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tv   Sport  RT  December 30, 2013 12:29pm-1:01pm EST

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right from the street. first street. and i think the trip. on a reporter splitter. uninstall. b m m. m ah. well you know i beg you please your father and your brother all here well who would think of your wife and children think of your family you know please come out i promise you that not a hair on your head will be harmed would come out into the yard raise your hands
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take off your jacket and show them that you're not wearing a bomb belt but just walk slowly towards our people and let them search you understand me go become a police. a former minister of the republic of appeals to his son yacoob who refuses to listen as his father has him to surrender. he would soon be killed in a shootout with special forces. in the northern caucasus is the smallest and youngest republic of the russian federation for the past twenty years and who shows he has lived through several conflicts terror operations and a string of retaliation. terrorism it's an islamic state would be cool to the caucasus emirate young people and you would into the world with promises of a ticket to paradise when in reality they're trained become terrorists and suicide bombers.
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at the age of eighteen most of went into the woods to join the militants this is the first time seen his mother since he voluntarily surrendered himself she hasn't seen him for two years. you've got a kid. i didn't believe it until the end until i saw him on t.v. showing that he surrendered i was so happy that he's come back he had given himself up. personally i didn't want to kill anyone there was some misunderstanding about that. about who should be killed but i didn't want to do that.
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to me i clearly remember one time when they were talking about it i wasn't standing far from them and moment. i started thinking about how to escape from them as quickly as possible. so. he talks quietly and his speech is a little slurred his eyes daughter around psychologists believe that exhibits the classic signs of autism back in the woods he was only trusted with menial tasks the only way he could earn the respect of his comrades was to become a suicide bomber. once he returned home from the woods cut his hair and took off his kemah flowers uniform his mother was relieved mossad grew up and lived most of his life without his father who was sent to prison for murder he says that he used to watch islamic videos on the internet he became obsessed with
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the subject and began to look for people. who could introduce him to militant groups sickest. day i met some people when i went to the mosque since he asked them if they had any connections with the fighters in the forest because. they said nothing at first but later when they saw that i didn't go anywhere and didn't give them away legs they told me there might be some options as you. did make his way into the woods despite the fact that joining illegal paramilitary groups can be punished with up to five years in prison. and i wanted to go there a thousand times just to grab my son and take him away from the woods. i thought about it day and night it made my hair turn gray i just couldn't think of anything else. is yet another
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mother who lost her son to the forest. not long ago our son was studying to become a lawyer got a bright future ahead of him one day though he simply didn't come home. i came home from work in the evening he hadn't answered his phone since lunch and in the evening they brought me a note from him that read mom i'm sorry i've left i couldn't do anything else. it was like a bombshell this was it his friends gave me that note at around eight o'clock in the evening the state i was in is beyond description. it was horrible what can i do where do they go they usually go to the village of our city from here. is a small village in the mountain forest it's very easy to break away from here on move
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just and return from the mountains by the many small cobs that bypass the checkpoints. it was here the sunniest friend saw his son ourselves on the day he disappeared. i began to look for him very early the next morning while garlic was in season the locals harvest it at that time of the year so i pretended to be looking for garlic and went into the woods. i was terrified of course i tried to pass the message to my son. i told him i'm in the woods now and i won't go away until you come out if you wanted me to die he could stay where he was it was late march it was really cold and i fell seriously ill. and had a personal reason for escaping into the woods the militant group he joined was
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headed by the person closest to him after his mother. who could be my uncle was leading the group i joined to do i had admired my own goal ever. since i was a little boy i tried to be like him perhaps even for the reasons that he was there we kept in touch from time to time through social networks one point he told me to come to his home just to see him we met a couple of times i followed him and. it's hard to refuse when you. ask you to do something if it hadn't been for his mother would certainly have stayed in the woods perhaps forever. travels quickly locals told me that my mother had been searching for me in the woods for more than two weeks she had some serious health problems as soon as i find out about i tried to get in touch with her. i didn't have any means of communication i didn't have a phone. he
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sent a message to my phone number mom i will come out at twelve. she came in a taxi by herself she was totally depressed and looked as though she'd been crying . as we were leaving our village of tanks heading toward said. there was a long line of vehicles so many if they were still moving the next morning when they launched a special operation and bomb the whole group. where they killed almost everybody. yet i had been able to take him away from there maybe that was just good chance. our send went on to finish college he moved to moscow found a job and got married a baby girl was born but it wasn't easy to forget his past.
