tv Larry King Now RT January 6, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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he's the only u.s. politician who served as a navy frogman and a professional wrestler he calls himself america's patriotic and crusade if in truth he's the former minnesota governor jesse ventura speaking about president obama about our failing government and about the truth behind who killed john f. kennedy it's all next on politicking. for the politicking with larry king our guest the former at the pentagon this is minnesota an old friend jesse ventura he was host and executive producer of conspiracy theory with jesse ventura that was on tuesday he's a bestselling author and his new book is they killed our president sixty three
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reasons to believe that was the fist there's eight to assassinate j.f.k. i know a lot about this and i'll get to that a little later but first some current things what are you thoughts on what's been going on in washington with shutdowns and debt ceilings i think i think the shutdown is prophetic larry i think that here's my big question since the government shutdown now let's keep track of the number of days we should now have to pay taxes then should week good idea jesse you know if they shut the government down then there we should lose our tax obligation because what are we paying for this is something i don't stand has to health care bill you know the supreme court said it's a law you know. they now don't want to obey the law exactly why. can you not obey the law again that's the democrats and the republicans larry i can't answer for them my belief is that the american people should vote them all out of office all all of them and the problem is though don't elect
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a democrat or republican to replace them maybe there's a wait the country up that is time like my previous book the democrats in the red blood lecterns maybe it's time larry there's a wait the country up to stop electing them do you think we will ever see an independent president really maybe oh you might run again well al anon i'll know tomorrow if i because i want howard stern as my running mate. you can ask howard yeah i already have and you've already talked on occasion and he's considering and we'll find out tomorrow whether we'll go forward what would be your plaint. would be simple and i'll win with it. i if i run i will offer the people of the united states the first opportunity to elect a president who does not belong to a palooza political party said george washington he is our only president who did not belong to a political party at all and this would give the american people an opportunity to
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make history again and we're going to have multiple but we had the wig the federalists where we had were of the world i have any parties. they're nothing but gangs that's all they are i don't belong to any of them elect a president that belongs to no political party and i believe larry you could win off that that alone especially now in light of this government shutdown that's what scares me larry all the pieces are falling into place for me we take this week early so the should the shutdown may be over on the think we'll learn from it. learn what learn not to do it again well they won't make got to change the make up then they won't learn from it obviously because they care more about i mean they like you said it's the law and now they want to break the law well in my book i give many many many things in there where the laws were broken like the fact that a crime seed we all know it from watching t.v.
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they put the yellow tape and no one is allowed in there until forensic is gone over and then they take the tape down while president lyndon johnson broke the law he immediately had the limousine removed from dallas sent up on monday morning it was being refurbished in michigan when it why do people why do we allow our elected officials to be above the law they should have to abide by the same laws we do a good deal i know it and i was runners of madison exam maybe something you don't know that i can relate to you ok possible jesse i live by the ages there are you know a lot of stuff that i don't know anything at lived about the president barack obama president obama. i think that i like him i like that the fact he's our first african-american president i love that i never thought i'd see that my lifetime that we would have a black man president i love that aspect i just wish that he would have held true to his convictions of what got him elected because he seemed to abandon once he got
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in office everything that he said he was going to do he was going to close gitmo he was going to end the wars none of those things and that iraq is ending and. that is that end date it did end around he did it you don't whether you're fighting in iraq and spending or private contractors paid for the united buys you not strike the government how do you know well. how do you know of i don't know there you go what are they there for then. why are they there they're saying he's still going on a war and you know it's not officially carrying it on but you know whether or not there's still hostilities and there needs to be american presence there we're going to be there for the next twenty years larry why are we still there pull us out when you make it a tea party i try not to make note of another. very rigidly were a good concept until the koch brothers took control of them and now they're nothing but a a right wing arm of the of the money people who want to bring the republicans even
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farther right than they already are whether oppose the republicans appear to be in trouble is a definite breakage in that party oh there's a solution to that you have or what will you nothing never you were never i know i was never republican i was never democrat in fact if you go back larry and i know you'll remember this because you're old enough i voted for john anderson if you were john way i mean i could be eighty's i've never voted for democrats or republicans my entire life i find an alternative to vote for john as i was a terrific man yes it was a great mode most third party people are people to break off from the two gangs you're a veteran what did you make of the way syria was and boldly eventually zero zero zero avoided conflict well i didn't like the fact of the hypoxia of america we're going to go to war over chemical weapons right right excuse me what's naipaul that's a chemical weapon we've been using for sixty years it just burns are real quick i
