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tv   Documentary  RT  January 3, 2014 6:29am-7:01am EST

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me i could never leave my land. what's this worth right now that's worth a little over two million dollars two million dollars right now i touch it certainly aha. so having. last year's it made people more worried about potential of a major crisis than they have and will judge the stock market has just closed there has been a massive sell three hasn't seen two days this bad as has been a global bloodbath urgent mission has to be getting this economy growing faster actually discussed or it's recession pressure you name it things like biting cold to me seem like common sense. there's a movement brewing america today that seeks to restore the gold back dollar gold is
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selling at a record high dollar store to one thousand dollars an ounce of gold prices jumped to the highest in the eleven weeks now is the time to retrieve your coin collections in jury box of everybody get so scared they were ok with all they want people to be afraid they are. told keeps going on and on living by a sense of the world is not a black and gold concern though people say the price of gold set a brand new record this week that the hundred dollars an ounce down is a minus and joining a masonic gold rush a destructive goal for the poorest of the pool throughout west africa although seeing depleted hold its attention is turning us to will be next swept up in mining fever.
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you know that the miners eat thanks to our gold medals but more as we eat thanks to our lent me most would depend on corn beans and one other earth he uses. them to care for you in africa i am one of the people affected by the mining company and the truth is where witnesses to what has been happening most of our wells and springs have dried out because of the drilling and the time know what if you wanted it them be and also because they use the water to wash the goal it's not all. up.
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but they don't know where it. is them or where the resistance inside. is i mean again for many reasons is that it is where fighting to defend our land salau to dissent our water to defend our health. and this is why the company has denounced us so much. are. we going to go there won't be there then was i have seven children i am twenty one years old. i am married. and that's my husband there was a baby bad girl was been married. for twenty years they said if you work i work
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here in your house yes so you have seven jobs. and this is one yes. when it was they yet like to tell you my life story tonight i think the whole world already knows it. i . sometimes think in our world view. is that this way of creating an economy of making money is completely illogical it's
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illogical because it destroys nature. made of steel not the less if you destroy nature you basically destroy the person's soul three and what follows is the at the end of the day is that the person's life is destroyed and a little someone with very close to nature and means a great deal to us which we are parts of the whole of someone told. me the conflict unfolding in the highlands started when the one tiny a mining company attempted to transport an enormous metal cylinder to san marcos me and they pan-american highway. like that i think i think. disentangled in a sneeze or some of the scenes from what happened yesterday in the west of the country in the mid to going up when about one thousand police officers and three hundred members of the army confronted hundreds of farmers from various villages in that region that is a tremendous strength of the armed internal conflict in the one nine hundred eighty s. and one of the dislike you. and
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central america. has gone through real or more as kids with the worst of the. hundreds of thousands of people were murdered and disappeared and million of them were displaced from their homes where they stand up against the modern army one hundred thousand died in one thousand nine hundred two the year the general rios montt mount a scorched earth policy and really devastated hundreds of my and villages is the most in that we are in a wall you know something that we have been saying that. is marvelous that odds we need to change. and the saints consists precisely all through me when the imposing your will over us reagan was praising the worst killer as it
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is the most the few sort of terms or rios montt real smart and close ties to the united states who gave it to fight against the guerrillas and the wounds that were inflicted by that conflict to continue to fester it clearly and that has contributed to the current situation the repression of any type of economic change really created the kind of poison politics that they have and this leads to the lying story because our bodies of these dealt with these parties you can't say they're responsible for the rios montt slaughter of it they're benefiting from the structures that were left in place after those many years of service area repression. even. though i. think when the municipality asemi go mr khan here in that the. marquee event which just is. sort of on top of where. my news so we're going to
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follow the road down by the mine visited with. this. idea dora. certainly has a legitimate. well first of all in defense of her rights what she is defending is her land she has refused to sell her plot of land to court because they were hoping to expand their mind through her part of. how long have you been with theodora about thirty five years now of marriage yes. no i didn't you work in the mine didn't they offer you a job no no no. no because we didn't want to have anything to do with the miners the madonnas a salute of all these people are destroying everyone's health around here. i am
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involved in the resistance so is my husband she says it's great that to a fight but how do we get them to leave too much i ask god for them to leave keep going i want us to be left in peace you know that we were at it with my granddaughter is used to live with us now three was. the one hand i cry when they think about her future. what will happen to her if they kill me. yes the sun these are the company's power lines when i saw that they had put these poles on my land i was very angry because i didn't give them permission and i am therefore. we have a custom you say where you say and you keep your word. but here they took advantage. i didn't one mining i didn't run anything. what i
