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tv   Headline News  RT  January 21, 2014 5:00am-5:30am EST

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another restless night in the ukrainian capital protesters bent on revolution find it out with police using homemade weapons and fire bombs and alter the cheering calls of european and american politicians. the opposition see where a national coalition. boards will keep peace talks after the yuan revoked an invitation to iran. do not want to see another. reproduce the. wall nor do them. but amid the diplomatic ping pong experts urge leaders to focus on terrorism plaguing the country. and two people have been killed and twenty injured in a powerful blast that's rocks this south of lebanon's capital the stronghold of the movement has been our.
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live from moscow this is our scene to national with me. and everyone welcome to the progress charging rioters met head on with ukraine's riot police in the country's capital as they try to push the anti-government protesters away from the administrative area of the city downtown kiev has been turned into a child battlefield following two straight nights of rioting dozens of people have been injured and hundreds of thousands of dollars was of damage has been done to the city. reports now from kiev. the situation in kiev has been very tense all throughout the night there was an attempt by the police to post a protest of the grisettes going to see the governmental
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a quarter it was done pretty much on violent day there were no scuffles they were just pushing the protesters off the first thing they did they destroyed the catapult and medieval weapon which the protesters had early a built to hurl cocktails and rocks at the police lines they destroyed it's got to put a matter of seconds basically after that some reinforcement of the protesters came from the independence square and charged at the police so the police actually took a few steps back and right now only a few dozen metres separates the police and they protest as we can see a water cannon standing right in the middle of the police lines there was information coming from a local media that the police actually warned that they may use weapons against protesters if they continue their violent behavior indeed we have seen anything at all the time that loads of cocktails are being thrown at the police the fire crackers the smoke bombs are being exploded from time to time it is still
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definitely a hotbed of tension also there are numerous reports that identified men in sports costumes are organizing scuffles all across the korean capital. police are refraining from stepping in decisively. as we have the right to use force according to the rule of law about one hundred policemen were wounded in the clashes sixty one have been hospitalized some with grave injuries among them are two who were captured by the rioters one was taken to the house of trade unions beaten and tortured the same was done to the other in independence square both have since been freed hospitalized and are in deep shock we do know that the president of coverage has been calling for a negotiation with the opposition. some thought has already been held though we understand it was all denied closed doors and no information has come out but definitely out of this moment with no political solution to this crisis as we can
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see. the most violent infighting in unfolded on sunday nights leaving about a hundred police wanted most had head injuries from the rioters clubs all symptoms of poisoning by an unknown guys still the u.s. and e.u. was quick to turn on ukraine's government saying it brought this upon itself by cracking down on demonstrators said historian and ukraine affairs analyst the voice of knowledge says the western bias against president called it is so great there's nothing the leader can do at this point is to shift it. ask yourself would do any western government confronted with the exact same problem or even something a lot milder how would they respond would there be automated weapons deployed actual bullets as opposed to rubber ones i think the default response from the west is that the ukrainian government can do no right to whatever they do they're going to be condemned for it so they may as well i figure and i'm guessing that from
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their behavior they're figuring it as well they may as well do everything they can in their power to secure the rule of law to suppress the violent protesters and to make sure that this does not boiling over into civil war i think a modicum of force is appropriate when you're facing violent protesters you have to send a message that this will not be tolerated you have to send a message that you stand for them and that lawbreakers will not be allowed to run rampant and i think from what i've seen they've acted with you are able restraint especially again compared to what western law enforcement would routinely do in such circumstances. and my colleague bill don't discuss the situation in ukraine with and the check and citric coverage on international affairs that this innit. the changes that happen on the seventeenth of january in a very this is not in europe but in you know in accordance with europe and europe and guidelines what is needed is dialogue the dialogue is needed of course in their home not in the parliament and especially is needed between the government and the
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opposition the representatives of the opposition present in the parliament and through the dialogue everything has to be discussed not so dividing lines but we condemn the violence not only my political group it was meeting of foreign affairs ministers and we don't stop or dividing lines what we are dealing with is a clear attempt to undermine the constitutional order of a major european state and it is truly shocking for european parliamentarians to say that they are still supportive of the process that obviously wants to use street thuggery and mob rule as a means of regime change regime change a change of government that's exactly what the e.u. wants no no no no nono no no no we had we had president elections in ukraine four years ago we had the elections elections were recognized freeze and fair if there
