tv Headline News RT January 18, 2014 2:00am-2:30am EST
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russian officials venture behind the barbed wire at america's notorious guantanamo bay prison where more than a dozen detainees are reportedly being post lead and amid an ongoing legal strike. the chaos of war is turning syria into an emerging drugs a haven we report on how the country has become a major production side for one potent stimulant in the space of just a few years. and the massive data collection on americans and foreigners around the globe will be kept in place indefinitely as president obama is criticized for lack of action following his speech on the n.s.a.'s practices.
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a very warm welcome to you if you've just joined us here on our team to national you live with me to bomb would say let's take a look at our top stories a delegation from moscow it's trying to secure the release of a russian citizen who's been held without charge at guantanamo bay for more than a decade russian officials are also looking into the ongoing hunger strike and the force feeding of detainees at the u.s. military facility is that of the see it should get now reports for the first time in twelve years a russian delegation spearheaded by the foreign ministry special representative for human rights access to visit the guantanamo detention camp the goal meeting with the sole russian prisoner ravaging the gods of hell there without charge for a decade and taking steps to push for the detainees returned to his homeland we spoke to the top diplomat of the visiting delegation to get the details. dressed in significant churches they gave their lives to puke revolutionary because
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remember when you use. basic rates because. they're so good little break you know very little due process you know the written on properly it's a gauge of. the exits to where we have been given an opportunity to cool a little bit to be facilities but we've got to look beautiful most likely all the details are putting extra pressure on the us to shut down the scandalous campus also on the agenda of the foreign ministry the prison has been staining america's human rights and legal record both at home and abroad for years leaving the detainees staring really into the abyss of indefinite detention and just last week the world saw the twelfth anniversary of the first detainees of the world of the war on terror being brought to the scandalous prison camp which obama made a promise to close on day one at the white house last year the world's attention was returned to one tunnel as the majority of the prisoner population was on
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a hunger strike for over six months making world headlines and really forcing the obama administration to refocus his attention at least on words for now to the detention camp although plenty of bureaucratic and political reasons continue to be used as an excuse instead of just shutting the place down when we visited guantanamo three months ago we found out that at least fifteen detainee's work continuously being force fed before it's passed on the nose we lubricate it and we give the patient a choice do they want to have the key which is an agent. area or if they want of will to lubricate the tube. most of our patients have been using olive oil you seem to like it in fact some of our patients are so used to this they will describe. nostril we want about other aspects of prisoner life however there was a lot of secrecy we were taken on
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a largely staged and prepared to work around the prison facilities without being able to see much of the real conditions that the prisoners live in and speaking to any of them was of course out of the question let alone seeing them one or two of them actually for more than a minute a lot of secrecy and a routine tour around the premises also turned out to be the experience of the russian delegation as well and as they said you're going to r.t. new york. lawyers for the guantanamo detainees claim the number of hunger strikers at the prison has gone up in the past month and now stands at thirty three but the u.s. military which runs the facility has refused to release any updates the official excuse is that the figures are no longer relevant to quote more important issues such as the well being of the prisoners as well as the security of the american personnel we spoke with clive stafford smith who advocates for several of the
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detainees he claims the u.s. military is using some painful tactics to try and break up the hunger strike. different prisoners are from camp six which is the least the camp goes on hunger strike they automatically get transferred not just count five but account five record which really has the most abuse took place and over on top of the prisoners are held in all steel cell and denied the most basic human rights just as a punishment for going on strike that force feeding techniques are very much action unfortunately against the very abusive force feeding techniques i mean casting aside the question of whether it's not the culture correspondent toure and the world medical association says it's not you know unfortunately the techniques they're using grown tonneau aren't group sure assistant. so for example and i've witnessed some of those that they used to leave but tubes out the prisoners noses that put so much still probably in those tubes out every single time tries to
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forcing them back out each time still forcing far too much food too quickly into the prisoner many prisons if you're sick or just carry on doing it it really is horrendous. i've been nearly three years of bloody conflict syria is becoming a center for drug production with us economic activity practically non-existent coupled with the proliferation of armed groups the business is ripening quickly as take a quick look at that according to a recent reuters report syria has become a major drug exporter and consumer in the last few yes and outlawed a stimulant called kept a gun is not produced there in huge amounts it's so profitable that the country has now replaced lebanon as the main producer was thought of ninety percent full in production in the last two yes lebanese officials also seized over twelve million pills of the drug last year and the trans also affecting other states turkish authorities see seven million in pills which were unrooted just saudi arabia now.
