may have officially exited its bailout it's still mired in debt and the end of september almost one in five home loans worth a total of twenty five billion euros we're still not being fully repaid homeless organization focus arland estimates that sixteen families lose their homes each month in the capital the banks have a have had
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a catastrophic effect on data activity that aren't on business to paralyze the entire nation they have failed to deal with the mortgage debt crisis but coming up a creative solutions we can measure how much the bailout has cost us in monetary terms we have never evaluation how much this is cost us in the motional and mental health terms i could barely push. one foot in front of the other because i just i just i couldn't sleep nights i couldn't think about things i get up at school run i mean i'm going to bed again and you know i couldn't do anything at all or think i was this dish and i had no way i wish a new law was passed in december which would automatically discharge a person from bankruptcy after three years as opposed to the current twelve you term personal insult and see arrangements can also be made for those with mortgages and other debt with this perhaps there's a glimmer of hope for people like julia i would be bankrupt of course. you know
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it's bad luck and the reason why i'm hoping to be bankrupt christmas is that i can start again become what i was before does are still your r t r land. mine for you today we report on the final preparations for the burial of a legend russia is mourning the death of me while kalashnikov inventor of the a k forty seven the assault rifle that changed the face of warfare propst. piracy for good on archie dot com we tell you how an iconic heavy metal band plans to use data from illegal song downloads to fill their concert venues. russia is mourning israel against disproportionate response to threats from gaza earlier a series of israeli air strikes on the embattled area killed at least one person a young girl and injured ten other civilians tanks and infantry were also involved in the assault which took place in retaliation to the fatal shooting of an israeli man by a palestinian sniper he was a civilian contractor working for the army repairing
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a fence on the border with gaza my colleague kevin zero in just across the israeli airstrikes with u.k. based defense consultant million bro he believes the army's reaction is over the top as usual it's disproportionate and overwhelming force being used against the people who live in the cage area is right there you have a ratio for go with. for every one israeli killed i think the figure is about a thousand palestinians must pay the price of a how or you know it is but they have a right to they to respond when one of their nationals is killed. absolutely but there are political means or there diplomatic means that they can use to deescalate the situation rather than use disproportional force f. fourteen aircraft tanks and combat troops are not a proportional response to a people who have no effective army and cannot fight back. the story of thirty
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greenpeace activists arrested after an attempt to scale the russian oil rig in the arctic is drawing to a close seventeen of them have already had all charges against them dropped with a nationwide amnesty that came into force in russia last week all other activists have been summoned before the investigative committee greenpeace says they too will be handed clemency rulings they were charged with hooliganism but later released on bail there are twenty six non russian nationals among the environmentalists and they still require an exit visa to the russia. in other world news in iraq christmas celebrations have been marred by a deadly blast outside a church in the capital baghdad as many as twenty four people have been killed and around thirty injured as worshippers left after a service churches have been increasingly targeted since the fall of saddam hussein and the population of christians has halved in recent years over nine thousand people in iraq have lost their lives in violence this year. hundreds of opposition
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supporters have clashed with police in thailand as they try to enter a registration center for upcoming elections polls were called for february after weeks of anti-government protests demanding the prime minister step down and the country's main opposition party promised more protests and said it would boycott the elections which the ruling party is widely predicted to win. india has downgraded immunity for u.s. diplomats serving in the country meaning they have no protection if committing serious offenses immunity for their relatives had has been revoked altogether bringing the rules in line with those applying to indian officials in the u.s. these are the latest measures imposed by delhi in response to the arrest of its deputy consul general in new york for alleged visa fraud for her staff. almost three years after fukushima nuclear tragedy it's still casting a shadow over the japanese seafood industry local fishermen say they are doing their best to keep contaminated fish from the consumer's table but as the biggest
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part of the catch is usually discarded who can say how safe the rest is. try to find out. work doesn't stop in the port of saumur despite being just a few kilometers from areas still ravaged by the twenty eleven tsunami and still contaminated by radiation seafood of all shapes and sizes lands here several times a day not only fish has traditionally been the integral part of the japanese culture but also one of its prized acts boards last year alone the exporting companies pocketed more than two billion u.s. dollars however there are serious concerns now this particular cat was made in the waters of the pushing my nuclear bomb station after it became known that he drawling system at the fukushima nuclear power plant was severely radiated fears grew that the contamination could be spreading into the pacific there are significant contamination in the bottle sediment especially in the paul