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guess that's humane but we use that in a war not a supposedly not against civilians what i'm just sand i just sand you know we do use it in a war vietnam was never a war or not a lawyer so we used it against civilians civilians died because of napalm so the end let me get back to i'm on track your it that was just a red herring to get the people to back another war. the problem is we're a war culture now we have to be at perennial war it seems we've been a war my entire life if you count the war on drugs and that's a war to twenty thousand mexicans died last year but getting back to where i want to go on this it wasn't for that reason they want they want to run a pipeline through syria and assad's not being cooperative so that's why they need to overthrow his government so that they'll be so they can run that pipeline through trust nolan said you trust no one yes i trust certain people but you see things when you see
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a situation you see what was behind that you have dried up because because larry my government's lied to me so often i mean let's look at recent years they lied about weapons of mass destruction in iraq they lied that iraq was tied to al qaeda they were not they lied about the rescue of jessica lynch they lied about the murder of pat tillman the lies go on and on and on so what's happened is my i have no the government has no credibility with me anymore you think putin flanked us. i think he put himself out of a good position on this thing because putin came out as the man of peace but he brought the deal but what if the end result is ok that's ok that's ok i was already there was if he did absolutely on tired of these wars clearly so are the majority of americans now because i heard the calls to congress were running over three hundred to one opposing and they were any military operation read that in syria and
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finally maybe the american people are waking up if larry if we wouldn't got involved in all these wars that we've been in we could have health care triple over we could all have the better and that's what gets me to these congressmen and senators they have four options on health care they can choose from we don't even have one how dare them get anything that an average citizen can't get you're a navy seal a navy frogman that's correct you sound like a piece nit i am and most people would assume that frog men would be dunked ho militarist nationalist i was when i was eighteen to twenty four years old and now sixty two would change watching what happens watching my country a perennial war and not one of these wars accomplish a thing it's like colonel l. fletcher prouty said there was a meeting that took place after japan by the four leaders of stall in.
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shanghai shack at the time because no one in yet. still jerk you know and rumor truman and they all made an agreement at that time that all wars would be fought in third world countries and there'd be no direct objective the military could achieve in which to declare victory it's true every war in my lifetime has been in a third world country and there's been no objective that can be achieved to declare victory i'm tired of war i'm sick of going to war i'm sick of our spending larry we spend more on defense than the top twenty five. one trees combine. after twenty six and twenty five of them are our allies why do we need to spend all this money on defense lagnado and spending hard not to argue ijaz you're a supporter i guess of the occupy wall street movement yes it seemed to what happened to it i don't know i just went down there because i'm a supporter of the first amendment larry and the first amendment says you out you
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used to have the freedom to petition your government and protests you don't now now they passed a law they can arrest you for that i think i know we're going to go with this what do you make of the n.s.a. surveillance. the well to be if let me put it this way if i become president the first two pardons i will do will be that guy and bradley manning they know xiv snowden and manning would receive presidential pardons from me because anybody anyone out there that is a whistleblower and government wrongdoing is a hero and yet we're going to put bradley manning in prison and what was the first thing showing a helicopter gunning down innocent civilians murdering them the person that carried the message is going to jail and the people that killed are walking free but you know the only person that said that cornell west he said it and i say and he and i get along great obama said about snowden though all right if he did the right thing
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why not come home and face a trial and bring the story public rather than hiding wealth because do you really think with our government he'd get a fair trial we a uses but everything i don't believe anyone no i just think that in a situation where it's national security and that that high level v.a. going to get a fair trial here i don't believe he would how come we haven't tried any of the guys that get no. how come a have been held for over ten years and never charged with a feint not one of them is seen the light of day of a trial by the way that's another thing i do as president i would immediately make contact with fidel castro and i would inform him that within one to two years we've given you back get mo because that's a piece of property that belongs to cuba you got into should row i get in touch with fidel because i know fidel and he still alive and i'd like to stalk to be
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again uses interesting person to time i would love to then do i guess an audience into this what do you think of drones drones flying over the united states who are into it killing people i think is horrible because whatever happened to trials and convictions and innocent until proven guilty withdrawn means you just killed who gave the president the right to murder people without a trial in this country where did that come from a when we come back to treat act when we come back i'm going to try to get jesse ventura to have an opinion on something as if they're a difficult interview when someone is so manly bamby scares the middle and tries to avoid every man's be right back.
