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tv   Headline News  RT  January 5, 2014 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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in. today's news and the week's top stories here on our t.v. the southern russian city of volgograd bids a final farewell to the thirty four victims of the two terrorist attacks r.t. brings you the story of a three month old survivor whose relatives are torn between hope for her recovery and grief at the loss of her mother. a french military contingent fails to stem a wave of bloodshed that's gripped the central african republic with the u.n. now raising the alarm of a looming humanitarian crisis there. the situation is new to me out of control in the basement of the central african republic is capable to control this frightens r.t. talks to the aid group doctors without borders about the carnage ravaging the state and even hospitals and medics become targets. tough economic times for the
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e.u. governments losing popular support paving the way for a resurgence of far right movements just months after the european parliamentary elections. and sought to get some world class illumination we report on the one of a kind lighting system that will make up the upcoming olympics and sparkle throughout the winter darkness. you're watching our two international life from our moscow studios and lindsey france thanks for joining me. at the start of the new year was marred with loss for russia's southern city of volgograd which has been shaken by two suicide bombings. a massive explosion shook the city's main train station two days before the new year less than twenty four hours after that a trolley bus was ripped apart by
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a suicide blast thirty four people died in the two assaults and dozens were maimed in the hospital including children one of them is just three months old a little girl who lost her mother and is now fighting for her life margaret howell has her story. is just three months old but she's found that life can be hard and unjust she was badly injured and a terrible terror attack she is now in an induced coma in intensive care clinging onto life when the baby girl remains and a coma we put her on a ventilator in intensive care also she sustained some light serious brain damage condition is very serious we've got it under control on that dreadful morning of december thirtieth caught a fever and was on route to a hospital with her mother and grandmother when a powerful explosion rocked their trolley bus the three happened to be in the very
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epicenter the women died the infant survived it was blind luck thick blanket she was wrapped in saved her from life threatening burns she was pulled from the wreckage in a critical condition only two days ago doctors allowed her to be airlifted to moscow's children's hospital so it's here in this hospital where baby bekah is receiving treatment for those endurance to her skull and her lungs she received in that blast. the family and friends little vico has left are torn between hope for home regulus recovery and grief for their dad. work you'd be very grateful to everyone who took part in the rescue of my girl to volgograd hospital doctors they performed the miracle return my daughter from the day. thanks to all how transfer my daughter to moscow i hope to see you know what kind of human being could see a newborn child on the bus and still carry out such an atrocity but now it's time
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to think of rehabilitation of so that she can leave a full life but there is a dynasty of doctors in all family and i hope she will grow up and become a doctor to place your mind you know mother since she was a child she was a very talented creative girl it's very sad when people die in such sudden violent acts like this she had big plans like any young mother and i believe that her baby will grow up relief literally helping her. because mother and grandmother on the stalls here and talk to you are just two of the thirty four people who fell victim to two terror attacks on the railway station and trolley bus more than sixty injured are still in hospital the city remains in mourning in moscow margaret hello r.t. . you can get more perspective on anti terror efforts and updates on the investigation into the volgograd bombings over on our website r.t. dot com. since the bulk of grad bombings r.t.
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has been getting reactions and expert opinions from around the world most experts we've talked to seem to agree that no countries can go it alone when it comes to counterterrorism. we're talking about asian harvest movement which is linked to a car that is our problem and just in russia but also in other countries including in syria as we know now now the direct motive is not different from the previous attacks on moscow on other locations inside russia and i would say it is not so different from attacks that has happened around the world why blacks and one hundred seventy two and the olympics in germany any sporting event of a major size is bound to attract terrorist activity there isn't doesn't someone to rely on the buying it relies on the fear of the bank and it's quite clear that even though volgograd is some four hundred miles away from the site of the winter olympics it is a transport hub for that part of russia and one of the media impact on the russian public and not just the russian public but those traveling to the goings next year
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it requires an international response because. many commercial or threatened by this is a danger that when terrorism occurs in russia it's kind of dismissed or it's kind of regarded as not really the same thing so i think there's double standards here we've got to take these terrible terrorist attacks in russia very serious seriously as we take these attacks in new york or in london and until that happens until the west does take this seriously i'm afraid that we're not going to get the action needed internationally to stop these attacks taking place in the future. on the website we've got investigators latest findings any opinions on who possibly staged the horrifying attacks and what the terrorist think they might gain from all of their swell so be able to keep up to date on survivors conditions in the hospital. hospitals have come under fire in the central african republic over the past week as violence in the country reached crisis point the international charity doctors
