tv Headline News RT December 30, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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coming up on our team in russia a major city has become the scene of not one but two terrorist attacks the most recent one destroyed a trolley bus and killed over a dozen people but who's behind the attack all the latest details ahead and just when you thought those n.s.a. leaks were almost done when greenwald has said they are far from over just today a german newspaper revealed new documents regarding the n.s.a.'s top team of hackers an inside look at the agency's growing scope of surveillance coming up. in chicago the u.s. is biggest jail is also its biggest mental health facility over a third of the prisons inmates have a mental illness but now the question is how did this happen r.d. has gone into the jail to find out so we'll give you all full breakdown later in
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the show. it's monday december thirtieth five pm in washington d.c. i'm in new york david and you're watching our t.v. we begin today with the explosion that ripped through a trolley bus in the russian city of volgograd fourteen people were killed and twenty eight injured marking the second attack in just twenty four hours authorities say a suicide bomber is behind this latest explosion which left mengal bodies on the street and raise fears about more violence in the lead up to the sochi winter olympics which russia is set to host in just six weeks artie's margaret howell was on the scene of the attack and brings us more. i'm here in the city of volgograd in the southern part of russia in the marketplace where that troll a bus exploded this morning at eight thirty in the morning causing a massive deaths bodies everywhere it has been confirmed that there was a suicide bomber on that trolley bus that claimed these lives we have an eyewitness
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account of this event. was in my way from work to the u. turn and then i heard a blast i was already standing in a queue and one of the other drivers asked if there was an explosion there was no panic but i hurt screens so i drove by to save the children and help people but they told me that only the driver of the bus was injured and so i took the driver surrogate to the hospital surrogate told me that the conductor had died and also said that the cabin wasn't completely full but i saw around six corpses myself so the residue of. the producing at the moment of the explosion i was in a hole that's about one hundred fifty meters away from the bus the shock wave was really strong so my whole family jumped up from their beds after ten minutes i ran from my place to the bus stop and saw a great number of dead body parts of bodies clothes i could smell t.n.t. immediately droves of ambulances arrive police cars the governor's vehicles and the
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investigation again i just saw bodies lying on both sides near the bus ambulances took a lot of them i don't know which ones were dead or alive. and the monster responsible for this clearly indicating clearly wanted a maximum death toll in the way that he went about doing this this morning now we do have investigators that are giving us more information regarding what happened this morning based on preliminary results we can already say that a terrorist suicide bomber activated the bomb it was a male parts of his body were taken from the scene of the blast and sent for d.n.a. testing to determine who. he was also we can say that the explosion had the force of no less than four kilograms of t.n.t. just as the device at the train station it contained damage agents and since there were the same damage agents discovered in both cases both attacks were connected
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they possibly could have even been made in the same place law enforcement officials they are heavy on the ground here and security has obviously been tightened all throughout russia but particularly here in this city as these two attacks have happened within twenty four hours of each other with the first bombing of the train station a lot of information is still forthcoming but taking a look at what's happened so far volgograd busy train station this rocked by the blast of a terrorist bomb on sunday afternoon shards of metal ripped through an area around a security checkpoint as passengers waited for their luggage to be inspected officials say the bomb was equivalent to at least ten kilos of t.n.t. and only the security barrier prevented this scene of devastation from becoming much worse but it's impossible to calculate the toll something like this has on its victims many are still reeling. from it i bent down to collect my documents when
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i saw a flash of light and there was a blast i was thrown back by the explosion when i came to my senses a man was carrying me only outside was i able to get a breath of air and saw that the understand what was happening to. my son father and niece were inside the train station when the blast went off they're all in intensive care now they're badly injured they were trained to moscow but never made it a second bomb was later discovered it had failed to detonate this is the second time in just a few months that this southern russian city has been the target of stream october suicide blast on a passenger bus which killed six and enter it. thirty others is still brought in the memories of people here governments around the world are beginning to realize that fighting international terror threats can only be done globally as both organized cells alone terrorist continue to slip through law enforcement's next
