tv [untitled] January 22, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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larry king now the star of the hit h.b.o. series girls it's allison williams was one of my first auditions after graduating from college so i just felt glad that i didn't you know pee my pants or start crying i think the girls are more motivated to be proctored about growing up and so this season is clumsy in that pursuit. is sixteen yeah. plus i just can't believe you're going to talk about this it's all next on larry king now. for larry king now we special guests is the lovely and talented allison williams she stars in the h.b.o. in a way to get girls she's going to be in b. and b.
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c he's no friend brian williams this is the third season of girls a major it does get this i. audition for it because i had done this you tube video called mad men the same song with a twist where i took the theme song to mad men that beautiful string number and then i put nature boy by anakin call on top of it with a whole song oddly enough kind of describes don draper so i put those two together i filmed it in one take i wore sort of sixty's era clothing and then i put everybody. in it but what i could not have planned even if i had planned everything perfectly was that judd apatow house saw the video and thought that there was something about my performance in my personality that seemed in the vein of marnie the character i now play so he had me come on titian for the part and then he would see you right there you know well maybe in the audition i could've sensed good. that it was going in a good direction but i. i was one of my first audition after graduating from
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college so i just felt glad that i didn't you know pee my pants or start crying and it was one of the the next was always yeah with college i went to yale graduate draw it in english actually but i took a lot of drama classes and i did improv comedy critics called the show smart funny groundbreaking brilliantly will i even break through you know just we take all i certainly hoped it would and when i read the pilot script which was the only thing i had to read when i went into the audition it felt to me like it was profound in its simplicity and also lena lena dunham who's the creator writer she's the star of the show she's our director most of the time. she can write so uncannily accurately in the voice of people our age and i'm just one character she wrote in so many different voices that sounded full and real and realized even though they were still just on the page and i knew then and there that she was
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extraordinary in some way and i was like it's hard for you imagine the show being anything less than wonderful and some very yeah and even if he's you know working on something else or if he's in california he visits us whenever he can and then also his d.n.a. is in every script he's always giving notes he's always you know sometimes even on set one of the producers will get an e-mail from him and say he wants us to try one where you're acting this way or something he's there even if he isn't in the comparison deceptions cities there. fair. i would say fair on paper but i think by virtue of. the show's contacts the fact that it's you know post-recession it's girls in their early twenty's emerging from college yes it's four girls in new york city one of them is a writer. on h.b.o. i certainly understand the comparison but i think when people see the two shows
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that bisaya even just the statically they're very different and because you know that is so unique and original i think that nothing she does can be that similar to anything anyone else did sometimes pre-war right yes. there are sexting does your father. get a little itchy about them he might it's funny i was really worried about that before the show started but then you know i was standing on their couch while i was shooting season one i was staying on the couch in their apartment in new york and i would come home from the table read and say oh gosh i haven't seen video i'm kind of nervous about it so to talk about it and then after i filmed it i would talk to them about every very close and then by the time they saw it i obviously had over prepared them i told them it was much worse than it was then inevitably the reaction always was you know it's not as bad as i thought it was going to be so they're pretty cool about it doing such more so most you only really great after only you maybe she said she. did not want to do first they're not
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sexy you don't get turned on this forty people standing around yeah and you guys issue different angles very true in every way the best thing you could hope for in a sex scene is just someone that you laugh with because it's ridiculous it's a ridiculous thing to be you know forces you know you're going to be very sinister i mean you are in weird and ask you to kiss on one side of the face or not the other and. it's very very strange so all you can hope for is that you get in fits of giggling with your costar dead of it so much and she he didn't this past season he did maybe once or twice in the first season my mom came in the second season every once in a while just to say hi i'm told i don't know this is a peep. for disrobing show frequently girls what do you say to that. it's funny i can't she i would
