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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2013 7:30am-8:01am EST

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demand a boycott a closing of the forever very few people actually believe in freedom of speech for all they just believe in freedom of speech for people who agree with them but that's just my opinion. alone welcomes technology updates on today's show christmas comes early from. a novel animation up brings films to the big screen. a moscow state university
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gives a whole new meaning to wearable technology but first new year may still be a couple of days off but they've already been plenty of festivities this month. no spark in nano technology sense it was officially opened in the town of troy just south of moscow. aims to become a launch pad for high tech startups by bringing together all the facilities and know how to develop and produce innovative goods all into one roof while the town's strong research base made it the natural choice of location the pog received a large investment from ross nano and the company's chairman was there to make sure the money had been put to good use back to you about twenty five startups should already be created this year there are twenty five startups alone in the year the center was set up then i expect tens or even hundreds of startups to emerge out of here in the near future and today you see in the creation of these innovation
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powerhouses with your own. lasers are a key direction for techno spark so we went to a best of projects which is also part of the regional innovation cluster to see what's cooking the family run business has been producing ultra short pulls lasers for fifteen years it's emerged out of the birthplace of the laser believe it to physical institute and they continue to work closely together. so second leases are already frequently used for increasing and cutting to from glass but the full spectrum of off the cations for this type of laser is only just being realized however it's hard to imagine exactly how short a benzo second days. into a second is one four trillion or one millionth of a billionth of a second there are a way more pencil seconds in a second then yes the universe has existed so to put it into context it's takes around three hundred trillion femto seconds for us to blink. if you are travelling at the speed of light you would only move north point three michael b c one tenth
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the second which is about the size of a virus for such a miniscule amount of time the potential for this technology is immense. the main benefit the second lasers is the lower. level of heat transfer almost no heat is transferred to the surrounding areas the material is removed through a process known as cold. systems remove material by melting it evaporates explosions this is a completely new process because the intensity is so high at the focal point of the material. instantly from the desired location this takes place in such a short amount of time so that he does not have time to diffuse into the surrounding areas the second advise that follows on from the first of this method can be used with any material transparent or not no matter how hard or what its composition. so what about diamonds one of the hardest natural materials known to man beauty an
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exceptional solidness is what makes them prized by jewellers these properties that make them hard to keep secure. the crystal production corporation has been producing fine diamonds from the rough stones for fifty years once the gems have been cut to any of the dozens of sizes to choose from each polished to a sparkling shine the company uses a second laser a unique id on each stone to prevent it from being counterfeited. but this form of marking has its limitations because one. can be removed so the company. institutes for a more permanent solution. traditional strength in a fundamental science and a vest of projects expertise in laser construction this device second laser is capable of creating a unique mob go deep within the diamond told you so fine that it can't be seen
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with the naked eye. with. tensely to avoid damaging the surface so the laser beam penetrates the unfocused. but it is then intensified hundreds of thousands of times inside the diamond because this provides the concentration of energy required to turn the diamond into graphite although still a form of carbon graphite block providing the contrast required for the id and the only way of removing it would be to split the diamond into smaller stones which would trust the overall volume but the applications of femtosecond lasers extend far beyond jewelry which. many uses we have researched corrective eye surgery with this laser in cooperation with the central clinical hospital we're also running a series of projects to examine high energy physics with this laser and others in
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our labs here. pinpoint precision offense so second lasers makes them ideal for nano surgery and grafting prosthetics directly to bone they use is also range from engraving consumer electronics so high tech kitchen appliances while their potential for fixing silicon chips makes them indispensable in the computer industry books whatever they're used for blink and you'll miss it these fish will opening of techno spark wasn't the only cause for celebration in december because christmas came early for some of the country's youngest and most talented innovators and of course we went along to the main award ceremonies held this month . point by convention two thousand and thirteen buying in moscow's belmont university on the fifth of december the all singing all dancing and you'll event recognizes bush's most talented young scientists and at the end of the day the joy of experts picked the best projects in green and biotechnologies materials i.t. and engineering but despite the exterior design project has very commercial goals.
