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tv   Headline News  RT  January 3, 2014 3:00am-3:30am EST

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i. i. don't just say a three month old baby and you did one of the volgograd terror a blast is on a ventilator in intensive care we'll have an update my side the hospital. the u.n. says violence in the central african republic has reached a vicious new level despite french efforts to quell the bloodshed with their own troops. does it all wells in two bodies lying face down in the sand we report on the mysterious goings on in libya a country now viewed is almost entirely legal in the us. and i welcome it's good to have your company you're watching international now
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actually more people have been admitted to hospital in volgograd after their health deteriorated since the double bombings that killed thirty four people in the russian city meanwhile a baby and a young girl remain in a serious condition one of moscow's top clinics with an update on their condition his artie's margaret how. well i'm standing just outside the hospital where the two young girls were brought here from boulder colorado the first one a nine year old injured in the train blast that took place under some of the twenty ninth the second little girl a three month old baby to be cut she was injured in the trolley blast on december the thirtieth no press conference was held regarding their conditions take a listen whether good use for the baby go remains in a coma we put her on a ventilator in intensive camp also she sustained some blights yet still dangerous brain damage the older goals got a perforated wounded her chest that condition is very serious but we've got it
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under control as you heard the doctor say both girls are in stable condition the baby the cat being listed in stable and critical condition this blast killed her mother and her grandmother it was said that the blanket that she was wrapped in saved her from sustaining those burns that would have taken her life but she was able to have survived at the spar she is in a coma she said to be all of the other later both girls are in stable condition maybe the cut stable condition but critical though sixty five people remain in the hospital related to their injuries from these two blasts. following the two side blast the been renewed calls in russia to bring back the death penalty to punish those responsible for terror attacks go to altie dot com to find out whether the initiative has received much support. the sectarian slaughter in the central african republic has reached a vicious new level according to the un reports are emerging even children are
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being lynched by marauding mobs and that's despite france's military intervention as artie's refund reports. less than a year after french moods marched into mali france again is fighting in another of its former colonies in africa. let's address. the situation in the central african republic as alarming if not frightening that your paris received a green light from the un security council to use military force to restore order after deadly ethnic runnels in the country escalating. i have decided to act immediately or more precisely this very evening this was eight hundred francs soldiers were sent to the violence torn country to join the six hundred already deployed there and the force that france has no other motive than to save human lives and months later and lives are still being lost on all sides prices
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sixteen hundred strong force appeared and mabel to put an end to ethnic tensions dating back to the central african republic independence in one thousand nine hundred sixty four through france of former monopoly is responsible for helping to create in africa a number of totally artificial states like ca are and now they jump in with this operation which is stupid militarily economically and politically dangerous scandalous from a human perspective and lead to zero results that zero results if we are talking bringing stability to the country but alan creepin president of france is new and capitalist party believes there is more to paris his decision to intervene that i was your fourth france used to pretext of human rights and in fact it was aimed at protecting its economic interests in the c.a.r. is rich in resources but it mostly has value due to its strategic location in the
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center of a vast and rich area so it's eventually all about dominating and controlling the entire region. but others see the african country central location on the continent as the key to fulfill the stated goals of the french military mission of securing the entire region. france and other european countries are threatened by islamic radical and terrorist groups that are now decentralized and developed in the belt from the mercian timi a coast to somalia. and french troops deter these dangerous forces and also prevent pirates and drug traffickers from uniting. which would both critics and advocates of the french military operation in the central african republic equally agree on is that no matter what the intentions are behind france's authorities decision to get involved it's the french people food in the bill that was. the operation only became needed as there was
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a failure of diplomacy and politics in this year are a failure of the un the african union economic community of central african states and the you know who pays for this pricey campaign french taxpayers surveys show less than half of the french population support their country's latest major expedition to africa pushed forward by france's least popular president in polling history well more than a thousand french soldiers are now in the central african republic here in paris the intervention into the country's former colony still gets a mixed reaction no one's really sure if it's an act of goodwill or a calculated move to benefit fronts. whereas russian artsy reporting from paris. period from the institute of oriental languages and civilizations says this particular significance when france decided to act. first of all the central
