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tv   Documentary  RT  January 2, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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these are. loud their business sharing their profits the people a son. the people of san miguel are dying. we're asking the government to listen are the legitimate owners of our land. today. travel across the caribbean with cargo and more about you know. officers and crim white uniforms pick up their golden cargo and like we called from none of the last. there's no question about the united states has a history of intervening and america and fomenting coups in sas and nations the cia has admitted they were deeply involved in the overthrow of arbenz and want to well in one hundred fifty three out of all of past major land reform law this was going
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to have significant effects throughout all of central america it was right around that time that they began to to seriously contemplate a covert operation directed at overthrowing the government to. was essentially carried off by the us there were major business interests of the company that was most offended by the reforms that were taking place with united fruit company on the board of united fruit was john foster dulles who happen to be our secretary of state and his brother allen dulles was the head of cia and so there was a convenient leak for these fears about appropriation of land with the cia the cia is not working to protect the american people its primary function is to protect american corporations events every month and days at a. right
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a great. americans to be fomenting or carrying on a war and if it were to do this without any kind of congressional approval i think would put some real strain on the go to should we are an imperial nation and we basically have been in war period nation throughout most of our history the rich protect their resources in the way to do it is with blue states that ensued harsher persian. the us didn't invent it at superior go astray but i think i know. which will be for the people. with liberty but if it really shows how small action undertaken by the united states can have huge effects over decades in the way the history of another country . for guatemala it's been all unfortunate but not if you mean where but not come from before they return. journey but not on land. we hope you enjoyed but
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we know. to get some of your wish here only because we think there are minerals for them all in line people see them in the game i don't know if there's anyone here who has worked in the mine and what i know you talk know nobody works here but if there are no minerals here will do nothing more and will leave you with us at the most it will be fifty days and will leave you will stop you know will leave. him for example you can see here that all of the people came without weapons. nobody brought arms but on the other hand you guys came protected you as anyone is immune i don't know what your fear is. all of the sorties who have come here have. come
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on behalf of the company but we as part of the population nobody has taken into account our demands and needs so many many times the store cheese only come to intimidate the people for treason so our intention is as part of the people of some legal well it's to say that you get the company out. by name in the morning i'll give a response and you will no response not a response no response right like remove the machinery that's the response all given the morning no no no yes that's what you want it to morrow move it sign it here. you need to take into account the petition and you will avoid this problem this is tomorrow we'll be here to remove the machinery.
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as honest as all of us here are suffering we have endured durst and hunger all because of one multi-national company again i've got the paper written by the engineer marco many serious medical minutes. last night at six o'clock. oh yes we've been waiting here for three hours he's three hours late. and i'm with my dad in seattle going to say well we don't have anything else to say to mr market so we're going to act that the people of san miguel ishtar were kind who have come here. on your own or like you might gold's an area where the people have decided i just set fire to the machine.
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brooke. you have to let me show you how are you going to feel good thank you i mean i know the greegor east's here so turn hand identified this man who's filming i want to see your id and i want to know why you fell manc. generous living yes because you need to respect the law that you give me it's my job. if it was ok with that we will be enabled in a good reason to have a feel. for
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who does the company have a policy of criminalization and persecution against community members who oppose the company and both of us who are on two occasions i remember also critical of that one was a violent assault on two members of our security force who ended up in the hospital . the other was a case where private property was damaged close to the marlin mine our property. worth we don't focus on identity or background. so can we focus on whether a crime has been committed to let people know that would been from a bit of the focus of the company files criminal charges or three people able to fight against the consequences that they're facing at this moment when these people act because they have no alternative. this is called the resistance yes i think
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these people cannot be to choose to being criminals but because their intentions are most honorable. if they hear these people that risk their personal safety for their family. their community is a woman and ultimately their country to be able to have people who are not in favor of but that does not translate into social conflict free labor there are no social problems in some of the well they're not social problems one must see the glass half full day and people are making an effort and enormous effort to be with theme their rounds of the law to be nonviolent but to express that they don't want this it's pretty frustrating and i think for these communities that that face these overwhelming obstacles and challenging corporate interests one of the huge problems that we have in this country in terms of our own democracy is the role that corporate power and corporate money put.
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forward opinion whose only limited impact on posy for admission do including lead high concentration of economic power which has an enormous effect on the decision. a c.e.o. of a corporation is never rewarded for being good citizens. they're not rewarded even for treating their employees well they're rewarded for the bottom line the return to the shareholder in two thousand and eight goldcorp agreed to it right impact assessment of the marlin mine lot of mine who corp's new corporate human rights policy puts particular emphasis on recognising the rights of indigenous people and this punk isn't just brutal the only lesson becomes ill everybody let's plug goldcorp on the back for having done the right thing and now let's just turn away from this or now let's just try. scold her then you have to report like on common
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ground. that that he's trying to portray goldcorp as they are trying to listen i get very upset at those who the mining industry and other global industries they don't know hard binding law so they come up with all of the self regulating codes volunteering tones of condos and i think they're fundamentally problematic that's all well and good let me graduate you but look at what it says so much of what. n.g.o.s and communities and individuals have been saying have been validated by your own process.
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but this if is i didn't take part that lying and that i wasn't involved i was there but i don't know who started the fire. we know how much of a lot of police came for me i had to leave my house because i couldn't stay there for the years that basically am i was afraid is through it i spent six months outside of my community. that time was very difficult for me when we. were married it was a very hard time because i couldn't be was my children. and i'm used to being with my family.