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has briffa national has been following the story for us. syria bout to enter in its fourth devastating year of war the lack of law and structure has allowed one dark industry to flourish the country has become the number one producer of a drug known as cap to go on its ass since the synthetic stimulant was first manufactured in the one nine hundred sixty s. and it was at that time used as a medicine to treat hyperactivity and depression but it's too addictive and this is why it was banned in most countries so here in the middle east it's still very popular it's cheap and it's easier to get but today syria not only produces more than any other country in the region. consumers believe that fighters are taking these pills to maintain bigger us energy levels during a lengthy battles because it helps to keep to wait for hours and hours but there
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are also reports that ordinary citizens those who have been living in depression and in this war for almost three years now are also toting to the drugs all of these k.p.c. poor gives them and it's lucrative it's between fifteen and twenty doors it's keel and the rocks hundreds of millions of them are being taken trafficked really solid evidence that the revenue raised is buying weapons from both sides of the syrian conflict the un office on drugs and crime. has been reporting that syria which is located at the crossroads here in the region has for a long time been a transit point for the drug going from europe to turkey and lebanon but since the war began kept the guns trades gone to mastic and factories are of hearing these days all across syria and production has increased and sales and booms here
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elaborate on the authorities seized around two hundred million dollars worth of tablets last year mostly hidden in the tracks go in through the syrian lebanese border from syria to the lebanese force from where they actually to its file and this country's some of the most ardent supporters of the syrian opposition and saudi arabia where around a billion dollars worth of drugs was seized just last year with authorities saying this is nothing but just ten percent of the real turnover of the drug in the kingdom. and editor of the pan-african news wire as if you were believes the drug trade will only fuel the protracted syrian conflict even more. i think it should be investigated we've seen the relationship between illicit drugs very addictive substances and imperialist war as the rebels lose more and more ground. as
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the syrian government and the syrian military gains more territory the degree to which they stabilize the country even further the resources that are coming into syria from the western countries and from the countries that allied with the west in the middle east this is going to of course make the rebels even more desperate and their supporters even more desperate to raise funds in order to finance them so i think this is a reflection of the failure over the last three years of this u.s. and nato financed or rather wark by that's been leveled against the people of syria it's caused a tremendous amount of deaths injuries dislocation and now of course drug distribution and addiction as well. and the study by the messages that institute of technology has challenge the white house claims the syrian government the authors of the report say the us led regime could not have carried out the chemical attack in the suburbs of damascus last august. recess gives
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a right here in the studio with me now let's say this is becoming quite a back and forth topic what do you have for us what more do you know it is a very interesting report based on several months of research and interviews the real map of washington which you washington used to display the possible attack by the government forces we have our own very own map to illustrate what exactly happened over there now on this map we can see this is the map again as i said was used by washington by the intelligence to describe the possible attack of the government forces on the opposition controlled areas this is the area controlled by the government at that time that was august the twenty first twenty thirteen this is the area controlled by the opposition and these yellow spots over there are the places are the areas where the sarin gas attack was performed in which had casualties so the basis of this research is that the missiles which were used to deliver these sarin gas to those areas could not have been fired from the
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governmental territory simply because they had no range the furtherest fathers these missiles could go was two kilometers well the this particular area there's a market area which was badly hit by the sarin gas is least four kilometers from the eastern most point of the territories controlled by the government there was some territory in western guta though which was reportedly also affected by the saron attack but there were no environmental prove there was no environmental profound over there we spoke to one of the co-authors of the report richard lloyd and here's what he had to say. so we went through two to three months worth of study to determine the types of rockets. the weight the size the propellant and we determine that the range is on the order of two climbers and i like to make a note that the u.n. also had come up with a range of approximately two kilometers so this is very confused to us in our
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studies and what we're trying to understand exactly what the white house met means because right now as it stands these rockets could have never been fired from government controlled territory they would be fired more from a rebel type of territory or a border of a contested territory. so this latest report does not attribute blame to any of any basically who could have been responsible for this attack but it sticks another boot into the accuracy of the us intelligence and even speculates that president obama could have used this inaccurate this possibly inaccurate surveillance data to instigate an attack on syria similar in a similar fashion to what george w. bush did in iraq so this is just another twist in this ongoing story certainly twists and turns all i'm quite interested to see how the white house will respond
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to this latest report that says something really opposite to what they had initially said thank you very much alessio in the studio with us sharing his the latest report there from a message to sued technology. thousands of skilled professionals have been fleeing the euro zone's newest member lat pm now we look at what's driving the accident and whether the government's capable of ending the mass population decrease that's just ahead here on our national.