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say that lena as chief. endeavor is just to portray things honestly and to go into those uncomfortable moments that are not often portrayed on film and investigate those and put them on television and see how people react to it a lot of those moments are when we're alone or when we're with one other person and they're not very glamorous and they're not well thought out and they're not well lit you know and i think in that way her nudity is just part of the honest puzzle it's just part of telling a story in a real way and. people don't like that and they are free to watch it but i think they there is a part of all these people who do enjoy kind of how nearly you had to do things you want to do on a show you know about to change a long time we change things constantly oh yeah yeah it's a very fluid process the scripts as they arrive are nearly perfect but then what happens a lot on sat is bill shot over hearst the scene if anything happens that lena here
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isn't doesn't like or i want to play around with something there's a lot of space to do that it's very clever to have in that way and your toes and the things women in the thirty's she's not specifically but i can you can tease you in saying that i think it's you know the same struggles that we've seen in the first two seasons but there's a lot of i think the girls are more motivated to be propped up about growing up and so the season is clumsy in that pursuit which is a really strange thing but i think they're finally ready to start living there is that have you shot we're done. i know everything and all the secrets only shows twelve we went up and girls is in this third season on h.b.o. she's the daughter of brian williams we'll talk about their father and our mutual friend. he's my friend how did you handle same overnight oh my gosh we used with the house well yes his is a very different kind of notoriety because he is like you you come on screen
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yourself and people get used to seeing you at a certain time in a certain place in a certain context and when oh yeah i did play someone else but the flip side of that is that people see me on the subway and they say marnie. and they don't think twice about it because the show's set here it's totally conceivable that marnie would be walking around new york city. but i think you know sleeping on my parents' couch was pretty grounding probably. but for the boy's own good you know but i think they i think my parents also made it a rule that i had to graduate from college so in an effort to kind of de lay any of this at their word it happened for me this early until i was twenty two at very least they think that the longer you can spend in school and out of the spotlight this kind of scrutiny and the better i think they are right some critics of padded for being self absorbed the lack of diversity how do you respond well you know i
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think anything that any show that's provocative and new and is challenging is going to be that it isn't like that not really because it doesn't because it doesn't bother lena the bother lena i would bother me because i always you know i don't want anything to get to her because she's so smart and she's so she has such a vision that i think you know she she listens to all of it and she takes it and but what she creates is very much. it's very much hers and what she was a visionary. i loved it i watched it so many times it made me laugh so hard. i did when i was in high school or maybe it was after a first year of college i was her second assistant for a summer and it was the summer she was shooting baby mama and thirty rock simultaneously and it was. it was an incredible privilege she is not high maintenance enough to need two assistants at all so mostly i just start around
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watching her work and all the girls all the clothes yes yeah we are it's it's funny because we're all pretty mellow in real life and so our ideal hangout would be in a diner or something like that but we're really we're really close we love each other a lot oh we do describe more me i think she. she's someone who definitely means well and wakes up every morning wanting to do her best to be her best i think she probably still believes that she's capable of attaining perfection. and she expects that of the people around her as well. she is. she's driven probably but she is not passionate about anything in particular so the drive has nowhere to go and the boy in her life she had a very serious boyfriend in season two and the actor who played that boyfriend left the show so she is without him in season three of the right the moment i love the way they do well it was. really impressive on the part of the writers and i try to
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do this that spoiling anything basically they try to come up with a very honest way of doing it job obviously disappear or they just come back in another actor and have their name we not do that we didn't replace him in that way but yeah i think you have to you have to see good. show called some of this chill you consider you so yes i do and gloria steinem is one of my heroes i love her about the mains and she had said that you know you do what you want to do do it again. screen then go and do big screens we don't do i want to do it all i want to do everything i'm really happy playing marnie on girls and so anything i do i'll be on the show as long as i have me and i would love to do things in addition to that i've always loved movies i've grown up being in plays and watching plays musicals straight plays i say and i'd love to do more music.