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there are no specialized events for young engineers or inventors in our country at the moment. we don't want people involved in high tech development. just three million dollars for a fifty percent stake in the company. one of them to make billions just like tony stark and. after such rousing words i was eager to meet the future find men and women of the barman university in the exhibition area. the stones not only gave finalist the opportunity to show off the fruits of their labors but also network and meet potential investors the highlights included universities formula students car and printable solar panels that can be attached to pretty much anything meanwhile lurking in the depths the uni's entry for the student robel so competition boasts a three d. camera and is floating its way up the leaderboard and of course no technology show would be complete without augments of reality play display here brings two d.
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images from books to kids a much to life and then lets users interact with the b three d. to reveal the information embedded inside. elsewhere in moscow that in a start two thousand and thirteen final was held at the center of modern design innovations later that evening over three hundred students submitted their projects for consideration so one of the top three prizes and those who made it to the final five to present their ideas life and was subjected to a grilling from the jury those who didn't quite make it to the final it was still on hand to show off their entries which included a unique hydro massage and this facial tracking technology which only requires a standard low resolution webcam to track movement making the technology less of a strain on the pocket back in the main hall the jury had come to a decision the winners of this year's in a star included a radical rethink of moscow a super green roofing material and a device to make sure you never get stung on your electricity bill is one thing
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receive an award for your innovation but once you spend your prize money you should go to tech crunch to try and find an investor or not. change. tech crunch moscow two thousand. held at the digital. guests of the event by the tech news websites of the same name. the industry leader i was always. ollie was jump shots with people. vying for attention and hoping to get a spot on the stage participants have three minutes to present the idea of charts investors and move on to the next round however one name that crops up in a presentation about the messaging up stood out from the rest. is the founder of the film production company and if that doesn't ring any bells he's also the director of the hollywood film and many of the star studded flicks the path from concept to big screen is no walk in the park and pre-visualization plays an
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important role in getting the movie off the ground action parts modern pitches require more than the traditional. sketches three d. animation give a frame by frame idea of how the finished product should look pre-visualization is also help direct to tweak camera angles stage direction and lighting and in an industry where time costs lots of money they help everyone know who's doing what where and when on sets despite saving money even the previews are very costly and time consuming a fact. when i read all sorts of images and pictures appear in my head and i thought it would be great if you could write a text and then have a computer automatically turn it into an animated cartoon. it would understand and use the same language used by all filmmakers when they're telling a story just from images on
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a screen. so the guys at the studio got cracking to make the most fun to see a reality the company developed a universal text animation scripts this compatible with pre-prepared to d. and three d. characters and animals you simply put in your text complete with stage directions and the application source of the dialogue movement gestures and camera angles it was easy to see how it was coming useful in the film industry so while director such as he was busy with his next screenplay i wanted to find out how such a specific piece of software made its way to the mass market. we took the professional version which supports lots of features and gradually began automating them or cutting them out altogether introducing defaults at such a sort of this product could be used by a wider audience in the future. we even had a trial where we made a t.v. series for a cable channel the three d. backgrounds and characters that were left and created an online version of the
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program which could be accessed through a browser. so anyone could visit and see the interface it has a stage these two robotic characters and a text input box. the text is then uploaded to a server to be animated the whole process only takes around fifteen second but leads to some rather peculiar videos online i'm twenty eight and it's an awfully people in their thirty's and forty's complaining and they should because their lives are almost over twenty sucks because it's the end of fun or at least society thinking it's ok to have fun when you turn twenty eight you and your fun friends start partying and start having addictions that's what they call it you can get hammered on monday night without raising some eyebrows although may seem like a lot of nonsense to get it is a lot of users online a chance to express themselves and it caught on surprisingly quickly are. still
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there with having created these robots and the spy the fact that use had created videos which had been viewed over one hundred thousand times. early on but only five six well less than ten percent of our audience could create their own screenplay. so we decided to go one step further and simplify our application even more. to the world of s.m.s. and takes communication. in a world where people show how they're feeling with smiley's social network of contacts here which also happens to be russia's second most visited site was the perfect place to test out the technology the simplified film pre-visualization software only requires text and smileys for the current system interact messenger's ease of use and logical progression from current communication trends mentality to must over seven hundred thousand users in the first three weeks alone was the
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evolution of this once nice software doesn't end here. we plan to launch a mobile application sometime in the summer of twenty fourteen. it's probably be released at the same time as a film it's on to take advantage of. characters and images in it. although we currently don't know what film it will probably be a big budget animation or adventure franchise but it will change the country. that's into the first half catch after the break. millions around the globe struggle with hunger each good. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge only in the cherry said they can the very strong
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position against g.m.o. and we think that. the genetic anymore the right products are at risk to have there is no. evidence that there is any problem with genetic engineering when you make a deal. or is free cheese always in a mouse trap i don't believe that i destroyed four and that free. enterprise money market is profit. for you. not for social justice if golden rice are cheap. the beginning of the known politic night moxon the fades from island life. and now enough temptation. to douglas last for six months.