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our son was arrested in moscow because of a photograph taken in two thousand and nine in which he's seen in the woods carrying on. several months in prison during the investigation r.c.n. was found guilty and given a five and a half years suspended sentence. i got three years on probation so during these three years with god's help everything goes well my criminal record will be cleared just i need to find a job now it doesn't matter what kind of work anything will do i hope there's a chance with god's help that i'll start working since. we've been with little boards. in two thousand and eleven introduced a special new program intended to reintegrate former members of amish militant groups into society. people who have never been involved in murder or other serious crimes can be granted immunity from prosecution. then given help to find
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new jobs even though the official unemployment rate stands at forty nine percent. if we did have work there wouldn't be so many people here. but it is a majority is out of work they just live off the land and where it's the gym shows what the people do well that's what they've got there's almost no way i'm out of what myself and that's not true and if you want to work you'll find the way. most folks who had just escaped from the terrorist camp was also promised a job. house or sun still falling around that no everything's fine now. what are you doing i'm going to find a job somewhere. where. he'll work at
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a construction site for now. and when i saw him on t.v. i couldn't see his face only the back of his head. and i still recognize my boy instantly. what matters most is that i didn't lose them forever. poverty isn't the end you can make them money and everything to me put right as long as you don't lose your soul. one element of the rehabilitation is regular visits to a local under the supervision of a police officer every friday afternoon the faith. doing for an hour and a half and get together for a blink a tree press they use the central mosque in the area where they live the latest news is discussed before pres begin. once inside the mosque
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everyone considers themselves face to face with. a fourteen centuries ago predicted that the time would come when children would disobey their parents now our children say that the parents don't understand islam. and diverted from. the children say about you we abandoned islam during the communist era the children cannot be blamed for this it is the fault of their parents the parents who failed to pass on parts of their own upbringing and education to their children that these parents did not teach their children how to be true muslims which he did. with the collapse of the soviet union many muslims of the north caucuses began to return to islamic values it was a shortage of the people and funding needed to establish proper centers for faith
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education. the religious vacuum was soon filled by charity foundations from countries where wahhabi islam still underpins ideology. there are almost six thousand such organizations in saudi arabia alone. that characterized by calling on the faithful to take up arms and fight for the purity of islam they believe that no state can be secular and anyone who recognizes and or thirty other than i love is declared an enemy. they aim to recruit young people and encourage them not to study islam but to rise in rebellion they say if you rise up everything will be in order and it doesn't work that way that's not high order is a stablished. on
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their way to antarctica the crew of the i can to make sure the face many challenges . crashing on to rocks trapped in pack ice in extreme conditions anything can happen antarctica always comes up with surprises you have to keep your eyes open because there's always something going wrong the ship carries huge reserves of water food fuel as well as helicopters and people able to survive extreme conditions they're ready for anything even an apocalypse she's really an incredible ship calling all antarctica stations this is academic a field of radio check please respond.
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to the concerns. choose the opinions that you. choose the stories that impact your life. access to often. if the fia alexy ever spent almost a year with militants she was on the federal wanted list. she left the woods during the ninth month of pregnancy she went to live with her husband who was the leader of an illegal paramilitary gang. is in the lurch boy very active. she surrendered herself all entirely he did not she was cleared of criminal charges she wasn't today he she receives an allowance for bringing up a child she's moved from her old shabby house into a new apartment. i'm raising my child alone he doesn't have
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a father of course that we better if he did but it worked out this way and i can't change that i have to move on now i have someone to live for. i'm bringing up my son. to see it was very young when her father died though her mother was russian she had no choice about what religion to follow islam was her only option she always knew she'd missed out on her father's affection she married early and says she loved her husband and shared his values. but i became attached to him. i couldn't imagine living without him so as i was leaving i thought of nothing else i didn't think about my relatives nothing at all . i just wanted to be with him. and a soon as i left i began to realize that what i had done was wrong. used to tell
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me that it was the duty of every muslim take part in the jihad and more five the religion of islam. he said he wouldn't stay here he had already chosen that half so there was no talking about it he was very far. was born one month before his father died in a shootout with police officers. for other militants died with him they all wore suicide belts and carried a whole stash of explosives. he was a good man and i became attached to him. he wasn't rude or anything he was a good man and always kind to everybody he tried to help people he did this for these people and that for those people. understood
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feels good man to fail would he was on the federal wanted list he was eventually found guilty of taking part in several crimes which included killing servicemen and police officers and if the cia is not yet ready to tell him about his father. i don't know i don't even think about it i can tell my baby about his father when he grows up a little when he's three or four when children start understanding these things. to sign up for lost two of sons in one night bokes one policeman. it was in two thousand and four when armed terrorists attacked police checkpoints
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and throughout the republic and in the city of night. this is all that has left from my sons and husband these are my boys and my husband . it was a youngest son who had to deliver the terrible news. ibrahim came to me in the morning. i told him to tell me everything to conceal nothing from his mother. i asked him what happened he said. i don't know for sure but it seems that restylane and i have been killed. but then my father came to me and he said i know this is hard to have to say you know now that your sons have been killed you have already endured we did will it.