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wanted was for them to take out the poles nothing more. we just took a wire and threw it over the cable to cut off the power this was the car and after we cut off their tricity the company sent the police. as opposed to say a t.v. show like this we're here to learn about guatemala suppose this becomes a trip where we're learning actually about no kid in the united states historically and on an ongoing basis today these are parts of our problem they decided before the destruction that they would kill to day so they basically closed off a valve. housing for the mine workers some of the prices there are some of the take the high that over there and then there's the whole complicated processing plant
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vaults here it's a very low concentration you know you're probably holding gold and you pick up this earth right here this is the cheapest form of gold mining the most destructive because you're getting one gram of cool for one ton some of the estimates are one gram of coal for seven tons and because of the cost to build internationally because of the low cost of the money up aeration it's worth their while to just clear cut the whole region well they have an endless mine and say there's no doubt that the gold is as far as the eye can see. to the big gold guns are teaming up gold corpus announced an eight point six billion dollars u.s. friendly takeover of glamorous gold it will be the lowest cost fastest growing on head score any company in the world the goldcorp glamorous combination would pump out about three million ounces of gold a year making it the fifth biggest producer in the world and in terms of market cap it would rank number three we just reported earnings they were up seventy two percent year on year while we saw the gold price go up thirty percent so very
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pleased with that exposure that we provide to gold to have a prediction of where gold goes from here for the next let's say here i would say it could certainly get to two thousand dollars thousand dollars an ounce and there are four hundred ounces in these gold bars i'm just going to tell that they're probably you know what it's almost to having to tell how much is this what about thirty five. still have a. unexplored antarctica what is it in this icy expanse that attracts the people who come here. but you know i only go to the dock. and enter into. a new generation of polar explorers is coming. we have a new group of specialists here now all of them are young how are they going to get along with each other and i don't know. but i used to be
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a bureaucrat. seriously. what adventures await in this mysterious land where do they live want to eat and want to be actually doing it and talk to go. much if your advice is centered around the negative aspects of american culture example mindful eating social inning of voiding of snacks how much of an influence do you think the american culture has on the rest of the wall incredible. sixty the two things. in the world the snake. the food. all the countries worldwide.
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lentil. rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. a little. with an oath on their lips and muscles on the arm but men with greed in our hearts ready to break their backs to sell their very souls put a bullet. train there. i love.
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to still be where the go price of gold today is that fifteen hundred eighty dollars by going for some twenty bucks now i don't know as a status i never understood gold quite frankly it's this item it isn't all that useful but it's valuable because people assign it a value why is the price of gold so high. demand global demand do you think oldest money. at the end of the day why gold you know it's gold because it's gold because it's gold because it's gold you can't look into deeply or the whole thing just fall to set a good for nothing so do the gold teeth why should we be mining gold at all. we already have huge amounts of mind to gold in the world of the value of the only place we have to live above the water that we need to survive it's not compared to
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any gold we're not going to eat gold we're not going to bait. we're not going to go . you offered me the choice i'm looking at some sixty seven foot. of gold i'm looking at it all day and the alternative that was to have all the farmland of the country for a quick profit or to get a piece of metal to stick and of walt so we can say we own it. we're destroying the very future that we want to there we're trying to secure all the litany of harms and violations to get this gold out of the ground and then you take the school and you take it home to your country and you bury it under the ground. out of the crowd in the british under. way but it. looks.
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on behalf of montana explorer dora and gold court system we are committed to being in san miguel issue. with a vision here a long term vision. we feel part of this beautiful municipality we feel like part of the family of san miguel ishtar of pride today that has been confirmed plenty of the moment that we're planning right now on exploiting this area. and we're going to transport minerals on the roads for every machinery over here in the malls we have opinions to expand almost in every direction. so. there won't be any problem with that for them honest. on the matter no say oh. it's first who didn't know if it was a gold mining company or a mine we didn't know nobody knew
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a thing is there are the workers says they're growing or kids a flower a company. that's what we understand it to be on the surface. they were looking for me and when they found me that they asked me to sell my land here at least i said no see i can never get you know nice because i didn't want to sell no and i was not thinking of selling. my yes down to console when they started working on the road it appeared to me to go and have a look at my land. again when they get that much in that i want the machines were working on my land they were making a highway. as if the property was theirs yes. it seems. yes if if you all do a good job. if montana leaves if you get them out.
