tv Headline News RT January 19, 2014 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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seems ukraine tonight breaking news in o.t. fresh riots erupted in the ukrainian capital of mass anti-government rally turns violent as testers burned police buses and throw stones and fire crackers with a live report from kiev coming up. after months of hesitation and pressure from its western backers syria's main opposition group will attend peace talks in geneva range of finding a political way out of the conflict also in the stories that shaped the week. the forms i'm proposing today should give the american people greater confidence that their rights are being protected the american president promises to restrain the surveillance habits of the n.s.a. but critics say the proposed reforms won't change a thing. headlining the international criminal court may soon see top british
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military officials in the dog for the first time in history over accusations of war crimes committed by troops during the iraq war. very good evening she this is our coming to live from moscow it's just after nine pm here. breaking news from kiev tear gas has been used during clashes in the ukrainian capital after rioters attacked a police bus which was blocking their way to show you latest pictures now activists in opposition leaders of gathered to push for the government to step down over a new law they say is in breach of the constitution. there the latest scenes.
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while you're looking at that conversation really recently come back from ukraine really. really similar. event two months ago that you would use to so if you surprised what you say you tonight i thought of all the people who were out there on the independence square or in the year my done they needed some sort of impetus because at this point it's been stalling for several weeks if not a month now and it couldn't just go on like this for months they're already over there is second month of protesting and something has to have happened and i think this is exactly what we're seeing there and today. may not necessarily be the new laws that have just come out necessarily be the impetus that brought this about but something had to happen most certainly. you have to understand there's a lot of it's a very diverse group are out there protesting there are composed of very many groups and one of them is particularly you know notable for being quite violently pretty predisposed those are groups of nationalistic they were young men they are
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usually very well equipped they generally have a. hell of. often the not even tear gas masks so they're very well prepared for all sorts of confrontations like the ones we're seeing right now and they apparently according to the reports they are the ones who have started the confrontation on sunday as well they have started actually rocking the buses that were blocking off the governmental buildings from the crowd from the protesters because of protesters actually have been getting government buildings for months now and they've been they started rocking the buses and afterwards i understand they actually one of them got into the bus and then started driving the bus into the police that was there which essentially provoked the clashes the confrontations that it was the protesters through it was these nationalist apparently we haven't even started the fire now mind you i think what's important to mention here is the fact that. was there and he's one of the leaders of the ukrainian opposition and he actually tried
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to hold back the crowds. to prevent them from breaking the buses from setting fire to the buses and from confrontations with police and at one point it actually looked like he was coming to blows with these people with the protesters even though he is really the darling of the protests he's very well liked it was also i think it's important to note that because the protests were protests have been going on for such a long time the protesters themselves started losing not just pensions but also faith in their leaders because there is you can pinpoint there's three of them and they are they have just agreed on not picking a unified iraq in the presidential elections and today the people out of independence square were shouting leader leaders saying we need one person to kind of propel us into into you know the political future because they've been stalling for a very long time now so this is i think what we are observing
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a lot of people who are very unhappy but at the same time they're starting to lose the momentum it was an obvious when i was there i would say the first couple of days yes it was very intense they kept expecting more clashes with police but nothing happened i haven't mentioned the police i think it's important to pinpoint the fact after the very first clashes that which they had at the end of november. i think it was the thirtieth. where actually quite a few of points were injured in the confrontation. and i think they are trying to hold back so really we should understand that most of the most of the confrontation most of the violence is coming from the protesters all right for now really thanks for. your creditors andrew bush to boy. we spoke a little bit earlier on frank hopefully you can hear a center again through the midst of what's going on there and we wanted to some problems you saw the fighting in from your eyes when it began take us through what
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you saw in the soft stroke. ok so the i hope you're going to hear me so i'm saying that if you are so you go there right here right radicals a member so frightened to go alternative movement started violence not far from independence square after the traditional time day protest this people are trying to break through the rows of police and to go to parliamentarian building and to governmental building of ukraine so to do the cabinet of ministers of ukraine people or the police there interior forces soldiers all there to do this and this is all started to were started violence is not in the normal ukrainian protesters it's like young people the they all are under twenty five they are good dog and ice and. they are using pyrotechnics the outbreak infanticide to.
