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tv   Keiser Report  RT  January 2, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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that was a new alert animation scared me a little. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the war i. think. that had he ever read or cared or found online this is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. welcome
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to the kaiser a florida imax keyser britain's clowning community fears its good name has been tarnished after incidents of people in clown costume scaring members of the public the copy cat craze believed to have been started by a man known on facebook as the northampton clown involves people dressing as the circus characters to surprise passers by in public places. i know what you're thinking you're thinking that sounds a whole lot like the terrifying clowns of westminster george osborne with his big red nose and floppy feet scaring citizens into taking on ever more debt for fear of quote missing out on the property ladder or the equally horrifying stephen king like clowns of ben bernanke m.r. carney wearing their big red frizzy wigs and staring menacingly in through your
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window at night pointing teeny tiny scored goals at the bankers who are plundering your bank accounts in the national wealth yes these horrid clowns are scaring people off clowns altogether oh what a tragedy stacy yes max in fact you mentioned the clown of westminster george osborne we have an image here from william bonzai he was staring in apparently into william bonds a sevens window over the new year but time magazine named him the briton of the year george osborne for his economic policies the very next day over here on the guardian they observer the weekend edition of the guardian their front page mortgage crisis will plunge a million into perilous debt so the economic policies are working making him a hero to the times because the housing market is bubbling bubbling bubbling but it's cause perilous debt. the payday loan industry that's for sure
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because those policies don't support growth they support more debt and more people end up going to payday lenders at extortionate rates and then in this country anyway the amount of poverty the amount of hunger the amount of homelessness is skyrocketing and that's thanks to george osborne yes i saw some sort of posters over the christmas and new years time where it's like britain is not eating going along with the former tory policy of saying britain is not working we guarding a labor policy so here we're having britain is not eating that's right in duncan smith yes he's a politician here found that insulting so he's like a big fat baby stormed out of parliament who. can't he's got the flu so there's a man so go back to this headline of mortgage rise will plunge a million into perilous debt they say more than
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a million homeowners will be at risk of defaulting on their mortgages and losing their properties in the wake of even a small rise in interest rates a bombshell analysis reveals borrowers who have failed to pay down their mortgages when interest rates have been at record lows now face being overwhelmed by paralysed levels of debt when the end of a double rate hike comes so they're saying that even like a small rise to three percent would see over one point one million spending more than fifty percent of their income on their mortgage payment. well they are home equity line of credit yes the home equity line of credit or he lock this is what is the so-called recovery is based on people borrowing against their homes the homes are going up because george osborne or mark carney or whoever is pumping you know money or garbage money into the economy only works of interest rates are near zero
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the long term trend in interest rates in the us anyway seven percent even though at the current they're less than one percent in this country i would imagine they're close to seven percent so any rise at all in the ten year note in this country is now over three percent the the lock the home equity line of credit people or the stock equity line of credit people people buying stocks on margin are getting it's lot of the going to get hammered because they're scroungers their true scroungers are the people who have been the extracting equity from their home they don't work for a living they add no productive capacity to the u.k. economy whatsoever they just take money from their equity home lines of credit thanks to quantitative easing is games they call that recovery meanwhile interest rates like night follows day must go up they will go up in the bond apocalypse in other words at some point you can't hold a beach ball of low rates on a water indefinitely it pops up rates to resume their normal trend and a million this is a million people or perilous debt that's false if it's fifteen to twenty million the last number i looked at and this economy is primed to go completely into the
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gutter because i was born as a charlatan well yeah a million put into paralysed that now look with the same article goes on to say the warning comes as a survey carried out by which it reveals that rather than paying off their debts around thirteen million people or twenty five percent of the population paid for their christmas by borrowing overall more than four in ten or forty two percent use credit cards loans or overdrafts to fund their spending over the festive period which suggests that britons have not shed their addiction to debt and that is actually one of the coffee ads that the time. all for is about why maybe they were might be wrong about george osborne the clown of westminster being the man of the year because i say that household debt remains very terrifying and yet investment has dropped over the past five years by a quarter and real terms so businesses don't want to invest in this country oh the clone the clone of george osborne scaring people to death by forcing them into
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buying and accumulating more debt is an apt description he gives a bad name to economics to free market to even the tory party makes the tories look bad and that's hard to do in this country and now you know the police regarding these clowns and their stephen king like clown outfits terrorizing various high streets around the u.k. they said to ignore the clowns just ignore them but it's very difficult to ignore. and now janet yellen and mark carney and george osborne it's hard to ignore when you look at the start from zero heads here this is housing costs you see under greenspan they soared this is the affordability basically at the real income to real prices of housing and you see now under bernanke of the real cost of housing a six point five times income yes that's correct so it's hard to ignore what the clowns are doing that's like them like scaring medicine staring menacingly into your window and terrify you when they're telling you just ignore it just ignore it
