tv Headline News RT December 29, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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i'm. breaking news it's now fought a terror attack in the russian city of volgograd could have been carried out by a man fifteen were killed by a suicide bomber targeting the city's main railway station. also the week's top headlines mass rallies in turkey to demand the government step down over a wide ranging corruption scandal are met with police response. plus we look at the stories that shaped twenty thirteen a year that saw cia contractor turned whistleblower edward snowden exposed america's far reaching global surveillance. the old media over the information to be a branch of the establishment. wiki leaks founder julian assange stalks to us about journalists failing to challenge governments as we discussed media stana wrote a movie about activist on a mission to reveal sensitive u.s.
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secrets. live from our studios in moscow you're watching r t international with me and he said now a straight to our top story investigators say they're looking at a number of possibilities about who carried out a suicide bomb attack in the southern russian city of volgograd some evidence now suggests a man may have been involved the first reports said it was a lone female suicide bomber it's been confirmed fifteen people were killed in the attack which targeted the city's central railway station archies arena has the details. the bomb went off just before one pm on the cross busy train station it did to nation ripped through an area around a security checkpoint as in suspecting passengers waited for their luggage to be
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inspected before i bend down to collect my documents when i saw a flash of light and there was a blast i was thrown back by the explosion when i came to my senses a man was carrying me only outside was i able to get a breath of air and stop the to understand what was happening. and i was inside in the waiting hall i heard an explosion i didn't realized what had happened and i saw the giant engines do was completely ruined and people were coming out with their heritage bodies were burned among those to die at the scene was a police officer who was reportedly trying to stop one of the suspected terrorists or one from carrying out her murderous mission. to god i was with a child not far from where the blast happened i saw a blast shot at last flight i pushed the child to the floor and covered him with my body officials say the bomb was equivalent to at least ten kilos of t.n.t. an estimate supported by the scene of devastation only the security checkpoints
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prevented this from the much worse and unexploded grenade was founded the scene of the bluster and now investigators are looking at whether a second bomber was involved this is the second time in just a few months that the southern russian city is fully engaged in to terrorists a blast in a passenger bus in october is still wrong in the memories of people here back then it was a female suicide bomber she killed six and injured over thirty others the first three days of january have been declared days of mourning in the volgograd region those days are the very heart of russia's new year holiday celebrations but this year authorities have decided perhaps understandably it could be stevie's should be canceled if you go to our team most of. us. been a lot of reaction to the events in volgograd on social media on twitter eyewitnesses have been posting their reports from the scene here's some of them let's take a look for a tower for a local for target for talks about the power of the boss and how the doors were
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ripped off the railway station volunteer talks about how many people were at the station helping those who were injured while the deputy head of the city treated all volgograd top officials were at the sea site of the incident we spoke to a senior lecturer at moscow state university mark sloboda he explained why he believes the city came under attack although good is the principal focus simply because it's an easy and close target to the south of the caucasus. just yesterday there the russian security services reported that a principal aide to the self-styled leader of the caucasus doku umarov was killed in dog stand by security forces i think we can look at this time today as for more than likely a very rapid reaction force and time for the chilling this will be arms.
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and to terrorism advisor to the u.s. house of representatives walid for as thinks the motives of jihad as attacks like these are always the same wherever they are. we're talking about asian harvest which is linked to al qaida that is. just in russia but also in other countries including in syria as we know now now the direct motive is not different from the previous attacks on moscow on other locations inside russia and i would say is not so different from my facts that has happened around the world oh i got a c.v. it's against democracy is against countries that they want to consider as enemies most of the answers that we had around the world and of course in russia is that the chechen jihad is all those terrorist units had a greater presence and added to the geographical area in volgograd in this case and therefore they are instructing militants to do the repeat of these attacks.
