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tv   Headline News  RT  December 28, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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turkish police fired tear gas and rubber bullets in istanbul dispersing protesters angry with a high level corruption scandal and demanding the government's resignation. right by a new york judge says it is illegal for the n.s.a. to gather phone data involved the verdict contradicts a ruling in a different case which found the n.s.a. surveillance to be unconstitutional. plus as the year winds down we look back at some of the most significant stories of two thousand and thirteen among them the force feeding of hunger striking detainees in guantanamo protesting against indefinite detention. in though the hunger strike is largely in
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officially said to be over we know that at least fifteen people are continually being force fed here today the procedure was described as a form of torture by the u.n. by the notorious detention camp remains open despite public outrage and president obama's pledges to close or. broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm john thomas glad to have you with us now a massive anti-government demonstration in east on bulls central square sparked by a high level corruption investigation has been violently dispersed by police demonstrators are now calling for the country's prime minister. to wanted to step down but he refuses to give in to their demands are reports. phantom limb occupy protests. for the past couple of weeks prime minister the fifth biggest challenge
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to his leadership on friday the first time offense is once again take to the streets of istanbul and i think half the police and the political family strong false thinking that the protest prime minister addressing the crowd that very much they would fly facing that this is the financial fair for the person feeling this clear not sure quite that would be for a number of political stunts and that means the possibility that will benefit second right of corruption. that's i understand exactly what ben i'm feeling bad for the fact that the professor. if that were thank you very much for joining us. let's start with mitt exactly is going on we're going to expect to have a government cheval before anything happens to speak to that but at the moment we have resigned ministers. ministers with no spread to humans but i think
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it's true or to conclude that actually brown's governments become the first and the person repairer very strong and very experienced ministers there. and after the family. maybe should remember seems to. have a reaction to the best political election for the best who can spend much time to. the prime minister the matters that. match the actions of a discriminations would be best for mr mandela. and. then he would have to stand still be true surely you. can see. the rabbit and the sousa revise their policies read them bad before. you buy the food stamp and other people think may be very difficult. we're going for.
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getting public opinion on the ongoing government crisis in turkey you can find it on her twitter account also there are pictures from the streets where protesters are verging their anger over a corruption scandal and demanding the government to resign. turkey's prime minister has been addressing crowds of supporters in the country's western city of miami he blamed foreign agents carrying out what he called a smear campaign freelance journalist and blogger. was. square she says deep divide has emerged within their society. it's not just the crash and . some explosives that are that kind of came up on our day one and its leadership you have a big people who are against a ruling party and against they are no on which seem but then there are still a considerable amount of people they so concerned about
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a very charismatic leader and they still believe in everything but he says so whenever he goes on and on camera as in my nice hour everywhere else that he's been in the past week ever since the crash and case i represent and he's been saying that you know this is a conspiracy theory that this is the work of israel or the u.s. or argue that movement itself people do believe. you know gathering phone data from millions of americans is legal and it helps to counter al qaeda that's what a federal u.s. judge ruled in a case pitting a major civil rights organization against the national intelligence chief but nearly two weeks ago in a separate case another judge said that the n.s.a. phone data collection was unconstitutional. as details. a federal judge in new york william of paulie ruled friday that protections under the fourth amendment do not apply to records held by third parties like phone companies that the n.s.a.'s indiscriminate and systematic collection and storage of phone records
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belonging to all americans while that's lawful now the a.c.l.u. has expressed disappointment and says it plans to appeal that decision two weeks ago federal judge in washington d.c. said the n.s.a.'s mehta data program most likely violated the fourth amendment as part of that ruling a judge richard leon ordered the government to stop collecting data on two plaintiffs who brought the case against the u.s. government now u.s. officials have for many years asked americans to sacrifice some of their privacy in the name of security but so far no top u.s. official can mention any danger imminent danger that's been thwarted through the collection of everyone's personal information now the secret status of the documents which exposed vienna's surveillance played a key role in this ruling daniel mcadams is an executive director of the wrong ball institute for peace and prosperity he told r t why he thinks the wording of the
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verdict could be a cause for major concern. this ruling by judge of holy it on friday said that the a.c.l.u. doesn't have the right to challenge this collection of metadata because that was it was gotten illegally because of the revelations by snowden because congress meant for section two fifteen of the patriot act to be secret orders under that sentient to be secret and the a.c.l.u. had no right to challenge it when the implications are incredible if you think about it it means that if the government were illegally using two fifteen it in something we would object to we say as an illegal way use of two fifteen we could never challenge it because we weren't supposed to know that they were doing it it's absolutely chilling. meanwhile some of the world's most well known hackers and cyber activists are discussing ways to get inside the n.s.a.