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without borders has been forced to scale back its work in the country's largest refugee camp. the un is now also warning of imminent humanitarian catastrophe with disease rampant among more than a million displaced people half of whom face starvation a french military contingent has been battling the militants there but so far failed to bring any security to the country as artie's or if a national reports. less than a year after french moods marched into mali france again is fighting in another of its former colonies in africa. let's address the situation in the central african republic is alarming if not friendly to the. paris received a green light from the u.n. security council to use military force to restore order after deadly ethnic russians in the country escalated. i have decided to act immediately or more precisely this very evening this was eight hundred francs soldiers were sent to the
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violence torn country to join the six hundred already deployed there. a force that france has no other motive than to save human lives a month later and lives are still being lost on all sides france's sixteen hundred strong force appeared and mabel to put an end to ethnic tensions dating back to the central african republic independence in one thousand nine hundred sixty four through france of former monopoly is responsible for helping to create in africa a number of totally artificial states like ca are and now they jump in with this operation which is stupid militarily economically and politically dangerous scandalous from a human perspective and lead to zero results that zero results if we are talking bringing stability to the country but alan krueger mean president of france is new and capitalist party believes there is more to paris's decision to intervene that i
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was your for france used the pretext of human rights and in fact it was aimed at protecting its economic interests the c.a.r. is rich in resources but it mostly has value due to its strategic location in the center of a vast and rich area so it's eventually all about dominating and controlling the entire region. but others see the african country central location on the continent as the key to fulfill the stated goals of the french military mission of securing the entire region. as your mil france and other european countries are threatened by islamic radical and terrorist groups that are now decentralized and develop in the belt from the mercian teenie a coast to somalia. and french troops deter these dangerous forces and also prevent pirates and drug traffickers from united. but with both critics and advocates of the french military operation in the central african republic equally agree on is
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that no matter what the intentions are behind france's authorities decision to gets moved it's the french people footing the bill that was the operation only became needed as there was a failure of diplomacy and politics in the c.a.r. a failure of the un the african union economic community of central african states and the you know who pays for this pricey campaign all french taxpayers. surveys show less than half of the french population suppose the country's latest major expedition to africa pushed forward by france's least procurer president in polling history well more than a thousand french soldiers are now in the central african republic here in paris the intervention into the country's former colony still gets a mixed reaction no one's really sure if it's an act of goodwill or a calculated move to benefit fronts. where is russia not seen reporting from paris
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. we spoke to carlin claire then an emergency manager with doctors without borders here's what she had to say about the situation. we see more than six hundred thousand people displaced olf alone two hundred thousand in the capital and the finance is continuing our teams are witnessing that bodies on the streets every day yesterday in the camp close to the airport where more than one hundred thousand people are at this moment looking for safety. the shooting in the camp and the shooting is so bad that even our clinic cannot continue in its normal ways we can no longer treat monitor ition we have still one or two doctors in the camp just to take care of the heavily injured people but it's almost impossible for doctors without borders to continue its work at this moment is that the hospitals in bangor but also in the rest of the central african republic are in feted by armed men
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people discriminates in the hospital who came there to a deck patients inside the hospital so yes we see a big problem inside the hospitals are our biggest concern is the situation inside the hospitals but also his people being able to access medical care because they're too scared to go to help post and or to scared to go to hospitals outside of bangui our estimation is that more than six hundred thousand people are living in the bush years now i've met them i faced them in the bushes and people are more nervous they have problems of accessing food accessing health care and you can just see that people are living in extremely poor conditions they're literally living in the bush this close which are more or less wrecks and some people live already since april last year in the bush. it's a bizarre new craze punching strangers on the streets apparently just for fun teenagers in the u.s. have created a new violent type of violence called knockout attacks we'll bring you the full story on that coming up plus. if you own an i phone you may be sharing the use of
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your device with the n.s.a. more on that in a few minutes. much of your advice is centered around the negative aspects of american culture example months leading social eating out voiding of snacks how much of an influence do you think this american culture has on the rest of the credo. to do two things we is making the world the snake. the food. all the countries worldwide.
