tv Headline News RT December 28, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EST
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all right. an anti-government protest is violently dispersed by riot police in a stamp well as a corruption scandal shakes up turkey's ruling elite where reports from the heart of the unrest. federal judge in new york declares the n.s.a.'s bulk collection of phone data to be lawful directly contradicting a court opinion from washington d.c. that mass surveillance violates the constitution also in the program. we actually asked people when they came to why do i why are you here and people told us we are spied on that i want to protect myself revelations of america's global snooping sans grounds to hacking conference in germany hoping to learn how to shield themselves from the watchful eyes of government. was more than one hundred fifty detainees in guantanamo bay prepared to enter another year without charge or
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due process we bring you our special report from behind the barbed wire. coming to you live from the russian capital i'm marina joshie welcome to the program. a massive anti-government protest has spilled into violence in central istanbul the rallies erupted over a high level corruption scandal that's forced a major cabinet reshuffle that resulted in the arrests last week of twenty four people including the sons of two ministers and they have a state owned bank. thousands shouted catch and feed demanding that prime minister worship or the one step down riot police called up to disperse the rally spray the mob was tear gas while protesters fall back with rocks and fire crackers are to
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serve for us there. you get the police assist the way the safety the police again trying to push them back using this account and the police the way he beat us in fear so this protest tonight was coming this is something that we've seen again trying to stay and we haven't been successful yet he's still still quite a bit we've seen. since we see one candidate mr quinn kind of the inspectors say take a look we're going to speak. to the protest movement i'm coming for. the past year but for the first thing we see the prime minister facing a challenge not only from the people who are telling us we will see him with a new government instead. of going and it will let you leave it to you thank you thank you. to you really take us as. well even some of the praise for the brits we thank you. thank you thank
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you. because you can be some of the places thanks it. was nice to think that i don't take. any of the scenes talents that crimea said because they said his right to stand up to slavery was the way it was and been successful so far. well axe words have been saying the most recent protests bring back the violent scenes that erupted in turkey in the summer over plans to destroy a park the government was widely criticized back down for excessive use of force a situation that's a likely to repeat itself this time around says jeremy salt an associate professor of bill can't university in ankara. the fact is the problem and sends a very very strong pull of supporters and they will believe anything he says has
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become more authoritarian of the last four years so you know one can trace many kind of milestones in that progress probably the last elections in one very very comfortably we saw for example if you can spring the way that he he had to distribute the syrian crisis was extremely aggressive confrontational very abusive and that this is going to characters he's moving on dealing with a protest inside his own country he's just gone from kind of middle class people who have a genuine basic reason to protest promises and he doesn't seem to understand that he doesn't seem to think that their approaches to genuine they're all part of some sort of plus. we'll continue to follow the interest in turkey so stay with us for the latest developments right here adeline dot com. a new york federal judge has declared a mass collection of phone data by the n.s.a. as lawful just over a week after a judge and washington d.c. ruled that dragnet surveillance wouldn't likely be proven unconstitutional when
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a board now has the details. a federal judge in new york william of pauli ruled friday that protections under the fourth amendment do not apply to records held by third parties like phone companies the n.s.a.'s indiscriminate and systematic collection and storage of phone records belonging to all americans while that's lawful this decision came down because the a.c.l.u. was suing to halt the n.s.a.'s bulk metadata collection program but the federal judge granted a motion filed by the obama administration to dismiss the challenge in his ruling judge pauley said that the n.s.a.'s blunt tool only works because it collects everything during his decision he also raised the nine eleven attacks arguing that if the n.s.a.'s metadata collection program had been in place before september eleventh two thousand and one the hijackers may have been caught now the a.c.l.u. has expressed disappointment says it plans to appeal that decision two weeks ago
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federal judge in washington d.c. said the n.s.a.'s metadata program most likely violated the fourth amendment as part of that ruling a judge richard leon ordered the government to stop collecting data on two plaintiffs who brought the case against the u.s. government will have to wait and see if the supreme court does take up the issue of the n.s.a. very controversial metadata program the u.s. president barack obama was asked to identify any specific instance in which analysis of the n.s.a.'s bulk metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack the u.s. president could not identify one instance or at least he did not give one example to the journalists that were asking him now u.s. officials have for many years asked americans to sacrifice some of their privacy in the name of security but so far no top u.s. official can mention any danger imminent danger that's been thwarted through the
