tv Headline News RT January 6, 2014 10:00am-10:30am EST
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iraq's president calls in the occupied city of fallujah to expel islamist rebels that seized the city on friday as the army gathers forces for four was sold on the extremist. greenland opens its pristine arctic territories to oil companies for the first time as a country seeks cash and independents are he looks at the debate sparked by the decision. britain's prime minister toughened up their rhetoric on immigration but too little too late says he's say his critics who claim is only looking for votes. but searching international coming to live from moscow with me marina joshie
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welcome to the program iraq's prime minister is calling on the residents of the city of fallujah to drive out insurgents the city has been occupied by the militants since friday when they declared an islamic state that has the army prepares for a major assault on the city with several air strikes already carried out our disposal here has details. elements with al qaeda links have overrun the iraqi cities of ramadi and thousands of residents are fleeing these area as government forces launch airstrikes and fire artillery shells the iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki has vowed that government forces will not leave this area until all these extremist elements are to quote him eliminated but he does admit that for now the government has lost control in these cities in recent days the militants received a boost as they were joined in the fight against the baghdad government by sunni tribesmen and what is interesting is that it marks
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a change from the years prior to the u.s. withdrawal when major sunni tribes turned against al qaeda what we witnessing now is that they join forces with these al-qaeda groups against the shiite led government now the american administration has been slammed for creating the situation there are many who predicted that once the u.s. forces withdrew from iraq they would be a vacuum that would be created and that this would be fulled with extremist elements the u.s. secretary of state john kerry has promised support for the baghdad government that he has ruled out the possibility of boots on the ground he has said that the u.s. would not send troops back to that country to quote kerry he says that this fight is the fight of the baghdad government iran has also said that it is prepared to me and military support to the baghdad government and say troops to help fight al qaida there while in neighboring syria the al qaida fighters who are embattled with the syrian president bashar assad in recent months have been gaining ground and
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gaining strength. as of the first time fallujah has been at the center of the violent battles jury in the war in iraq it became a stronghold of sunni anti-american resistance and co cache was one of those who fought in fallujah and the time anything so what we are seeing now i think because of political mistakes of the past i have come a long way since my time in illusion in two thousand and four and been able to step back and you know i've been involved in a lot of various efforts here in the united states to help veterans out with p.t.s.d. and things like that so i think it's it's as if it's incredible to see that you know a lot of the predictions that those of us who understood what the war was about at least figured out and we got home coming true now because when you understand the nature of war as a racket you want to stand the true motivations behind the united states and variation occupation when you want to stand what kind of puppet government was
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installed in iraq your stand it was really only a matter of time before this happened now we spoke to the president of the u.k.'s arab lawyers association and he says the country's prime minister and his cabinet have completely failed to save the country from ruin the hasn't been able to stop terrorist acts which is the taking the lives of the civilians involved that he is now accusing the guy there which is someone else that being the one who is causing it he is the government is totally incapable of controlling she didn't go that did south except the people that are being put and very tight slot because the government is allowing people to go out beating anybody who comes out in the street even raising their voices this is really a tragedy. well the un says two thousand and thirteen was the bloodiest year in iraq since two thousand and eight was more than eight thousand people killed in the
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turmoil r.t. dot com has a special section dedicated to keeping tally of the violence in the devastated state and the human cost of pace every month. grillin has given a green light to oil exploration of the northeast of the country and area previously untouched by industry the move comes as the cash strapped country searches for a way to fix its economy and given the parents are just like your chefs he takes a close look at the pros and cons of the decision. drilling and oil exploration off
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the western coast of the country particularly baffin bay has already been underway for some time by the likes of shell chevron and exxon mobil but b.p. and its partners will now explore the m.r.o. concession in the north east which amounts to thousands of square kilometers some believe there may be a huge reserves of oil there up to one hundred ten billion barrels potentially the largest in the whole of the arctic the decision of greenland leadership is a complete u. turn from what it said only nine months ago when a moratorium on any further drilling was imposed due to environmental concerns the latest move is understood to be tightly connected with greenland strive for independence from denmark for now it's been relying solely on its faltering fish industry and grants from copenhagen but it's also known to have vast reserves of diamonds gold rare metals as well as having the world's second largest reserves of fresh water but clearly it's the black gold which could make greenland both economically and politically independent and the government is happy to have more international oil giants on board to boost these ambitions however not everyone is
