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tv   The Truthseeker  RT  January 5, 2014 3:44am-4:01am EST

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british. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. runs a report on our. welcome back to all the parts we're discussing the politics of food with the inventor of the parisian dive john michelle kwan mr cohen just before the break we were talking about administrative stops in order to limit or. counter obesity epidemic and in many developed countries it is well established fact that the minority of patients in health care system take up the majority of resources the lion's share of resources and treating many of those illnesses associated with
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obesity is becoming increasingly more expensive do you think that those people who don't watch that diet who don't try to limit or improve their health or limit their weight through decisive action do they have to pay higher taxes than the rest of us or try to keep it under control not really because the responsible. to try. to work out some products and to sell it to make a virtue because it's a long way between the production economy. t.v. and then consumption so we have to take care of them but we have to take the problem higher speaking a lot about this problem is something which creates some mornings you know.
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although be able to be. the engine of it ing with bad habits and that it reduces your life this much money you would build to give for obtaining more years to live you claim that the parisian diet help the million people in france to lose weight and i wonder why do you think that these principles could be just as effective in other countries because as we discussed this interview it is the french food culture itself taking longer lunches. have your food sharing it with your friends all the slowness of the pleasure pleasure of the french culture that seems to be facilitating eating habits of the french people why do you think it could be so easily transferable to other countries where the environment is so different people work longer hours or don't have that much time the problems are the thing i mean every country and the good
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the theme and the difference is into the cooking. portion so what i try to do every time i'm in another country is to change a little bit recipients to customize a recipe is for the country. for example for america i. understood that i didn't have to get very complicated complex species or complex cheese so i try to use common cheese and to work out the good recipes for the countries and in the same in every country but the main difference and a word france is a bill to do to bring to the countries is the quality of the cooking and the fact that for example when you want to prepare your goods and if you put some servers into and some months. and you frozen it this is different you're
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good and this is a french cooking but my point is that french people can afford to do that because of the way of life in france the average work week if ounces thirty thirty eight hours if i'm not mistaken the average work rate in the united states is forty two hours and french at the top of that they have a very generous social system have very good childcare system so french people can afford to take time to cook and to take longer lunches and i think this is something that may change with this terror to measures and people having to work multiple jobs or sometimes longer hours so is there any any threat here that the financial crisis that some european countries and experiencing may may change your ability to some tricks that i leave a part of my time in new york on the second new and. to make my
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shopping in fair way and in this store even if the meat is too large for me i'm able to get it into to share it consumes the pot for the day after i also have some benefit in america is the fact that all the products are really prepared i can buy salads and without dressings i can buy fruits always yet still still cut for example and this is my problem to share my bush. it's the same for the yogurt but the advantage in united states. instead of friends is for example i can buy one you're good and not for your goats or ate your goats and i can't really decide to consume so we have benefits because the food is prepared and we have. convenience because sometimes it's two for tea
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or to launch but at the same time you mentioned in the first part of the program that food culture is very much associated with your family traditions in france if i'm not mistaken seventy five percent of food is prepared at home in the united states that traditional home cooking is pretty much lost i mean it may be recovering these days with the footy culture but still people are not you still cooking at home and sometimes they simply don't have the skills of doing that so it's not just a matter of convenience but actually a matter of how society is structured and. you know the traditions the family tradition this is more important for sterilizations and for dating because when you diet you don't need to have so much things to cook you can it just chicken vegetables fruits your words this is not to cook and this is more important after but you know do you know there are so much shows in america but cooking that i
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don't understand why american people don't don't accept to cook and cooking is also something for enjoy yourself so i believe this is a time increasing secondly secondly in france for example the time for cooking is decreasing and what we insist for french people to do is the fact that they can buy at the supermarket the goods and they can just by putting it you know . everything you know and just. with for the time that it cooks doing. crazy and of shifts you can do that now switching gears a little bit you've been called the main antagonist of peer to con and other friends dietitian whose diary is taking the world and russia in particular by storm i have a couple of friends who are on that diet and actually managed to lose weight what
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is wrong with dieting. we told some of this. no my position is to tell people wanting to make this diet just to warn your own or when you're of to hear what is negative in this diet six months after having done this you probably will get back to your although your former weight and probably gaining more weight and secondly you didn't you will not know it because. people. crying in front of the bill because when you eat just proteins it's an exclusive. it's not a natural diet so just with it and warn you're on your own the after the story period then people knows what the real problems of this day are this
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situation. overweight now the french nutrition watchdog answers if pronouncing the name correctly criticized both the conduct of your diet for high sodium intake and what they believe is inefficient insufficient rather intake of vitamins and they also said that if especially women were to follow your diet they they have a possibility of being short on iron so as we all know died including your diet are unlikely to work i mean this is a scientific fact but what they seem to be saying is that your diet and many other diets could actually harm people so what do you think about that first every day that. deficiency is it. and it is included in the diet and even when. all the. food being normal food being
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contend deficiences but following this report i decided to change and to put some corrections and i corrected and they were all right so they're asked me to do it and. i know that. you can even sued you for libel after you criticized. his methods have you southall to your differences since then have you had a i don't know a conversation a personal one i want this is not my enemy. i am a doctor so this is a medical devote. to tell what i think. and me. obviously. the judge decided that i was right and. the war is finished now in my introduction i mentioned that the statistics on new year's resolutions and on diets are very very similar and i think that maybe
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because most of the new year's resolutions concerning dieting people promise themselves to start eating healthily after all of the next year and as i said nine out of town usually fail what do you think is a secret ingredient making or becoming obese one person who actually succeeds being patient because when they decide to begin the diet after. new year old like this year you are supported by the fact that you have eaten too much but you are probably giving a few times after because you are you are going to forget and patience means that you have to take your time for learn the food and after this you can begin the diet so decide on the. beginning of the diet prepare yourself prepare your
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grocery list prepare your kitchen and then you are able to to to to to become your diet and then to somebody we can help you to be more committed because today thirty years after my beginning in this work i'm sure that commitment and mint are the two main words to watch words to succeed mr cohen thank you very much for your time and if you like the problem please join us again same place same time here in a while the pike. he
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survived war atrocities. to make a final decision. has changed his life and the world around him. by giving us. hope. and love to so many children. nikolai the miracle worker on our team. if you. know opportunity. to construct your. olympian bit. don't want to be gangsters in a lot of. dog they don't want that bull with no time to tell the kid came be we can see. you just means the boat is out of the rightful problems in the
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hood and what if you kill somebody with thirty round clips. but i said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young a. drug some of the sixteen percent of imports came from illegal fishing. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. give birth to enter territorial waters they fish they load the fish into the ships and leave for europe. to day illegal fishing is taking the bread out of our mouths.
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government system is to help poor people poor women but they're going to live to change their life and nobody is trying to make money out of them those who want to make money out of them misusing. the term the whole thing into law is shocking deduction and we're all poor still more shockers. well in the new little drama and a lot of these new policies i'm sure you know. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today on research from.
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the stories that dominated the week on our t.v. volgograd pays its last respects to the victims of two terror attacks while medics labored to save the lives of sixty five others including young children in critical condition. sectarian slaughter in the central african republic proved too much for foreign troops to handle with reports of the beheading of children raising alarms at the u.n. . a low blow new york residents have a new reason to be wary on the streets as a potentially deadly game of violence spreads fear across the city. and as e.u. rules relax making it easier for internal migration the british get wary over a possible wave of unskilled workers and criminals will call.


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