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use them to be the police. police forces soldiers. or these people. to always there are techniques and stones to the police they even burned one of the police boxes and now it's like dogs of one hundred percent burned in other boxes they are used to a breakthrough or their police roads and but now this all this tries are not successful the policeman also used the smoke and gas to stop this young radicals the but all this is their tries were not successful. and after this to try to stop them. this young people are became more radical and more violent violent a lot of talk that they're trying to beat police in them are more i know more they are now step to stop in and pray to be specific you talking about these people as
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radicals they're very different groups of people for them. majority of the people protesting their correct. after after after this find the political opposition to this in a letter to my trying to stop this fights and they're saying that's the radical way and violence is now to the right way for them and they can. they have a political plan to go in out of crisis but this young man he calls to all the screaming shame on you and they will be done with the show that they will don't want to stop and talk to you. to fight to fight and break for the police one more time so all their political leaders have no influence on this people these people are not the political members so they are like. oh yeah yeah i'm ready calloused like i'll turn into right center again is a town. they are not the members of parliament here in fractions and they are not
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supporters of parliamentary and pacis is like alternative movement. some analytics that say that this people are controlled by special forces but that's like on the very right you create in jealous anger bashed a voice they say thank you for the update much appreciated about literally glisters so you only just recently come back from the self you with this kind of think this is kind of think of one to go and date the opposition and the mr cage go distancing themselves very much from the radicals way hearing about that are causing these problems tonight it doesn't help the cool her does it when they are amongst the rest of these protests as a bigger group yes i saw one of those and i guess interesting things is that when you're looking at the we're looking at the protests in the way they're leading it these people are very prominently displayed they're there they're really hard to ignore and they're really hard not to notice and yet there's absolutely no there's absolutely no attempt on the on the part of his ship which go or any other
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opposition leader in ukraine to try and somehow make. make sure the ultranationalists ideas some of which are not only russian they're also and. there's also a. sign of. their anti german anti jewish there pretty much everything that's not ukrainian and yet they are very prominently displayed they're very vocal and like i said they're quite violent as well which is really unnerving at some points when i was there just being a russian journalist obviously in the middle of all of this actually me feel quite uncomfortable there on several occasions when i had to actually come face to face with these people and generally speaking overall there's a lot of people who are not necessarily anti russian you remind done but these people definitely are and they're not being they're not really they're right there at the heart of the protests i would say they're the ones that stay there overnight
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they're the ones who perpetrate the clashes and the confrontations and i would say they're also because they're violent. they actually present i would say a certain danger to the image of the protests and because the chaos and the mayhem that we see is actually stemming from what the locals incidentally rather have a story view that they're the locals that really shops around the square. are actually really upset with these guys because it stopped people coming to the ok it's a small snapshot of life just to give you an idea that you know the truth is completely fallen off. a very unhappy with the protesters although of course they have to. yes they're very understandable from one point. but from another point of view they never can expect what's going to happen especially if these are the shops that are . wedged in between protesters and the police. there i would say there is like a hundred meters stretch where the shops and cafes are and these people have always
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because they have to close early they have to board up their windows it's really not comfortable for the non-special for the military because you don't. want to take some. pictures again hopefully we've got the beer there we go those are the best quality in the world. it's actually right around the corner i actually used to live in the hotel if i were there right now which i kind of kind of wish i was this would be the view from my window this is right and this is right around the corner from independence square is this is not on my down itself but this is right around the corner on a european square there is the stadium a huge stadium there and hotel and it's the street that leads up to the right there which is which is of course the ukrainian parliament so this is exactly where this is happening like i said these that these essentially are. you know the streets that i've spent quite a lot of time on and. feeling about where we know where this is going to go with
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obviously depends what the politicians do you suppose is this going to drag on and on. really hard to say i think tonight will be the decisive night if the violence is going to escalate then it could spiral out of control very quickly and then president nicolas probably will have to have some sort of probably will have to do some sort of take on the active position and do something other than you know put laws into action if it's not if this dies down then i think we're in for another couple of weeks at least slow boiling. as long as there are no more clashes of course between the police and the protesters in english good french for the clock is a journal broadcast all over the live from london thanks very much for input. maybe a bit later i got the meal clocks there hardly a living see you faced with this what do you make of this surge of violence you're putting it down to those rough new laws that came in in the week or is there more to it what is the catalyst for the light hockey partly i think without a doubt the new laws haven't really helped. be justified for example so foreign