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we're talking about a jihadist movement which is linked to al qaida that is operation just in russia but also in other countries including in syria as we know now now the direct motive is not different from the previous attacks on moscow on other locations inside russia and i would say is not so different from attacks that has happened around the world i got a c.v. it's against democracy is against countries that they want to consider as enemies with a tragedy like this when they hit volgograd just days ahead of the new year's celebrations it's no surprise authorities thought it more appropriate to cancel the festivities and to clear the first three days of twenty one team as a period of mourning well i'm standing here in volgograd regional hospital were several of the injured victims of the blast of sunday and monday were brought to yourself look and can't remember anything i was deafened by the blast we had almost reached the bus stop when the explosion went off it was like an electric shock all
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over my body i can't remember i didn't see anyone i was sitting and looking out of the window when it happened i think i was the last to be carried out of the trolley bus no no doubt any of the people of the southern russian city expected to have two suicide bombers factored into their new year's eve celebration shopping and travel plans that was r.c. correspondent margaret how will. turn now nearly seven months after journalist glenn greenwald published a number of national security agency leaks the privacy advocate has promised that he and edward snowden aren't anywhere near finished and a video keynote address to the chaos communication congress in hamburg. this past weekend greenwald said that there were a lot more stories to comment a lot more documents to be uncovered in the speech he spoke about some of the most significant outcomes in the last few months that have increased american awareness of the importance of encryption and privacy he also talked about some of the most
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promising indications that powerful forces are now at play as an example he mentioned the fact that boeing lost a four billion dollar contract in brazil partly out of anger over u.s. government surveillance and greenwald points to that as a very positive sign i think it's up to all of us to devise ways to not persuade because i don't think that power centers get persuaded in that way by nice lofty arguments i think it's important to devise ways to raise the costs of directly for either their active participation in or their acquiescence to the systematic erosion of our privacy rights and when we find a way to put them in the position where it's not we who are in fear of them but they who are in fear of us that's when these policies will change. perhaps greenwald speech was foreshadowing the latest n.s.a. revelation to leak yesterday from german magazine der spiegel artie's perry and bourne has the details. their job is to get the un get
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a bowl unit of mostly young hackers are helping the n.s.a. break into computers around the world to access some of the toughest targets german news magazine der spiegel published a report over the weekend revealing the tailored access operations for the team of the national security agency's top hacking unit people did not disclose how they obtained the n.s.a. documents but has a history of publishing reports using edward snowden leaks material the n.s.a. is t.a.o.'s housing unit is considered to be the intelligence agency's top secret weapon it began in one nine hundred ninety seven when the internet was in its infancy now it's one of the fastest growing units of the n.s.a. this is one of its central offices in san antonio texas the unit moved into this former sony chip factory in two thousand and five and is expected to have two hundred seventy specialists by two thousand and fifteen as operations include counterterrorism cyber attacks and as the a knowledge they have gained access into two hundred fifty eight targets in eighty
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nine countries in the past ten years as outlined in the u.s. intelligence services budget by the end of twenty thirteen there will be about eighty five thousand computers around the world infiltrated by the n.s.a. most of these would be through the t.s.a. is best described as a team of a digital plumbers that unclog black blocked access to target and we now know more about its long list of tools to key to get through these pipes some of their tools are passive such as their x. keyscore spying software the g.a.o. uses this to fish through internet traffic and find error reports user sent to microsoft when their windows operating system crashes the n.s.a. then uses the information to learn about security holes in their target computer and remember when we found out in october that the n.s.a. had been to the president of mexico's e-mail of. count that was a t.a.o.'s operation white tamale by accessing the mexican official email addresses it was then able to exploit mexico's entire security network one of their most
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sophisticated set of tools is known internally as quantum theory which was facebook twitter and you tube all as its target using the same type of technology the n.s.a. also gained important economic data from high ranking members of opec which is the powerful oil cartel is headquartered in vienna along with targeting individuals that can entire can target entire networks such as see me we for is an optical fiber that underwater communications cable the runs from france all the way to singapore the g.a.o. also intercepts shipping packages which is laptop computer and u.s.b. drives so you go into a secret location called a load station and load spyware on them before delivering them to what the target when asked about these programs the n.s.a. stated that the tailored access operations is a unique national asset that's on the front lines of enabling n.s.a. to defend the nation and its allies regarding other news that the n.s.a.