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collection of everyone's. personal information. we didn't hear from the antiwar answer coalition says the u.s. government has failed to produce any evidence that spying technology is actually being used against terrorists but president we have something that certainly reveal it because this case has been so terribly damaging the a about the n.s.a. from the congress this is the most important program and if we don't do it in the whole world is going to collapse and terrorists will overrun the country and you know sort of the rhetoric you know functionally the reality of this situation is that these individuals are. preventing attacks of the program are not going to be attacked and i think that if there was something else they would have revealed it for sure because it's the only way to bolster their crumbling case. and i think a lot of surveillance is something that is important a journalist who helped to add words snowden expose the n.s.a. glenn greenwald has shared his experiences of dealing with the mainstream media in
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the wake of the revelations it was on this program called hard talk and i at one point had made what i thought was the very unremarkable and uncalled first observation that the reason why we have a free press is because national security officials routinely lied to the population and shield their power and to get their agenda advanced when i said that he interrupted me and he said i just cannot pull believe that you would suggest. in your official generals in the united states and the british government are actually making false claims to the public how you also. that was a part of greenwald's keynote speech at a global hackers congress which is underway in hamburg global threats to online privacy and new ways of protecting data have generated unprecedented interest in the conference which started out as a small i get together you know all over is there for our team. over the coming days the biggest names in the world of online privacy and freedom of information
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are going to be speaking at the chaos communication conference here. was the thirtieth year that this has been running in particularly there's a lot of interest in this year following the revelations that have been put forward by edward snowden in those documents that he's leaked i'm joined by. who's a member of the chaos computer club that organized this event young thanks very much for talking to me now all people beginning to become more aware of a need to protect themselves online we notice because we do crypto parties where we invite interested people to learn about cryptography since a long while and we noticed since the summer that there's a huge in request for those to parties that's a party where we meet for like two or three hours and people who know how to encrypt emails how to encrypt your chat how to browse an enormously in the internet teach this to other people do you think that that increase has had
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a lot to do with edward snowden and those documents that he's leaked to the world i'm pretty certain because we actually asked people when they came why do i argue here and people told us i learned that if we are spied on and i want to protect myself when we talk to our governments now we have to make sure that they understand how this is a huge big problem for all the people thank you very much that was member of the k s computer club that's put on helps to organize the chaos communications conference here in how everybody is talking for a given freedom of information and how to protect yourself online and bring you more updates from the conference later today here on our. up ahead of the program you go high experts tell r t how britain has become an international alliance for selling and consuming the legal equivalent of class a drugs that could actually be just as harmful as you original all the details are coming up here on our team.
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and a former russian oligarch me. out of prison but some of those who remember how he's a world company fought its way to the top say it left plenty of victims along the way we talk to the widow one of them in just a few minutes. the u.s. president has approved a law easing the transfer of guantanamo bay detainees to their home countries but it's still a far cry from actually closing the tories prison which barack obama has been promising to do for years in the wake of a mass hunger strike that dragged on through most of two thousand and thirteen r t one behind the barbed wire. every morning at eight am the u.s. national anthem erupts across the beast that holds america's most scandalous prison no one likes to be spit on no one wants to have their own autumn torture hunger strikes and suicides have marred this place since two thousand and two and they're human beings after all they're there's no reason to expect that they enjoy being here you know we pretend otherwise prisoners held indefinitely in the name of the
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never ending war on terror where the innocent or guilty is not our job right now we have the court system to time and that in just over a decade a total of seven hundred seventy nine prisoners the majority released without charges on the other side of the barbed wire. life is a blast. in the water and it's nice there's nothing really bad about here just like any common american town now is awfully scared to come here but i mean it's absolutely beautiful place and you get around other stuff getting around the other stuff is not hard a lot of what goes on here is kept under a thick veil of denial and secrecy camp delta house as a hospital and library and this is also the place where patients are force fed and even though the hunger strike is largely and officially said to be over we know that at least fifteen people are continually being force fed here today
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a tube is passed down through a person's nostril and pushed all the way down to their stomach before it's passed down the nose we lubricate it in we give the patient a choice do they want to have the key which is agent. area or if they want to lubricate the tube. most of our patients have been using all of you seem to like it in fact some of our patients are so used to this they will describe which nostril they want this while major world medical bodies are in a. re meant that for speeding is not ethical and should not be practiced the force feeding them i've got my clients have experienced at one time or they've certainly described it as torture the restraint chair that they're strapped into they actually call the torture chair in arabic for speeding takes up to forty five minutes and is performed twice a day the places that had the civilian world of it feel strange i've never heard