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africa was them under french influence since they became independent in smoke through the french army and soon central africa the second point is the former central african president was kicked out from power work just at the moment when he signed agreement with chinese. oil companies i've done time france didn't react and it is very important to. got chinese economy is growing economy and it's. an economy much more active in africa. all western mic on the news and i think that's one of the basic reasons of conflicts in africa now it's to completion between western powers and china. still to come in the program though is it fair south africa is on the edge of an icky we look at the white minority families preparing genocide contingency plan
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saying with the death of anti-apartheid icon nelson mandela brace motivated slaughter could start at any moment. to foreign teachers have reportedly been found dead in libya near a major oil and gas complex not far from tripoli the bodies of a british man and a new zealand woman were discovered right next to their luggage which was untouched and it's raised questions with a possible motive for the violence lawrence freeman is the editor of executive intelligence review magazine and he believes it's a further sign of al qaeda is control in the country libya doesn't really exist as a country right now it is made up of all kinds of militias and on groups with very significant control by al-qaeda so it's unclear during the week he's doing what except that we know the country is in the state of lawlessness where. the west coast from story libya the nato intervention the failure they were for matter in
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overthrowing khadafi and carrying out regime change and try to tell rule they were freighting ok tim green democracy now al qaeda runs the country libyan people have a right to have a country and not be controlled by these outside forces mean the al-qaeda which is being backed by the major western powers up to this point. coming up shortly a different side to the olympic city. mr know that i find myself in the big giant talks and this talks will be mounting one come february. aside from watching the winter games we look at one control so you saw change and keep them that. much in heading to the gym to paying off your excess calories and powering the city while you're at it that is not a possible british club that's been forced to go green light and you see stories in a couple of minutes.
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if you've. got no opportunity. to start to construct your own. no want to be bad give don't want to meet gangsters you don't want to be drug dealers they don't want that bull with the time that the kid came be we can see. you just needs a hundred dollars and i was in the hood. but i said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young .
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quality death of nelson mandela was the end of an era for most of the world one group of people fear it could spell the end for them with the anti-apartheid icon gone some members of south africa's white minority believe anikin genocide are just around the corner and that is despite reassurances from politicians over the country's stability. as the story most of the black people say as soon as mandela dies or little white people are going to die like flies the duke to see family live in south africa's implement anger problems in a predominantly white neighborhood they belong to
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a group called the safe and is convinced it's only a matter of time before the country's white population is sorted by the black majority their garage is full of supplies in preparation for d.-day so we had together now for diesel and fuel for of a different vehicles we get another fuel to use to last us about a thousand five hundred kilometers this story chad's going to go on our vehicles that is for making food and keeping warm then. prep myself with some cereal some pastors rise all that's kind of stuff that can last a long time then we've got some crates of food as well we've got a water purifier in saudia that will take us when we get to a place then there's no fresh water dion's be preparing for seven years while most south africans watched mandela's funeral with sadness he monitored it with concern . for everybody there needs to be phone and all its mr through surely can start the
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evacuation plan let's go we are we are a caller or an islamist from a few of the eight hundred thousand eight hundred members will alert him something's up i'm prepping for anarchy and this place is a ticking time bomb. guys we can go we can go everything looks safe we're out. for evacuation keep your eyes on the road and always be aware. it happened in zimbabwe there was a genocide there that. people so. they came to south africa and. according to genocide watch seventy thousand white south africans have been murdered in the last twenty years right now only fifty thousand white families own more than eighty percent of the lead in south africa and that land was taken by arms were stolen from black people we wanted to return to the black majority and it's through it's like this that takes seriously militant black youth are calling on whites. to leave
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the country we are you regulate first assembly point just outside of town and my prediction is that they're going to close this rodeo fire so we gone leave town and they're going to boxes in but we've got another good. guys a lot of traffic a lot of commotion going on please be on watch out check the traffic and be aware. there's a lot of people that's going to die but i can promise you. on the day of the really evacuation people will hear from all surrounding towns then they'll move on to a permanent location with a base if need be for a year or more this is my country i was born here just one more piece of land just give me what i what i want for me my family to grow up and have some opportunities in life that's all i want but most often africans think is exaggerated south africa belongs to everyone who leaves in eight black and white that is
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a world renowned constitution that takes that for. even if his preparation is in vain it's better to be safe than sorry and so while mandela's passing heralds the end of an era. a minority of white south africans are fearing a future as bleak and as gloomy as the dark years of a party eight policy r.t. south africa. defenders of women's rights in saudi arabia may say see their positions reinforced on our website we've got the story of the first female law firm that women can fall back on if they feel oppressed in a male dominated kingdom also online by the time way japanese scientists succeeded in levitating objects in three dimensions using acoustic by brightly but the stories at r.t. dot com. with energy costs soaring the u.k.