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the financial downturn in europe has given momentum to a trend that could be too difficult and too late to reverse even as the clouds of the crisis are slowly clearing far right groups are still gaining ground with u.k. greece and france among those witnessing a rapid spread of nationalism artie's peter all of our reports. from the d.l. in britain in the north to golden dawn in greece in the south far right groups are
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making their voices heard in europe. its financial crisis affected everyone and it has allowed the right wing organizations to give people someone to blame for their problems it's those people's fault that is how they recruit greece has seen a marked increase in support of the far right in neo nazi groups golden dawn and organization the right did by their critics as hooligans and third heralded by their supporters as the savior for greece for the greeks and they systematically not only preach and cultivate. but they attack systematical immigrants present golden dawn have made it further than most they have elected officials on their books including current greek m.p. elias custody out us it's not only in politics that extreme right views the
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permeating this goal celebration by the earth and the artists so the midfielder banned for life from the national team despite his claims that he didn't know what the salute meant but the clearest indicator of the popularity of the far right will be when europeans go to the polls in may to vote in the e.u. parliamentary elections one of those parties on the rise in france is muddying the lipans national front. on the european people are realizing that the years in empire the soviet union in fact is destroying their freedom despite insistences that they want to take part in the political discourse we've seen repeated violent clashes involving these groups even in some of the most stable nations like austria where around a third of people voted for parties that are considered the right wing in a recent election. so we need to slow down immigration i have nothing against
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foreigners but enough is enough. you're saying where the money should go to allow again poor countries on it's of their own country and they used to wouldn't be like a. state everything. it used to be that all parties interest spruced and the e.u. second now it's only. it seems as long as europe's finances continue to languish in the red more and more expedient says the right to roll over. on line we tell you about the cost cutting cleanup at fukushima a former worker claims makeshift curios were used to hold the leaking nuclear plant together apparently including duct tape find out more on our web site. also there
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we tell you why brits are being advised to go to bed early drink less tea and even shower in groups that story and much more at are two dot com. the saatchi winter olympics are promising to be a literally dazzling event top specialists and engineers have created a lighting system like no other and are ready to wow audiences around the world with an artist to bang let's say reports from the host city. the eyes of the world will be on sochi come february the seventh and frantic work has been going on behind the scenes to make sure the lifting venue sparkle not just for the crowds but for millions of t.v. viewers around the world for the lighting technicians it's been a mess of undertaking lush media for us this is one of a kind technology and design in the world that isn't even the manufacturers who initially claimed it was similar to some other models that have finally admitted our installations are totally unique in other words this is an experimental model
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that will set a benchmark for the whole world like this electric cutting lighting was months in the making the olympic committee found the brightest and best engineers who came up with a unique design for every stadium l.e.d. lights was selected for their age or ability they're made to last for a century but also public college changing while factor in for such a short film such installations are temporary solution for various sports competitions but this one is hopefully going to stay for quite some time it is based on the cutting edge technology and totally new software that the world has yet to a dog. off to dog the park stadium becomes a scene not worrying ice storms and tumbling snow flakes the ice bank sports palace turns into a giant aquamarine wave the atlas skating rina a million giant was shimmering rainbow colors the first stadium will be hosting the opening and closing ceremonies and the preparations are for the light sherry's have
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been kept carefully under wraps but the crowds were of the light mission is the ice palace this evening i've been given the honors of switching on of the lights here at the olympic park stadiums with this much fern and a touch of a button let's see what the magic of technology candy. and what a lot of the kilo does all the. rods of sportsman's live and of course right here in the solid sheet between the black sea and the beautiful white capped mountains and to almost a coming to you from the olympic park in sochi. where we're bringing you more behind the scenes coverage of the alleged back build up with just one month to go before the soft two thousand and fourteen launch. of the twenty fourteen olympics what's this place like. is so special as the
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russian resort prepares to logan the world power the games should be in the city's present and future what sochi will bring you this is a moment they're reporting from a very cold and snowy windy mountainous tough beyond the olympics but come. on our team. a strange and brutal game is spreading across the united states players choose a victim on the streets with the only aim to knock them unconscious with a single punch police recently arrested a man suspected of at least five such attacks artie's marina portnoy is following the disturbing trend. you're walking down the street minding your own business and without warning police say they are investigating yet another knockout attack attackers mainly in their teens targeting victims at random it's called the knockout game the goal of this violent and twisted so called game is to knock
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a stranger unconscious with a single punch a feared phenomenon across the nation the ongoing brutality has claimed lives in at least three u.s. states here in new york city more than ten people have been randomly assaulted among the youngest a twelve year old student among the oldest a seventy six year old woman was walking along warman avenue when a man struck her in the head this man too scared to show his face on camera says he was attacked last month while walking home from work surrounded me and one of them as i tried to get away one of those steps now towards me and. with the clothes is on the face in some cases suspects have been arrested and charged however exacerbating the problem these videos uploaded on you tube have been viewed by millions raising concerns about copycat attacks many knockouts have
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taken place in broad daylight as victims were walking through their own neighborhoods and as the n.y.p.d. a department of thirty four thousand officers continue struggling to curb the string of violence citizens are seeking alternatives to stay safe. former n.y.p.d. officer rabbi gary moskowitz is offering his seventh degree black belt skills for free to knock out victims and others seeking protection we're going to someone who works worker you must learn how to be a where you're more for how to fight if some girls were time for the knockout attacks are for women for him ready to moskowitz believes are likely motivated by gang initiation something the n.y.p.d. . he hasn't officially acknowledged if ignored because the guy who had a problem is they have to really try to curb organs and they can't do that so for three or so around terms they don't want to put a name on something right away because if they put them in one of them they have to go away or through archie reached out to the n.y.p.d.