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yeah the records i have nothing that i've ever released but you know yeah little things here and there the jewels. so when said to my daughter once she was thinking about it she changed clothes that weren't your father couldn't help you with is opening the door but once the door is open he can't do anything right you have to true you yes and in fact someone's about to me too you know growing up in the context that your daughter and i grew up and we're surrounded by these incredibly. high achieving people and and. one of the great aspects of that is just growing up in a context where you can believe that dreams can come true that that's possible if you're passionate about something you can make it happen and that i think was the biggest advantage i had was just growing up with two parents that were very very encouraging but also you know very much about the work ethic and very much about always having a job it always worked. you know earning what you get networking meeting people all
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of that stuff they they were always proponents of that so it was never. is there about you know waiting for the connections and resting on my laurels it was it was about you know being proactive and stuff like that or does your younger brother my younger brother just graduated from iran it's a communications major and he is a sportscaster he works for the u.s. network and does a lot of stuff online for that is on the air and he's getting to be on the air yeah he's so good i'm so proud of him he's really it's amazing i mean you know going to break into it was you know equal to his reputation yes we were right back with the wonderful i was and we didn't shy away. big bucks for. everybody to do it still did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck albus. role. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what are probably harder one. my job market it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world to go beyond identifying the problem try rational debate in a real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to. the the. it was a. very hard to take i don't. want to get on here there's
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well. it was like growing up with a dad you know he was primarily my dad and i don't think i fully understood what he did for a living for a long time it's kind of hard to figure out all my friends dads had jobs that were easy to describe and my dad's job seemed sort of strange i think it probably hit me most when we would be able to go on a little vacations or traps whenever those had to get canceled for current events for news happening and i grew up sort of having an awareness of what presidents were living and which ones were getting older like you know major world leaders who are growing long in the tooth and whether or not that was going to interfere with a vacation or something like that which is kind of morbid but. he was such a he's just such a good dad both my parents were very present and attentive and i never accuse worked so hard and as you mentioned he was at m s n b c for a number of years and those were late hours and so i didn't really get to see him but we wrote each other notes when i did and lifetime achievement award at the
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emmys she was a man who said that yes he was so for me which he shows when he gets on other shows yeah but he has a great shot she has an amazing sense of humor and i think that this is something that our family shares with each other we are very very close and we love laughing together and it's kept us really close and we're still to this day we email as a family all day every day i mean we're in constant communication you know she's here right now you know i'm here right now he knows i'm doing after this is that i did you ever want to do journalism not for a second in fact i think i proclaimed my desire to be an actress before i even understood what journalism was and then when i heard about it i thought that's interesting maybe i'll play a journalist someday but i also kind of had this instinct to let that be his thing and my mom was a news producer as well so that's what i said with a maybe it was ashes of producer now she has a radio show on bloomberg radio called bloomberg media and it's just about
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education she's in a thing to do you want to be a professional singer i never thought about doing just professional saying although i think. there's nothing more moving them beautiful music i listen to it all day every day you know while i'm doing things at home a long walk around the city so the idea of recording things or performing music is very appealing to me but again it's always an acting giver ad libitum girls yes we do it quite a vet sometimes weird things come out that you just cannot predict but it's really fun and our cast is very very good at doing it even though they broke yes actually improv is my only official training i was in an improv comedy yell and it's incredible training not only just for acting but also for life to just not freak out and things don't go exactly the wave plan them to which to a bunch of yale kids is a bit of a revelation but to just pick yourself up and keep going when you know i don't know
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when a plan changes or when something claim it happens is a very good life skill but also on our set we use them probably day but if you drop a cup in a scene our what if someone drops our line and you have to make up for it i mean improv is very very useful personal side of life yes so bored from idea or does he do he is an entrepreneurial kind of guy trying to avoid me a little bit. is this series where you don't want there is you know you're. serious they they are well aware that this would be a good place to tell them if they weren't if you want to be someday ask very much anybody's for sparing you know we see that people have watched as. they do i'm always sort of at a loss first of all i feel like i'm just getting started so the advice that i give them is just to. to watch as much as they can and learn from the people that they
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respect and try to read about with their processes and see what it's like but also just to do it do it as much as you can be in plays or little movies that your friends do go down to do it and you tube makes it such that you can make a movie for almost nothing and put it into the world and that's what i used to sort of introduce myself to the world when the lady is more famous than the gentleman in a relationship sometimes that can be hard so you go out we do boys and people know you and they don't know him is that hard for him you know and it's something that both he and my friends had to get used to this sort of they are very good at taking cell phone pictures and they're very that. you know setting aside and being but also stepping back and when it's he doesn't mind it now others who father like can. live yeah he likes i'm off there's no job that no no not