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as digital surveillance they have gathered in hamburg before the thirtieth annual chaos communication congress journalist glenn greenwald who has been releasing edward snowden's n.s.a. leaks gave a keynote address via video chat he criticized the mainstream media for being servants of the government and cited his recent interview as an example. it was on this program called hard talk and i at one point had made what i thought was the very unremarkable an uncontroversial observation that the reason why we have a free press is because national security officials pre-teen lee lied to the population and shield their power and to get their agenda advanced when i said that he interrupted me and he said i just cannot pull believe that you would suggest that senior officials generals in the united states and the british government are actually making false claims to the public how can you offer.
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well still ahead in the program we report on america's notorious guantanamo bay detention camp. torture of hunger strikes and suicides have marred this place since two thousand and two event obama's promises to close the prison it remains operational holding over one hundred detainees the majority of whom have been cleared to return to the native countries plus. britain has become an international online hub for selling and consuming the legal equivalents of class a drugs according to experts they could be just as harmful as the originals all the details coming up on r.t. . st augustine. strategic region. an undercover team of journalists trying to release wiki leaks documents it's about how the united
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states is trying to. made. more pro-american they encounter fear ignorance and pressure. country blocks the way to information freedom. media stuff on our t.v. . they don't want to. have accepted the fact this is our planet and that we have the right to run it but they're very very concerned that they don't think we're good stewards of our planet we're not we're cutting clear cutting forests were looting our rivers and lakes and we're dumping sewage in the oceans we're doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of the old should be doing and they don't like that and they've made it very clear as a matter of fact they have given us a warning. when
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what watching our team now with the new year just around the corner we continue our look at the big events in two thousand and thirteen and what it will be remembered for. and one of the biggest year's biggest stories was the hunger striking inmates after the guantanamo bay detention center despite repeated promises from the u.s. to close the infamous facility it remains operational and continues to spark public outrage in our t.v. crew went behind the barbed wire to see what life is like for the detainees. every morning at eight am the u.s. national anthem erupts across the beast that holds america's most scandalous prison no one likes to be spit on no one wants to have their own autumn torture hunger strikes and suicides have marred this place since two thousand and two and they're human beings after all they're there's no reason to expected they enjoy being here
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you know we pretend otherwise prisoners held indefinitely in the name of the never ending war on terror whether they're innocent or guilty is not our job right now we have the court system determined that in just over a decade a total of seven hundred seventy nine prisoners the majority released without charges on the other side of the barbed wire. life is a blast. and it's water and it's nice there's nothing really bad about here just like any common american town now is awfully scared to come here but i mean it's absolutely a beautiful place and you get around all the other stuff getting around the other stuff is not hard a lot of what goes on here is kept under a thick veil of denial and secrecy delta house is a hospital and library and this is also the place where patients are force fed and even though the hunger strike is largely and officially said to be over we know
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that at least fifteen people are continually being force fed here today a tube is passed down through a person's nostril and pushed all the way down to their stomach before it's passed down the nose we lubricate it and we give the patient a choice that they want to have. which is agent it will numb the area or if they want to lubricate the tube. most of our patients have been using all of the will. in fact some of our patients are so used to this they will describe which nostril they want this while major world medical bodies are in a. three meant that force feeding is not ethical and should not be practiced the force feeding them i've got my clients of experience to guantanamo they've certainly described it as torture the restraint chair that they're strapped into they actually call the torture chair an arabic force feeding takes up to forty five minutes and is performed twice a day the patients that had the civilian world have said it feel strange i've never
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heard insisting on. i have not heard that good move fishes are beyond nonchalant about the highly criticized practice you might feel differently from the way i might feel it uncomfortable has been the most of it i have heard but they don't even believe in what they're saying anyway because they know it sounds stupid i volunteer that the procedure be demonstrated on me request a client the prisoners who've not met one another and speak different languages keep saying the same thing that we were tortured used. to the chair legs to the ground they. struck across and they forced in a tube into our noses never in thirteen years have detainees been allowed to speak directly to a journalist while remaining at get most only leaking statements through lawyers they would love nothing more than to sit down with journalist and just tell them you know about their daily lives but communicating seems to only occur here if someone was a point where maybe they had been verbalizing