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we'll be closely following developments and we'll bring you all the details as we get them you can also bought on to our t. dot com for a minute by minute timeline of this developing story in volgograd. now to the week's top stories thousands gathered in turkey's capital ankara to demand the resignation of the country's government that's after a violent dispersal of protesters in istanbul on friday night where police used tear gas and rubber bullets against crowds rallies were sparked by a corruption probe that's led to a major cabinet reshuffle and arrests of government officials r.t. sarah firth is following events. it's not some uncommon site so this stuff goes straight in the year that's been boxed by widespread protests but this time the rallies taking place in the wake of the corruption crackdown that's what the government the threats to prime minister.
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not just in the streets but from within using hasi the turnout for the demonstration was significantly smaller than that it seemed to some of them the last of the clashes break out between these protesters but other times been in power for such a long time has maintained control a lot of people said that a lot of good things to the country right now the royal family actually it has become very good for protests. in the summer very slow going i. don't know that this is. big enough to. be to publicly out to the protests the prime minister remains defiant and continued to blame the corruption probe well the foreign conspiracy and the second wave of detentions may still be possible that the time being if that look for means that the police the prosecutor publicly accused of the enforcement being in the government's pocket refusing a court decision to carry out will wait to government officials and the families of
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the political john that continues to unfold the biggest test now facing the battle for the stuff to lies ahead of him match. test for. the brain. stem extrude new crush. than we can see. the future. but other people think may be very difficult. for an. any closer to that what they've laid for the elections take place the full impact of the corruption scandal three of. those to the. mourners ahead for you right after this break including a look back at the stories that shaped twenty thirty.
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year old. science technology innovation hall the list of elements from around russia we've done the future covered wealthy british style it's time to retire let's go. to the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on our t.v. . dramas that can't be ignored. stories others the few still noticing. the faces changing the world right now. the picture of today's
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no longer from around the globe. look to. me. as twenty thirteen winds down we're looking back at the biggest stories of the year . harold as a hero and condemned as a traitor cia whistleblower edward snowden revealed to the world just how much the u.s. is spying harvesting information and storing huge amounts of phone and internet data with every new leak n.s.a. surveillance appears more and more far reaching are just going to stick our looks at how the revelations are changing the world and the cost to the whistleblowers edward snowden says george orwell's fictitious big brother is no match for the u.s.
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national security agency the types of collection the book microphones and video cameras t.v.'s that watches are nothing compared to what we have today snowden revealed that a secret court rubber stamps warrants for telecommunication companies to hand out the data of millions of their customers he also leaked the programs that the government uses to track virtually anything anybody does on the internet and also store that information and he showed how the u.s. government had lie about mass surveillance does the n.s.a. collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans. no sir while most americans think to edward snowden the u.s. government tectum as a spy and a traitor the united states government classified its evidence of its own criminal misconduct its its violations of the bill of rights what we're doing is said to
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catering to tell a tarion procedures which is gathering information about all the individuals in the world. the former intelligence contractor is now in exile knowing for certain that he'd go to jail should he return to the u.s. like bradley and now chelsea manning who was sentenced to thirty five years in jail this august so we could leaks manning released many thousands of diplomatic cables and b.t.o. proof of u.s. involvement and i don't find. another man who found himself in jail this year was john key the first u.s. official to confirm the government's use of waterboarding to interrogate care suspects i caught up with him shortly before he went to have served his two and a half years sentence which i have never believed that my case was about a leak i have always believed that my case is about torture in the hunt for whistleblowers journalists have been targeted as well u.s. authorities secretly tapped the phones of dozens of associated press journalists
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the partner of glenn greenwald who broke the story about in the states the valence was detained in london while carrying materials from edward snowden to british authorities so closely cooperate with washington now accuse him of quote terry's. aaron swartz was neither a whistleblower nor a journalist when it was a champion of the free internet fighting against censorship he fills in advocating the online getting the use of as much information as possible on the government on january eleventh the twenty six year old committed suicide. prosecutors wanted to put him in jail for up to thirty five years for downloading academic articles from a subscription based research website at his university with the intent to make them available to the public but this was somebody who was pushed to the edge by what i think of as a kind of bullying by our government a government for treated him as if he were nine eleven terrorists edward snowden's
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revelations showed with the kind of surveillance that governments are doing. i will seize out the window but this year will also learn what happens to those who embrace this new age of openness and accessibility of information while governments in the u.s. government first and foremost one their populations to be open and transparent they themselves become increasingly secretive in washington i'm going to shut down r t. let's take a closer look at what snowden exposed about n.s.a. surveillance it's collecting millions of phone records in america every day and it also has access to internet giants like google facebook microsoft and it's harvesting online data around the globe on top of that the security agency's target european citizens and even leaders but at the same time germany and the u.k. along with australia and canada are actually closely collaborating with american intelligence latin american governments and companies are a target for u.s.
