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tv   Headline News  RT  December 31, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST

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the headlines from all seem to national longer ground rules the deaths of certain people after two blasts a ripped through the city's main railway station and a trolley bus all in less than twenty four hours. rush revelations claimed the n.s.a. intercepts computers bought online and bungs them with special software and spine gadgets before they reach their owners. underscores what top scandals on breakthroughs that shape the global news about this over the hour gallwey yet.
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they want international coming to life from moscow whining is you hello and welcome to the program the first fuels are to be held in a grant after the city was devastated by two bomb attacks in less than twenty four hours at least thirty four people were killed and many more wounded and as our cheesemonger at howell reports say she is a warning. it is tense it's also very somber the traffic seems to be moving more slowly than i was able to catch up with some of the family members of people who have died namely the father of the security guard one of two people who will be having a funeral today and here is their story it's been one more of an easy night for the residents of russia's southern city of welcome and loved ones of the injured in two terror attacks held vigils in hospitals others mourned. he was a good man a good father a good son
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a good grandson there not so many of such good ones around the good ones die first they say. with barely contain tears lot of near no levy clutches the memory of his son who was the first victim of sunday's attack in the train station sandgate was a security guard there and. he had this job for about a year or so how it all happened on the video footage he was standing by the railing during the security check and then there was this man coming in and he just barely made it towards him and then there was a blast and it was over and no more footage he stopped that man who was trying to get through the security gate as he had to yes that's what the camera showed i saw him doing his job smiling he did what he had to do that was his duty. sergei's family night with only the conviction that he carried on his responsibilities to bring them any small comfort for others in the night but fragile relief in the
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knowledge their loved ones were spared but they woke up the next morning to a second suicide bomber this time on a city trolley bus. i can't remember any saying i was deafened by the blast we had almost reached the bus stop when the explosion went off it was like an electric shock all over my body i can't remember. i didn't see anyone i was sitting and looking out of the window when it happened i think i was the last to be carried out of the trolley bus now no doubt any of the people of the southern russian city expected to have two suicide bombers factored into their new year's eve celebration shopping and travel plans. is still reeling after two tier attacks within the span of twenty four hours we met the tolly in his home just hours after his friend was killed. i was shocked you had a family a young wife and
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a small child it's very sad to realize that a young man died in such a tragic incident. stories like these are poring over the ball the growth city limits with the residents there who leave for more time to mourn their families and friends and rebuild their lives in boca margaret r.t. . another one of the victims of sunday's blast at all grant's main train station was a police officer dmitri who eyewitnesses say also threw himself on the bomber possibly saving dozens of people and investigators have been saying both explosions were carried on by mail so side bombers and sources have named a suspect in sunday's attack a russian citizen who was reportedly a member of a druggist's on based militant group is a big transport hub which could be one reason why it was targeted and as you can see here on this mob the city is around a thousand kilometers away from mosco and seven hundred kilometers away from the
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city of sochi i was security has been toughened across the country and political analyst and stop imperatives and dot com right to eric draitser says russian television's has extensive experience in dealing with similar situations. what we're going to see is certainly a very public crackdown one that's intended to send a message but likely the real machinations are going to happen in private as the russian intelligence services in the various other relevant agencies do their work behind the scenes remember that this is precisely the kind of work that the russian intelligence services were doing in in the aftermath of the boston bombing here in the united states which according to the narrative also emanates from that very same region so we'll see much of the same and hopefully at least from the perspective of russian society we'll see an improvement in this situation as those services attempt to root out those terrorists. meanwhile the international olympic
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committee has rejected claims that involved a grant could jeopardize the curious here of the upcoming winter games in salt lake the boat has issued a statement saying it believes a washout will have no problem keeping the olympics safe. you can also get across the latest developments and expert analysis online the timeline of the tragic events in volgograd and much more is that all chewed up calls. and also on line she is something to be intrigued about in the new year hours of phone conversations and scores of messages exchanged between tony blair and george w. bush just before the bombs went flying over iran would soon become available to the public. at all to dot com what used to be this sounds rules has now become sounds when down to the burning trying to read it flipped upside down and what effect it might have on other elements of the solar system including our home planet. and to some other news from around the globe this hour attempts to
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rescue a russian expedition ship stranded in the have failed the vessel called the academic has been stuck in the ice since christmas is curry is waiting to be airlifted to a nearby chinese ice breaker but the boat's now reported stock so it looks like scientists will have to meet twenty four say an ice ten but they have enough food and fresh water on board and hopefully local animals will keep them company as well . the seven time formula one champion michael shear make a is fighting for his life a skiing accident in the french alps doctors warn they can't predict the outcome as the racer remains in a medically induced coma the forty four year old sports legend was skating with his teenage son pieced when he fell and suffered a head injury that required doctors to perform two operations.
