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tv   Venture Capital  RT  January 19, 2014 7:29am-7:45am EST

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elementary elections with the opposition saying the void will be rage. a blast at an army compound in northwestern pakistan has told three military convoy killing twenty two soldiers around thirty others were injured one the explosive device was detonated inside a vehicle pakistan's town a month function claimed responsibility for the bombing and promised more attacks against what is called the country's secular system. and tens of thousands of ukrainian opposition supporters have gathered in kiev central square and we're bringing you the latest pictures from independence square right now in care of so they want to initiate a vote of no confidence against the parliament and the president they say a new set of law was put forward this week is aimed at making it easier to prosecute demonstrators the nationwide running accomplished by fierce clashes with
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riot police began nearly two months ago after president can accomplish pitched a deal with the easy. and always had after venture capital with little stories for you including a look at one of the twenty first century is welcoming a new cold war. melting ice promises easy access to huge oil and gas resources and the riches that follow today without c international for. millions around the globe struggle with hunger each day. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge. they can the very strong position against g.m.o. and we think that. genetically modified products are for greece. there is no. everything that is any problem with genetic engineering
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when you make a. word is free cheese always in the most crap i don't believe that this water for and that's really. the primary mortgage is profit. minded. for social justice. golden rice barkeep.
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welcome to you but kept it with me katie for every miss wait for it says johnson do it all school most of the u.k. may leave you in for forms do not take place will get global reaction from the formal leaders all basically on the czech republic who have very different opinions on that year up there were plenty of international politicians it most goes this week because it was the guy to comment for which i went imo too i caught up with the world renowned economist jeffrey sachs on tax evasion and they gave him still big plays on a wall street that is supposed to call but let's start with mr george all's well because he ruffled a few feathers this week by warning that the u.k. could be forced to quit if the organization does not reform and here's what the challenge is not once exactly that the main points now he has been frustrated by what he sees as a storing of the free trade deal between the e.u. and the us by e.u. . my kids themselves i think europe is being
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a sign up by economies like china and india now the british public will get to decide in twenty seventeen in a referendum if they want to continue as a member of the e.u. now the main sitting points for the british people are immigration social security and interference from brussels and british law especially when it comes to human rights now the temperature public is in a similar situation to britain in the fact that it's in the e.u. but it doesn't have the year as its national currency so i also feel the president of the country applecart have formed what he makes of those bones warning. more or less grevious such a statement. that he brought to make a change nor just course methinks changes but the fundamental transformation of the economic social political system i am rather skeptical in this respect so so i
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think that the great to leave the euro is definitely gonna lead you to make it was super eighty four countries like very very czech republic or. any other that's my position. another person would be there i believe. that the british conservative politicians i mean it seriously. i'm afraid knowledge so you so that's another story well if indeed they all serious on the a full time in a prime minister mario monti who was also here most keen supporter of both the e.u. and the euro he said that britain leaving would effect the progress of the reforms which he also thinks all necessary. walk by seeing europe doesn't leave these lower economic reforms. agreed to lower the role for markets for competition in market is the market built in the square and the
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borrowed overseas the e.c.u. the sleaze for me at the for you this week a little bit sort of forces your soul. as an italian as a european i do wish that the your case days be not even gone. but that if it does not alter the whole reform process you know rope will be less with the world still bob mystic coles who is a self-confessed gary skeptic has a very different attitude to mr monti and doesn't the same two couldn't about britain a thing or indeed any other nation for that muscle. i'm absolutely sure that it's your existence you're existed this six country is that it is mine the country is that is that of countries then fifteen and twenty five twenty seven twenty eight all the time the idea was that that's ok so why in order to have instead of twenty
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eight this is done through possible now while we had mr osborne grumbling about the e.u. hilmer downplays smiling at total to totally transform the u.k. fracking industry another friend or oil company will become the first international heavyweight to invest in the u.k. shell basin injecting forty seven billion dollars bob environmentalists will that fracking is dangerous polluting advocates say it makes energy more affordable creates jobs and cuts consumption of coal this could have a look at how it's started so we can see how the environmental issues come into a case of drilling. deep deep into these gas rock she more than a kilometer down into the grounds then we have the chemicals that come into it what is mixed with sand and water as well it's intense rays into these show gas
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intense pressure is what this does is it opens up these fishes and this is where the contamination comes into and how the water can be affected just that so. pollution as well concerns too that's how what now i spoke to right to call it from the world bank group she was here in moscow as well she was for a month she has had to discuss climate change in the environment so i also talk about the potential dangers. there's a lot that we don't know about the recent impacts of fracking and so on has to be properly understood and properly accounted for because resigning is a forcing emission that makes it makes global warming can foster. but i think the issue really is depending on the geometry for some countries to have the water necessary to go to the front into the others they don't so for countries this in some countries this is an option for other countries it's more difficult i think
