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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  January 4, 2014 1:29pm-2:01pm EST

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ok paul so i'm a goes i'm not a martin and this is breaking the set so much the duck dynasty controversy that the mainstream media is trumpeting there's actually a positive news to report a panel appointed by obama just released its recommendations to scale back the n.s.a. and the document they recommended forty six changes to add transparency accountability the agency but most importantly they suggest scaling back its authority to snoop and every aspect of our lives so time the pop the champagne and all those right not so fast this is only good news if obama actually decides to embrace the advice and here's the cold hard truth even if the recommendations are adopted it's not going to prevent mass surveillance and the president's review panel did nothing to answer the questions raised about the constitutionality of the n.s.a.'s global spying
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tentacles so waltz a nice gesture for members of the administration to condemn the n.s.a. as attack on privacy until there is action to end unabated surveillance on the entire planet i'll be here break in the set. of the. games a. very hard. line i never had sex with her right there though.
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if you're a regular viewer of the show you know how big of a fan i am of private mercenaries none more so than the security firm blackwater which has since changed its name multiple times no doubt due to the company's association with black market gun dealers shady cia ties and war crimes oh other than hiding out nabu dobby for the last couple of years where is former c.e.o. eric prince been since all this went down while pushing his new book of course serially this week prince went on the daily show to tell his side of the story and of course instead of tough questions from stewart prince was given a platform to spew his revisionist history sixty minutes style you may remember during the height of iraqi occupation in two thousand and seven blackwater seven hundred civilians in nasiriyah square in baghdad here's prince's account of that incident. in the summer square started with a car bomb and
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a team move to help that team leave the area and after they go through the whole use of force continuum they ended up having to fire and firefighter up to it in the armored vehicle that the guys are in was disabled by incoming enemy round was delayed them longer because the vehicle was disabled and so yeah it's a tragedy. a tragedy indeed a prince's retelling of the event is far from accurate and you have to take my word for it or to the iraqi government a u.s. military import and an f.b.i. investigation at least fourteen of the seventeen iraqis killed that day were shot without cause it was also never confirmed that a car bomb even went off in iraq interior ministry that explosion was from two mortar shells that landed in the vicinity of the heavily secured compound blackwater was protecting furthermore according to several interviews blackwater guards said quote during the operation at least one guard continued firing on
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civilians walk colleagues urgently called for a cease fire but here in prince to fleck to blame for the massacres he oversaw is not even the part of the every that irks me the most prince said during the web only part of a discussion. if you feel that the government actually actively turned against you and began to persecute you and someone indeed and you know meeting with congressional staffs is the best is to look at this matter what you're going to do we're going to ride you into you're out of business queue up the tiny. i didn't realize the seventeen murdered iraq is aren't the victims here prudence is here's the thing this government persecution and woe is me act at prince's point it's complete crap less than a year after the necessary massacre the state department renewed blackwater's contract in fact the company has continued to receive contracts under obama. but
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instead of doing just an iota of research and calling out prince on this along with the company's sordid history of criminality and legal impunity stewart seemed to lap it all up. you know i feel. somewhat. sad that it has come to for you that feeling of betrayal because i think that's an expensive lesson but move on an object or two. there are so many things wrong with this exchange i don't even know where to begin aside from stuart's on the willingness to push back prince the last off this whole affair as an expensive mistake hell maybe blackwater's a new name can be a whitewash. a w w f a living planet report from two thousand and twelve suggests that at the current rate of consumption humanity will need two earths by the year twenty thirty just to sustain itself some suggest that even if we curb consumption it's already too late
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it's a prediction made by my next guest. professor emeritus of the university of arizona and author of going dark his book presents a prophetic warning about the consequences of a change in climate and it unsustainable economy that's a heartbeat away from collapse now being skeptical of the sensational prediction i first asked him what evidence he has to back up this claim. the international energy agency is among the most conservative organizations on the planet and they're predicting a temperature beyond which we've got humans on the planet by twenty thirty five i'm not sure anybody would choose the international energy agency. being the sort of conspiracy theory or trying to promote an agenda that is. in fact the same. or as conservative in that assessment is that in many of those so you're saying that the earth cannot simply accommodate for billions of people i mean so what's going to happen to all these other people about i. i suspect.