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and more than one kilometer long train carrying crude oil has crashed into another train in the u.s. state of north dakota the commission set off a series of explosions that left more than twenty wagons on fire no one was injured but local authorities evacuated and nearby town the incidents raised alarms over the safety of the growing oil by rail traffic following a spike in fracking in north dakota more than two thirds of the states all production is currently a shipped by rail. south sudanese forces have battled rebels on the outskirts of the flashpoint town of bor as ahead of today's headlines a deadline giving to the minute militias by east african nations to end hostilities and stop peace talks recent fighting is estimated to have left over a thousand people dead and displaced tens of thousands or reach south sudan has been in the grip of a power struggle between rival armed groups since it gained independence in twenty
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of them. it seems the n.s.a. is determined to keep up with surveillance new revelations claiming the agency has been intercepting computers bought online so it can plant spying software on them and an article in the german zene also states the agency installs a rigged monitor cables that allow personnel to see what's displayed on the p.c. monitors of those they're keeping under surveillance that along with multiple disguised bugging devices that send and receive data with the use of a radio waves journalist david seaman believes the revelations will backfire on global tech companies. my understanding of it is that this is extremely widespread but is not so much the companies cooperating with the n.s.a. as it is the n.s.a. pouring tremendous amounts of money and talent into developing these hacks we're talking about complete orwellian control of innocent people's phones and innocent
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people's computers and laptops and i think that it undermines the basic faith and confidence in american tech companies this is going to lead to a massive loss of revenue technology has the power to lift all of us up to provide more innovation and transparency that ever before in human history and that's the path that the internet was already on you see the explosion in online media and everybody has a voice an opinion in this global society but the n.s.a. has destroyed a lot of that it's undermined basic faith in the internet. on the way one leg back that's how edward snowden's revelations shocked millions of people walled wide the n.s.a. spying is still became obviously the biggest news story all day i'll go and get the details as well as the at the top of one's of twentieth interest if you want. unexplored antarctica what is it in this i see expanse that attracts the people who
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come here. now i only go to the dot. and enter. a new generation of polar explorers is coming. we have a new group of specialists here now all of them are young how are they going to get along with each other i don't know. i used to be a bureaucrat. seriously. what adventures await in this mysterious land where they live want to eat and want to be actually doing it until to go.
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this is all saying to national life from mosco welcome back as the world counts down to the final hours of twenty sestina when looking back at the king new stories that showing the algo again while everyone will have some personal things to remember twenty says he and for some of the years a balance reached out to affect millions of people from the global supply scandal to diplomatic breakthroughs in the middle east and the liberties of russia's most famous prison and his how twentieth that chain will go down in history. i would describe this man as an american hero he's a hero but each node is a hero the whistleblower sent
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a world wide wake up call with the ultimate revelation of two thousand and thirteen the former n.s.a. analyst told it all america was spying on citizens world leaders friends and foes alike and the man has broken the laws and i damage the country i think is a traitor snowden quickly became the most wanted man of the year with the us ready to stop and search a president's plane just in case. my first thought when i was forced to land was how can your opinion countries obey the will of the us i imagine these nations would defenders of democracy snowden made moscow's airport his home for weeks before finding a way out that it was not his plan to end up here and there was united states made him stale us by revoking us passport and russia to its credit i sure recognized international law and granted him portholes are the whistleblower remains in an undisclosed location in the russian capital we exist here for just this
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one last. night that is why to us want. to suck a. person solve all the truth snowden promises to keep the leaks coming through twenty fourteen together we can find a better balance and mass surveillance and for a mind to the government that if it really wants to know how we feel asking is always cheaper than spying. the u.s. government can and will shutdown it came to a standstill for over two weeks in what's becoming an annual tradition. america took a beating here lawmakers couldn't agree on raising the debt ceiling and came very close to defaulting on some seventeen trillion dollars then surely the market's going to say we don't want to play this game many more we're not ulit you money at
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any price the i.m.f. and world bank warned of dire consequences while china called for the world's d. americanization given that we see time and time again these political crisis appear in the us i think there would be more calls for sort of trying to reduce dependence in america eventually a deal and thousands of federal employees could go back to work parks and war memorials reopened and protests die down but the shut down side effects lingered on this was really a spectacle following a series of spectacles that has downgraded america's image worldwide to levels i've never seen solo. with a new president a new mood iran's hassan rouhani broke the ice on over thirty years of frozen times between tehran and washington the rouhani is nicknamed the shift diplomat he will
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not be the one to back up from diplomacy first a phone call with obama while on his maiden visit to the un then the nuclear deal of the decade the iranians have shown time after time that there is no evidence that iran's nuclear program is anything but peaceful is something that has been ignored by the western media and western governments but this despite all that iran's real cillian is has forced these countries to accept. enrichment and again the russians and the chinese have played a very constructive role iran agreed to restrict and regulate its nuclear program but maintain the right to peaceful energy in return sanctions and rhetoric eased russia held diplomacy for sealing the deal the west said it's harsh sanctions secured the breakthrough. ten years on and iraq still reels from violence a decade since the u.s. led invasion but twenty thirteen was also one of the bloodiest years.