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is being forced to think outside the box when it comes to saving the pennies and one british company has really hit the bull's eye rewiring its business to literally run on customers on wanted calories artie's party boy to report from the pioneering fitness club. the motel here is if in doubt count on the customers sweating in this press still jim on just but in calories that generating an electricity at the same time thanks to nifty new equipment the technology used to it has turned these machines into mini power station the say by using this like i'm generating electricity that goes back into the grid and helps to keep the lights on that helps to keep the televisions working and even helps to keep the music playing. the idea is so simple it's hard to believe that just one equipment manufacturer has embraced it in this gym is pioneering it and if you press that
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button here it gives you an understanding of. the energies produced. i may have been vicious missions you've avoided the energy of producing as well so you can see when you're working i what you're actually powering here i am trying to power a juice maker in light of my fitness levels i'm only managing the fan but by using up less traditional energy this place is helping to save the environment under the guise of the gyms broom cupboard is the no of center of the energy saving system this is the out the switchboard this is where all the. stored energy from the machines anything that is not used will go back into the switchboard and be distributed into the other machines in the cloud so this is the nerve center yeah this is it this is the of the hub and this is what is my baby this bit that jason the gym manages on usually tend to feelings for the fuse box could be to do with how much money it saving him or let us just the bill. for example is
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a by rising kind of money with the new equipment that's come in we've seen that reduced by by fifteen hundred pound a month already say for us thus quite a significant savings that four gentlemen over there is helping me to save and. because energy prices in the u.k. have been rising so fast it's prompted a national debate on how to keep gas and electricity supply is in check but thanks to the power of the people jason's got it sorted have you had customers using the weights and you said why don't you try this treadmill you know every day of total much stuff to make sure that bring all the people with. the weights is why you go to the stable to be able to despite being used as human generators the customers are happy punch me running out of energy only i mean a few years time but most most going to happen if you don't save energy that's the point to make. corporate initiatives really be this or you doing yourself. you're also doing good work which is good when you're putting something back you looks
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like burning off the fat without burning fossil fuels has given a whole new meaning to exercising power playboy r.t. . some international news in right now a car bomb has rocked the southern district of the lebanese capital beirut home to hezbollah's main offices five people were killed while the blast wave shattered windows eleven floors up the attack comes less than a week after a similar incident in parliament left five dead including the former finance minister. the flow of crude oil from iraq he was abruptly halted after a bomb attack on a pipeline in the north of the country followed a deadly suicide blast in the northeastern town of grooves a truck packed with explosives detonated at a market killing at least nineteen people and injuring thirty seven twenty thirteen was the deadliest year for iraq since u.s. troops left the country with at least eight thousand people losing their lives one
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retired officer who served in the american campaign there believes it's because the country was left in disarray. i believe we were nearly three males it's the way the situation in iraq was worth remember powerbrokers inside iraq certainly in the spirits or grasping for those arguments which will give birth control in the future we're going to a country which is a very rich country relative towards natural resources and i think that's what a lot of fights about at this point in time. at least three people have been killed and several more injured in cambodia as police reportedly opened fire on a protest textile workers blocked a road south of the country's capital demanding their wages are doubled the pay they wanted was the equivalent of one hundred sixty dollars a month while the government has only offered them one hundred the garment industry is a key source of national income in cambodia and killing at least half a million workers. elsewhere new york new jersey have declared
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a state wide emergency amid an unfolding winter storm hundreds of flights have been canceled because of the forecast as officials urge people to avoid traveling but of course across the region have been stockpiling supplies ahead of the upcoming blizzard. the twenty fourteen winter olympics are within touching distance and the host city of sochi is carrying out its final preparations but with throngs the visit is set to poor just over a month's time aside from watching the gangs what else is there to do you r.t. to bang nazi has been finding it. you've bought your tickets flown thousands of kilometers below the harness of the globe and now you're in sochi for the twenty fourteen winter games so when you know watching the skiing hockey are skating what else is they to do well the perk of a winter games in sochi is a tropical coastline on the blackfeet beaches and parks alongside monuments and museums allow you to take in