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at all i just can't play very i'm going to talk about what i don't know if you do that it was part of your life well i've i've it's it's a part of life that is a little bit more private and the rest of it do you read through other parts yes not a very frequently because the window that we have is relatively finite but yeah i mean i want to play all kinds of people are you reduce through four if you're not officially now but i hope so do you expect to be i mean you would think it's a hit i would hope so yeah i'd not official until it's official i am very superstitious where you shoot we shoot in silver cup studios in long island city queens of city in the civil right drive all the debris jackley that you see over the bridge it's so beautiful not a bridge company anymore you know although it's normal yes and there are bread bakeries nearby which is such an amazing smallman morning but you know it's and it's really cool. studio space we shot for one season steiner studios in the navy
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yard in brooklyn i'm going to mobilise sponsor the lone ranger on the radio really silver cup bread. is got from him that so a couple of days ago i was opening mail everyone's around people right and one of the happiest parts of my job is opening these letters and he is a twenty two year old that was a that was serving as a doctor and he was hit with mortar i think from explosion and had to be sent back to the u.s. to to rehabilitate and he's now in a wheelchair and he said that he's he's been really really down lately but that watching girls and other comedies has really left the spirits and helps him take his mind off of what he's going through and i just found it so moving and he said in the letter i'm really shy i never usually write to people but i just wanted you to know that what you do is helping me get through this and it was. it was just so
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kind of him to write it and it sort of changed and reminded me that our job if done right can have an effect on people directly and it. we have some social media questions our james neufeld on facebook once in a while your favorite moment is in a little. while one that comes immediately to mind is the third episode of the first season i come back from a weird date with someone our non date with someone and she is dancing in her room and i join her and we start dancing together and that was not only really fun to film it was kind of moving in some way but it was also it's also fun to watch and it just feels like. an honor and space to remember yet a special joyful memory on instagram who are your major influences on. i have always been a big meryl streep fan i think she's incredibly talented daniel day lewis. cate
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blanchett i think is amazing. there are so many people mary tyler moore i love oh. my god you know her but may take a look at morongo important question what's the worst pickup line in a man is a. really good question. probably something i'm creative like like hey jude you come here a lot. and it was guys that marry you changed and you said i marry who you change your name. stupid the way that in phrases that is clear any of you only mean we played is all talk just throw them out the first boy you haven't kissed idea was his name jay where was it. in my house. in connecticut old i was seventeen now i was sixteen at sixteen your first kiss was sixteen yeah whether
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brian williams to get. that is scared it's scary sixteen yeah im in this age of time you know and now whatever i have images and now i'm sixteen it was you know. we don't know about. man i'm really got it as i'm going ikea furniture really yes very good in fact i almost when i moved to los angeles before i got girls i almost considered putting together a business where somebody people furniture i find it really gratifying you still have a place in the leg no i don't anymore like jelly i do guilty pleasure well aside from having the palate of about a seven year old boy and ordering the south africa's money when i go places. i watch a ton of television a ton of television not all that's guilty of but watching as much as i do is really
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guilty you go in and you get the kids and burger. there's pa corn and chocolate chip cookies over there and really if you order that do what would you be. may be saying or or your show business for seattle i deal with that i know that is where i don't have an answer to that i know yeah i don't i don't know i'd be trying to be an actor i wanted to play in the other girl's character which would you choose oh gosh well he's a guy that i would love to play laird the our weird neighbor in our apartment she's only because i think he does that you're going to. it's a very fun character if you're on a desert island what three things do you take with you chapstick. sun block and satellite on. good thank you. model. some combination of my parents probably. what is it about the
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mother. smart intelligent she's so grounded she's one of those people that if someone is seated next to her at a meal i know that one play all over the other person is going to be close to tears my mom is going to be rubbing her back having just elicited some kind of major life and our son was so bright we don't know that you don't know. cameras heart honestly if he loves dogs he is a jersey guy he. has a great voice is a great singing voice that for me right now about oh this is me old it's holding i got a new brand new one brand new right knee it's doing really well his rehab seemed really difficult but selfishly it meant that the four of us got to spend a lot of time doing our so we like that was the most time he's ever taken off my life beautiful. to me for having i'll sit with the star of
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if you're going to the market a lot of these policies i'm sure you don't. like to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. pretty of yet everyone i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so if you haven't noticed every country in the world seems to be wrapped up in revolt right now and you reign over a million protesters about in the streets for weeks first in response to their
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president's acquiescence to russia over an e.u. trade deal now the protests have grown in the ukraine government has stepped up its crackdown on dissent just today at least two people have already been killed by police during clashes and the government has gone as far as an act in a new law which bans protests altogether restricts public assembly and just in case that doesn't send a clear enough message they're also doing little things to remind demonstrators that big brother is always watching see according to vice in a bizarre orwellian twist many ukrainians simply in the vicinity of a protest yesterday were sent to stop a text reading dear subscriber you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance well that's not disconcerting at all seems like something right out of the pages of one thousand nine hundred four but with cell phone companies and regimes working hand in hand tyranny by way of technology seems to be government's weapon of choice now it's.
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