tv Larry King Now RT January 21, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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on larry king now turtle over gerri ferraro i tend to operate from a safety fear perspective you know where i'm actually realizing how successful it was now i never enjoyed it when it was happening it's going to be a movie there is going to be a movie getting the band back together there's definitely a throwback to the earlier seasons of the show plus you ready to be mark wahlberg take like a mini lot longer because i don't know if you could be model they're all next on larry king now. welcome back to larry king now another edition with jerry farrar you know him from his role as turtle on the h.b.o. hit series entourage and now he's making the jump to the big screen he recently
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active alongside dinero douglas freeman kline and les vegas and now he stars with model walberg and taylor kitsch in lone survivor that film about a failed navy seal team mission opens in theaters january tenth maybe most important of all he's from brooklyn where fencing has brooklyn made to interesting what school high school at lafayette level at john told him that all went overhead as well real facts is that they don't moan yes for money brothers you want do you do i want to use your i was a big ol rivals yeah the rivalry is not quite there anymore became a link in you think at it or a while yeah you did song was ten thousand boys ten thousand girls right over that the street did you live on i lived on thirteenth avenue and seventy street they publicly and maybe thirty or so you must know someone who guarded is that peace was the world's best reason or oriental. yeah ok so you're yankee fan i am
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a yankee fan yes one. became met fans well here's what i want to ask you because you know what you're a dodger fan obviously and you go back to brooklyn dodgers right robinson's first you need to view jackie. been around you know i'm a knicks fan and now that the nets are in brooklyn a lot of my friends have jumped ship being net fans i will always be a knicks fan like of the knicks moved to l.a. i'd be in l.a. knicks fan it's not so much about where i'm from but now somebody's love with that franchise like you follow the dodgers the yankees you know when i grew up the yankees were awful in the eighty's like i suffered through the dave winfield all we really i was don mattingly that was it i mean i could go down that list of yankees in the eighty's and they were terrible so when i started feeling the success in the ninety's everyone thought i was a front runner but i just my mom was a yankee fan and i just grew up loving don mattingly i will talk about lone survivor in a minute less rigorous than usual of the kind of flinty yeah you know i've
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kind of play this character who is convict frat boy and his job is to antagonize these the mount rushmore of acting as i like to call them and in their own douglas and it's kind of hard to be obnoxious to guys that you vitalized your whole life growing up what was it like for you. you know i really a goal of mine was to not get fired this is such a treat job like that just just make sure you really don't give fired from his job because these are the guys you respect and you would think that there was some kind of like hierarchy vs legit like they brought me right over and instantly just made me feel like i was one of them and my i just sat back and observed it was an observation for me and i learned a lot from just watching these guys do it at a great time talking with them of course their role as each a major star yeah who's the quietest. de niro's the quietest i would say highest
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maintenance there really wasn't any of that i'm taking the high road here they really morgan freeman was working with one hundred two fever at one point they were going to like shut down for the day he said no let's keep let's keep going he was sick as a dog and worked the whole day was the funniest they're all pretty funny kevin kline is. just razor sharp with comedy do they overcharged. you know there was one point where i was doing a scene with morgan freeman and he basically said gives me advice about how to pick up a woman and sends me over there and i did a few takes and then he just simply offered up on this one once you try this and do it this way and that absolutely took his know and sure enough i did it and something i never would have thought of and that's the exact take that's in the movie lone survivor it's a true story right over the fire is a true story based on a book that marcus luttrell wrote who was the lone survivor peter berg directing and he wrote a few good sport is that true i have no he did not write it for me but you know
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i've done i've worked with pete before and you know he kind of offered me this role and at the time i was hoping i could do it and it was a he's like it's a small role but it's a good role and i want you to do it and you know sure enough when i when i kind of got there that there really was no small role in that movie because it's just it's such a important film these guys are basically superheroes you play a navy seal i play a marine who basically you know is running the communications for the seals while they're on this mission which is hat was was the problem with the mission was the communications and the satellite was a problem like the communications kept going in and out where do you shoot that was shot in new mexico which i was actually doing last vegas at the same time so i was leaving this light hearted funny set with my heroes in vegas where we're partying and then getting to this really then flying into mexico to this really intense real
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life story about these heroes and it was like ok i'd turned off all the funny stuff and got serious and i were going to both of the same to yeah yeah and then going back to vegas and was kind of now in intense mode and having john turtle talk the director like not jerry it was a really weird kind of yeah strange paolo for me as. we're going with walberg ah he's just he's the best i go back with mark now to the early on and you know i was twenty three when i when i got entourage i'm thirty four now and mark's always been really good to me and the one thing not the one thing but the thing that always sticks out is there is no harder working guy in show business and you don't have to work that hard if you don't want to but he does the guy just doesn't doesn't stop you really i look up to marc came a long way to me a long way and if you look back on it now his career spawned so many different chapters that's kind of why look up to him he's underwear model academy award