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a bit of history and experience the lifestyle the beach front is lined with local shops so grab a souvenir while enjoying the views of the black sea and did not get your party shoes on because when they meet in life the buzz in clubs come along. that also hold a ski resort is lined with the european hotels restaurants and shops at least one luxury hotel offers spiced commendation just a step from the slopes yes enjoy stunning mountain views designer rooms and on site spine health club i went to see the best that money can buy what they need to look for i think it's the person and it's what they want if you look for skiers you want to have a cozy hotel where you feel warm and relax in the evening that's what we can offer you here we have state of the art slopes we have state of the art equipment connection infrastructure so i think for us it's just the perfect spot to. next stop cuisine with a twist a french restaurant with
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a pinch of russian offering raw and frog legs alongside more local dishes like boss you know here he's good to go you know we're not saying we have to see you here these days is good and for the right people i decide to leave here you know. and there's a stay in front of the bar but here in russia we say ocean. finally some relegation and a spawn treatment is a temptation for any skia visiting the black sea resort to. this is just the place . haven't been in russia for a while i've never really been to a russian or what is also known as a russian sauna but now i'm in sochi and the world we congregated here during the winter games and i thought why not give it a try something traditional and russian so let's see if the british banja is using the right choice. sometimes equated to
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a turkish bath the buying experience is usually considered and indispensable pitstop on the journey to discover russian culture when you first arrive there's a sense of serenity in the air incense burning meditation music in the background and a cup of herbal tea to calm the body down the felt had we're wearing a binder heads typically want to protect the head from this intense heat of the sun and the misuse of friendly experienced and she has some health tips about what the russian bunya does for the body the experience amazing i also had one more treatment to test out the hedgehog fuck this will become one of those places that all of the spectators athletes might want to visit never thought that i'd find myself in a big giant pot but this part would be a mounting one come for every man with
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a in tsotsi are to. come we will continue to take a close look at the home of the twenty fourteen winter olympics throughout the week here on r.t. international. such was the country fourteen olympics was this place like why is is so special as the russian resort prepares to welcome the world power the games shaping the city's present and future but most sochi will bring it this is the moment they're reporting from a very cold and snowy windy mountainous stuff yet beyond the olympics what the bomb would say. on our team. up next on a special report like lots of modern villages fighting against the gold mining can go.
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recently the federal reserve system celebrated its one hundredth birthday in the big con game that just a few years ago no one seems to know about has been in place for one hundred years so let's celebrate the federal reserve by remembering all their accomplishments since nine hundred thirteen firstly they've managed to take the printing of money out of the hands of the u.s. government and thus out of the hands of us voters i what it comes to money who needs to mock received representation anyways they also managed to whittle away the dollars tagging the gold until nixon finally said forget gold let's print our way out of vietnam and because there's no link between the dollar and gold the purchasing power of the dollar has reduced by at least twenty three times since the fed came into being lovely but what about the next hundred years well if the recent rounds of quantitative easing are any sign of things to come then we're going to be seeing a lot more inflation and big private bankers getting richer while we all get poorer
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bad people generally don't survive one hundred years but bad systems sadly can go on and on and on forever but that's just my opinion. just to look i don't have mining just to look. there's a future with. you know out with one time on a boat with montana that mean that by montana lied to us from the start saying that mining was a life these up. their business sharing their profits that people assuming
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go to the people of san miguel are dying. we're asking the government to listen are the legitimate owners of our land. they might be travel across the caribbean with our own more about. officers and crim white uniforms pick up their golden cargo and like we call but nonetheless. there's no question the united states has a history of intervening and america and fomenting coups and sasa nations the cia has admitted they were deeply involved in their own through our brains and want to well in one hundred fifty three out of all of past major land before. this was
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going to have significant effects throughout all of central america it was right around that time that they began to a seriously contemplate a covert operation directed at overthrowing the government to. was central carried off by the us there were major business interests of the company that was most offended by the reforms that were taking place with united fruit company on the board of united fruit was john foster dulles who happen to be our secretary of state and his brother allen dulles was the head of the cia and so there was a convenient leak for these fears about appropriation of land with the cia the cia is not working to protect the american people its primary function is to protect american corporations events separate. and. ready great to the america.


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