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a thrill to colleges have already blasted the move pointing at b.p.'s checkered record describing the arctic environment as very fragile they say that even a minor oil spill in the crystal clear waters of greenland could cause a major disaster b.p. officials say they will take several years to carefully prepare for the challenging exploration work given the intensity of environmentalists criticism it's almost guarantee that this period will be marked by the protests of those opposed to any drilling in the arctic by letting oil companies into its waters greenland has joined a race for arctic resources a race in which many nations are already competing narratives are gay from modern anson institute in norway explain to me why that region has become so important. well i guess we're all recent climate change that makes the arctic ocean ice cover melt at. a record high paced however i also think technology is well less prices are gas and natural resources overall matters
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a lot and explaining this new interest as well as activity taking place in arctic most of these resources are actually within in dispute. sovereign states control so i think we should and. should more look at the economy and it rather than the potential scramble and clash between states when it comes to utilization here and my colleague kevin owen discussed the environmental debate over the drilling in greenland where the greenpeace activists and he believes that it would be impossible to clean up their afternoon while spillane that the government should look for other economic solutions. it's new technology to clean up the spill not sure whether it's because this colds means that you would have to remove all the all the oil manually bilby no not for that predation and you won't be able to use technologies in my mince like the greenlandic ones extraction of oil and gas would
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of course though give greatly as a color a much needed boost so should the country really be denied these cave results is because of environmental concerns that you up will be addressed anyway i want to me clear that that is not by development agenda and we fully believe the agreements to greenham the population has a right to development but we disagree that oil drilling would be the way to go if you look at the consequences and the risks not only for the environment for but for example the fishery state so you agree it is just should be interest say if they can find wants to believe sound and financially feasible scale industrial projects that should be sufficient for. the contras economy. and coming up on our senior national shake on the cheap or italians feel the financial pinch pennies goods are replacing the country's famous brand me.
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a full picture of today's events. on demand from around the globe. up to. fifty. millions around the globe struggle with hunger each. one of someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge. against g.m.o. and we think that's. the. priest. there is no. evidence that there is any problem with genetic engineering when you make a deal. or is free cheese oh. i don't. use profit. for these golden
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rice. compared to any other big large nationwide institution i would sit in the bank is almost free from all those mistakes. in the significant number of mistakes happen and we try to rectify it we try to put in the system. detect any fault any any problem that arises in the system because that does system is computer that just so that he could check that from your head office what's going on in the villages of the demoed branches we work could all would benefit if a single diligent has access to any bank microcredit program so we have all around the country we have eight and a half million borrowers ninety seven percent of the women are all connected to the system.
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welcome back to society international the u.k.'s prime minister is pushing for a cap on european immigrants to britain he also says there needs to be cuts to welfare for migrant workers but critics claim david cameron is simply trying to win over voters who are increasingly leaning to the right artist her for three fords this is part of these wider plans that the prime minister has to renegotiate britain's relationship with europe and the prime minister insisting that he had already made progress on those renegotiation plans he came under some ridicule on twitter from the ukip leader nine to four hours he said david cameron seems to be trying to sound like me the difference is that i believe what i say now of course that might cause some confusion amongst the public and it's felt by many that the conservative party line on immigration has been somewhat confused because he's had
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the borders opening up. garia romania at the beginning of the year and say possibly a bit of confusion the prime minister's strong words over what his plans for the future are with that renegotiation and of course the big question is that whilst the prime minister might be saying all of this putting these very tough plans on the table the big question remains as to whether the e.u. would accept these terms of renegotiation and a lot of people feel that quite simply that won't be acceptable to the other members of the among those who are saying so is of course you case independence party you say brussels will not give britain what it wants. if he wants to make the changes that he suggested he has to actually get treaty changes and agreement from all the countries and they've already had the european commission in the form of a row so he said that won't the only clear solution is to get your control of your borders back in order to do that you have to leave the european union politicians
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not listening to people in the streets of or into places around the country go to lincolnshire for example they are telling us that they have difficulties in the community because it's changed now that it's not being racist is actually being realistic and listening to those people all that we suggesting you keep is that anyone who comes to this country has to be able to afford to work a pay taxes and contribution to this country but we have to have a sensible immigration policy which brings the best in and ensure that they stay here and pay for the future of this country in the same way that indigenous people do now want to be in the guinness book of world records had to r.t. dot com where you'll find out how women are as dead so just by taking a dip in the sea in the middle of winter plus. could the rise of the machine be led by drones the u.s. military predicts that in a matter of years on manned aircraft will be able to carry out missions without human command get the details on.