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more polar bears than people. and it's as easy to hire a rifle as a school zone. because the island is so in a special there are no indigenous people but there are all those who do choose this frozen life. this is could be right about the few on the conductor. dramas that can't be ignored to. stories other is to refuse to notice. faces changing the world lights now. old pictures of today's events. on to and from around the globe. up to. fifty.
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let's take a quick look at this month's tech news. sales of the year kicked off on the fourth of december as gorky park in what's proved to be a day of firsts is the company's first foray into markets it also happens to be the first design smartphone and the world's first. screen mobile. display promises to. display information even when the phone is not. until the device also has wide implications for russian innovation. we show that we can do it because three years ago
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a few people who believe the russians start up can bring to the commercial product and get this type of success and interest we have. we can create innovative products we can do something consumer electronics and we can be competitive russian environmental monitoring service that unveiled the latest addition to its fleet of flying locks on the sixth of december the heavily modified forty two d. boasts over seventy instruments for monitoring pollution and radiation levels as was particles can even in rainfall in dry areas of silver iodide disperses. a million martian meeting was held at the cosmonaut six memorial museum in moscow on the third of december cost of the mars one project the project hopes to establish a permanent human colony on mars by two thousand and twenty three and so far as received over two hundred thousand applications for a one way ticket to the red planet. about this project the first time the.
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very realist. all the people that are already involved. and the companies that slowly starts getting on. the russians humanoid robot softball one was unveiled at the star city training the end of last month the robots is set to join the crew on the international space station early next year controlled remotely from the ground by a pair of much of globes the robots human like hands will work on the exterior of the station. the line between technology and biology is becoming increasingly blurred so let's focus on moscow state universities latest developments in wearable tech. brains overbroad. wearable technology has been billed as the next big thing i'm not talking about smart glasses one of the way quickly. braving the cold outside the moscow state university andre
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and pavol here are busy putting the exo athlete through its paces. first exoskeleton meaning it requires no external. help to carry loads of up to one hundred kilograms. keen to get out of the cold i had inside the institute of mechanics where i found the technology has rather unusual roots. ventured into robotics way back in the seventy's. made for quite a spectacle they used to gyroscopic stabilization system which kept them up right even when they were standing on the spot having impressed audiences around the world the researchers shifted their attention from wheels to walking machines having already created one of russia's first anthropomorphic by people robots love was on a roll so why stop at just. robot she was built at
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a time when computers filled entire. but despite a ripe old age of forty the old girl can still still says stuff with the best of them she's the results of the institute's work on mimicking nature in an attempt to find alternative transport means each leg has three axes of movement provided by a total of eighteen perfectly coordinated electric motors she was refined over the years to improve her awareness of the surrounding environment and before her retirement she could climb stairs and adjust her gait according to incline and the institute of mechanics had big plans to muster two point zero. if there was talk of news ing matia as a mars rover or the thing is though the moon rover before her run on wheels now martha but if it came across an area on the surface of mars that was either uneven or covered in rocks it's unlikely that a wheel based machine would have coped with it. and this is where legs
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would come in. which will be. in the one nine hundred seventy s. during the cold war q months he had set his eyes on conquering other worlds and russia was looking towards the red planet the institute of mechanics proposed sending a beefed up version of masha to maz the giant's yellow muscle called translated literally as miles walker would help clear the path for human settlements just like mushy the muscle hold would have been able to adjust its gait depending on the surface and obstacles in its path however unlike musher the muscle hold featured a scoop all claw at the front and open bed at the back for building clearing rubble and collecting samples there was even talk of creating a version that off at the speed of wheels but the off road capabilities of legs but all that remains is a solitary like. it has to be said that as well as carrying out experimental work
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into a two legged and six legged walking. robots we also conducted theoretical research we developed algorithms that allow the robots to walk and our experience with watching robots came in very handy when we were developing the eggs or skeleton. all the six periods meant that the exo athletes made it from suring ball to prototype in just to get it was developed jointly with the emergency situations ministry and received funding from the ministry of education in science weighing in at just twelve kilos is can help the operator carry loads of it's a one hundred kilograms while its lack of budget and electronics means that it requires little if any maintenance in the field and naturally these advantages caught the attention of the russian defense ministry to see both ready to go the eagle eyed a monkey may remember the xo athlete from a news piece we did back in august where it was demonstrated that the russian defense ministry innovation day the russian armed forces saw his potential for assisting troops loading heavy i mean mission crates and supply use as well as