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agents. foreign countries for injuries from funding seem. reasonable but also pass this law judge action or the restriction on the right to peacefully protest in the main square so i can understand why people would feel upset about these laws by people in. need of a temporary loss the line to there if you can still hear me we've lost the line to you may ask another question maybe maybe i'll catch up with you again your scope's a bit temperamental it times. as i say just what just what do you think the catalyst for this was tonight if you just find a repeat that last ounce of me you were saying but i think that is part. now it's broken again now they are going to try to get by actual bit later and call you back and try again about a lying to your i cloud their judgment and broadcast live on the line from oxford thanks for that for now ok well our jet ski as well as covered last year's protests
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in ukraine following the turmoil in kiev he's got the latest in keep across this in his twitter feed and follow him for the most dramatic pictures as well he's got that camera rolling as we speak. two of the main news syria's main opposition groups finally said it will attend peace talks in geneva after months of hesitation. now saying they're made the decision just a few days before that summit of course is due to begin the opposition levering says the move of bashar al assad from power remains its only priority article pushkin off looks back at this week's diplomatic twists and turns with time running out before the start of geneva two conference on syria it was a busy week for global diplomacy it's our hope that in the face to face meeting of the regime and the opposition will be the beginning of the beginning of the end to this unspeakable conflict never before have russia and the us been so united over syria holding damascus and the rebels both responsible for atrocities standing
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together for a political solution and going further still would instead of going to try to send the signals to all the syrian sides on the need to establish localized ceasefires to consider the lists of prisoners of war including civilians and also to allow humanitarian aid. washington even turned around its stance on iran saying it could also take part in the conference so long as it supported previous international agreements on syria to keep our swing the foundation for me would say you are on the same page when it comes to the most important issues the same can't be said about some western nations who may be risking it all for half right now just one wrong move is enough to bring down this diplomatic house of cards such as the mixed signals sent from france to the rebels who themselves took the whole week to decide whether they'll take part. we don't have the assad regime on one side and terrorists on the other it is the regime that is fueling terrorism. such statements
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may be music to their ears but these are cynical statements the western military alliance has been recruiting right from the outset and it's confirmed by numerous. reliable sources from pairs the diplomatic ph moved to moscow which was visited by syria and iran's chief diplomats the market has confirmed it will be agreed with after much debate so has the opposition but still in question is iran's producing region by whites with its actions that it's a key player in the region and vital to. syria you've got this going on r.t. . just from are you starting from monday we'll have a special preview of the long awaited geneva two talks plus two don't miss the coverage of the event wednesday as well. right now let's try and get back to the club was speaking just now as u.k. based journalist and broadcaster has been monitoring the events and the unrest
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especially the sebring in kiev let's see if we get back to get a better life either nail we couldn't he just now hopefully we can hear this type of the opposition leaders to be very quick to distance themselves from from tonight's trouble. yeah but i think it's a case of good cop bad cop having i think that the like to pitch for me the sort of far right radicals really present a sort of heavy mud there are people who could change. quite a critic of the opposition opposition as i said earlier could have really distance themselves from these farai ultranationalists but they are they have the more they're the people who are doing the violence and i think it really is a sort of good cop bad cop scenario it's the opposition is a very very varied movement ranging from protesters liberals to the ultra nationalists some people even say neo nazis are there are no solutions well they are nazis because they want to forge closer ties with the west is that what's not there a loser i guess. what unites these people kevin is anti russian sentiment and that
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you know the common denominator they want this present government out and they face there for democracy but you know in the next election to do every twenty you know just by reading your time and your position so confident of the popularity within ukraine then why not simply wait for the for the elections why are they trying to really force the government to step down and to report early elections because for me that's suspicious. nail i'm afraid so if left alone to them we got the other the just the majority what you're saying there thanks ever so much for your time neal again we'll talk about it a little bit later thanks thanks. this is all to nineteen minutes past nine at night moscow time will return after a short break. no
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again top british military official could soon be tried in the international criminal court for war crimes victims of the iraq war submitted to dull syracusan forces of numerous cases of abuse and torture but the u.k. is fighting hard to prevent them from facing the tribunal. reports from london. up until now the international criminal court at the hague had mostly tried to african dictators and tyrants but the i.c.c. has been asked to investigate thousands of allegations of war crimes committed by british forces in iraq a two hundred and fifty page dossier presented by a human rights organization and a british law firm contains allegations of beatings of electrocution smoke executions and sexual assault committed by u.k. forces and according to the all says of this report the finger of blame extends to