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the move was outlined jane barack obama's speech on the operation and of the intelligence agency which introduced a number of reforms yet says many say fail to tackle major premise c.s.u. actually some sex report after nearly seven months of n.s.a. disclosures president obama finally came forward with reforms to the spy agency acknowledging that the current capabilities in the area say do leave open the possibility of abuse given the unique power of the state it is not enough for leaders to say trust us we want to be use the data we collect for history has too many examples when that trust has been breached. our such a system of government is built on the premise that our liberty cannot depend on the good intentions of those in power the president address the n.s.a.'s most controversial program section two fifteen bulk telephone metadata collection basically the president no longer wants the government to be in control of these massive metadata databases but that doesn't mean the president wants to get rid of
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bulk collection in fact the bulk collection of virtually every american is metadata will continue indefinitely and the new restrictions announced by the president requiring the n.s.a. to obtain pfizer court approval before searching all that metadata doesn't satisfy privacy advocates who argue the pfizer court has acted and will continue to act as a rubber stamp nothing in obama's speech put any rain rain dan this collected all approach and yesterday that there was a big revelation of god called this fire program that just fire program was collecting all tax calls literally hundreds of thousands of text calls every day are going into the n.s.a.'s vacuum it's a giant gigantic coover regarding spying on foreign leaders the president said he's put an end to surveillance on friends and allies but did not say the n.s.a. will stop spying on diplomats nothing about the n.s.a. breaking encryption standards and ports that the n.s.a.
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has been breaking into the data links on google and yahoo servers while some specific reforms were introduced how exactly they will be implemented moving forward remains to be seen especially since the same government agencies that have overseen the massive growth of the surveillance state are now the ones tasked with reigning it in in washington d.c. same sex party michael kahn president and general counsel for the national whistle blow a sentence says major issues way of an up and the president's speech. for the real thing that the american people are looking for is what are you going to do when you have a whistleblower like mr snowden who has critical information that the american people have a right to know he did not address that issue it's being swept under the rug instead i think in a fair view of what's going on it is merely window dressing covering up the abuses that have been identified who's to say there are
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a lot more abuses occurred that haven't been identified because there's no channel for the n.s.a. whistleblower to make their allegations public or known in any way so. at best it's window dressing it's punch a lot to congress to try to fix the problem and it addresses in no way how the american people have a right to understand the abuses of our government by for more news on the good archie dot com a un humanitarian affairs mission reports israeli attacks on the west bank palestinians increased four fold in less than a decade two thousand one hundred attacks on palestinians were carried out by israel in the past yes we'll read more about the threats the local settlers experienced daily on our website. also while you're online and italian senior member of the international olympic committee calls america's decision to send openly gay athletes to the winter games in sochi political extortion get the full
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story and our team. there's still no unity in the ranks of the syrian opposition as the geneva two peace conference conference fast approaches the divided ranks of the syrian national coalition have been convening in turkey but it's by president assad's proposal of us always finding the second largest city of aleppo in a prisoner exchange coupled with extensive pressure from the west as being a new decision on whether the opposition will attend the peace talks a coalition is main block had. obviously threatened to boycott geneva and many of the members have already called. elsewhere around the globe activist clash with police in the spanish capital madrid protesters have gathered in solidarity with demonstrators in the northern city of book of course the unrest they plan to revamp the street which. is a waste of limited resources solidarity rights have been reported across the
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country forcing the mayor to postpone the project. a suicide attack in the afghan capital has killed fifteen people including three u.n. workers and a representative from the international monetary fund one bomber blew himself up at a restaurant popular with afghan officials and diplomats interior ministry says guards killed two other gunmen who tried to storm the venue the taliban's claimed responsibility for the attack. nature has a bit in another chunk of the iconic statue of christ the redeemer over they can leave your vision narrow as ride saw has been chipped by a powerful lightning strike authorities have assured of the damage will be repaired soon the thirty eight meter going in is a frequent lovable target and underwent a multi-million dollar innovation in twenty ten the
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euro zone's a new withstand poorest member latvia may be europe's fosters a growing economy but its population has been falling leaps and bounds and those leaving the country are blaming government negligence paul scott caught up with one of them. so the gay is one of thousands of workers who will leave latvia this year but his destination is perhaps surprising he'll be leaving this state to work in azerbaijan and that is that. life is always hard but in this country it's harder as the government is much more concerned by politics not economics and the life of the common man they survey isn't the only one the world bank says a lot because population is shrinking by almost sixty thousand people per year. i feel i'm not alone the government are squeezing everybody wanting more and more from us for less money between two thousand and nine and two thousand and twelve not because population fell by around ten percent in
