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tv   Documentary  RT  January 6, 2014 10:29am-11:01am EST

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after two years of military service. i had no doubt that he would join the priesthood. so what happened to him on the border with afghanistan. after graduating from some unary nicholai was appointed to a post or in the city ras some of continents of europe and asia its river forms the border there plains this is the i can see the region is subject to blazing heat in summer and severe cold in winter the famous or the shoulder is born here to start choosing temperatures. the young clergyman and his wife came to the village of one hundred kilometers from or. there's nothing remarkable in the village other than rows of buildings. this prompted father nicholai to plan the construction of
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three churches in orthodox school and a charity house. in home so cute by terrorists square meter of to. give them more money was needed to buy the house and then syria. when construction work began father knew i didn't have enough money to complete it that's the way it was. but miraculously the project was completed the main church resembles the one in orangeburg that was torn down in soviet times the design of the orthodox school was copied from a nineteenth century diary as for the administrative building it was inspired by a picture in a book of fairy tales by odds on the pushkin. the cushions the last house across the road it is big enough to accommodate father nicholas incredibly large family of seventy children. as a young boy i drowned over
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a family with many children. a modest wife and enough money to buy her a nice dress. but then i married and bought a dress. that. we had no kids of our own. so we went to an orphanage to adopt some young children richard just took away the ones that were offered and we had no idea how children should be cared for so on no occasion we doctored five kids. and as time went by we realized that we could care for them for you to. take in a couple more i said to my wife but then we ended up adopting seven.
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daddy. daddy. i was one of the several kids that they had taken then i asked him what shall i call you. he said call us father and mother if you like yes very much i responded and after that i found it easy to call their mother and father. i remember the day when for they came to the orphanage he and his wife were sitting in the chair in the corridor when they came up i thought the one wearing the black robe was a woman i mistook it for a dress i told him only and he gave me a suite or. when i turned him over and got another suite i wasn't exactly sure who was momen who was that. three years later father nicholas family had grown to forty seven children. on another occasion a woman from another town chanced upon a seven year old boy remedying through garbage cans he was. dirty she brought him
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to me and asked me where i could give him shelter. if he had just some documents and where he was from he had no documents he was from hunting. this woman has heard about our place and was just planning to come to or inboard to visit her friend so she decided to take this boy with her and i said ok he's just one person let's holler family grew. the situation with neglected children was quite desperate at the time but it would be i believe one third of the kids or those brought to me by other people so i thought he was the lord himself i was a little child then my granny had told me many stories about god there was an icon in our house so when i first saw my father he was like god. at that time i knew i was as young as her daughter is now father nicholai had already cheap priesthood even though he was just a young man under thirty. when he first took his new family to church the
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children pick pocketed parishioners. the first to head a rose tinted picture of the children i saw them as angels when my wife and i went through a very difficult period filled with uncertainty to take them back from that which was tough. but they do we want to give them a rabbit a gift from my heart but the following morning the rabbit was nowhere to be seen where did it go did it run away took it in take long to find it but it was lying dead just outside the garden gate somebody had stabbed it as it turned out that the father of the boy who killed the rabbit so be used to kill dogs eat. and. many a father nikolai's children did not have ideal childhoods some were removed from
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poor houses where they had to steal to survive others had never seen a tooth brush or even an apple the mothers would drink even though they were pregnant some of the children still have scars from beatings one daughter's head was slammed against the wall by her alcoholic biological father so their new father needed to work a miracle for them to overcome their past. the. patients but it's hard to escape the past like yesterday for example we have a girl here i took her from a maternity home when she was just a b.b. so yesterday she stole a purse from her tutor but one other girl saw the act and demanded to know what she was holding her hands so the little one said want me to share some with the you why. i say this here last is there's.