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the united states and cloyd a classic divide and rule strategy pitting people of different sects against each other and in inciting violence that is completely unprecedented in that country this is million deaths continue to mount at the time of the occupation the us occupied years favored certain groups in the population against others demolish the state that existed and so in their place in its place we were going to give you something new and better democratic and wonderful. well message to assad is go he has the most phenomenal amount of blood on his hands assad didn't go nor did the rebels. meantime the syrian civil war reached a hundred thousand deaths well it's still not resolved as to who was behind august
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chemical attack which killed some fifteen hundred people appear. to our investigation that that was used by opening so neighborly who reads the facts and puts the dots together which is easy to do and they made it easy to do. understands what those facts mean those facts weren't revealed yet brought obama very close to direct military action against a mascot he was committed to launch a bombing campaign but then a breakthrough there is a historic resolution is to force the whole for dualists on syria in the wrong time russia and the us let it deal which saw president also agreed to give up syria's chemical weapons the slow disarmament process began but still no sign from the fractured rebel factions of a willingness to unite for peace. the
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arab spring is still not blooming it's actually quite shameful to see countries in need as a western governments who hail themselves because of democracy supporting the slaughter of democracy and its supporters in into it now only may have pulled the trigger yes but it was the west that loaded the gun mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood didn't survive long at the helm of egypt he spent most of twenty thirteen behind bars when he was removed by the military after mass protests hit again we have seen the german. government overthrown. is shrink full that the western leaders are around. this is an old sanction military coup in tunisia and libya the chaos continues people are desperate to try and put a cover all of what has been created by the libyan disaster in the fall of gadhafi
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. one ton and most not going to the guards strap it it down to a chair then they put a mask over his face so that they didn't intend to move bite or spit and the nurse snakes the feeding tube into a nasal cavity a mass hunger strike refocused global attention on the prison at one point most inmates were refusing food the prisoners has not met one another and speak different languages keep saying the same thing that we were tortured were abused very tied. to the chair they shackled our legs to the ground they put a strap across and they forced in a tube into our noses for said twice daily the routine for many at the prison which president obama pledged to close over five years ago. drones targeting terrorists but killing more civilians how many people are we going to have to kill before we can finally say ok that's it objective achieved war over we
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can call this thing of terrorists in yemen and pakistan but also wedding parties and family dinners entire communities being shattered so you may have one or two or three intended targets being killed the bad guys but then you have one hundred two hundred three hundred completely innocent people being killed america does not take strikes to punish individuals we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the american people. aren't is back mass protests has returned to kiev almost a decade after the aren't revolution because ukraine dropped out of an e.u. trade deal and plenty of politicians from around the world joined in the us in the e.u. talk a lot about european values and western values but is it a western value to allow a foreign country to come in an influential electoral process to influence politics
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on the streets of course it's not the east once to go east the west wants to look west and everyone in between wants to say oh well above all look at the rhetoric that was emanating from brussels in washington when ukraine failed to sign it became clear that it was very much directed against russia and that it was good for the ukrainian people. space rocks pack a punch a flaming meteor streaked across the sky and slammed into two lab and skin central russia with a shockwave equal to twenty nuclear bombs though so many rumors from a jet which went down to a satellite and even to the start of the end of the world it damaged dozens of buildings injured hundreds of people but took everyone by surprise no one saw it coming. viral videos of its final moments helped r.t. to a billion views on you tube the first news channel ever to do so. you