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are a lot like every other organism on the planet you know when they're going to overshoot there is a correction or. for most p.c.'s there's a crash and i don't see it with the exception of our sentiency and our ability to be clever i don't see a big difference between us and bacteria in petri dish we're no substrate we're going to be in real trouble which brings us to our err blog nature bats last let's talk about industrial civilization and climate change how much can be wiped out because a changing climate. i suspect all of industrial civilization and all human life on earth can be removed as a result of climate change. you know if if we go to three and a half see above baseline rapidly. within the very short period of time treated by
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the international energy agency. much less going to or or twenty cities there's no way human survive the lack of political will i get why is the academic and scientific community not treating this of the same sense of urgency that you are. the vast majority of academics never questioned civilization much less industrial so it was never quite else cost the consequences of that we. didn't encourage students to think indeed if by case there's an example academics are marginalized and then punished for merely questioning the dominant culture. i don't see the scientists and especially academics scientists or are in a position that enables them to question the way we live in any significant way i just don't see that happening through my entire career nature bats last address is such a wide variety of things all of a diner connected of course
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a lab around how america as an and higher plays into the global self-destruction that we're seeing unfold. the monetary crisis the u.s. military exceeds that of the next fifteen nations come up. the u.s. military uses more oil than any other entity on the planet so this is the head at this point. of a beast since jimmy carter proclaimed the doctrine that bears his name in early may even at its end ownership of all the world's resources securing them has proven very expensive in terms of if you try and save a little planet and human lives there's no undoing the horrors of empire in which you doubling down if there is i can distinguish the typical american loves american empire because it uses those toys and uses those computer screens and gives us the ability to play on facebook you know and do all the things that we've come to take for granted even though they haven't been around for very long when start to life
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let's talk about solutions here because i'm getting a little bit depressed here you see an insight in collapse i do think that a collapse is necessary before a new model can be enacted that works harmoniously with nature or even though we can change from the growth paradigm to conscious capitalism before this mass die off i used to think so and in fact temporary it's university of utah excellent book published and i made a change in two thousand and he pointed out that all the complete collapse prevents runaway greenhouse well that was two thousand and nine since and we triggered twenty self reinforcing people back loops on the. i think it's too late civilization requires tremendous violence and most of the citizenry is willing to have the militaries of the world cherry out of violence we prefer to look the other way remaining willfully ignorant of the horrors conducted in our names so i don't see as turning this ship around us that we would. be
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so for enforcing the time of china. nearly all of which are irreversible temporal spans relevant to the human experience so i think we're done. a long time ago although slightly pointed out quote it's rather embarrassing to have given one's and tired life to pondering the human project predicament and to find out in the end one has little more to say than try to be a little kind. of guy i know that we wouldn't be doing what we're doing you wouldn't be running our blog i wouldn't be doing the show if we didn't have faith that we could at least change things and is there anything that you can give to the audience any tools at all that we can enact right now to prevent this cataclysmic trend. is the literature points only collapse civilization true friends whatever we care runaway greenhouse i think that's the best hope for other species. already for. the get go and in
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our case it leads to human extinction in the relatively near term i don't think that means we should give up on the species however and habitats for those of the species i think we have a moral imperative to ensure habitat for as many species as we possibly can instead of driving some two hundred species a day to extinction. i know that's not what most people want to hear they want to hear that we can maintain this way of life for a least maintained. for an extended period of time but. as a conservation biologist i recognize a long time ago that humans like other organisms will go extinct that's a time i just didn't realize that it would be. so rapidly and that i would live to see much of myself well thank you for the enlightening i'll be at the press saying . thank you so much everyone check it out major bad last guy makes errors and
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professor emeritus. that was guy macpherson professor emeritus at the university of arizona. coming up you guys i'll speak with a legendary t.v. star roseanne about a lot the ground. ball gary and and romanians are here to bring on doorsteps across the u.k. according to british tabloids the same tabloids of course failed to mention the j.p. morgan banks there's been definite kidding on our financial system for years and then collecting big big bonuses from shaking down and scalping the population that's our boys report this. government system is to help poor people poor women but to change their life and nobody is trying to make money out of them those who want to make money out of them
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. turned the whole thing into law a shocking deduction and we have opal still charging. twenty fourteen olympics with this police line why is this so special as the russian resort prepares to locum the world's power the games should be the city's present and future a lot more sochi will bring you this is the moment they repose you from a very cold snowy windy mountainous tough beyond the olympics but. today on our team. roseanne barr is a legendary comedian actress and political activist an open letter she wrote