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well if it. was a good job. father nicholai hired a staff of nannies to help raise in teach the children. over time he learned how to both encourage and discipline. i always try to avoid spanking them but sometimes i simply have to even though it is their wrong thing to do. those who are nervous breakdowns usually when they misbehave. i just don't allow them to play. join the others on one of our many trips. and this case they just stayed home with the nanny. in the summer he takes all the children to the seaside to go sailing and sometimes it takes time to moscow. this one shows father and me
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visit in jerusalem i was eight years old here i'm three years old for this is in america. and i remember being credible with the arrival of a new comer here comes the girl nobody knows especially going to call them father and mother like we do father says this goes name is he or she will stay with us i fly into a rage how come she's going to live with us and calls a mother and father. father nicholai knows perfectly well how to settle conflicts among the children of the well i talk to each of them separately and i told them i understand where they're coming from i told them i'm on their side and then the next child comes and i told them the same and this way conflicts will settle themselves. the family focuses on raising the children that they have but some come on their own accord maria
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a distant relative of father nikolai asked to join his family. i came here when i was sixteen years old the other girls who are about the same age if we had been raised in the same family there would be no conflicts we simply didn't know each other i wasn't here for sixteen years they have been living together for a long time they belong to different nationalities and have managed to build a community and then i came suddenly. you know what i mean male the saying goes when in rome do as the romans do but she was out to impose her own rules and us. she wanted to be the leader but that would not work with us. we aren't allowed to play football with the boys but she did i told her playing football with the boys was against the rules. she said are you trying to teach me if she came back and began swinging her arms in front of me we had a fight about roost me. it was about kinship and who loves whom you see
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mari is a relative of mine but the other girl c. but we have been with our father since childhood he loves us more than he does you remember that's what caused the quarrel with you but i had to succumb to the majority but i told you did the wrong thing by trying to set yourself against all the others who put your. now maria lives in the charity house across the road from father nikolai's family there's a pacemaker inside my chest i gave off a bad train i knew several old women complaining about their children living off their pensions and the grandma disaster. the rules the streets to hear if the girls can't wear trousers they have to whisk cops in cousin nicholas house kids lead the way they like to kill will leave as if you were in a morning story sometimes life gets very boring and there is no communication with the outside. the family gathers together during rehearsals they are always
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preparing for a performance. was the. one who wants to break even christmas and all the new year by the frost won't find you. boys and girls live and study separately they meet in church at rehearsal or on the far. right. thank you. please i.
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cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. coming right on the scene sixty. first street he lives and i would think picture. on a reporter's twitter. and instagram. could be in the. mob. and. they all told me my language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports but i'm not in a position to know i will leave them to stapling a comment on your latter point someone to say that if mr k.l.a.
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car is on the dock you know god. thank you no more weasel words when you say to direct question are you prepared for a change when you throw a punch be ready for a battle pretty speech and a little down to freedom to cast. do we speak your language or not a day of. school music programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news a little turn to tip angles couldn't stories. you hear. detroit all teach spanish find out more visit. it's not like. we're going to go digital the price is the only
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industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our craft semi-colons we've been hijacked lying handful of friends dash all corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built up my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks and rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing or not to find a job ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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you can do if you can if you can give. you. let it be that black and white cow this one your favorites. then you wash her. time she's kicking. instead same time while you were washing it.
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he likes. to tell us about your fiance. came here and he liked me thanks changed numbers then became friends and i told dad i don't know what's going to happen next. for the priest the most important thing is that his daughter's fiance is a good man. husband is a policeman she was studying to become an accountant in orangeburg which is where she met her spouse. but i don't my father that i have met a guy and he's had he wanted to meet him to. write the code acquainted with said that he's a good guy and we can be friends and so on this is nice to. basically was a man who got married. was the next one. the girls
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love looking at wedding pictures hanging in the house as well as those of all seventy children who all call this dembski their father and mother. the parents members to look out for the first group of children themselves but as the family grew they had to hire people to help them. the mother could not cope with washing diapers for three dozen babies and checking the homework of twenty schoolchildren but like all parents this dembski is trying to spend all their free time together with their children. basically i was my mother's favorite shows holding me in her arms all the time can you see me in her arms in the pictures and here i am in her arms too she was holding me all the time. little by little the day to day lives of the children have changed before it was the mother who put everyone to bed now the older sisters are in charge of the task it's also their responsibility to look after their little ones. it takes four shots to cope with
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the family a lot of food is needed as the children can eat their way through one hundred fifty kilograms of potatoes in just three days but the children always help in the kitchen it's very important for them to know where food comes from and an orphanage children don't even know how to make friday since they only see cook dishes. children come and get your pies. father nikolai's sometimes drops by to see if everything is fine now it is he has very little time to do so. first children got a lot of our attention we spent all the time together with them we took them to try everywhere we went into the. day received lots of our attention i would be biological parents sometimes give less care to their kids than we did. but with the
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kids that we have now the situation is somewhat different. perhaps because we have grown older. at first glance it may seem that life with the children here is no different than in a good orphanage. makes the difference is that they feel protected they don't want to leave this place and they don't ask me to pass them to another family this is the best sign that they feel protected. if they were different from an orphanage even know when i married my father calls me to ask how my kids and i are doing my children treat him as their grandfather and. in addition then bought us a house which is never the case that often injures one with. he helps us as any normal parent but he's got too many children. the priest knows that one day many of them will ask him for
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a blessing of guidance. here they just want to know why they abandoned me. sooner or later almost everyone of the children will wonder why they were abandoned and try to find out who their birth parents are. she was at home when i arrived. i said her maiden name and she confirmed that it was her i said making him sure remembered a certain person the name of the date she said yes so i told her i was his son but she said i wasn't what i said was that strange it's me on the look at my birthday to. but she kept on saying i was not her son so that's the kind of conversation we've had with on the record although she doesn't want me of course i'm not going to thrust myself on her that i do have parents here as they are my dad and my mom that's all i need.