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just ignore it wos so much of what we deal with in this modern world is the opposite of what we have come to expect so we now know that people who are in charge of economics know absolutely nothing about money for example none of their economic models include money they just modeling based on certain assumptions that don't include debt so in the u.k. economy as close to a thousand percent debt to g.d.p. inclusive a bank the national debt household debt corporate debt that's a thousand percent what you iceland before blew up but i was born tells us this is . good this is a recovery this is good news and this to paper the times of london carries a story saying he's the britain of the year he's the clown of the year you should be getting the clown of the year meanwhile at the close association over there at the festival of red nose day one of the color comic relief they've they're out there actually investing in cigarette companies gambling companies energy companies
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they're the ones investing in the worst the worst of the worst in terms of companies so the real clowns are investing in death and destruction and this guy is not supposed to be a clown is out there doing a clown and getting people more into debt. well so we have these million people in perilous debt at a minimum but there's a small percentage of the population and yet we model policy towards these perilous debtors we model policy in the u.s. towards the perilous debtors of j.p. morgan goldman sachs lehman brothers before it went down you know this is the too big to fail forget the fact that there's thousands or hundreds of other banks that could have survived the system well here we look at the next headline interest rate rise would make more people better off poll finds it could help david cameron to stay in downing street some thirty one percent of those questioned by you gov for that time said that a rise in interest rates would leave them personally better off against twenty three percent who said they would be better off with lower rates and thirty two percent who thought it wouldn't make any difference either way so we have more
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people who said they would do better personally then those who say they're in perilous debt and need interest rates to stay at these low levels well this is the dirty little secret is that because. the numbers i've looked at recently you save one hundred fifty billion pounds a year on mortgage. expense with these low rates you lose three hundred billion dollars a year in interest income on pensions and savings account at banks so the low interest rates are guaranteeing a hundred fifty billion pound loss of equity into the economy the lower they keep financial rates low during this financial repression is what it's called the technical term for it economically speaking the more you drain the economy of cash just serviced a few people who are going to windsor about their homes going up in value because they're scroungers because they use it for home equity line of credit they're not happy their house prices are going up because it helping the wealth of the nation they're using it to finance booze when you see people in all of this country drawn
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you know trying to figure out what country they're even living it is the money they extracted from their home due to quantitative easing the will get plastered every friday saturday sunday monday tuesday and wednesday that's the average british person a drunk home equity line of credit loser scrounger boom thanks to george osborne chief bomb. now the clown association is saying that these scary clowns are scaring people off the normal clowns well in the bank robbery community the bank robbers that are the likes of jamie diamond and lloyd blankfein and the guys who own the banks you know the best way to rob a bank is own a bank while this plays out in this next headline bank robberies fall ninety percent as new security outsmarts thieves the number of robberies at u.k. high street lenders fell from eight hundred forty seven in one thousand nine hundred two to just sixty six in two thousand and eleven according to the british bankers association and proven since the afternoon more c.c.t.v. cameras and shutters which fly closed in less than a second are credited with the rapid decline but i posit that it's probably that
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the banks have already been plundered well before they ever there's the high street bank to go rob well there's i think there's a direct ratio the the difficulty in retail bank robbing is commensurate with the ease with which those on the inside of the interest rate apartheid wall can rob a. bank that's why these banks they just b.c. and royal bank of scotland roebuck of scotland being of particular note here their ability to rob and steal and maim and kick and destroy a u.k. economy and u.k. citizens is never been easier thanks to low interest rates and absence of regulatory authorities well speaking of absence of regulatory authorities we're going to prove that the banks are robbed before you can even get to it off limits but blessed by the fed areas like electricity are generally off limits to banks because of the risks involved but with this june two thousand and ten letter the fed like j.p. morgan take an even bigger role selling electricity in california in the midwest saying the push would quote be reasonably expected to produce benefits to the
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public that outweigh any potential adverse effects three months later j.p. morgan traders began a scheme to manipulate electricity prices ultimately forcing consumers in those regions to pay more every time they flicked on a light switch or an air conditioner again if it's moral hazard turn into a mutant hazard of morally bankrupt bankers who are manipulating every single socket they can put their fingers in causing shortages wipe outs brownouts blackouts and all kinds of mayhem to feed the veracious appetite for ill gotten gains are not greedy in that they want to make a lot of money they base money not on the aggregate sums they've collected but the amount of money you've gotten through questionable means the questionable money means. i mean other people may have made more money you know outright but the questionable means of money you've made that's the key that gives you the winning waving rights down at the you know new york stock exchange launch and they
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could walk in and say questionably made more money than anyone else i want to go see later. i can now stay to have a second to have a whole lot more. this immediately though so we leave the baby. was motions to. in the play your party has a bowl full of players who is that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from saw long politicking only on our team. player.