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recently she addressed the need to pressure the saudi government and the rest of prince bandar bin sultan. prue's role in the nine eleven attacks she according to cia memos from two thousand and two there's incontrovertibly evidence the saudi government not only knew about the hijackers but helped them financially and just agreed i first asked rosanna what the reason could be possibly for the u.s. government going after almost every other country except the one it knew was in part responsible. for all that's while before when i was on here with you we talked about m.k. ultra mind control and i said i may not have said it on your show but in a subsequent speech i did say what m.k. ultra mind control does is train people never to blame the guilty and stad to point the finger down more helpless and never upward at the gale t. but you know i and people in america are just under that kind of mind control and it originates from congress and from our government you know that they don't want
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to get caught as their pocket and all the peoples. and this is just more of it i mean these people the oil gets me about the ruled by psychopaths as that they're not ever satisfied i mean that they that people take away their rights take away like the the heroes who the heroes that we sent to iraq come home and their moms have lost their homes it is just sits just ugh what this orgy. greed death evil sick man. vampire the vamp the vampire. blood sucking our country and the and it's public's money it's the public money that they're taken and that just gets made cuz i don't like criminals and you know i have five grandsons and how my going to tell them hey kids you know crime pays i don't want to do that and so i would like to see the
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guilty punished and one we have a clear clear record of who the guilty are and we don't ever hold them accountable how no wonder we have kids going nuts in schools i mean seriously we need when it's a moral structure i think that the whole thing is falling i think it's in its you know i think it's appalling and even to fight with that has given it energy the thing i like to look at abbie is the how how women. all over the world of course after everything's decimated and there's no you know there's no tribal rights to any land left at all for poor people but women. at the at the most crisis level in the world begin to rise and change things well look at look how i was hauled into the lab where i just called so that i hold that so deep and so close i know you i know that we can do it i know we can do it when we're not raped
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murdered held down when we're given a fair education the chance we'll do it. according to part of justice ninety percent of violent crime is committed by men what do you think accounts for this enormous gender disparity when it comes to violent crime. all why you don't want to get me started on that because i'm a lefty is mad when i start on that but you know it's all about patriarchy but it's about patriarchal mothers too and i'm tired of people saying it's all manner it's all women women are raising these boys to do that and there's no lie about it let's not lie about that anymore when men like the spartan mothers held up they should hold to their sons they were going to war and so come back holding the shield or laying under it i mean a women are the ones who really need to be real honest take their place stop supporting war stop supporting punishing other women stop it stop being
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a patriarchal. box and like let's invent something new we can do it. and i was speaking to a gender expert yesterday who said that the culture of this overt militarism especially in america's due to gender indoctrination kind of what you're talking about patriarchy and that male readers continue with this rhetoric because they're afraid of being emasculated do you agree with that sentiment royalty invented a feudal system and everybody a is all you know everybody under their class is a breeder you know gives birth to the soldiers and you know to do their work for them so you know they needed to have a clear by unary you know women and men so they can push that wedding. i call it the wedding military industrial complex actually my boyfriend johnny made that up but you know they got to keep breeders go on because where are they going to get these kids to stand up to their wars and molest and stuff you know they have to create that so they created this this these clear gender things for their slaves in
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their service and you know they get a wedding and you know then they're happy they're a princess for a day and then they go back to the fields you know it's mind control it's futile land baron capitalism mind control patriarchy that's completely obsolete it's funny. it's funny when you look at it how ridiculous lee corrupt it is and it's hilarious too because it's so so i caught it but you know we just have to keep laughing it to scorn and watch it die it doesn't have any place to go now i think now it's like eating its own tail i mean the whole saudi arabia all wrong family nine one one bush all of it it's eating its own tail and everyone's like true third here a true third you know one idiots are calling brilliant people stupid you've got a real problem arose and i find it amazing in this kind of term truth or for
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seeking the truth and i mean we've been saying that saudi arabia was involved from the very beginning we were called crazy and now look at how elevated we are. it's house of saud morgues with house of windsor works with vatican works with rights out that so one big friggin mafia scam i may i'll probably get assassinated or drowned or i'm out of here but it's all a scam of tired af and scam these guys are such geniuses these money geniuses here sound smart they are abbi they make money obsolete. it's ridiculous but it's so stupid i can't stand one stupid people. like we're in a gang i just can't pay i don't know i just can't take no and rose and give us a bit advice here i mean your views on so much has attracted a four trolls what's your message to all the haters who call you crazy for speaking your mind. i say. intelligence looks like
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insanity to drooling imbeciles or roseanne i mean people better show up people better show up start rating stop being bought off if you'll have an hour a day read something intelligent read several sources you know educate yourself find out what's going on don't don't stay a slave or go deeper into the mind control because it will get worse for you like you said all these institutions are completely outdated they're relevant and yes we need to break out of this this paradigm mean look. i know abby they all lead to one thing nuclear annihilate this dad i mean already we have to be like really honest too and really truthful about what does it mean when you know. there's a chair knowable in the fukushima i mean you know. really is it that we are so on