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the big question for the industry of rule is is this a short term or long term phenomenon already you're beginning to see the productivity also from experience of reduced which would indicate that perhaps the reserves aren't quite as large as everybody wants thought they were going to stay with all of a gas and russian corporate news because it seems that russia is the latest come true to be jumping on the bandwagon yes because so i guess from that i started testing the shelf which had sort of the formation in russia is what's inside the area above all it's believed to have the largest shale formation anywhere in the world are successful because their shareholders will make a decision about moving to a large scale development in the region. the russian financial p.t.b. group has severed ties with credit rating agency fitch ratings it accuses agency of a lack of professionalism reducing the ratings without access to internal documents all financial reports he's raising most recently downgraded to
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a triple the i'm talking of russian banks in vest a bank was created to have a sort of capital when it had its license revoked a month ago that reportedly already had as much capital as it has it's. now what has unified global leaders is tax evasion for decades the rich has been storing their millions and billions in tax havens to avoid huge tax. up until the financial crisis erupted push it competitions up well they didn't seem to pull that actually about with a false forward five years with a recession battered national coffers in desperate need of a fed up types of asian is now a top priority for the entire world especially beating economist jeffrey sachs on the problem of tax havens which he says is a scandalous system but we start to talk about the lessons that haven't been learned from the financial crash. even wall street the same games are being
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played as before the same financial speculation the political power of these for arms remains intact which is amazing because even you take a forum like j.p. morgan almost every week it pays you fines on. actions of financial fraud illegality but this is week after week after week it shows that it was. often are under or was it doing anything illegal because it's paid so many fines it's done so much more death and yet it's still so politically influential and not just that one but wall street as a whole so i'm not at all satisfied our system in the united states is a quite corrupted political system a corrupted because our politicians were getting spammed our total billions of dollars on their campaigns every two years cycles now would
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major and two year cycle at the federal level of the united states maybe six or seven or eight billion dollars well where the politicians getting that money they're getting it from rich people and from big companies and they're not getting it for free oh they're getting it because they're listening to the rich and to the corporations not to the needs of the average person of the population let's talk about tax evasion because the global community has come together and the mind of various regulations to clamp down on net specific am talking about swings then saying they're going to be giving information finance banking information to us or . to his own citizens that when he sounded nice enough being done meant to clamp down on tax havens i think that did the world is waking up to the scandal of the international tax situation these tax islands or to. treasure island as they're called the british virgin islands the cayman islands bermuda this is
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a shocking abuse of the quote of trust why are there trillions of dollars in these little islands well of course this is to evade taxes but this is to evade responsibility this is to evade legality and who creates this not those little islands but to the u.s. government by your proving these arrangements the u.k. government because after all these are british territories and i believe that these are abuses that need to stop them not only exchange of information that's not enough but stopping the abuse itself of letting very very british people from the united states or europe or mega companies like apple like apple or google take their profits and instead of paying the taxes that they should pay as decent citizens put the tax free in these tax havens with the approval of the politicians
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of course who get the tax who would use this to generate campaign contributions so this is a scandalous system that really needs to stop not just some exchange of information there's been a little progress but we have a long way to go because it's estimated that there are maybe twenty trillion dollars of assets booked in these tax havens around the world that's an abuse of the public trust now that's a wrap for today's frenzy capital and i'm going to be heading to switzerland for the davos economic forum next week i'm going to be covering the event live all the nice for you i'm also going to be tweeting about it we love all that like to travel so i sense a joy to me on that one but meantime have a great great . because you don't states
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is the big dog the only hyper power and the cultural driving force of globalization it takes a lot of flack i mean globalization means the whole world gets hollywood and hot dogs and not the other way around so let's take a break from the negativity and talk about something truly amazing about america and as a guy who lives in moscow i could say that the constitution of the united states is something truly amazing in russia there is constant talk about needing a new national idea new ideology or political theory or big changes to the russian constitution and so on and it's hard for people in america understand this but twice in the twentieth century the system that russians gave their lives for collapsed and the current constitution was written quickly after a period of violence and said collapse not after a glorious victory now you see why people here are exactly memorizing amendments and founding fathers quotes here in america there are debates between liberals and conservatives but almost everyone believes the constitution and it is america's greatest strength.


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