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this is the media leave us so we leave the media. by the soon potions to cure the play your part of the musical. pushes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politicking only on our t.v. . but. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open prize is critical to our democracy shred albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and i was crushed several we've been a hydrogen right hand full of transnational corporations that will profit by the screwing what our founding fathers once told us my job market and on this show we
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reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america have on camera ready to join the movement then walk a little bit take. place
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. live. cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. a little. some people surrounded the house. but they were throwing stones and shooting in the . but it was at night so we couldn't see who was shooting me because more you
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go on and like i said they were wearing balaclavas so i knew i was scared. in tears as only you know then i saw the containers of gasoline in their hands. and they started throwing it inside your i said my god what are you people doing you know quando your eyes. i heard my brother's voice she said my god what have you done to me. i haven't committed any crimes i haven't done anything. yet and i turned around and he had his hands like this and they were in flames his whole body was on fire all of it. what have they done to me i haven't done anything he said. we were fighting to get him
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a doctor. not really but found those people who wouldn't let us go they wouldn't let my brother go to the hospital was that if. they put staunch logs on the road coming in oh my brother couldn't go. on and he stayed here screaming in pain. it was murder us not. the the.
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evil only you know they got the signatures throwing you play shanta threats but here in the village of sami gallant we have never been consulted the village of san miguel does not want the mining company in the mine does not comply with relevant and international human rights standards including those specifically developed to protect the rights of indigenous peoples so that alone. makes for a problematic situation when indigenous peoples aren't adequately consulted about a minor an operation of the scope of a mine like this that is placed in their midst. or.
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alternately didn't the peoples of their to benefit need to benefit on their own terms their ability to take control of the reins of economic development around them. a living economy economy that is actually serving real people as a local economy. first of all is a question whether mining should even be carried out altogether can it be done in a way which doesn't destroy people's lives resources environment and so on well you know those are pretty serious questions mining. it's not a watermelon problem it's happening in asia in africa and south america and central america in mexico and it's even happening in canada and the united states. you know a sunrise that's more valuable than an ounce of gold or clean water but that's not
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something that your mind will take it's it's you it's your heart. if.
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you look at the list of the. seen. since you. told. us. about his work with thank you for staying with as and here is more in the news we have been covering it i mean the interim american human rights commission modified
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to precautionary measures issued against a modeling gold mining project. a guatemala they say or do now permits the campaign to operate was total freedom in. this country the commission came around to found we find that based on the process we don't need to suspend the mine we rescind the order for recess for suspend the mine and we're obviously pleased as the company but there's no longer a suspension order from the commission for the marlin mine. the mine just keeps chugging along and so it's it's an extremely hard struggle. to keep. the service the company has brought a great sadness into our hearts good and that is this saturday was something this.
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showed us where not against the mind for fun of it. it is others it is the most they were defending their right. then and right for a healthy life. for a decent told me. he and even a. kid like this out as a company came and tore this community apart again just school. ending up in snap at him i thought i mean when he came i thought she was going to kill me you know make it past sorry i said there is no coffee i could be done we could just sort all by side your copy and why does one company all go i know there is none she lifted his jacket and then to enter into my eye i know that i'm never
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sort of this but it's going to read now it's a problem i don't want to sell milo. and up there and when i went to the hospital i heard them say that i obviously one of these days she's going to day. one and my son has two. and you have three grandchildren i have three grandchildren now and there will be plenty of lent we're going to be abundant. and getting more and more abundant but isn't this i mean. this plan we've created to give us an idea of what we can work on here in twenty fourteen twenty fifteen what do we need to do we need to talk with the government we need to talk to those who have been affected by the mine here they are the
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purpose of this fight this fight is not in vain it is a fight with dignity i cross quite a mala they know about your fight they are learning about your fight crossed central america they know about your fight and they are learning about your fight in canada and the united states are learning about your fight you're driven by your fight that's why i tell you today thank you very much.
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in most ways resisted strongly. inmost. which suffered terrible persecution. in oil we haven't made any progress like you like i said this is where we'll leave this is where we were born. he is a mind continues a trading for the next five years. could knows what will happen and. we. have it you are a soft pedal but our experience here in san miguel. has been very difficult.
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where that are attached and where fighting here to defend mother earth and the best of it to defend life. lives down there hope to win this fight.
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i'm. i think we're. trying to. do and i think it's all been all about my. vasily
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pick for a politician quite a lot. coming up. here just to pledge. today by. britain's climbing community fears it's good name has been tarnished after incidents of people in clown costume scaring members of the public with the copy cat craze believed to have been started by a man known on facebook as the northampton clown involves people dressing as the circus characters to surprise passers by and public places i know what you're thinking you're thinking that sounds a whole lot like the terrifying clowns of westminster george osborne with his big red nose and floppy feet scaring citizens into taking on ever more debt for fear of missing out on the property ladder or the equally are falling stephen king like clouds of ben bernanke and mark carney wearing their big red frizzy wigs and staring menacingly in your window at night pointing teeny tiny scored goals of the
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bankers. but i suspect. that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which recall books. will. never go on i'm sorry and on this show we would be a little picture of what's actually going point on we go beyond identifying the problem trying to rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america about him are you ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. now on target in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight.


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