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a country of only two million people this decline is sharply felt especially since those leaving a mostly of working age the major work force males from twenty to forty go in find jobs abroad and then move their families over this leave just older people this demographic shift poses significant economic challenges which the government says it's keen to try and tackle just there is a government program to return people to that figure but it doesn't work they pay for people to return but there's still no work for them the only way out is to create new jobs and a suitable atmosphere for investment but it isn't happening and over the next twenty years the population will decrease another third so as leaders desperately try to arrest the worrying trend the message from at least one of those with bags packed for a better life elsewhere is simple. the government has to stop its aggressive social policies and lower taxes so that people can live where not simply survive. got
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out a lot via. december in behind saw hundreds of rallies suppressed and many campaigners arrested in response of the opposition has now released a report looking into the government's reaction to the mass demonstrations and calling for the greater freedom and equality in the sunni inlet kingdom let's take a closer look right out of the seven hundred protests last month four hundred vines violently dispersed by security forces almost two hundred people were detained by the authorities and many of them children police raids were often carried out at night and without officers providing arrest warrants the report also reveals that cases of vandalism torture and other heavily handed treatment by the authorities in almost four hundred cases a crackdown on dissent took the form of collective punishment human rights advocate asyut had the muscle he says there's little hope of achieving a true constitutional monarchy. the violation. remain
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lots of people are arrested and detained vandalism and torture still ongoing while the authority are denying that they are torturing people in the investigation rooms but actually it is ongoing practice the constitutional monarchy is our aim and our goal we are going to work is the author of the respect the opposition demands and consider what's going on in the region it will be achieved but not recently let's say it will take years unfortunately in today's exclusive u.k. show going underground or it is afshin rattansi speaks to an aspiring film director turned politician about his emerging political party that ends to support the interest of the little people of you was in the u.k. can watch it later today on r.t. everyone else i can see it on our website at r.t.
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dot com. the process isn't functioning because you have one large group of society here who are not represented i mean if if if if the democratic institutions doesn't include the the interests of a large proportion of the population then the democratic process isn't functioning people will pretend to speak for them but they're not actually representing those interests the interest being a job care when you're sick. a good pension security of somewhere to live your life and that security that that prospect of a dignified life it is not being is not being represented.
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i'll be back with more news in about half an hour from now up next this is a max and his kind. of us will enjoy what on the journey of the olympic flame. the majority of congress are now millionaires for the first time in history according to the center for responsive politics which sounds pretty insulting when the average american sat doing so well financially this seems bad like a bunch of rich guys rule the country which they kind of do but one could argue that congress isn't rich enough first off due to inflation a million dollars is not as much as it used to be especially the cost of campaign to get in a congress costs around one million six hundred thousand dollars so you know a million dollars of net worth may sound pretty rich to you or me but the expensive game of us politics these guys can't even afford the costs related to getting the
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work electoral campaigns are a big money affair so it is no surprise that people like you or me can't get into the law making business without selling at least a little piece of our souls to someone who has very deep pockets so again the problem isn't that congressmen are wealthy it is that many of them have to get constant financing in order to maintain their positions and as you average folks know once you're in debt they've got you by the throat well that's just my opinion .
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welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser robots are increasingly able to do menial labor from flipping hamburgers picking lettuce making cars to mating with the consequently masculine and men but there is a media or of technology heading our way right now that will finally make extinct are corrupt too big to fail banks and finance dinosaurs yes the good coin media or is going to smash the fire sector finance insurance real estate all these middlemen gone like the t.-rex sting by you all stacy kaiser we're in twenty fourteen and twenty fourteen is going to show the true power of the block sheen that is where all of the energy of this meteor called because is bitcoin two point zero explained colored coins versus massaquoi inverses open transactions versus proto shares these are just some of the many things that could.
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