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to find out what america's most powerful police department is doing to combat the knockout epidemic our questions and interview requests were ignored it is not fair to ask any police for parm to be able to be assigned to everybody in the shrewd they can protect. us from new york city streets the big apple's mass surveillance system does actually allow officials to know where and when many of the crimes are occurring but so far filming the knockouts hasn't helped to prevent them marino artsy new york for apple enthusiasm might seem like there's not much an i phone can do editing victor for editing documents to scanning fingerprints the bad news is that you're not the only one enjoying these features according to new leaks and the n.s.a. can infiltrate devices with minimal difficulty an article in the german magazine der spiegel claims a program called dropout jeep allows the security agency to track all kinds of personal user data apple has already denied granting the n.s.a.
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backdoor access to its devices but journalist david seaman thinks americans could lose faith in high tech industries. my understanding of it is that this is extremely widespread but is not so much the companies cooperating with the n.s.a. as it is the n.s.a. pouring tremendous amounts of money and talent into developing these hacks we're talking about complete orwellian control of innocent people's phones and innocent people's computers and laptops and i think that it undermines basic faith and confidence in american tech companies this is going to lead to a massive loss of revenue technology has the power to lift all of us up to provide more innovation and transparency than ever before in human history and that's the path that the internet was already on you see the explosion in online media and everybody has a voice an opinion in this global society but the n.s.a. has destroyed a lot of that it's undermined basic faith in the internet. i'll be back with more
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news in about thirty minutes but up next in our worlds apart with oksana boyko who discusses the expanding waistlines of the developed world. there are many internal battles and society liberals and conservatives will never agree on gun rights or abortion but there is one battle that is often more generational than anything the battle for school uniforms teachers argue that uniforms eliminate a big distraction in the classroom and break up the caste systems that can evolve at school between the cool fashionable kids and the ones who can barely afford lunch like me in my younger years but teenagers will scream uniforms crush their freedom of expression and that they have a right to express who they are their individuality who has the right to dictate to them what to wear the thing they don't realize is that if the school doesn't tell them what to wear that big corporations and m.t.v.
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will all the cool individuals who dress alike and blindly follow all the trends are just obeying corporate marketing instead of their parents yeah for some reason it is bad if the school punishes you for dressing improperly but if the cool kids make your life a living hell for not wearing the right brand of shoes well that's all well and good for some reason hey look at it this way school uniforms are cheap which leaves more money for parents to buy you video games being individual in your actions and not a fake individual in trendy clothes but that's just my opinion. along welcome to well that's why if you're a westerner there is one in two chance that you started this year by promising
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yourself to lose weight. interesting me big data on new year's resolutions and diets almost identical more than nine failed so is the living slimmer healthier self just as childish as believing in santa to discuss that i'm now joined by michelle kwan a prominent. inventor of the parisian diet thank you very much for your time sir now i know that your interest in nutrition stems from your childhood here were a chubby kid and you decided to overcome that by empowering yourself with knowledge now you try to share that knowledge with other people but i think was we know for a fact a scientific fact now is that diet simply don't work what works is knowing basic principles of nutrition and applying down through all of your lives so i wonder why do you think people need to buy your book when they can go online and learn everything they need to know about nutrition about metabolism about food free of
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charge because i believe that it is enough to get so much. and i believe in people and they expect that reading this book they are becoming. but how is your diet the parisian diet different from all other dies that you just referred to as fad diet because there are three people last the first one is that i wanted to get this very flexible. this is a fact that this is sustainable because the time during your thing is probably the men time. learn nutrition and. they want to keep people their enjoyment even when dating but it isn't the case that all. inventors of diets including your.


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