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one of. these. people. pleasure to have you with us here on our team today i'm sure. welcome back to which martina national moscow is demanding an explanation from senegal over the seizure of a russian trawler the crew of the ship says it was an organized operation carried out with the government's knowledge vessel was detained on saturday off the coast of kenya so senegalese officials claim it was fishing illegally but the ship has
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since been inspected and no evidence has been provided a crew of sixty two russians and twenty others from getting this hour still on board their passports were confiscated. let's take a look at other stories from around the world in key members of the western backed syrian opposition are in turkey to decide on their participation in the g of a two peace conference aimed at stopping almost three years of bloodshed in syria last week another influential group the syrian national council reiterated their refusal to take part in the talks meanwhile in fighting between al qaeda linked extremists and other rebels groups have left dozens dead in eastern syria. president omar al bashir has arrived in the capital of south sudan for talks with these counterpart and ending the bloodshed in the country meanwhile fierce fighting continues across south sudan as peace negotiations between rebels and the government if you will be on making no progress reports say an army general has
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been killed during intense battles in the town of bor and over a thousand people have lost their lives in the violence in self sudan. two separate blast in pakistan have left eleven people dead the first explosion occurred in the northwest of the country at the home of a local tribal leader killing ten including children it is reported the house was used as a weapons distribution point for local militants the other person died in a suicide blast near scola the country's north reports say the taliban could be behind the assault. tennessee has issued a state of emergency as vast parts of the united states are in the grip of a heavy snowstorm meanwhile masses of frigid air have put the midwest of the country in deep freeze with temperatures forecast to hit minus fifty celsius in some areas schools are chicago and throughout minnesota have been closed and people are advised to stay at home extra as claimed sixteen lives so far
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the leopard is one of the symbols of the upcoming winter olympics in sochi and there's a reason for that mountain so the caucuses are home of endangered creatures who are fighting tooth and claw to survive to bomb would say as in sochi to find out what's being done to help still be hunted is results will scavengers persian let the smallest little while can someone still in these mountains in the cool cases. now the soul of three elusive and skillful planet is being introduced to the natural habited after fifty years thanks to the caucuses nature reserve leopard sentance. it's part of a program linked to the sochi twenty fourteen winter games that aims to preserve and improve the region's wildlife and environment.
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though the animal has been spotted on the russian caucasus a few times there is no viable leopard population there our program is designed to start the new population of the persian labyrinth in the caucasus mountains and to restore the species in its natural habitat there has been success here two cups born at the national park in july with the first ever born in captivity. their parents have been brought in from lisbon zoo in portugal to to the us with them to get used to their new home and each other. the connection wasn't to mediate but it didn't come and then for his kids it was captured on camera the health of the family will be wanted today using g.p.s. chips well the next twenty years all in all the center now has ten leopards it's home to this group can lead to a resurgence called the species the leopards live in a temporary open eight cages in the reserve which i quipped with cameras there
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observed closely while the adept before being released into the wild their food is pigs and leaves in the cages to show up in out their hunting skills. one cob that wasn't shy about cameras was groom his mother neglected him after he was born now the keep his act as falls to parents taking him for walks feeding him and giving him extra love and attention because. now graham he is only six months old he's pretty happy and he will be here making sure that there's more of him out of this nature park to bomb would say in so she's a nature park forty and tomorrow will be just a month before the winter olympics as our channel will get an update from the organizing committee had a much more so stay with us here national for our special coverage.