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carrying heavy duty military combat shields such as this one but it wouldn't be that easy to fight in on the idea was shelved. the uni's also working on hydraulic and electric versions this battery powered hydraulic suits weighs twice as much as the passive one and has an operation time of around two hours but this was a trade off the team were willing to make for the added power and mobility it gives the user senses on either side of the knee pick up the operator's intention and swing the leg into action doesn't of talk i have to try one on for size it was a strange feeling being struck so securely to the exoskeleton and it felt like learning to walk again as i started slowly forward but it didn't take long to get the hang of it pressure pads at the bottom of the exoskeleton takes when the foot is touching the floor unlock the leg at the knee ready for the next step. toward there is a motion detection system installed industry which uses video cameras to help us
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see how a person moves in the exoskeleton a workout that's nomics. because this is one of the methods are used to deal with the irregularities of the human body. we can gather statistics to see how people walk then use this information to customise the exoskeleton. including the speed and movement of the joints the rigidity and shock absorbing properties of the excess skeleton a much more we get more good word obviously pavel wasn't quite as happy with my performance as i was i thought i could do with something extra assistance they could just went entirely out of place though with waning interest from the military the medical ali is the one they could be looking to explore the potential of the exoskeleton helping people walk and recover from injury not to mention the psychological benefits that come with it is immense the passive exoskeletons lack of complex electronics means that it would be perfect for people living in remote
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areas it can also be used to help take some of the load off those who carry heavy objects as part of their daily work as i work with. the war room and in creating the exoskeleton we're hoping to be one of the first players in a market that's only just forming. so we'll have a chance to find our own each and meet the expectations that people have told us about when you could produce. and provide them with the exoskeleton they really need. gaining popularity through hollywood blockbusters developments such as the one from moscow state university mean the skeletons are no longer confined to the realms of fantasy potential in the real world with an engine is looking for ways either to restore people's mobility and strength or great it. might just be the way. they uses range from helping people get back on their feet and building strength to helping the world. and making light work of heavy lifting so it looks
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like. a. technology this year. and finding out what two thousand and fourteen. plan to bring in the new year enjoy the ride. such a part of the twenty fourteen olympics what's this place like the line is is so special as the russian resort prepares to welcome the world power of the games shaping the city's present and future life so it will bring it this is the moment they're reporting from a very cold and snowy windy mountainous tough yet beyond the olympics.
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starting germany the first on our team. why is the price of gold so high. demand global demand do you think gold is money. the value of the only place we have to live of the water that we need to survive it's not compared to bill i mean gold we're not going to eat gold we're not going to bait with gold. we're not going to drink what clearly what amal is and it's in a desperate economic situation absolutely right what we're wrong to do is say there for any kind of economic development from the outside is going to be a benefit their only purpose is to extract as much money as possible to feed into the global financial system. with me or part of the geo political economic system that's extremely exploitative.
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first of all is a question whether mining should even be carried out altogether can it be done in a way which doesn't destroy people's lives resources environment and so on when you know those are pretty serious questions mining is not a what a moment problem it's happening in asia in africa and south america in central america in mexico and it's even happening in canada and the united states. the. economic downturn the final long day that the deal sank night and the rest of life until you meet casey will be every week.
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a fresh immigration initiative in the u.k. is slammed for ethnic profiling by the un who fear it could trigger a sweeping crackdown on the workers and asylum seekers who are there legally. iran may unfreeze and accelerate its nuclear program if washington introduces new sanctions something that could undermine the historic geneva agreement seen as a key breakthrough of twenty thirteen. legal cases brought against russia's former oil tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky are to be reviewed the move by the country's highest court could lead to previous sentences being overturned.


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