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the problem it was a problem very hard to make a plan to get the among a lot of that sax player. playing. only. a small amount of play. plug. a
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power. play. welcome back to the kaiser report time now to turn to david blanchflower he's a professor at dartmouth and a former external member of the bank of england's interest rate setting monetary policy committee from june of two thousand and six to june of two thousand and nine welcome to the kaiser report david blanchflower. she laughs how could a so if britain's economy their plan if it's working why are british people worse
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off than they were when the coalition took office your thoughts. well it's hard to really argue that it's working what we see is a small burst of growth in the last three quarters ok actualize it as you were in the last car race and the u.k. economy did a pretty fast lap sadly it was lapped four times by most of the competitor countries oh what we see is all stares at your own post on the economy outputs about five percent lower than it should've been if also and how that actually implemented this oh and the good example really well why people aren't feeling good is it g.d.p. per capita or i'm compared to q two two thousand and ten is up point four percent so that it that rate it will take fifty years with current policies to actually goes back to the starting levels so far from really recovery this is been the worst
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most disastrous mapper economic policy in a hundred years the slowest recovery in a hundred years and we are seeing this little sliver up but this is been a disaster now let's let's point out that george osborne the chancellor was named britain of the year for returning the u.k. to growth so meanwhile there's a lot of placards are circulating that say britain isn't eating kind of a ass wipe going back to the old the labor tory conflict going back a ways where labor isn't working if you remember that was there a rallying cry for the tories here's one is called britain isn't eating so how did isn't there a huge disconnect because you can say that the growth of that growing fast enough force not growing that all but you're still talking about growth whereas in this economy in britain there's a whole whole portion of the economy now that's just sinking into homelessness and poverty and that's really really splitting apart your thought well we certainly
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have seen growth over the last couple of cool sizzles three quarters actually that's comparable to the growth. the government inherited in two thousand and ten or if you remember when cameron actually at that time said the economy was bankrupt so what we have here is an economy that's growing slowly driven by a house price of food that the chancellor has created it's helping people in the south of england but now we have to look at how is this feeding through media our weekly an hourly wages are actually fully normal and the real terms we see in the bedroom tax and trying to get benefits down to what this is ended up doing is it's created a crisis of food banks that they're going to try to ignore and you're right there's been a poster which says britain is an easy thing we see the trussell trust so having huge numbers of people this had to feed and earth food banks are also going to say
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that the tory m.p.'s and in the debate will they could do was actually laugh at the fact that people weren't able to eat and find enough food including people in work crisis has actually brought out a study showing homelessness is on the rise and again so if there is some recovery the question is will lose it or recovery for and the problem is it certainly doesn't look that it's a recovery further if you like the man or woman on the clap the money bus it's not something that's feeding through to the average person hence with all this tory spin saying how wonderful things are how come the poll ratings haven't moved people support of the coalition hasn't moved at all and when you say do you think the coalition is good for you it hasn't moved into half years so this is not feeding through to the people it's not feeding through through the polls i mean kristie the government looks desperate spears at the people who are losing out because of their terrible policies i had a let me ask you something because of your expertise as
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a monetary policy committee adviser and you're really heir central bank and sign. atter i really have a great familiarity with interest rate interest rate policy we may take some comments on the show and i get your take on it as being somebody who's actually got a front row seat in the whole workings of central bank it appears to me what i call interest rate apartheid so we have a situation where if you're an insider and you've got great connections you can borrow money through you know one percent or less than one percent if you're speculating and make a bad bet you get bailed out by the government if you're not part of this appear on the wrong side of the interstate apartheid wall you know you go to a payday lender and they're charging five thousand to six percent so isn't our interest rates are they being used in a way to create you know a form of bad tooth and if you will or segregation in the economy is that a fair characterization your thoughts well i think first of all we should put it in context when we go to two thousand and seven two thousand and eight it was
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absolutely clear to me i studied political rate cuts a year ahead of everybody else because it was quite clear to me this was only so call me was basically went over a cliff and preventing it preventing the debt spiral well cuts in interest rates and eventually they hit zero and you had to do something and you had to do quantitative easing and what ended up being fat being mean when the doc just fine gilt says that's essentially what happened in the u.k. in the u.s. people and yes it's my mortgage backed securities law that ended up doing is money was going up there is you say for those who have credit ratings who have access to capital and access to credit they could get very easy access to money the problem in some degree mortgage holders have to use in the u.k. people who have a variable rate law reached their interest rate payments at florida as well let me let me jump in there for a second because when you talk about the savings people have on the mortgage rates
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with the lower interest rates there was a study put out by bank of england last year they looked at the amount of my say if they're lower interest rates. mortgages versus the amount of money lost and savings accounts are pantin accounts and they figure that for every pound gain in the interest on a mortgage they're losing two pounds in savings or roughly to two hundred billion and income from pensions a savings account because of the artificially low interest rates and that is that why in a poll in britain recently the a majority have asked or said that they would like to see interest rates go higher and i know we've tweeted about this back and forth a little bit talk a little bit about this account but well fortunately fortunately interest rates are set by what people think in the polls you're right to course that through all of this there have been winners and there have been loses obviously the concern actually once again if you take it back is if you start to raise rates now now the bit o.