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now in the midst of a financial storm italians are turning their backs on the designer brands that have made their counter world famous and they are increasingly turning to chinese producers for cheap goods sometimes even labeled made in italy artistic or biscuit off has more. well john mark. four generations of this family have made their living from the textile business italian kashmir silk garden you name it these people have quality clothing in their d.n.a. any higher quality which fewer and fewer customers are able to afford now with this the people they they are interested in the nice things but that they have no money to buy and they go to buy
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a cheap pair of boots and this is that is also why is the proud i call rubbish brad the junk food the junky clothes or as the economy struggles to go on this recession in half a century demand for a luxury goods among italians is going down but for some the crisis has provided great opportunities just like many other cities across the world rome has its own chinatown as well whole district in the center of the city filled with showing these businesses which go way beyond cities to take out and include shops or even boutiques and chinese clothes which have been spreading all around formal casual sporty every size and styles clothes and footwork are presented here and with a price tag sometimes as much as ten times lower than the competition it's flying off the shelves there is nothing to think about here i'm not going to spend my last cash under sachi i buy chinese stuff yes they make good cotton clothes sometimes
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but i always check the label first and here's the punchline these chinese schools are not made in china anymore the materials are imported yes but since they're assembled here who are just lieschen allows the made it will be stamped on every item something italian companies want changed if you need chinese be. let off the proc about there we are working extensively on quality and not the. quantity but large quantity and lope. rices proved the perfect tactic for the chinese who courting to the bank of italy general at least one and a half million dollars out of italy to china you should be good it's been over our tea room. all next me the family man that was no children of his own but who still loving way raising more than seventy kids if you're in britain it's going underground with us you know times.
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there are many eternal battles in society liberals and conservatives will never agree on gun rights or abortion but there is one battle that is often more generational than anything the battle for school uniforms teachers argue that uniforms eliminate a big distraction in the classroom and break up the caste systems that can evolve at school between the cool fashionable kids and the ones who can barely afford lunch like me in my younger years but teenagers will scream uniforms crush their freedom of expression and that they have a right to express who they are their individuality who has the right to dictate to them what to wear the thing they don't realize is that if the school doesn't tell them what to wear that big corporations and m.t.v. will all the cool individuals who dress alike and blindly follow all the trends are just obeying corporate marketing instead of their parents yeah for some reason it is bad if the school punishes you for dressing improperly but if the cool kids make
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your life a living hell for not wearing the right brand of shoes well that's all well and good for some reason hey look at it this way school uniforms are cheap which leaves more money for parents to buy you video games being individual in your actions and not a fake individual in trendy clothes but that's just my opinion. if you've. got no opportunity. start to construct you're a long. queue don't want to be bit gives don't want to meet gangstas you don't want to be drug dealers they don't want to blow a window of time that the kid came to be we can see. you just means the boat is out of the right oh probably the hook but a.k.o. somebody with thirty rock you know. what it felt like. but i said what about that.
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the the political. posts the. science technology innovation called the list of melamine spun around russia we've got the future covered. find knock and it shall be opened to you. these pictures of them ski as an army recruit were taken in the nineteen released. i never thought that he would become a clergyman was seventy children and yet when he returned home after two years of
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military service. i had no doubt that he would join the priesthood. so what happened to him on the border with afghanistan. after graduating from some unary nicholai was appointed to a post or in the city raz some of continents of europe and asia its river forms the border there plains as far as the eye can see the region is subject to blazing heat in summer and severe cold in winter the famous or in vogue shoal is born here to start choosing temperatures. the young clergyman and his wife came to the village of such a one hundred kilometers from morn there is nothing remarkable in the village other than rows of buildings. this prompted father nick.
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