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the very heart of the british government at the time so the head of the british army the former defense secretary and the former defense minister could face prosecution for what this dossier calls systemic war crimes there are many hundreds of cases where the people have been interviewed in the provided reports about this abuse and it varies from what people might think are. relatively mundane examples of abuse to really quite appalling physical violence there put says that british military commanders knew that their forces were committing war crimes and moreover that their civilian superiors cautiously ignored such information at their disposal but the u.k.'s foreign secretary william hague has already firmly rejected the suggestion that those at the top here in westminster knew what was taking place on the ground in iraq we reject allegations
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of systematic abuse but whether all substantiated allegations of things going wrong these things have been or are being investigated that does not require references to the international criminal court the position of the british government has constantly been or were doing enough the point of this is simply that they still haven't done enough there are right now. at the international criminal court two heads of state one of them a sitting head of state of kenya and the other the former head of state of called d'ivoire they're both on trial at the international criminal court not for getting their hands bloody they didn't do anything themselves but people under their authority or people they should have controlled were committing the crimes so if it's good enough for the african countries it should be good enough for the u.k. to the international criminal court has come under increasing pressure to act against war crimes committed by western countries it's now up to the prosecutor at
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the i.c.c. to go through the claims of abuse and to decide whether to call high ranking british officials into the dock at the hague ali boy k r c. the majority the contents of the report or kept away from the eyes of the public who have some extracts have seen the light the dossier contains reports of killings beatings rape and various torture methods that u.k. forces allegedly used on iraqi detainees the families of inmates are also reportedly targeted indeed the eight year old son of one man was allegedly slapped by an officer when his father was arrested to a detainee being interrogated claim soldiers sent to rape his sister spoke to a legal advisor the european center for constitutional human rights he coauthored the dossier about these accusations evidence shows that it's not only about individual single cases and incidents it's really a systematic pattern of reparative acts which are. finding in our report or communication to the i.c.c.
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it's mars and single isolated incidents it's now is the time because the u.k. had ten years to investigate to prosecute the direct perpetrators but also the higher ups in the u.k. ten years there are still hardly any prosecutions in the country so now it's simply the time that international courts have to step in. we've had thought to dot com for the full interview the co-author of the report which accuses british forces of abuse and torture and plenty of other stories as well tonight like these for instance the radiation that you found stricken fukushima nuclear plant record levels now they're saying the latest measurements suggest the worst sleep in one reactor well is going straight into the ocean also a u.k. politician is creative ways he's saying he knows more storms and floods of impact in the country lately he says it's god's retribution for legalizing gay marriage
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according to him read more on that as well online if you fancy. a hugely anticipated address from barack obama on the future of n.s.a. surveillance this week was widely criticized as failing to push forward any actual reforms the agency will continue its work but with some restrictions on its activities authorities will now need to dish approval the taps on which phone and foreign leaders of u.s. allies will move along with targets of espionage and he data which is gathered will no longer be stored by the government of oh there was no explanation as to what is going to happen to it but critics say these measures are going to change nothing i wouldn't call it a reform i would call it the ongoing normalisation of the outrageous policy of violating the fourth amendment on an enormous scale we're learning more as every week goes by about what they're collecting in terms of text messages and e-mails and medicaid data and it's voluminous and the president is is not
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can it mean that anything has been done wrong is not proposing to stop doing it is not suggesting we restore the fourth amendment to the constitution he is suggesting that this will continue and it will be reformed perhaps in part someday but he claims it's been a great step forward i don't see it. now review for the record breaking relay of the sochi winter games symbol that south of the break me again with more news just about thirty two minutes down. the majority of congress are now millionaires for the first time in history
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according to the center for responsive politics which sounds pretty insulting when the average american is that doing so well financially that seems bad like a bunch of rich guys rule the country which they kind of do but one could argue that congress isn't rich enough first off due to inflation a billion dollars is not as much as it used to be especially the cost of one campaign to get in a congress costs around one million six hundred thousand dollars so yeah a million dollars of net worth may sound pretty rich to you or me but the expensive game of us politics these guys can't even afford the costs related to getting the work electoral campaigns are a big money affair sources no surprise that people like you or me can't get into the law making business without selling at least a little piece of our souls to someone who has very deep pockets so again the problem isn't that congressmen are wealthy it is that many of them have to get constant financing in order to maintain their positions and as you average folks know once you're in debt they've got you by the throat well that's just my opinion
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. it was supposed to be just another news or of course although admittedly for a special occasion it was one hundred twenty three days before the start of the winter olympic games in sochi and i was in greece for the lighting of the olympic flame the. ruins of elim p. one of the most famous monuments of ancient greece the site of the very first olympic games where stones like this would have been part of the temple. to temple temple .
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