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be strong because. behind has also been killed. with. three but we buried all three of them like that two brothers in one grave. they're all lying close to each other. but. we have to live with this pain and grief. several years later police officers again came under attack. the internal affairs department was blown up and does run more than twenty people were killed and one hundred thirty injured. it was later discovered that these terror attacks by. the commander of the criminal paramilitary
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units from the caucasus emirate. as a policeman himself he knew the strongest and weakest points of law enforcement agencies. but eventually he was found. among the many charges was attempting to kill the head of the republic. of two bodyguards died. they met again in the courts in two thousand and thirteen. as a witness. i never did harm to any man. even if you have done no harm. still repent for not having done good we're not against syria we follow the qur'an and the. anyone who is against that enemy not my enemies. but if you all just hide behind islam. up
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killing them try to cover it up with islam but not against. militants to leave the woods in two years fifty four people voluntarily surrendered . i've always said that ninety nine percent of the work is prevention it includes negotiations and making requests there's nothing wrong with the authorities asking and trying to convince criminals they're doing if he surrenders because of these negotiations it can only be for the better it means the authorities worked well we have a rule that was introduced here preventing anyone who has surrendered their arms from ever working for law enforcement he will never work with weapons it's forbidden he won't be drafted into the army. to repay his. depp's with blogs. in two thousand and thirteen the police saw their first calm day and many yos the
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days reported read no incidents for twenty four hours. so far there's been only one such report. these kids they were cheated now they were covering their senses when they start thinking about themselves about their families about their parents things are returning to normal people start travelling which they didn't do before because they were scared that militants would come out of the woods. criminal prosecution was brought to an end he will be under the constant supervision of his neighborhood police officer for two years and he will not be
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allowed to cross the republic borders before i went into the woods i wondered for a long time if life in that was as they said. i was satisfied here with school and everything out that while it was just that i couldn't decide what i really wanted. then with other militants in the woods he'd given up hope of walking with his brother to go to the river. a lot of changes have taken place since then and everyone's grown up my friends used to look different to tell you the truth i couldn't even recognise my brother. today is simply able to watch the water. fair. to bite instead of gunfire and explosions.
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not long ago he might have made a very different choice. is offered us a deal we sacrifice our souls in exchange for that i'll admit c'est paradise. this is an anti-tank shrapnel mine. is the one i use a lot of everything there are lots of ball bearings and screws here i'll sell them to the camera you see. just like well. this suicide bomber is the son of a former head of police he used to work for the police themself blew himself up at a neighborhood police officers funeral seven people were killed he was decapitated
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by the blast. early suspicions in the investigation pointed to another man. idea of a son in these photographs he's in the woods carrying a gun and wearing camouflage he was on the run for eighteen months. love with this they brought everybody together at the school and i said that comes out of dia of had killed seven people. there and this teen were badly injured. but. i said he couldn't have done that. yeah i'll go with you on folk were no more than what the government did one they showed me a picture on a mobile phone that had of a man that had blown himself up and i said that's not my son but that it's not him one. comes that's mother even took a d.n.a. test to see if it was actually her son who had blown himself up two days later he's
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formally apologized for their mistake but reminded her they were still searching for. him him. be showed us that photo too. if you have even the slightest chance to come back i have become ill because that you know i have developed diabetes and my blood pressure is now very high. i beg you to come back since you left my blood sugar levels are. dangerously high. leave come back. nobody here is going to harm you you will go to prison.
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he survived war atrocities. to make a final decision. has changed his life and the world around him. by giving up. hope. and love to so many children. nikolai the miracle worker on the tape. these are very close to big crowds our hair braving the elements in order to stand up so u.s. oil giant said fraud. this comes after
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a mass hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times. it's an undeclared global battlefield in which a young man is just one of the front lines. of this is a place. if you nothing and you've got no opportunity. to start to construct your own. kunal want to be a bit gives don't want to be gangsters you don't want to be drug dealer they don't want that bull with no time to lose a kid came be we can see. you just means. there i was in i
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was in the hood. a queue for a fellow i. said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die a young. man searching. the moon we truly do find the world we live in. aren't you was there to bring you up to a future clash with the police the police are holding that employee to close a camp that is a dark spot on and there will be barricades weeks to take it down on new year's eve our global team of reporters you can revisit the q twenty three g. and outlining what to expect next joining the new you should know we. are and you'll join our news. twenty three would be with archie.
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a suicide blast in the russian city of volgograd kills fourteen passengers on a bus less than a day after a deadly bombing ripped through the city's train station. russia's president vladimir putin orders tighter security across the whole country in the wake of the bombings party investigates the security situation and saw the host of the host city of the upcoming winter olympics. our other top stories artificial intelligence u.s. government hackers routinely bug computer gadgets purchased online according to fresh n.s.a. leaks published in germany and. syria misses its near end deadline for ridding itself of toxic weapons we speak exclusively to the head of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons to find out why.


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