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create jobs i mean it creates jobs. with the brain is when you only want to chase away the money. and we're the bastards no it doesn't bother me no no no no way no my support isn't for the company my support is for my life. so they make good money. well i want to make money to support my life. you see because let me i think that there are two groups and there is one group that says i'm a precise lee and openly no to mining. there is another group that says yes the mine is good there's a lot of divisions in their own communities because some people have jobs in the mind etc having said all that the people in san diego and cells are trying to
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assist by starting to carry out their own post of patients indigenous peoples. engaged in their own process of expressing their views about these projects and they call these processes consult us the benefit of good food consultations and suppose for uniformly that view has been in opposition to development projects like mines on the territory and the communities aren't saying the owners of the goldcorp or mean people evil devils are just saying we don't want your companies here. this is good fellas to go to one hundred get sellers that come from the mine scene where the fifty cent stays in san miguel well if you read fifty cents will stop in the hands of the central government in a way they neuer and ninety nine is for them. one hundred people in the us you know
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this kind of business is totally unfair for the community but it's it's a robbery practically. i mean the mining company says it has generated a lot of development in san macau. is this the truth is that the only development that they have created is an increase in violence the user can think if there are more than forty eight bars and time again prostitution here in san miguel there is everything there is no game so we haven't seen any development no real change that the mind has brought to this town. and this is the big buildings in the communities the profitable trajectory and whatever else could be done with so much money so if these things don't really exist it's a lie when they say there's a big change it doesn't exist there's nothing really. like.
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the economic models that we were bringing them to countries like ball ball we're really about making rich people richer. you know to take a step back and look seductive demichelis and she should be employed such a perfectly awful piece you start with this community that's a military tribunal because people have been living in this valley for at least a thousand years so to have this project dumped on top of their heads like this is the classic you know imposition of a so-called development project. selling the development projects that really. usually indebted countries may be profitable world bank didn't necessarily deliver a lot for the for the poor who maintain those burdens of the world bank was aware
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of the violence being used to displace these people. who doesn't know if it's ok. this. sort of didn't detect the peaks and if there's a good degree of forest output what is good is it is a similar process to what happened with the coal mining story there was a complete lack of consultation with the communities they were given no option as to whether they would need to move or not the whole serious of structural rules that were imposed on guatemala and many other countries through the international monetary fund in the world bank with leadership from the united states a pattern throughout watermark of large scale development projects mining hydroelectric dams and so forth within indigenous territories but without in many cases even minimal consultation what clearly what i'm all is and is in
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a desperate economic situation absolutely right what we're wrong to do is say there for any kind of economic development from the outside is going to be a benefit their only purpose is to extract as much money as possible to feed into the global financial system. with me or part of the geo political economic system that's extremely exploitative i would argue that the legacy of my spins precisely that that it has some short term economic benefit both most of those economic benefits accruing to investors and has a long term ecological consequence that is very negative for the for the ongoing development prospects of the region. it wouldn't surprise me at all if many of you directly or indirectly are invested in the cold or through a pension fund through a trust fund through an endowment through
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a little bit of savings you have you're probably investing goldcorp and dozens of mining companies that are operating around the world contributing to harms to one degree or another. from what he told me that. since i came to live here when i crossed the wooden breach in my car when to drink water and what happened. so they don't have water you drive. that. there was no water. but they would let me know miles a mile in mine has used millions and millions of liters of water water that no longer flows now that you have the mines are blowing through the amount of water that one family uses and twenty years or more every hour.
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there is a clash of cultures in the way that the govt or uses water is just another resource . in its extraction process and to the millions who really regard to central to life itself the water is completely. contaminated it's no longer fit for humans do you think that i can they say there is no pollution so where does the poison go when they're done with it no one to trust is the gold where does it go i mean and if you are saying it's not contaminated then let's go to the tailing down and you have a drink drink and then. eat didio the government isn't supposed to grant license without the community's consent. but that's exactly what they've done in san miguel here.
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that. is before we were not away. here but now the people are awake. the company got us one by one or does hope people sold their lands to the company wouldn't have been able to come in . where starting to figure out what's going on because. it is. none of them. there's a medium leave us so we leave that maybe. by the seat motions to really play your party there's a goal. there shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v.
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. please give us a. very hard take a. look again here. at that sack with the perfect hair look. look. look. look look. look. look look. upon.
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play. well with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. if you. know opportunity. to construct your. want to be a bit give don't want to be gangsters you don't want to be. they don't want to blow a window of time that a kid came to be we can see. you just needs a zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero problems in the hood. with thirty round clips. i
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said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young eight. millions around the globe struggle with hunger each good. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge. against g.m.o. and we think that's. pretty cool. there is no. evidence that there is any problem with genetic engineering when you make a deal. or is free cheese always in a most track i don't. agree. that it. is profit. for this golden
7:00 am
rice. a simple african republic stands on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe yes violence in a country reaches critical levels this despite a french led military mission allegedly aimed at bringing stability to. dr struggle to save a three month old baby girl injured in one of the deadly blasts that hit the russian city of volgograd before the new year brings you the latest on the life and death battle unfolding at a boston hospital. and right wing group in south africa already has an escape plan as. nelson mandela era in their country holds a gloomy future for the population there.


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