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pull back you mean are bowed out of it be effect on house prices and on people's incomes and presumably back on the banks again so obviously that's a concern and i'm through time and i remember the first time at the bank of england the letters that the bank of england would get with hugely disproportionately from savers saying you wrong people you you must raise rates because i need you know i mean i'm living off the fixed income at the moment the worry is that really the worry are actually about borrowers you can't raise these rates the u.k. economy is interest rate sensitive but actually the story about the savers those savers are done pretty well on a couple of fronts many of them do well from the house prices first that we saw in the two thousand and then second if they were sensible they should realize that the bank of england and the central banks around the world were boosting asset prices and this was going to be very good for equities and so if they didn't go into equities it's not the job for a government or a central bank to help people have
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a bad investment decision it was blindingly obvious in two thousand and nine that there was going to be a huge. so sorry they made bad decisions. now but danny have a situation where on one hand we're talking about how the austerity measures are generating wide scale duress in the u.k. and on the same token we've got a situation where those who are benefiting from the asset prices and quantitative easing are then engaged in programs like home equity loan origination schemes are pulling out money from the asset prices they're getting a free stipend there they're the scroungers they're the ones who are getting free money from the government so they're the ones who are bankrupt and the government through the stock i call the loan they're pulling out a home equity loan so how can you square that circle because there you've got a group that is essentially gaming the system and benefiting by this at the expense of everybody else. well i don't disagree with much of that but that's why
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actually i don't pose and i have been arguing for about two and a half years that what the mistake the bank made was actually simply going and buying guilty didn't have to do that when i was thirsty on that night we actually pulls a billion in corporate ass it private sector assets we didn't actually get to vote on and the person who stood in the way of that was mervyn king and the army he could've bought the stuff and we have been revealed we sat and talked about well what could you buy we could have bought mean we could have bought anything because a book company's incredible foreign exchange are going to or will sorts of things and basically money king refused to do that one of the big fight without imposing let's take an example i might do it one possibility would it be well firstly you could buy things in the mortgagee and then that in the housing market but a lot of this possibility would be a two issue something like a small firm loan bond and bids cable and others that supported it and then he
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would have been able to start to get money to the places that you needed which is the small firms are a classic example of what you said you can get access that cash big firms got little's of money sitting on it and not using it and small firms can't get it many of them tell me you know what the owning going to the bank because they're worried that the bank will impose additional charges on them and reduce the loans that they've already got so you're right what's happened is that the way that this is work just by bumping treasuries there's actually dismayed lots of distortion but i put really the blank sentry on the game for that he was the one who stood against it even though the bank actually has commissioned permission from alice the darling to buy private sector assets and on the on the books today george all school continues that they have permission to do it they haven't done it and they must take part of the responsibility for not doing so and people like me impose an alarm that they should have done it so we're not a million miles away from you well and there isn't a question of making the wrong economic policies or as a question of being pressured by. lobbyist's because the choices that were made and
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you laid out some choices that could have been made that were not made and however the choices that were made have remarkably benefited the same folks that are being benefited from the same policies for decades now and they are of course a huge lobbying pressure that they bear in the city of london and on in wall street we'll have ten seconds left just a very quick question you talk about two thousand and eight let's compare it to twenty thirteen twenty fourteen is the debt in the system higher today than it was then. well the. house. ok ok well i mean i think the answer is and we can tweet about and follow us on twitter for a follow up but i think the answer is the debt the debt the debt levels are are epically higher than they had been in two thousand and eight so we've got to go back and really examine the policy makes and who was doing what to whom but we're out of time danny thanks so much for being on the kaiser report hope to have me on again soon to see it ok and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser
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report with me max kaiser stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest david blanchflower if you'd like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report until next time. i'm. fighting i think for me mind. i'm right. about money and i'm actually sick for a politician right the last. night. just to play. today by cop.
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spittles medics fight to save the lives of those wounded r t international reports on the condition of the youngest victims. the e.u. opens its doors to romanian and bulgarian immigrants lifting seven year old restrictions and causing many in britain to worry about the effects of a possible influx. and fast track to soft rushes first ever winter olympics is just over a month away but what kind of experience are the spectators and participants in for . let's take a look at a holiday. to one of the venue our day takes a closer look at the infrastructure to find out what sort of.


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