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badly jesse ventura his new book they killed our president before i ask about it and some other things you are joining on a little network can or oh yes i am larry as you know my last book i saw you come out of retirement and i thought something had to inspire this and talking to the people here lo and behold everything moved forward or i got in contact with me and we worked it out we've dotted the i's and cross the t's the contract is signed and the seniors i'm done with this book tour will be moving full forward on what i hope will be called internet free america because i'm doing it from mexico over the american border so the drones don't shoot me and i'm not put in prison for what i talk about in this country and so we don't backstab them who read over a number the number of radio free europe should i broadcast on there you go all be doing the same thing back here and. now than are monsters of mexico and still in politics i'm looking forward to it as as a member and tourism and or
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a member of the mystique on wolf man jack how they said he had to broadcast the men because they would allow me that's the hook the guy got to go to mexico and he's over it i know all right jesse ventura's new book they killed our president sixty three reasons to believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate j.f.k. i know a lot about this person who jim garrison well the district attorney in new orleans he tried clay shaw he showed me a lot of evidence that was not introduced i always had an open mind on this you when did you begin to question this well thought it was twelve years old when president kennedy was murdered and then unfortunately for me at that age about a year and a half later ed sullivan had on the beatles and the world changed for all us teenagers the beatles in the stalls i paid no attention until i actually got out of the military and i went to one year of junior college and while i was at junior college mark lane came there and spoke and i listened to him and that's when i don't you mean wait a minute there's people that are saying it isn't what the government said you know
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there's people out there questioning the warren commission more it's all exactly and so what really did it believe it or not was pro wrestling in the mid 1980's wrestling and already spent twenty six regional territories where you drove to the towns when vince mcmahon took it national with cable t.v. all of a sudden we're no longer driving to towns we're flying all over the country well larry you know as well as i do when you fly a lot there's a lot of dead time you sit in airports you sit on planes so why at that point started reading every book i could get my hands on the kennedy killing because to me it was way more intriguing than reading vince flynn or clancy or any of them because their work is just their imagination and fiction based on what may be somewhat truthful on their own but this is. real life where the characters are real in this everything really happened and i found the kennedy killing to be so
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intriguing all the different aspects of behind the scenes of what went on that i read every book i could get my hands on and then and the reason i wrote this book larry is really for i wrote this for personal reasons that and that's this for whatever it's worth one hundred years from now when i'm gone i want the world to know that the thirtieth governor of minnesota did not believe the warren commission and did not believe what the government said in the murder of our president why would all those distinguished members some pretty good gerald ford was a hell of a nice guy knew him why would those distinguished members of the warren commission rush to judgment i'm not sure that they rushed to judgment and i came out very fast right but i think there was evidence kept being withheld from them by the f.b.i. if the evidence didn't go to oz walled the warren commission never sought. and one case in point mr newman who i met during my t.v.
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show he's the guy you'll see of the zapruder film lying on the ground covering his children he was physically the closest man to the fatal head shot i witnessed saw the whole thing the warren commission never even talked to him he told me he said it came from the knoll right well he said it came over his shoulder area where he was behind the note was written only admit as well was shooting no oh then you're off no ok i don't necessarily because i don't think ignore i'm not wrong let me bring up our coverage here he could not make it to the lunchroom and buy a coke in the length of time that officer in the building and i got into his plane is to me and then and there was a witnesses just explain this one thing them or i interviewed the policeman who arrested oswald in the movement the it up after tippit you grieve got to know you don't think oh no you know why i don't agree that quick let me explain there were shell casings on the ground there oswalt was picked up with a revolver you're saying he shot tippit empty do shells by the body and then ram
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let me show you with an automatic not a sight of all further to tell you one thing in response or some would back you and so was it but at this is something mom involved all right i interviewed that the police sergeant do arrest that as well in the movie at the hoover theater and oz will said only one thing in the drive down to the police station and he said it twice i'm a patsy i'm a patsy if you're a patsy a means to a set up you were somehow involved jim garrison told me there was a guy hired to fly a plane into dallas to pick up someone who did fit the description of us won't fly him out of the country that man never showed up what does he mean by patsy well what he means like by was easy but that was walt was involved in our intelligence community and oz wald when he got picked up new i think he knew why he was getting picked up out of the corps ok let me see this to unite. he's an interesting word here not just saying i'm innocent we'll wait if you know patsy exactly that means
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i'm being set up here right that's not a normal response from somebody i've brought in many muslim be picked up by a car and he wasn't let's talk about the movie theater ok all they knew was that a guy went in that theater and didn't buy a ticket ranters because you know a guy across the street saw him sneak in the side and go in and he called the police now imagine you're the police dispatcher that's all they know the president was killed an hour ago officer tippit was killed roughly a half hour ago you get a call about a guy at the afternoon matt made at the texas theater doesn't buy a ticket yet what was sent there chen's cars twenty four cops in the news media to film it for a guy who didn't buy a ticket to get him that's all they know they have a film coming out of the us they threw it i mean there's a whole i've seen it and they're there to load him in they've got cameras the t.v.'s right there tends to want cars and twenty four cops for