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nominated actor you know it's just insane is transitions these are going to be a hit do you think of the lone survivor i think it'll it'll be a hit but also i think it will really just you know hit home and make people stop and really see you a con a like i say use the word like superhero like these guys a real life superheroes tell me about a. turtle how did that come about you know pretty standard story twenty three years old working in many different restaurants in the san fernando valley auditioning every day and audition for. steve levenson the mark walberg and see an independent film i did so they were really kind of championing me for the role and the addition one hundred fifty times. literally like paired up with so many different at the search for that show was the casting was pretty extensive and i got the call told my mom i'm in the pilot she condom was like what's that mean
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i'm like i don't really know. in the pilot a couple weeks after that we use a bra is that was a hit because it was very intro. yes i was only because i tend to operate from a safety fear perspective like i wanted it to be a hit but i never quite you know it's when i'm actually realizing how successful it was now i never enjoyed it when it was happening throughout all ninety six episodes i always was hoping people were watching it and now i can kind of look back on it and i see that it really did well you a fetter. yes i was i would just say it larry i was fat. i have to be fed for that rule will you just. you know it i was always a chubby kid and when i kind of got when i was twenty three i got it i was on the chubby side. and it definitely fit the character so was in any rush to change and just over the steady course of great craft service eight and
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a half years it's and never working out it just slowly became a heavier guy but it always worked for the character. but yeah i was walking around it two hundred or do you doing the part that you were absolutely not you know he was a lazy stoner cited did you lose weight then deliberately if. yes and no it was a luxury of knowing when the show was going to end like we knew ok we're ending on this in this day and we had about a year's notice so i knew i the first way to kind of change people's perception is physically visually but also i just turned thirty and i went for like the hollywood physical which all actors have to do just to get cleared to go do a movie to basically make sure you're not dying and i had this doctor who literally didn't try to scare me book kind of said you know you're thirty years old you're you know you're not in any health risk now but you know what in ten years if you go along this path it could be
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a problem and it just kind of hit home and that next day i was like on the phone with a friend of mine who's a nutritionist and just changing every i mean i smoked for. teen years i stopped smoking everything what was dubbed. supposed to be very difficult to work with i mean look those reputation doug is is one of my best friends in and you know had to handle so much throughout the eight years of the show he literally did everything i mean i've never really felt i was ever difficult to me you know but i've seen just extreme circumstances where there was no choice but to be kind of there was this chaos a lot of the time is going to be a movie there is going to be a movie star shooting in the middle of january same guest same cast everybody's getting the band back together but you'll be fat. that that's not going to happen i would make them pay per pound and would be a lot propound what does it look like the script look it's i think it's great but obviously i have i have some favorites isn't there but it is definitely
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a throwback to the earlier seasons of the show where qana you know was these four friends really just trying to help their best friend navigate this crazy situation he's in with movie stardom so it for the fans i would say it's a throwback to the earlier earlier seasons it was the same guests say no no major major star tom cruise no there is no tom cruise but odds are as is always had there are great cameos and there will be some great cameos as always and in the movie so you know you're a busy too successful everything's groovy for you and you know i don't want to say that out loud because i'm scared that it's really not true but it's. you know it really just to me i've seen that you just got it you've got to work hard it has to be a top priority because if you marry no single got a steady girl i will girl i have a girl the first time i've actually said out loud right here to add girl over
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serious it's no just girl who the good girl now is reading these are words i'm i'm sipping from the cup what is the big deal of saying it out love is just a girl you're right you're absolutely right a thing is that you know using words someone's i will write something we get serious dating in like being single like relationships that it's kind of run like the b.c.s. system for in support of the. strength of schedule you lost to this but this girl a brooklyn kind of girl. not from brooklyn but brooklyn there you know what it's like just to have the brooklyn vibe there are there is a brooklyn broad there is a brooklyn but it's also the super bowl brooke so it's hard to explain this to people who don't know but when you run into a guy you haven't seen in fifteen years in a minute yeah the time disappears in a minute and you're home with him instantly and he's inviting me to his house for dinner my mother is going to cook call you should come and then says there is something about that place but you're right you can't have
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a really label it one space and we jews and yes yes yes that's right and you italian yes and i was jewish yes we knew each other will absolutely we grew up together essentially going to the y.m.c.a. not coming out would talk sandwiches and sports and about a guy named sal next. day . very hard to take. on. that that was the other thing here.