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has to be a change of government it has to be done through the elections that the principle of the european union the protest is waiting for that democratic process as an election do spring twenty fifth exactly our economy is going to be president of all former german foreign minister thus the best available at the barricades and victoria nuland from the state department passing quickies around can you imagine russian foreign minister a lot of going to barcelona to support catalan separatists and when it comes to ukraine what we have witnessed is excessive patience by the government at the street thuggery and the rule of mob this would not have been ill. in washington d.c. would not have been allowed in london and certainly not in brussels what was the reason for the demonstrations the reason was that president no coverage the ukrainian oratory to use refuse at the last moment under the pressure of moscow under the pressure of russia refused to sign the association. this is simply
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factually wrong we are looking at a clear cut situation where young the coverage was perfectly within his rights to say no to a horrible deal which had it gone ahead would have cost ukraine tens of billions of euros which it cannot afford when russia came in with fifteen billion rescue package and it's simply that europe wanted to have free access to do your cranium market for nothing and it was geo political all along as the political crisis in ukraine escalates we're keeping you up to date with what's happening in kiev twenty four seventh's stay with us. was just a day to go till the long awaited geneva two peace talks on syria we continue to
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provide our overview of the rounds around the meeting. commenting on the diplomatic tongo a wednesday is peace talks russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said revoking iran's invitation was an obvious mistake the un retracted it following an all summation from the opposition syrian national coalition meanwhile its main bloc has quit the coalition impressionist at the umbrella organizations plans to attend the talks and. the full story. at invitation a was a withdrawal by the united nations amid intense pressure from the united states and other allies of the u.s. although the much anticipated syria peace conference is still expected to take place that has been overshadowed by those ago rather bizarre diplomatic ping pong that's essentially unfolded since that invitation was issues now how did all of this play out on sunday by the u.n. secretary general basically announced that he is inviting iran to participate in
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the new twenty second conference scheduled to take place in switzerland to come to a diplomatic solution over the syrian crisis he said that the iran needs to be a part of the solution it's a key regional player its interests are also involved in what's going on there and that is why bunty moon wanted to bring iran to the table now that decision sparked a confrontation with the united states the united kingdom and france it also angered the syrian opposition and saudi arabia which has been largely seen as a backer of the syrian insurgency they've threatened to boycott of their protests the patient in the talks effectively undermining the whole deal there was the threat of that to be a serious if the geneva two conference could collapse as a result of this and what we basically saw afterwards was the syrian national coalition hours after bonking wins announcement issued an ultimatum saying don't invite iran or have iran stick to certain agreements and today we saw. reversing course essentially now the russian foreign minister said that behavior by the
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syrian opposition group here raises questions about the group's willingness to really stick to commit to a peaceful solution take a listen. revoking the invitation is a mistake of course but not a disaster we believe that all sides that have influence on the conflict should be present the syrian national coalition is trying to impose its own interpretation of the existing geneva communiqué that's where the ultimatum is rooted this is a situation. the united nations and several other countries including russia for instance have long argued that iran is a critical player in the syrian conflict and that any serious attempt to really genuinely end the war has to bring all sides to the table and that includes tehran . the plague of terror is sweeping the nation especially fighting al qaeda should become the main focus of the conference according to the russian foreign minister sunday hottest minutes and groups are refusing to play by anyone's rules adopting
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the every month for himself toxics. reports now from damascus. despite the international community separate now for its efforts to bring peace to syria and its people the brutal conflict now has a new face radical militants have long used children in their fight against a mask but now more and more women in both local and from the west have been dragged into jihad some apparently make the journey to marry fall into is who they appear ready to support no matter walks in the u.k. a blog even helps those who want to marry militant travel to the country here in syria training camps have been set up by areas held by and to government forces or aspiring female extremists is the mist of fear going to see women join them and encourage some to swap a traditional way of life for weapons and suicide belts traction it's clear women draw less attention from the police and security forces question officials are
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concerned about the rising number of their nationals looking to syria to take part in the war they afraid that after being trained to kill these men and women will return to their home towns. by one level defector who is sad that is that is precisely what militant groups are hoping to achieve because in two different sources there are up to two thousand european fighters here in syria who joined rebels groups many of which have ties to al qaida for the time being they remain here in syria learning how to make and determine a golems or how to use a kalashnikov all the time waiting for the moment when their threats will know which could be put into action with the geneva two talks set to kick off on wednesday there remain those who wants no part in a political solution and are resolved to stay away from the negotiations and they how to expand the. original should not see from damascus syria.