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spies plus the n.s.a. is collecting data from fiber optic cables that carry most of the world's internet and phone traffic before her cia officer ray mcgovern believes those of violating privacy should face justice not the leakers. i am delighted to hear that ed snowden on his desk in honolulu had a copy of the constitution of the united states all dog eared because he used it to argue with his in his campaign there it is say as to whether what they were doing was illegal whether it was constitutional whether it was a crime for them to be corrupt to be cooperated in using their technical expertise to violate americans privacy right and left the question should be why those who are aided and abetted this way they should be in the supposed impeached in their case and brought to trial for these of gross violations of their solemn oath to you
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to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies media stan is a road movie which follows wiki leaks activists on a mission to reveal sensitive u.s. secrets were showing it throughout the day here on r.t. international i discussed it with a special panel of guests including julian assange the creator of the film and one of the journalists filmed trying to give up secrets. what makes this documentary so interesting is that we have different media organizations in different countries but all starting out of the same place. the journalists come to them offer them the same type of material the us government diplomatic cables and then we see what the response was publish not publish a sense of something document but they're thinking as they're doing in most cases.
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there are very significant significant strains in fact most cases result in publication by the organizations concerned that all of those published materials and which. do you feel like the mission you documented in media stan was a success there were a lot of reactions i remember in ten people saying you're not going to make a difference nothing will really change if we speak about making a difference or the mission in itself was a success. obviously in the regards to actually getting the material published in the various medias it's difficult to call your great success because there were actually quite well not that many newspapers in either in central asia or for that matter here in the united states that he was particularly interested in publishing the full material. access to so in that respect it wasn't a success. from a broader respect of course we can see that the leaks releases have have.
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made a large impact they've. changed the way that we interact with with media. since then. i think if we just look at the. whole affair which has been going on for the last year or so. they wrecked consequence of. releases and the fact that it's. no direct. censorship which is feasible by a particularly musicians with replication that happened in different countries in different places where it is possible for them to become somewhere in afghanistan obviously the risks are a whole different kind of risk there are you going to continue your work to try to keep reviewing the truth. i think this is our responsibility as journalists to reveal what's happening behind the scenes within the government and the regional level as well as international level so i've been
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working as a journalist since two thousand and six in afghanistan and the risks to be generous in afghanistan is so high it sends to since the since early two thousand and thirteen there have been sixty cases against. journalists violation of violence and many other cases against journalists in afghanistan so that they know there is a high risk to be a journalist in afghanistan but this is our responsibility not to give up and continue our work as a journalist edward snowden should use the media and not wiki leaks to channel his revelations don't you think that's a good sign that he was able to do it through the media well i think it's quite sad actually. didn't go to infect the media he went to someone that's closely associated with us and specific journalist going green world and another specific journalist laura portress. most prominently
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a couple journalists to wiki leaks. glenn greenwald for his part was then working with the guardian has left the guardian. as a result. of the censorship by the guardian all of that material to date less than zero point five percent of the snowden documents have been published. well the majority of the media are still reluctant to challenge the government like you said and speaking of glenn greenwald recently he reprimanded journalists across the globe for not standing up to the government lets out so have a listen to what glenn greenwald had to say at a recent conference in hamburg. what is that we were targeting in the behavior of the media over the past six months as just revelations have emerged almost entirely without and despite the role of the us media and their british counterparts is to be voices for those with the greatest power and to protect their interests and