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last friday a federal new york judge ruled that the n.s.a. phone data collection program is legal this was just days after a judge in washington state announced it's unconstitutional the case is expected to be heard by the supreme court also this weekend former n.s.a. and cia chief michael hayden had harsh words for the former n.s.a. contractor edward snowden who sparked the debate eight months ago. well in the past two weeks in open letters to german and the brazilian government he has offered to reveal more american secrets to those governments in return for something and in return for asylum i think there's an english word that describes something american secrets to another government and i do think it's treason. in washington d.c. area and boring party. this by the vigorous attempts of whistleblowers to expose government wrongdoing it's often quite difficult for them to find media outlets to publish the information they're trying to bring to light made a stand as
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a film out backed by wiki leaks that highlights that struggle earlier r.t. had the chance to speak to wiki leaks founder julian assange journalist and director yohannes while strong and in ny acknowledge a facade up a young afghan journalist who also appears in the film to start off talks about what makes this film so interesting take a look. what makes this documentary so interesting is that we have different media organizations in different countries but all starting out of the same place. the journalists come to them offer them the same type of material the us government diplomatic cables and then we see what the response is publish not publish censor something to document what they're thinking as they're doing in most cases. there are very significant significant strains in fact most cases result in publications by the organizations concerned little of it was published material and
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. do you feel like the mission you documented in media stan was a success there were a lot of reactions i remember in tajikistan with people saying you're not going to make a difference nothing will really change if we speak about making a difference or if the mission in itself was a success. obviously when the regards to actually getting the material published in the various medias it's difficult to call your great success because there were actually. many newspapers in either in central asia or for that matter here in the united states that if they declared you interested in publishing the full material there was access to some in that respect it wasn't a success. from a broader respect of course we can see that the leaks release was have made a large impact they will. change the way that we interact with with media since then. i think if we just look at the. whole affair
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which has been going on for the last year or so that there's a consequence of that we can fix releases and the fact that it's not what. it is no direct censorship which is feasible particularly during these missions with replications and in different countries and different places where it is possible for them to come in afghanistan obviously the risks are a whole different kind of risk there are you going to continue your work to try to keep revealing the truth. i think this is our responsibility as journalists to reveal what's happening behind the scenes within the government and the regional level as well as international level so i have been working as a journalist since two thousand and six in afghanistan. the risks to be a journalist in afghanistan is so high it sends to you since early since early two thousand and thirteen there have been sixteen cases against. journalists violation
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of violence and many other cases against journalists in afghanistan so that there are there is a high risk to be a journalist in afghanistan but this is our responsibility not to give up and continue our work as a journalist edward snowden should use the media and not wiki leaks to channel his revelations don't you think that's a good sign but he was able to do it through the media. well i think it's quite sad actually it would snowden didn't. in fact the media he went to someone that's closely associated with us and specific journalist glenn greenwald and another specific journalist laura portress. the most prominently a couple journalists to which he makes. clean green worlds for his part was then working with the guardian has left the guardian as a result. of the censorship by the guardian but all of that material to date less
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than zero point zero five percent of the snowden i think documents have been published. the majority of the media are still reluctant to challenge the government like you said and speaking of glenn greenwald recently he reprimanded journalists across the globe for not standing up to the government lets out so have a listen to what going greenwald had to say at a recent conference and hamburg what is that we were targeting in the behavior of the media over the past six months is just revelations have emerged almost entirely without them and despite the roll out of the us media and their british counterparts is to be voices for those what the greatest power and to protect their interests and serve them your highness i want to ask you is it as bad as greenwald is saying generally speaking if you just understand that the powerful media institutions are part of power rather than being being so to speak