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the u.s. has repeatedly come under fierce criticism for the funks the aid washington and its allies send to the rebels sometimes ends up in the wrong hands she's going to work nine explains now how the west could be helping terrorists to fester. when the enemy of your enemy is your enemy things can get complicated it's a conundrum the us faces in syria where political financial and military support to the rebels has subsequently served to create a new hotbed for al-qaeda if bush are us did not. stay in power or if he's weakened then syria could become that base another base like pakistan and afghanistan before it to be used as a springboard to go into these other countries oh experts say an influx of extremist groups has turned the war torn country into
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a terrorist training center posing a greater threat to american interests than the leader washington wants removed these groups are much more dangerous and we have hands of thousands of international fighters coming in in a very fundamentalist capacity we've almost come full circle after afghanistan where nine eleven were where we are seeing these groups still fighting for fundamentalists. principles what began as an anti-government uprising three years ago has turned into an internal fight between opposition blocs the free syrian army set up to battle assad has more and more found that its hands are full just defending themselves against jihadists who are seeking a foothold in the country this leaving u.s. officials acknowledging a loss of control over the war it initially supported we too are deeply concerned about the rise of extremism. the world needs no reminder that syria has
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become the magnet for jihadists and extremists it is the strongest magnet for terror of anyplace today and as world powers star gathering in geneva to map out a peace plan for syria they are being asked to pull the plug on terrorism. which of evil confrontation which is clear results with regard to the fight against terrorism in syria particularly it needs to put pressure on countries that are exporting terrorism by sending terrorists money and weapons to terrorist organizations good especially saudi arabia and turkey and of course the western countries that provide political compass for these terrorist organizations. organizations no one ever imagined america would in any way support merino port r.t. new york and behind me you can see the territory under control of the islamic state of iraq and levant or i as on it as that said marcus in block so it's
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a blog last some of the his group denounced even by al qaida recently the i.s.i. has executed twenty one civilians in a children's hospital that it has taken over for its babies some x. was saying this month told that the syrian peace talks. i do not want to see and. reproduced in syria where you have you know the breakup of the country and basically warlordism in various parts of the country and incitement of they syria sectarianism and so forth you have these al qaeda affiliated groups banning music images and of course the out zero respect for women's rights and so on so what is the priority of the syrian opposition is a stance is rash and wise and counterproductive even defied that they have serious emphasis on syria and national integrity and sovereignty in light of the intrusion
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and the very destructive role of thousands of foreign forces who have zero commitment to devalues a free democratic syria as well as the right so women and so on of course all they want to shrink the build up to wednesday's syrian peace conference so stay with us to get all the latest developments on the story. after three years of. just over one hundred. missing and common sense come together with one. war is not. does peace have a chance. which are several sevens god the golden boot being homeless conch volunteers for throwing as many failed asylum seekers out of the country as they can that's coming out for you shortly. and also let in bad
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and back again because we missed i can turn destroy russia has now given birth to a new trend of socialist ideas which are coming into function around the globe the stages that lead in to life that's after the break. we'll go to the future. is here so we hit the road to focus on new technology. on this show no party is complete we don't cool. and we live about the next in the field to live unleashing this also the potential to save lives. not only. we've got the future covered. speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's
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we'll hear a multi reporting from the world talks of the r.p.m. to be intriguing story. arabic to find out me visit arabic don't call. this is all seem to national welcome bonk at least five people are reported dead and thirty five injured following an explosion in lebanon's capital beirut is the latest the talkin a spike of violence that has been plaguing the country let's not get
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a live update from a point it's clear hi paula so this area is of course a hezbollah stronghold well do we know about the situation but at this point well yes the explosion happened near the headquarters of the hezbollah amusement in the neighborhood in the southern suburbs of the lebanese capital beirut almost immediately smoke covered the area one of the nearby buildings caught a light there was a charred vehicle in the vicinity and i witness reported hearing the sound of a very very loud explosion this is the stronghold of the shiite muslim group hezbollah and it's understood that this attack like a string of other attacks that have happened in recent weeks and months autography in the group because of its support for the in battle of syrian president bashar assad who has been fighting a bitter war cost. three years now earlier this month there was a bomb blast just meters. in which five people were killed and then last
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month a former minister who was a critic of his villa was killed alongside five others so he tensions across may have been on our high in all the hizbollah strongholds people are nervous as strong line and hard line muslims seemingly stepped up attacks targeting hizbollah and its supporters. artie's a policy i live from tel aviv paula thank you very much indeed for that update we appreciate it. stoppard the british home office are being offered a cash bonuses if they manage to kick wall sailed asylum seekers out of the country than expected the incentive scheme has been limbo hosted by critics who say people's lives are being up stake. now from london. failed asylum seekers that have been told to leave britain can apply here to the u.k.'s home office to have their cases reviewed it's a last ditch attempt to stay in the u.k.