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system so we can find a very very high concentration of the right. fish factories around the fukushima prefecture now have to take radiation measurements but despite lab workers assuring us the fish was free of any harmful particles. were taken samples from every cage we make and if we ever find even the slightest trace of radiation will destroy the whole couch so far there has been none of this species safe and even the nuclear plant operator tepco is standing firm that the nearby waters are clear of radiation this edition is pretty much on the control we've built fan says not to let polluted ground waters leak into the ocean we were surprised to learn that most of the seafood we saw at the port of soma will never make it to the shelves of fish markets all restaurant tables. most of the fish caught within the thirty kilometer radius is thrown into the garbage because it is radiated and tepco is paying local fishermen for it so they're happy and keep silent some of it though makes it to
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stores but only locally seafood firms here. are under threat and there are five professors possibly affected by contamination of the sea accounting for almost forty thousand tonnes of fish per year but things may get even worse as the third anniversary of the fukushima disaster approaches south korea has become the first country to bear in japanese fish and seafood imports. reporting from japan. coming up a little festive cheer in breaking the set as abby martin looks at some of the merrier stories that made up twenty thirteen.
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street interesting. strategic vision told. a longer covert team of journalists trying to release which leaves documents about zero united states crying. made me more pro-american they encounter fear ignorance and pressure. country blocks the way to information freedom. media stocks are to. be finished with the economic up and downs in the finite months they should learn to deal sang i and the rest that life will be a few it will be if we can all think. you
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know she good laboratory was able to build on the its most sophisticated robot which on certainly doesn't give a dollar amount anything to nj mission to teach religion and why you should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. the the. what's going on guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so here's some interesting news coming out of ten downing street the british prime minister david cameron is taking heavy criticism of the purging of a decade's worth of speeches and videos from the conservative party's websites that's right i think there's a wave of historical revisionism sweeping cameron's government after all it's hard
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to prove that you haven't lived up to any of your initial promises if they're completely expunged from the public record now of course party members are defending the move saying that purging the content is a campaign strategy aimed at replacing old messages with new ones but cameron's former speech writer in burrell disagrees that this is just a campaign strategy that quote the use of sophisticated software to ensure search engines do not stumble upon these archives slightly just slightly undermined this claim is that as it turns out the party went as far as instructing websites such as an internet archive and google to fully remove deleted pages from their databases pages that these websites often keep for posterity usually with the way to a politician died out of their history. but now it looks like if you have the money and if you have the power it's as easy as getting divorced from the royal family. the please please.
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please very hard to take a. look. at how to act with the earthquake they're looking. for the last few decades the chinese government has done everything in its power to control the growth of the country's one point three billion people everything from family planning programs the establishment of a birth control commission have been implemented to keep the swelling population at bay but by far the most effective and controversial of china's measures has been
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its one child policy it's laws been in place since one nine hundred eighty and requires the majority of couples to pay steep fines if they have more than one child while today in a surprise decision trying to announce that if either member of a couple's only child the couple can have two children now many human rights activists are saying this simply doesn't go far enough to quell the large number of forced abortions infanticide and involuntary sterilizations nicholas backlund of human rights watch in hong kong told the washington post that quote the whole system needs to be dismantled what they're doing is just tinkering with it allowing one specific category of people to have two children the system is abusive and generates so much pain for so my name but there is far more encouraging announcement that was also said by the chinese government today the country's longstanding reification labor camps are so to be abolished now exact numbers are impossible to know but according to china's state news agency proxy.


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