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a guy who did oswald was going there to meet his handler and it is good television now they're back you up at a certain way a man that was left that made fun of and mocked as the medical examiner of dallas who chased the car carrying the body first at the time kennedy was shot the shooting of a president was not a federal crime exactly and the medical examiner needed the body because he had to do an autopsy find out the cause it had at his law ok he's running chasing the limo they're all laughing at him they made fun of him. yet i was told by three different people including former turn generally united states that that guy was right absolutely cause you couldn't have tried lee harvey oswald because the first person to testify would have been the medical examiner and he never got to examine the body which was flown to washington yes correct yep now i'll give you another one as i noticed the car was
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a crime scene correct the president was murdered in the car correct lyndon johnson immediately sent the crime scene to michigan violate obstructing justice forensic was never allowed to look at the carving johnson was part of conspiracy to absolutely you do with the meeting that took place with clint murchison edgar hoover j. edgar hoover his his lifetime mistress madeline brown stated she was there when johnson came out he grabbed her hand and said after tomorrow those kennedy boys will never bother me again which all of us but i never heard that he testified on commission no no warren commission didn't want anybody that told a different story come down to the final of thing on this book or i will cool conspired to kill him well that's the difficult question in fifty years let's just put it this way jack kennedy made a lot of enemies he made enemies of the military industrial complex because he
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would not invade cuba which they wanted to do and he was going to pull us out of vietnam so that's two wars that kennedy was going to head off that we were going to be part of that ticked them off he was going to take away the oil depletion allowance which is where all these oil guys make their real money not having to pay taxes because kennedy couldn't figure out how the guy like h.l. hunt could make thirty million a year and not pay any taxes is so he was going to do it so that got the oil people angry at him he was the first president to bring in civil rights. and equality johnson passed that right but kennedy started it all and so that ticked off the south so who killed him down with the n. and he also after the bay of pigs said he was going to break the cia into a thousand pieces and he fired their top three guys allen dulles so the cia was pissed at him kennedy had more enemies within his administration that he had in the
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rest of the world or that his soviets he was actually do you know he was back channel communicating with nikita khrushchev and they were going to end the cold war by sixty five i never heard of that all read my book i'm going to read it after the fact though anything can come up with a conspiracy like obama's hated today against more death right where secret service guy told me they get more death threats for all bomb of than all presidents combined they deal with it every day so if he's killed you're going to have a conspiracy of who i really are i mean well it's so easy to come up with this yes yeah but it's but but when you come up with a patsy like oz wald larry he couldn't make the shots impossible i show in the book not only could i not do it we recreated it on my show and we didn't even have a moving target with that piece of junk weapon hears i could make them not only we cover carlos hathcock who is considered the greatest sniper of the united states
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marine corps the head instructor at the quantico marine sniper school they reset up the whole thing he couldn't do it and us will wait aas well when you go into the military they give you batteries attests because the military is not still as a marksman know he will yet again get a marginal medal that's the lowest you can be ok i got a break i got to run that's the law i want to tell you one thing jesse there are two truths to foods in life you are never dull and two i can't wait to read this book and i can't wait to go part of laura while i think you're going to really enjoy the chapter on dorothy kill gallery and you. or well jesse ventura the book they killed our president this is the another edition of politicking with larry king i'll see you next time. it looks like. we're going to go to juneau the price is the only
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industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy trek albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked trying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told to us my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america to find him or feel ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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plus time of the new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news coming in. alexander's family cry tears of the war and a great big other that had to be either read or get a quart of water found alive there's a story made for a movie is playing out in real life.
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no and a welcome to the twenty fourteen and now girls isn't a boom bust here are some of the stories we're tracking for you today. first up we're kicking off a year and a historic way for women i'm talking about janet yellen spat had confirmation taking place today we'll tell you all about it coming right up also the wall street washington world valving door is spinning like a roulette wheel and it looks like the carlyle group is cleaning up thanks there new acquisition i'll tell you who's going to where later on in the show and you better judge a book by its cover or maybe a company's job by the pretty face of its c.e.o. well apparently having been looked at the helm is also good for business but don perseus and i discuss this in today's big deal coming up and it all starts right now.
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