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if they can prove that their lives back home are in danger but it's been revealed that home office employees are set targets they're supposed to be winning seventy percent of these cases that means that they're aiming to keep out seventy percent of the people that have really applied to stay in britain after their asylum cases have already been rejected if they can hit that target they're rewarded with holiday days cash bonuses and high street shopping vouchers these incentives don't have any place in these sorts of cases where people's life and limb can quite literally be at stake this being repeated instances of other pressures for management coming down to those making these decisions in individual cases it was a toy gorilla that they called the grown monkey and that was placed on the desk of any official to brave enough against that backdrop to make a decision to grant someone saw
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a limb on their application the home office says that no vouchers are issued purely for winning cases they say that other factors are taken into consideration as well they refused to say just how many vouchers have been handed out to asylum and immigration staff but a parliamentary oncet reveals that since july twenty twelve eleven high street shopping vouchers have been awarded to staff in asylum cases for a one off recognition of individual performance at court wholly boyko artsy london . sweet dreams are not made of these oh no sheet of coal one of the most popular prescription drugs in the you are turning people into killers instead of sending them for a blissful night's sleep. and a little six danger to the pope as a form of vatican god claims there is an underground network of homosexuals plotting against him. as the
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nine percent of us are of the death of lundy millennium among her trying to the entire course of russian history members of big communist party have laid flowers at lennon's mausoleum to all of the founding fathers of their ideology although a recent poll such as the attitude of russians towards his legacy is close to indifferent his social ideas are gaining more and more grounds in the west and fryer veteran ball is an editor at the danish newspaper bidar and explain to us why . after nine years of crisis in the capitalist system with more and more people experiencing the consequences of the crisis these ideas they never really disappeared and now they're coming back people are naturally looking for alternatives and i think when you look at europe today the figures speak for themselves with one out of every four european at the risk of poverty and flinty five million unemployed europeans people are looking for alternatives as i search
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and even though the world is different than it was at the time of lenin it's not fundamentally changed so i think his ideas are still relevant and appealing to a lot of people today think when you look at the world today it definitely shows that the capitalism doesn't work to solve the basic problems of the world. time now for some more global headlines this hour a large blast of an animal feed planted in the central u.s. city of omaha has left two people dead and another ten seriously injured it's not clear what caused the explosion and witnessed inside witness inside the plant said the that he had a large crowd before the. war the factory collapsed emergency services say all workers and bodies have now been accounted for. at least fifty people working to clear mines have reportedly been abducted in the north west of afghanistan local security officials say the group arrived in there any of the city of herat three weeks ago no one's claimed responsibility for the kidnapping.
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and the colombian military says it's killed fourteen members of the fark rebels movement in near the border with venezuela is still to group and were responsible for supper targeting oil installations as well as an ambush that killed more than a dozen government troops and six months ago colombian officials took part in peace negotiations with the guerilla group last year though a little level conflict is still ongoing and up next a glimpse into say we're in cold whose leader is guiding his flock down an eccentric past a spiritual salvation. another whistleblowers facing a lot of heat including a wave of death threats but what did she discover some sort of dark secret cia plans or some other plaque for a new war of luxury no she exposed something far more dangerous and important to
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the zombies on their couches the university of north carolina athletes are mentally unfit for college and even high school mary willing come blew the whistle on the fact that between eight and ten percent of the school's football and basketball players read of the fourth grade level and many others are sub college level she also claims that these students were allowed into the university based on the screening process done by the university implying that the u. of n.c. knew exactly who they were letting into the university remember college football makes a lot of money i always had a feeling that something like this was going on i mean according to usa today many college athletes claim that during the season they put in more than double the amount of hours on sports that they are allowed that's fifty to sixty hours a week how can they possibly learn anything maybe it isn't so sad that this goes on it is a reflection of economics what is sad is that the whistleblower is getting death threats just for saying that it is going on by those stupid hard core fans but that's just my opinion.
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this is a. motion to the. issues that no one is asking with to get what you deserve answers from. politics. in the heart of the impossible siberian tiger lissa group dedicated to following a man who calls himself the seri and every year on august eighteenth members of this community gather on a mountain that they say is sacred to see that man who claims to be the modern christ.


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