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the people. place. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. everybody if you if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy allmers. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked right handful of
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transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once i'm tom harkin and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing. are ready to join the movement then walk a bit like. jerry ferrario see him in lone survivor you saw in the last vegas and you'll see him up coming in on to raj and you also saw him in entourage now tell me about this scene which fat cells i have a bagel shop brooklyn was a big. draw i've been many times over the ice cube coffee i hold on its head out of the ice cubes fans as i know what is what is fats fats souses is a is
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a sandwich shop that there is are the cell of fat cells one of my best friends from he's actually from staten island years ago we always talked about opening up because italian restaurant or an italian deli is effed. yes but different not theft like i was fags like office of linemen fat like there's a lot of muscle a scale of yeah where is the shop the first one opened up in westwood right by u.c.l.a. we now we just closed on our fourth on this one in san diego and the new one just open on fountain and highland which has just been off. an amazing drug wrote every day well please by all means. well here it's the evolved from you know this kind of italian deli idea to then these fat sandwiches which were very very popular on the east coast where literally it's anything you could think of like on a sandwich like these sandwiches french fries relish sticks and all like boar's head cold cuts and every sandwich is named after
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a person like the fat jerry is the number one seller i think they tell me that maybe though just to keep me happy i'm not quite all with him on one shame which will be pushed draw me french for all his sandwich easily absolutely this is not a calorie counting which no no it is not literally for the faint of heart we will at some point start a skinny side and then you will have the sensitive jerry which will be some kind of turkey wrap but yeah i know this is decadent this is it if you're in a. band yeah we're actually opening now in austin texas which is the right they work real well by college campuses because when you're seventeen eighteen years old you can eat that five times a week you go right but it will go by fat cells love it larry sports what did you make of could know. you know i hate seeing a homegrown yankee go like that i mean i have robinson cano is a great player i'm kind of adverse to give any player at this point yeah you know
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seven years is condamine that as a five years as if i was a g.m. would be the most i'd be willing to pay someone unless they were nineteen years old what about you you think he's there in trouble there insurable. you know i love would you are you do i think arguably did his best coaching job yet with the end of this year the injuries are ridiculous we've got to get younger and if you look back to those great yankee teams that yes we still have free agency signings but the homegrown core you know the jeter is obviously bernie williams mariano rivera those guys were yankees from the beginning we need to kind of redevelop that instead of. i mean she only big proscriptions zero i mean again unless there's something i don't know and i'm not as up on it as i was ten years ago but i don't see the next andy pettitte walking through the door you know any time soon oh no another thing you're going to plead guilty yes in the upcoming film yes it's got used my favorite fighter of of all time you know that he was in those famous fights with make you ward you know the trilogy as they like to call which mark wahlberg played micky
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ward in the fighter and you know many oscar nominated you. i mean i'm on a very small amateur scale i am not a good fighter i don't claim to be a good fighter like actually being around a lot of fighters now and seeing what those guys put themselves through it's like no other sport was supposed to do the story well you know gatty khana was just as polarizing figure in boxing you know he was the he was the real life rocky in a way where you could lose ten straight rounds get knocked down fifteen times we had that homerun left hook that the one i'm a fan a lot of times in a tenth round he land that left hook and when he tragically passed away at a very very young age and. you know it's weird because they made the micky ward movie and he kind of became famous because of its role gatti and micky ward made a terrible gatti famous so i think now it's kind of a turn to get his story told and the movie's done right can make it
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done right that's the key to the key to the sentence they're done right can absolutely make it because it's a crazy world that they it's a crazy life their lives it's like no other sport really i mean you can look at tennis or any other sport where it's just you in the right you know it's a one person sport but. the guy on the other side is trying to kill you you know it's a different thing this will make you a leading man get a star right i would be the star i i i don't know you know i guess i don't i know you really i'll leave that up to you to this are you ready for superstardom you know here's what i'll say larry is jerry. three years ago no am i missing superstar in terms of like actually being like a leading man i did my first lead role this summer an independent film back in new york was shot in new york and it's it was every scene every moment of the movie is
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hinged on the performance and you know i wouldn't have been able to physically do that you know i think i would have probably been hospitalized because of the grueling schedule at some point being in such bad shape but also just a whole new respect of you know you're in every scene you're there every day and even if you're exhaust you've got to kind of lead in those are you really be over take like a mini mart wall there because i don't know if you can be mark walberg for some social media questions when will lead to novia tweets we'll commitment to on drugs would make you unavailable to play point god for the mic. you know i would gladly hang up acting to go play point guard for the next the next call and they want me to play point i quit acting a.j. during ninety four as for twitter did you cross i went on drugs and. yeah i did i walked away when we had that final shot and i cried make sure no one sob but i. i had a little man walk and i was on his party yeah i mean the minute we called there was