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mediators of information you just understand the very idea that. looking at media and consumption of news or information in a different in a different respect so yes of course there is if there is that bad. and if we look at an institution such as the washington post which was one of the first institutions that had access to. snowden and they saw the documents they decided not to publish them. i mean practically he didn't publish anything personal and what we can understand from that is that clear is a wrecked relationship between between the different power institutions in our societies and media is is most definitely with one of the most important quality solutions that we have in our society three was that was media stand the rector your highness while strong wiki leaks founder julian assange and afghan journalists and i had not just a saga. when you hear the name pat buchanan a number of associations are likely to pop into your head politician conservative
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commentator author syndicated columnist or perhaps even broadcaster as seventy five years old who can and has lived and worked in many different capacities but his passion has always remained constant politics arts he had the opportunity to sit down with a lifelong politico and talk about everything from u.s. intervention in syria the latest n.s.a. revelations artie's sam sachs has more proud buchanan he served in three presidential administrations he ran for president three times but he's no stranger to controversy i sat down with him to talk about the world as it is today we started with how the office of the presidency has changed in recent years one of. the fact that the congress has abdicated its war powers and that's why one of the best things that happened this summer was when the american people rose up and in effect said we don't want this war on syria that we decide day of drawing redlines
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in the sun had from the oval office is preposterous in a democratic republic as a small government conservative what do you make of these revelations that have come out about the n.s.a. . well. we have a big government. does it make you uncomfortable. you think this is something that is necessary i may not like the world i'm embedded in the thing i can do about it i mean you got there so they got my e-mails they got my phone calls they got all the rest of it. you know i live right across the street well i think the concern is that they're collecting the stuff and holding it in down the road if you do something or if you become a political enemy they can go back and search it and find something about you well i think that the n.s.a. should have is that because somebody has a new one now on i and look i mean let me say that when you're talking about taken all the the phone records and the e-mail records and depositing them in one giant machine and so then you can go back through all of this if you find out somebody is
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involved or some numbers involved with terrorism i can understand the utility of that and when you've got the phone companies have got all the records and they said just give us all your records and you never acquires a lot of trust for the people who have that power that they're going to use is strictly for counterterrorism it's it does indeed. or what should we make of edward snowden like edward snowden i guess i took an oath to preserve and protect the secrets. of my government and the white house and the president and i knew a number of secrets about what was going on in vietnam before the public did now legal secrets i mean secrets that the public should know about i knew of a bomb in cambodia ok i knew we were bombed cambodia long before the republic or the nation found out nixon told me because i wrote the cambodian invasion speech with him and i think i would have been derelict in my duty and i would have been
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virtually treasonous if i'd gone out and told the public that it might have created a big uproar on the hill and because i had taken an oath to preserve the secrets of the united states buchanan is a fierce warrior on the front lines of the american culture wars i asked him about his response to polls showing majorities of americans supporting marriage equality and pro choice in court decisions of holding those views that the american people have acclimated themselves to what i would call a steady series of defeats in the culture war no doubt about it young people by and large approve of same sex marriage the justices for example declared homosexuality a constitutional right where did that come from if not from above it when the american people demanding that there was handed down by justices so if you have a if you have something like under thirty year olds eighty percent of under people under thirty support something like marriage equality isn't that what
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a driving force is isn't it that it's more of a generational change that's taking place rather than a usurpation of democratic institutions or well i think that's way i mean while i don't agree with what is going on i think that's the way it should go on and democratic republic my problem has been things handed down from judges and justices and imposed on the country there have been supreme court rulings similar that have been just as controversial and maybe not quite ready that the american people were quite ready for it at the time a brown versus board of education now when there was a overturning. posi ferguson and there were people at the time who would say that this is not this doesn't reflect the will of the will of the people and we look back at those people as being on the wrong side of history and we're on the wrong side of history but that you're telling me is history the moral side well are you ever concerned that you might be on the wrong side of history there are people looking back twenty thirty years from now or do i am on the wrong side of history well then how does that motivate you today you know if i were are concerned i don't all right you may not hear one side of the city looked at my career i don't mind