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insisting on. i have not heard that good move phish shows are beyond nonchalant about the highly criticized practice you might feel differently from the way i might feel uncomfortable has been the most of it i have heard but they don't even believe in what this thing anymore because they know it sounds stupid i volunteer that the procedure be demonstrated on me requests to prisoners who have not met one another and speak different languages keep saying the same thing that we were tortured used. tied. to the chair legs to the ground. strap across forced in a tube into our noses never in thirteen years have detainees been allowed to speak directly to a journalist while remaining it gives only leaking statements to lawyers who would love nothing more than to sit down with journalists and just tell them you know about their daily lives but communicating seems to only occur here if someone was a point where maybe they had been verbalizing a lot of hopelessness we were immediately intervene and try to
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assist that person to make sure that there wasn't any thoughts of maybe wanting to harm themselves or end their lives with charts like these often used to pinpoint patients despair you'll ask them how do you feel right now and they'll be able to point to it we have not had a patient in this area. thank you meanwhile six suicides and dozens of suicide attempts have taken place at the detention facility we haven't seen any autopsies the u.s. government hasn't released any formal reports or findings we're now outside two active camps at guantanamo camp five old single cells where the so-called less compliant detainees are held camp number six is one filled with communal cells when officials deem the detainees to be better there will be boarded by being allowed to live in groups while detainees are kept away from us what we witnessed are clean empty prison cells with cozy pajamas colgate toothpaste and maximum security
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shampoos paraded in front of journalists as proof everything is so much better here than any silly horror stories we all have heard of. cuba earlier we spoke with a former chief prosecutor of guantanamo bay colonel morris davis stepped down after refusing to accept the waterboarding of detainees there and he says the u.s. military will be hard pressed to find an excuse to keep the prison open beyond twenty four team. closing down the facility at guantanamo is going to be a you know a slow process but i think the detainees will pay attention and watch and if they continue to see progress and i think they'll kind of let it run its course but i think if they feel like they're forgotten again then you're likely to see another hunger strike lately the department offensive so they're just not going to tell anyone what the numbers are on how many people are participating the argument that we have made over the last twelve years on our authority to detain. people at
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guantanamo or to other facilities is that we're at war war in afghanistan comes to a close in twenty fourteen so we're about twelve months out. from the war officially ending which also ends our legal authority to detain the enemy for the duration of the conflict in the conflict is over. our team has been keeping track of this year's hunger strike at guantanamo since it began and family oriented to r.t. dot com for a comprehensive timeline of events at the infamous detention center also on our website right now. from anonymous tucson gen monsanto to manning check out our team's top thirteen of the year our web team has picked out the biggest stories to fly under the mainstream media radar during twenty thirteen. plus wouldn't normally expect a princess to serve as a police officer especially in a conservative muslim nation but that's just what's happened in bahrain find out
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how her background allegedly helped her get away with torture allegations on archer's website. these are very close to being salaheddin braving the elements in order to stand up to u.s. oil giants chevron. this comes after a massive hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that's. sums up the gulag of our times. is an undeclared global battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines. with me how to cost you now out of prison some of those whose lives were crushed by
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his company back in the nine hundred ninety s. still bear the scars one of them is the widow of an official who was murdered in mysterious circumstances fifteen years ago are generally the investigates. the cause the spike the fact that her koskie has escaped responsibility on those counts i'm convinced he's behind my husband's murder. was shot dead on his way to work but the whole of your support your profile that he walked to work and he usually did and was shot he died from the last shot and the temple. it just was the if you got his murder we came tightly wound with one of the most notorious legal sagas of the twentieth century russia you can skip the mind to ninety five you are junkies you see a few guns and they've taxes to the city and the region if they're combining was registered then when it came to tax revenues that it was answering to the mayor or
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next to your guns can be met with the whole field they depended on him and that was the only reason why he even mattered how did they insist her late husband as a mayor of the town this was registered was approached by top managers of the company because i. was first offered to reach an agreement they called it an organization of taxes back then a production reached about seventy million tons of oil here they said there was too much but the and seven eight million tons would be more than enough but you could not get the full for use to take a deal over if you want to hunger strike demanding to be seen to be alleging their corruption scheme involved many regional officials several days later he was found murdered an investigation found his killing was ordered by the co owner of ucas but many don't agree with i want you to they believe that into homes murder wasn't connected to this and they allege a tax fraud scheme that of course he himself said if there was