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might have hit or miss an online gold mine bit coy as absolutely triumphed as the dollar has crash and ninety per cent i guess a bit coy as bit coy is set to take on the world and root out the bank's stirrers the world's most popular digital currency stirred up supporters and cynics cyber criminals love it drug dealers use it terrorists are looking into it the risks are clear but bitcoin snapping up the dollars heals and the banks are getting nervous if they were complete with the monetary system if they felt it was. then they wouldn't be looking for an option like that point it's a sign of where the society is going but it's old money that troubled greece and the austerity crowds weary of years of financial life support from abroad or the government crackdown on the rising right shutting the openly fascist golden dawn
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party which was connected to the killing of an anti right wing rapper. people are ready to go after go live with chemical companies are feeding us and our families now sort of laugh or eat a table rather than farm to table protest against food giant monsanto peaked in two thousand and thirteen with activists trying to spread awareness about what they say are the dangers of genetically modified foods while sandu has been continuously voted as the most evil company on the planet year after year with stiff competition most media outlets didn't cover this growing global movement nor the one gathering steam to fight the likes of chevron and the energy giants fracking projects. the controversial process to release oil and gas deep underground ignited global campaigns against its damning environmental potential irrefutable evidence of contamination air pollution water contamination battle between big business and the
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interests of the people. putin proved hard to predict a few years ago called the coast recently wrote a petition asking me to pardon him he spent more than ten years in prison this is a serious punishment he saw as humanitarian reasons saying his mother is sick and i believe taking jus account of all the circumstances it's possible to take a respective decision and in the near future i will sign a decree to pardon him anyway i heard a call of ski was released along with members of pussy riot and greenpeace activists in a nationwide amnesty international a the relations with the rest of the world have been deteriorating rapidly ever getting worse and worse and perhaps a person with this is trying to put a stop to that or a marker and to slow down the process but inside russia there remain questions about how their course ski and the fall of the oil giant yukos the russia will be able to know where is the money all the people who are well russians to of course
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shakily feel the call of course he got what he deserved the move has been called everything from priya limbic p.r. to simple logic and continues to puzzle many in and outside of russia most are waiting to see what mikhail khodorkovsky will do with his freedom in twenty fourteen and beyond. later tonight starting at seven pm chante tune in for a special coverage as i will see the twentieth us here out the door the raining here. twelve months of chasing. the moment split surely you find the world we live in. our gene was there to bring you the full future clash with the police the police are full of employees to close a camp that is a dark spot on their field the barricades the bodies' i take it down on new year's
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eve to guard little team of reporters and contributors revisit the key events of twenty thirteen and outlining what to expect next join canossa now we and kevin owens for our annual two hour news special. five twenty four team with our cheat. just a couple of minutes away breaking the set without a muscle. i'm an old school kind of guy i like tradition and heritage and all that stuff when i look to the past i see that there's a lot that we could learn from our ancestors however one thing we don't need from them are debtors prisons which according to a fox news report are somehow on the rise in the united states in the twenty first
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century the a.c.l.u. and the britain center for justice claim that the local courts have been sending individuals with unpaid fines and fees jail which the courts may not even realize is illegal these courts are locking up people with fines that have exploded in size due to interest imposed on the initial amount and for the representation they had when they were in court which i always thought was supposed to be free but worst of all are still in prison for fees they occurred while being in prison like having the audacity to use toilet paper hey that's taxpayer money down the toilet the kicker to this all is that throwing people in prison for their public debts costs more than the debts the prisoners have to pay off that's right the local governments lose money doing this someone please resurrect the founding fathers america is running out of time if you aren't worried about this comeback of debtors' prisons are you think those rednecks deserve it so let me ask you something how's it going with paying off all your loans and bills i hope for your
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sake you don't miss a payment but fashion just my opinion. choose your language. of choice we can with no infidels. choose the consensus. choose the opinions that you figure a cook. chooses to stories get him the. chance to access often. was up as i imagine martin and this is breaking up the sets after weeks of intense negotiations in geneva about iran's nuclear program deployed.


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