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a lot of hopelessness we were immediately intervening and trying to assist that person to make sure that there wasn't any thoughts of maybe wanting to harm themselves or in their lives with charts like these often used to pinpoint patients despair you asked them how do you feel right now and they'll be able to point to it we have not had a patient in this area. thank you meanwhile six suicides and dozens of suicide attempts have taken place at the detention facility we haven't seen any autopsies the u.s. government hasn't released any formal reports or findings we're now inside two active camps at guantanamo camp five fold single cells where the so-called less compliant detainees are held camp number six is one filled with communal cells when officials deem the detainees have behaved better there warded by being allowed to live in groups while detainees are kept away from us what we witness are clean
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empty prison cells with cozy pajamas colgate toothpaste and maximum security shampoos paraded in front of journalists as proof everything is so much better here than any silly horror stories we all have heard and. cuba. we've been keeping track of the hunger strike at guantanamo since it began in february just a click away on our website we've got the full timeline of events surrounding that interest facility for more stories that shaped the year we'll be bringing you up for the reports of wide two thousand and thirteen matters here on our t.v. international. these local supreme council here braving the elements in order to stand up to us oil giants chevron. this comes after a massive hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times.
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is an undeclared global battlefield in which again and it's just one of the front lines. oh that's. pardoned a russian. tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky has been all over the headlines in recent weeks as the media retells his story a murder case back from the one nine hundred ninety s. comes to light that of her to hold the assassin a good mayor of the russian town or what are called schemes oil company was registered and while the former mogul continues to deny any link to the murder widow paints a different picture. and it does this by the fact that hunter kosky has escape responsibility on those counts i am convinced he is behind my husband's murder.
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that minute the two who was shot dead on his way to work but the whole thing is there for your profile that he walked to work and he usually did and was shot he died from the last challenge of mine and the temple. it just was in new york if you got his morning every game tightly wound with one of the most to tourists legal sagas of the washout you can skip the mines in a five hour john because you feel you can dance evade taxes to the city and the region if they're combining was registered then when it came to tax revenues that it was answering to the mayor next to your guns can use that argument with the whole feel they depended on him and that was the only reason why he even matter. how did they insist her late husband as a mayor of the town this was his duty was approached by top managers in a complete because i. was first offered to reach an agreement they
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called it an organization of taxes back then a production reached about seventy million tonnes of oil here they said there was too much but the and seven eight million tonnes would be more than enough but you could not let the first few strike a deal over he went on a hunger strike demanding to be seen alleging their corruption scam involved many regional officials several days later he was found in the area an investigation found his killing was ordered by the co owner of ucas but many don't agree with i want you being bullied into his murder wasn't connected to your case and the legit tax fraud scheme that of course he himself said if there was any taxes then there were many other ways it could have been done the former head of security company recently my son's. wife is sure the real mastermind has never been held. at the company and with us to get that only time will solve the mystery
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surrounding my husband's murder but i'd just like hard to confess and clear his conscience. and even go. forward with the russia successfully lodges and upgrade. so use a rocket that is the latest additions to the family of rockets that have become the world's most frequently. first launch in one thousand nine hundred sixty six. dot com for the full story. destructive flooding in colorado a devastating tornado in oklahoma. and massive wildfires in california despite these and other catastrophes of the year of two thousand and thirteen was relatively kind to the u.s. as it experienced its fewest amount of natural disasters in recent history on our website we've got all the details on the surprising findings. now
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in the antarctica rescue operation continues for a russian research ship with australian scientists on board called the academic shall call ski the vessel has been trapped. since tuesday now an australian icebreaker is on its way there right now after a previous attempts by a french and chinese ship both failed to reach it despite being stuck in ice since christmas and scientists are said to be in good spirits and continuing their research the worst case scenario will see them evacuated from the vessel by helicopter. and now take a look at some other world news making headlines around the globe this hour in egypt a second student has reportedly been killed and another seriously wounded following crashes with police university in cairo state media reported that the violence was sparked when supporters of the muslim brotherhood set fire to two campus buildings