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being a loser i mean i came into politics important barry goldwater nobody got beat worse than he did and he went on and you moved to richard nixon and we had a twenty year run in the white house in two thousand and eleven buchanan wrote a book suicide of a superpower in one chapter titled the end of white america buchanan argues that in america without a white majority the future could be headed down the road to collapse he lost his job it imus had b.c. over it i asked him if he still stood by the book look i believe that this country that the more diverse culturally racially socially ethnically a community is the the less capital there is social capital of people working together and i do think a country which loses its moral cultural and religious base if you will or had it thrown out of america has and then comes in and embraces various groups and ethnic groups and races and things into tries to make them one country i don't think it's
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going to work would you make the same argument if you say there wasn't going to be a white majority but there was going to be a black majority or hispanic majority in america i think you could get an overwhelming hispanic majority in the american southwest which will have one foot in mexico and one foot in the united states i think that's a real possibility and would that be detrimental to the i thought the united states i think at the united states could i mean i don't think we're one country one nation you know the one thing people said to me more the. others on those rope lines you talk to pat we're losing the country we grew up there and i think that's right if you ever heard any people of color say that here on the rope lines or was it mostly i think there's probably a lot of people of of color who are. i think you'll find an awful lot of them yes the truth is yes you talk to someone who i want to say who they are but they it's the crime the violence the drugs the broken families all the rest of it nine hundred seventy three hundred s.
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thompson dr thompson yes i know you're upset if we disagree he said about you we disagree so violently on almost everything that it's a real pleasure to drink with him if nothing else he's absolutely honest in his lunacy and i found during my admittedly limited experience in political reporting about power and honesty very rarely coincide and so far from hundred came over to my apartment of the water good i think you do it right later described me as a half crazed davy crocket running around the room porch of richard nixon's alamo mr terry thank you so much pleasure out of georgia and now to an inside look at the cook county jail in chicago illinois the correctional facility holds around ten thousand inmates making it the largest jail in the u.s. because of cuts to community mental health services and state psychiatric institutions the prison also stands as america's largest mental health care provider in fact thirty percent of inmates at cook county jail have a mental illness artie's liz wahl took
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a deeper look at this correctional facility and the thousands of mentally ill inmates who may not belong in the prison system. chicago's cut county jail holds over ten thousand inmates making it the largest jail in the united states it's also the nation's largest mental health care provider it's exploding on any given day about twenty five to thirty percent of the inmates here at the county jail suffer from some sort of severe mental illness here in the minimum security section of the jail most inmates suffer from some kind of mental health issue most of the crimes they're accused of are nonviolent drug related almost all of these inmates are on psychiatric medication a lot of antidepressants and things i.b.m. antics that kind of just won't work stand out here they take part in group counseling sessions for an art therapy but resources are wearing thin and experts say many of these men diagnosed with mental health disorders simply don't belong
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behind bars they're under stress a court case and then again there are no psychiatric illness separated from friends and family in some here for the very first time which makes it's really difficult to just this dorm holds three hundred eighty four beds. the jail rooms like this became flooded with psychiatric patients after chicago made deep cuts to mental health care services we've had three state hospitals state mental hospitals in the state of illinois that have closed over the last two years six of the twelve mental health clinics here in chicago specifically have closed. a couple large private clinics that had closed down this well because they can't get funding anymore it's an absolute disaster without a place to turn for support many of the inmates that shuffle through cook county jail and up homeless they will be effectively warehoused they will they will sit in a cell and there's nothing magical about a prison cell the problems you bring to prison will magically go away just because
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you're incarcerated that's why so many inmates return back to jail may. detainee here in the maximum security division are repeat offenders outside the walls of jail they fail to get the medication they need to turn to drugs and crime the challenge for. rules denied states to how enough services for people to go back for the underprivileged getting help for mental health outside of prison faces financial and political challenges when it comes to budget cutting time the first thing to go we fight is always mental health services because nobody cares about these people they don't have a voice as long as psychiatric services remain scarce it's almost certain and the halls of cook county jail and others across the country will continue to overflow in chicago liz of all our team. that does it for now and.
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