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our way out because we've already had all those nuclear wars and of all those nuclear wars we say we want to prevent maybe it's already happened maybe the fish are dying maybe the birds are dying maybe the coral reefs or maybe there's no you know there were there are water shortages now maybe all that stuff is that the die is already cast and more on our way out we're headed for extinction and a few people who know that at the top are taken advantage of it and you know hoard never think they can or and you know getting a big sadistic thrill. pricking people and you have to wonder i mean do these people even know at this point what they're doing or those perpetuating the system to maximize their bottom lines i mean these corporate over my daughter i don't. i don't think they know what they're doing i think they follow orders only i think they have little intelligence and you know they have handlers and you know those
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are the corporations and the big money that owns our government you know the real owners of this country and you know they tell their servants and horse what's what they want and how to provide it and you know that is the reality that's the real big reality roseanne i have got to ask you about rumors of this new porn deal that you signed i mean treated i did. this for real. i did sign it you know they did contact may cause i said you know i couldn't i couldn't get a job and so i said i guess i'm asked to do porn and you know geriatric porn and they did contact me and i decided that was cool of them to offer me a job but you know i'll bet i'm going to be thinking about what would be the most pornographic movie ever made and i am giving a lot of thought to it but you said oh gosh i can't read with barbaric this. and
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our bush was our band it was dark and our bridges that ocean we shot from a distinctly jewish grandmothers point of view sushi to measurable and hunger of consumers of porn once and for all i mean i have to ask you why do you think that there is this narrative that women don't like or watch porn and that all female porn stars must be forced into the industry somehow. while that's a huge question and that's a huge question that involves trafficking and mind control and drug addiction and being molested that that involves patriarchal analysis to so i don't think you have time for that one but i do know people that have chosen to to do it and you know they're pretty intelligent. and. you know. some of them have lived but most don't. you know let's hope you'll be breaking that right heroes and if you decide to go with that i'm trying to combat it the most
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pornographic thing for women what would what would the most sexually stimulating thing for women be i'm thinking about it ok thank you for those that are all right roseann right here right now on breaking the say we're giving you a golden opportunity beating hillary clinton the punch are you running for president. i am running for president you know i said i'm going to keep running till i win i doubt that the american people are smart enough to get me elected but if there was america and they woke up and understood what i'm really saying about their money their future their pensions their homes their children and got me elected you know then. i would. be very happy and rose and i want to say one final message to our audience. you know just
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because she's a woman. hillary clinton you know i think you know she's a woman but come on i'm the real woman from a i have never like been in cahoots with any of these people and i think that's what our country and so i like world i like what you said earlier show up stop all the talk and actually put your words to action we've got to show up in massive i want to take this country box thank you so much rhode island all right say and i quote can i quote one person or my done navajo for roseanne quote unquote jesus i quote jesus. a real cool jewish guy he said faith without works is dead. roseanne barr t.v. legend comedian presidential candidate thank you sarge for coming on breaking it all down are to pay paul. that's our show you guys join me again tomorrow and i
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break this out all over again. the beginning of the moment i'll take note of. the face is from island life. in sin the enough temptation and. the darkness last for six months. more than people. and it's as easy to hire a rifle as a scooter. because the island is so in a special there are no indigenous people but there are all those who do choose this frozen life. this is could be right. if you are.
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absolutely sixteen percent of imports came from illegal fishing. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. they enter our territorial waters they fish they load this fish into the ships and leave for europe. to day illegal fishing just taking the bread out of our mouths. unexplored antarctica what is it in this icy expanse that attracts the people who come here. now i only go to the dock. and antarctica. a new generation of polar explorers is coming.
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we have a new group of specialists here now all of them are young how are they going to get along with each other i don't know. i used to be a bureaucrat. so you seriously. want to adventure is a way to this mysterious land where do they live want to eat and what are they actually doing in antarctica.
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network of terror iraqi troops fight al qaeda linked militants for the city of fallujah while another branch of the extremist organization carries out a deadly attack in yemen. finds out why the terrorist group's been thriving despite being hunted by governments in the region and the u.s. . came here to try to understand how the group's been able to carry out large scale devastating attacks like the one from emirates right here what's behind the arrival of the private firm that does the u.s. really understand we're going to break. also in today's headlines a hero in the face of terror. she was so brave she didn't even cry i was talking to her all the time. to save one of the youngest victims of the blog.


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