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the final shot i mean there was a cake in champagne and you know almost a decade with those people at the monroe wants to know if anyone other confuses you for the guy who played rudy in rude sean astin whatever happened to sean astin i don't mean these he's around his son is that a great career you know what yes and. i think i'm going to go is really for hollowing this year and this coming year is if you're going to be ready those are good movies great movie and i would that's a role i would love to play jimbo sly's twenty three wants to know your favorite episode of entourage favorite episode of odds is the sundance episode we shot an episode at sundance early early on it was the first time we became famous after half a kind of doing episodes outside of l.a. and that was the first trip we took outside of l.a. to go shoot and finally jay rambo one twenty three via instagram what are your favorite nike sneakers of all time of all time are you
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a nike sneakers i am i would have to go just jordan once during one says why do i know she lines at them at the store because i mean that in the middle of the only thing i have people go not how do they know when is a new sneaker come all it's talked about for months before it's almost like the opening of oh where on the into on the internet you know sneaker heads like it's talked about like the opening for a movie there's i'll get up early. and drive by nike and they don't open till ten and it's quarter to seven and they were around the block weaving for a sneaker oh i feel like maybe like can i feel like you can probably skip that line when you maybe take me in there and we go get a pair of nike together we can go and let's go in together to get you some likes my younger son just. a new there's a new jordan oh yeah black and white yes if you see me of course. one guy. he's wearing it now anyway he's got a high because my brother will take you back i remember those days all right it's
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a game of if you only knew first person you kissed christina volpi christine of all be in brooklyn and brooklyn where i was that it was in her basement and then when we left. god i feel sorry because the i do remember the next day i thought i was allowed to like then do that again she may or may not have kicked me in the crotch that was the first time i got kicked there so this girl is the first girl i kissed and the first girl that i got hit whole year. ten that there was a school and all this happened on my street i grew up on a street where literally there was about fifteen kids my own age lived on my street me too you know you just you just hung around woke up you went outside on the around the corner it was a block party sensually so it was on the street he lived up the street a little bit yeah his there on the street whack. was the thing that scares you the
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most thing that scares me the most silence on drugs car you do want to play other than turtle. billy watch is there a t.v. show you're embarrassed to admit that you watch. i don't have one no i don't have one of what was yours well i don't turn it on but if i walk into the room and it's on a watch sponge bob. can't follow that ladder he's groucho you know i got caught up in sponge bob for a month until it is no you were seven. kerry dearest to give appreciate most in others loyalty favor yankee team in history i'll have to go that ninety six team is the first world series i ever saw you on a desert island what three things do you have with you. i have music with me i have pasta. like my mom's pasta and. you know i just need two
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things you miss most about on to raj km rothery the guys you know got along to their family and my brothers you know like getting up and going to work every day at six in the morning and just seeing my four best friends you know it's that's that was the best part dream role. you know it's the great part about acting is like you get to get to do it for a long time if you're lucky and you get to play many like i was the kid that my career change was always i want to be a fireman one day and a soldier and so i mean my dream well i would love to play some kind of like really ask undersized underdog athlete you know i love sports so much i mean it would be some kind of a sports movie but advice you have received stay ready so you never have to get ready thanks here thank you thank you thank you my guests gerry ferraro blown
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survivor will be in theaters january tenth and you can find me on twitter at kings things and i'll see you next time. technology innovation. developments from around russia we've got the future covered. think i was looking. over. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy shred albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been
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a hydrogen client handful of transnational corporations that will profit by the screwing what our founding fathers once told us about my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america have on the books ready to join the movement then walk a little bit take. place
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go. of the. happy friday people i'm having martin and this is breaking the set so we all know that the intelligence community would love nothing more than apprehend n.s.a. leaker edward snowden in parade him around in front of the world as an example of what happens to whistleblowers in this country what i didn't know is that some n.s.a. employees want to take it a step further you know to american psycho levels according to buzz feed several pentagon and n.s.a. officials have anonymously expressed their desire to murder snowden a current n.s.a. analyst told the website that quote in a world where i would not be restricted from killing an american i personally would go and kill him myself a lot of people share the sentiment what a minute we do live in a world where drone.
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