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organizers deny the allegations saying the demonstrators only registered the use resisted excuse going to use of tear gas against them at least sixty students were arrested in the disturbance. israel is poised to release another. twenty six palestinian prisoners this is the third release out of four a total of one hundred four palestinians will be freed from israeli jails over a nine month negotiating period that ends in april in the wake of the u.s. secretary of state john kerry's visit to the region later this week to advance the peace process opponents of the prisoner release staged a rally outside the israeli prime minister's home protesting the. more than five hundred mean a simple lawmakers in one chinese province have resigned after being implicated in an electoral fraud scandal officials stepped down after admitting to accepting bribes from members of the provincial assembly to elect them to their posts chinese
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president. xi jinping has launched an anti-corruption campaign pledging to target both high and low level government officials. the addicted man of europe that's the reputation of the u.k. has earned itself in recent years according to a leading social policy think tank now their report suggests one in every twelve brits between the ages of fifteen and twenty four has tried so-called legal highs that means a total of around six hundred seventy thousand use. that means these drugs won't land you in jail but as studies show it could be very every bit as dangerous as their blacklisted the equivalence now since two thousand and ten the government has put temporary bans on fifteen such substances but the substitute drugs are popping up at a faster rate than regulators and can handle boyko investigations. pink panther
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bubble or the magic dragon they may sound harmless to anything but these a mind altering substances that mimic the effects of drugs but they're legal and britain is consuming more of them than any other country we currently know that hundreds of websites are selling drugs online it does bring us to maybe there is at least one new product on the drug market each week two substances are advertised online as a leak go and save for a turn or two to illegal drugs then not fifty two people died from using psychoactive substances last year that's up seventy nine percent from the year before researchers at the university of hartford should tell me about the newest substance they've been looking into cycling as you can see these substances are dangerous men died when did he take probably it was decide one dissenter the kind
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of noises moped it but it's marketed as not for human consumption yes but of course people buying it online they know perfectly how to use it the government's been accused of being an acceptably slow in its response to designer drugs flooding the country. london clubs like this one a full to the brim every night revelers drinking and dancing having fun but the reality is rather more sober and. substance abuse is taking on new forms one addiction psychiatrist set up a special government funded clinic to deal with the abuse of so-called club drugs as for the clients we have the lawyers we have nurses we have managers we have teachers we have a group of people who don't really necessarily and would label as drug users and i very much remember the very first day we opened it and thinking well will anybody come you know will there be a demand for the service or not and actually
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a couple of years. later we've been flooded with referrals at the moment the u.k. is not only the worst place in europe as far as legal high experimentation is concerned we also have the biggest heroin problem we have the biggest cocaine and crack cocaine problem in europe and we also have one of the worst drinking problems in europe we have the worst female drinking problem the whole of europe so this can't be seen in isolation the truth is that more people particularly young people in the u.k. are trying to become addicted to drugs and alcohol than anyone. well up next on our team international it is the story of the wiki leaks associates who traveled across central asia in search of media outlets willing to publish and leaked diplomatic cables you're watching us in the u.k. sputnik orbiting the world with a george and galloway news coming your way. summer
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break a time when all students rejoice and most importantly relax but in russia summer break for male students could change dramatically and involve lots of guns currently male russian citizens have to put a year into the armed forces but the ministry of defense thinks that they can make things easier by having students spend their summer breaks in the military this training would tie in with their future professions such as engineering students being put into military engineering position now the question is does your summer break belong to you or another words to the government have the right to tell you what to do and make you serve in the army even if just for three summers during your college years i think the answer this really depends on your culture in places which haven't been invaded countless times or have
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a strong individual ism streak any form of conscription sounds barbaric and oppressive but if you come from a country that is less individualistic and has been attacked invaded by pretty much every country that possibly could like russia then having a draft makes more sense i think this program could work and if i was in college i would be pumped to spend my summer vacation with some heavy artillery but this is definitely not a universal idea for all countries i don't think liberals or libertarians in america would take too kindly to it and rightly so but that's just my opinion. burley and social sciences. just published a study suggesting that two thirds of muslims in western europe hold their religious roles in the laws of the countries that believe that if you read the bible if you get if you go into christianity you find the sun stuff you should obey god more all the. means to religious schools more
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important. more convincing those of the students of the very same thing that is now referred to the muslims. because there was an article about.


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