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serve them. your highness i want to ask you is it as bad as greenwald is saying generally speaking if you just understand that the powerful media institutions are part of power rather than being being so to speak mediators of information if you just understand the very idea that. looking at media and consumption of news or information in a different in a different respect so yes of course there is there is that about. and if we look at an institution such as the washington post which was one of the first institutions that had access to snowden's documents they decided not to publish and . i mean practically didn't publish anything and what we can understand from that is that there is a direct relationship between between the different power institutions in our societies and media is most definitely one of the most important power institutions
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that we have in overseas are three there's. a recount now of our breaking news it's been confirmed that fifteen people have been killed in a bomb blast in russia southern city of volgograd. i bent down to collect my documents when i saw a flash of light and there was a blast i was thrown back by the explosion when it came to my senses a man was carrying only outside was i able to get a breath of air and saw to understand what was happening. dozens were injured by the blast at the city's central railway station the explosion was extremely powerful causing the doors and windows of the station to be blown out completely some evidence now suggests it was a man who carried out the blast initial reports had said it was a lone female suicide bomber. coming up after a break we take a look at how getting classified documents into the public domain is even trickier
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than finding them in the first place starts weak international thanks for being with us. i middle school kind of guy i like tradition and heritage and all that stuff when i look to the past i see that there's a lot that we could learn from our ancestors however one that we don't need from the debtors' prisons which according to a fox news report are somehow on the rise in the united states in the twenty first century the a.c.l.u. and the british center for justice claim that the local courts have been sending individuals with unpaid fines and fees jail which the courts may not even realize is illegal these courts are locking up people with fines that have exploded in size due to interest imposed on the initial amount and for the representation they had
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when they were in court which i always thought was supposed to be free but worst of all some are still in prison for fees they occurred while being in prison like having the audacity to use toilet paper hey that's taxpayer money down the toilet the kicker to this all is that throwing people in prison for their public debts costs more than the debts the prisoners have to pay off that's right the local governments lose money doing this someone please resurrect the founding fathers america is running out of time if you aren't worried about this comeback of debtors' prisons or you think those rednecks deserve it so let me ask you something how's it going with paying off all your loans and bills i hope for your sake you don't miss a payment but that's just my opinion. thanks .
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so much for the pirates of course. this is too low. so it was. a. very great description of the hell i'd heard to derail. the most important thing to do you do read all of it if you go hit home get your. job read your page added to the material and it was only by what you already know the other. understand. the. situation. that if they are made by which the bad political office is it can only sit with them to see if they are rich or all they'll be back to. back or over to the dead like so. they
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don't have to live vicariously they way they. can get engaged in. it venture outside for a while those who focus on. this but since. the ones who use the least believe you should. oh oh also who might have to search for his own name first thing in the. news is that he's on the some news on one side but it's nice golden independent journalist has a first right it's a little biased and it's a big mistake. but that's not true you can use you know you working on this. you know on the nights when he's just oh so long to do me and. i didn't use the. back of the prospects of
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a little mad. that man i. was doing. here for the doctor to. get his going are ok think i could. come home for it don't. even know we got from the beach here right now we go up we're going to probably not going there are we are not happy. with our country around the world. and beating on. nothing right now who conquered very busy sure some of. them do with no problem not from the politicians didn't. work hard to keep
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the balance. between the damage he was able to go at but it's unlikely that they're going to get it i don't. know which furnished the relationship. for the fish. to get. some funny stuff. i was obliged. to edit the. letters all three years. but the problem was that there were absolutely no letters to read it but the. problem is.
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