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my mother in the right knows that i leave here and she knew that i had been taken to protect ash. that i don't carry steen about her. she doesn't want me if shit bendin me when i look for her. i have the parents who took care of me and my childhood kneels lose the little and they take care of me of a now. but they can still help me even though i am an adult of them but i have my own family. nowadays they all gather together for big holidays like christmas not just the children but the children's children too. she.
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did it in the in. the. in the. in. some of the older children who work at the monastery others have left father nicholai lets his squad choose their own path. song gilenya what do you want to be when you grow up have you ever thought about it. now. but it's time already it's time to make a choice i know the tyranny could has already made her choice be honest with have you made your choice i want to be a designer or i can painter what about you. i don't know you don't know when you will be and i don't know. what about police officer police officer.
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why are you crying divied. the children know their father supports them and that miracles do happen ask and it shall be given seek and you will find knock and it shall be opened onto you. for instance an ordinary person won't feel very doubtful about building a church did you would saying my name or other resources and he wouldn't cope with the task but as for him he doesn't think he's going to do it he simply does it he's not afraid of anything for guma. home. father nicholai had a parish without a church he managed to found an orthodox town he had no children if he became the father of a very large family. i
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always wanted to be full of children this is my dream what used to maybe my son nikolai will be able to do it more i must raise a successor who can continue what i've been doing conducting children. he told me that will be his successor he's always saying that to the guests. nikolai is eleven now his father often takes them along on trips like to moscow once as they were traveling he told his son what happened to him on the border with afghanistan in the one nine hundred eighty five. during a skirmish she was hit by a bullet which broke his cross but saved a. school stirred was upset because the cross was broken. so he put it on the table and went away. but later when he came back and like. he saw
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that the cross was really as good as new. father nikolai wants his children to start families of their own rather than war is the only explosion he wants them to hear is when the christmas fireworks rumble in the sky. if you got nothing and you got no opportunity. to start to construct your current. kill no longer be bad give don't want to meet gangstas you don't want to be drug dealer this they don't want to blow you know the time the kid came be we can see.
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he just needs a hundred dollars and i hope i was in the hood and what age you know somebody with thirty round clip taking but it felt like. i said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young. one of the new cultural phenomena like making news all the face i think i'm getting . pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm role researcher.
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i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because one full attention in the mainstream media. work side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have to print. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. you guys talk to the jokes i will handle the case i think i've got to.
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choose your language. can only make it without any of the materials and i say still some. choose to get consensus to. get to the opinions that you think are great. choose the stories that imply. choose access to your. but the play list they claim they're hired
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to take us live to get along here is a club that has sex with that perfect their lives a play. just so. live . a.
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legislator . play. play live. play . live.
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tonight iraq's president calls on the occupied city of fallujah to expel islamist rebels seized the city on friday as the army gathers forces for a full assault on the extremists. greenland opens its pristine trees to world companies for the first time as the country seeks cash and independence we look at the debate sparked by the decision. britain's prime minister toughened up the rhetoric on immigration but too little too late say his critics who claim he's only looking for votes. could.


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