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a need to avoid taxes then there were many other ways it could have been done the former head of security company received a life sentence for. the fourth wife is sure that the real mastermind has never been held to. that only time will solve the mystery surrounding my husband's murder but i'd just like hard to confess and clear his conscience. even though. this. gets another stories from around the. world and we started with southern india where a fire on a strain has killed at least twenty three passengers including two children over sixty people were on board when the blaze engulfed a carriage early on saturday it's believed most of the victims suffocated in the thick smoke the cause of the fire is still unknown rescue teams are on site searching for survivors. in thailand a gunman opened fire in
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a crowd of protesters killing one and wounding two others this follows weeks of anti-government rallies with mass calls for the prime minister. over corruption allegations lashes between police and protesters have been growing warm by and by the day tear gas rubber bullets used to disperse the crowds meanwhile thailand's army has urged political rivals overclocked to overcome their differences and hasn't ruled out martial law to restore order. in egypt official say at least five people have been killed in clashes between police and rock throwing supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsy security forces used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowds and arrested over two hundred people the government's been cracking down on the muslim brotherhood since july with a movement being declared a terrorist organization earlier this week brotherhood has vowed to continue its rallies. in the south sudanese government has agreed to start to go sheeting with rebel forces in
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a bid to hold the violence plaguing the newly formed nation recent fighting is estimated to have left at least a thousand people dead on tuesday the united nations approved plans to almost double its peacekeeping presence there. today and has been in the grip of a power struggle between rival armed groups since again in the pants in twenty eleven. the addicted man of europe that's the reputation of the u.k. has earned itself in recent years according to meeting social policy think tank there are reports of just wanted twelve young brits have tried so-called legal highs these drugs won't land you in jail but as police boyko reports may well be as dangerous as their ban equivalents. pink panther bubble or the magic dragon they may sound harmless that anything but these a mind altering substances that mimic the effects of drugs but they're legal and britain is consuming more of them than any other country we currently know that hundreds of websites are selling drugs online it does bring us to maybe there is at
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least one new product on the drug market each week two substances are advertised on line as a legal and save for a turn or two to illegal drugs then not fifty two people died from using psychoactive substances last year that's up seventy nine percent from the year before researchers at the university of hartford tell me about the newest substance they've been looking into cycling as you can see this substances are dangerous men died when did he take probably it was decided on the synthetic kind of noises moped it but it's marketed as not for human consumption yes but of course people buying it online they know perfectly how to use it the government's been accused of being an acceptably slow in its response to designer drugs flooding the country. london clubs like this one a full to the gram every night revelers drinking and dancing having fun but the
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reality is rather more sober and. substance abuse is taking on new forms one addiction psychiatrist set up a special government funded clinic to deal with the abuse of so-called club drugs as for the clients we have lawyers we have nurses we have managers we have teachers we have a group of people who don't really necessarily and would label as drug users and i very much remember the very first day we opened and thinking well will anybody come you know will there be a demand for the service or not and actually a couple of years. later we've been flooded with referrals at the moment the u.k. is not only the worst place in europe as far as legal high experimentation is concerned we also have the biggest heroin problem we have the biggest became an crack cocaine problem in europe and we also have one of the worst drinking problems in europe you know we have the worst female drinking problem over there so if this
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can't be seen in isolation the truth is that more people particularly young people in the u.k. try to lead to drugs and alcohol than the other. one. and up next a special report on wiki leaks war on censorship but if you're watching from the u.k. it's time for action we're tonty taking underground. so
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much more of the twenty four genome pics what's this place like why is this so special as the russian resort prepares to welcome the world power the games shaping the city's present and future life so you will bring it this is the moment they're reporting from a very cold snowy windy mountainous stuff beyond the olympics. but come. on our team.
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does use it bump this poke a thumb just to quote an ego would have to differ from a. movement movement viewed as if it was the food. that he can use people to try to topple. good luck you could one time a. which is not a one of more than with what you look to see. about the atlantic going up which is return it was not me trying to close the deal see the need to lift it up it's pretty good but. because of cost of the spirit. it would disappear with this if it's beautiful that the girl did it as reasons for her to be able. to provide information on the family to provide information on the securities
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residing in the. oval leg of the hundred budgies t.v. and some of the news that. proceeded to pick up put it with. the person to pose it. to provide information on a market of stocks and it's doubled like you'll need to say that it. took them longer than it looks then and it would it still losing. what makes it in the input that the minute issues the third must be seen one. something but. you didn't when you found your room. knows no no no you've. got that. no you don't want. to move a little can they get explicit in this because us. i bet you can learn. from these. that has them used to deliver is near let not true ten billion see business.
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