tv [untitled] January 23, 2014 3:00am-3:30am EST
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over the city's. overnight. in the ukrainian capital. looking independence square where the speakers are continuing to deliver their rhetoric from the stage just as you might be able to hear that over the top of. me talking now we have seen a a distinct decrease in the amount of people on the streets on thursday compared to wednesday now that's because wednesday was a public holiday it allowed more people to come out but what those people have left that were here yesterday were here on wednesday well they've left more barricades better built barricades and certainly far more secure barricades about two hundred meters away just over to my left is where that that main flashpoint is going on in front of the dynamics' stadium between rioters and riot police where they're separated by what is literally a wall of fire and i was out in that last night and having
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a look around about what was what was going on there and it's made it look like something more out is done to his inferno that they have been calls from the opposition to be peaceful to not incite any violence we heard from their former world heavyweight champion. if you tally klitschko who's one of the main opposition leaders here saying that well he would use his personal influence in order to try and keep protesters and riot is peaceful if you will be new procedures i never urged for physical standoff we're calling for a nationwide strike the people need to have their say but i'm using my own personal thord to call a halt to the violence and to make sure the situation doesn't get out of control we've seen two days of violence and i hope there will be no further escalation from what we've seen certainly that's really should stick to the job really because we've we've seen continuous amounts of mullets of cocktails thrown fireworks
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throwing rocks lot of rocks a lot of the. the the paving stones here in kiev have been broken up and used as ammunition against police so the tally klitschko claims the shooting is personal influence in order to bring about peace well well we didn't see that wednesday night at all. prevail over putting right there let's take a look at exactly where the ongoing turmoil has been taking place and bring up the map of kiev on r.t. international for you can joining double streets here the top the european square located just up there that's the forefront of the unrest it's where the tires have been set alight is where peter all of has been reporting for the past twenty four hours some of the fiercest clashes have taken place nearby the government buildings are though around here we have a good chef go street right here it's where a security operation on wednesday pushed out some of the more radical protesters who have been conflicting reports on the number of casualties that we have confirmation that two protesters have died both reportedly having bullet wounds all
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the while though the authorities stressing that the police are not equipped with live ammunition so far though over two hundred police officers have been injured during the riots more than eighty have wound up in a hospital and we did ask a former british police officer with experience of crowd control or to take us through the tactics being used at the moment by the ukrainian authorities. the minute it starts becoming violent one of the protests and then they have no option then to react sometimes in the way they did because once that situation does get out of control like that well then those two primary and thursday is still peace quickly in whatever way you can get the demonstrators moved away broke what the rest of your advice and then primary there the second part would mean just to do so as safely as possible for the public's first but then to the offices second so i think you know in some ways when you get back to grandparents a new sequence responses in many ways it's not surprising what they have reacted as
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they've been recently as they have i mean it's not very nice if you look very good and indeed a lot of his colleagues and give a very unfortunately been injured as well about human beings at the end of the day you know they all strive however well equipped they are well trained they are unique so this is going to zour one analogy but it's sort of combat in the field face to face with some dangerous people many of whom are actually intent on causing them harm in the meantime the slogans of some radical groups so forth exposed a question of what's really driving the unrest nationalists have threatened more violence claiming their right to use force and they have already been reports of several anti-semitic attacks as well and with the mobs in kiev becoming increasingly aggressive other voices of support from the west have also being growing louder and louder details here now from marty's loose account from. the obama administration had upped its rhetoric against ukraine on wednesday warning of
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possible sanctions that the government continues its crackdown on protesters there the state department spokesperson here in washington said all policy options are on the table but did not offer any more specifics now the u.s. meanwhile has revoked the visas of several ukrainian officials who are allegedly implicated in violence against peaceful protesters no members of the opposition however have their visas revoked by the united states this is something that did come under some scrutiny at the state department press conference when a journalist or raise the issue of a double standard the united states has already revoked visas of several people responsible for violence. several officials ukrainian officials several. so there's no opposition protesters nothing like this ukrainian official. now we also heard from the state department referencing two protesters that had been shot saying that they had been shot by members of the police despite the fact
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that the investigation on the ground in kiev had not yet concluded president obama himself stayed silent on the recent developments for the department spokeswoman did call on the ukrainian government to abide by the protesters calls for the country to sign a trade deal with the european union instead of turning towards russia the state department's top your of europe official victoria nuland has those are the countries several times recently to argue the case vice president biden had also called the ukrainian president to express his deep concerns now the united states isn't alone in pointing the finger of blame on the ukrainian government when it comes to the recent violence in kenya of we did also hear from the e.u. budget commissioner who said that sanctions were not being discussed at the moment but that the body will go beyond simply condemning the violence one possible option going up to the bank accounts of certain all of arks on the ruling party in ukraine . and russian presidential spokesman to reach your comment on the condemnation by
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the west saying that moscow considers any interference in ukraine's to mystic affairs as absolutely unacceptable he also said that russia should never has never will do such a thing political analyst in international affairs commentator rick ross off he believes the west is a too harsh in his criticism of ukraine's government. this is you know can by no stretch of the imagination be characterized as peaceful demonstrations of that nor can these actions which are so persistent so well organized and so not criticized by the west be seen as simply you know provocateurs operating on the you know on the extremes of otherwise healthy protests when he approaches from the west there but you know rather violently i am in chicago and of course i was here for the demonstrations against the nato summit in may of two thousand and twelve and i can assure you that when demonstrators got out of line year they were bludgeoned you know pretty severely by this year ago police were themselves were not attacked so i
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believe that you know the fact that. prominent u.s. and european political officials are aiding on if you will they're doing everything possible to exacerbate the conflict and of senator john mccain it was said and it wasn't given december as well as victoria nuland it was assistant secretary of state for european and your asian affairs as well as catherine ashton from the european union and for you know at least a month and a half two months and doing everything possible to not only provide some you know false legitimacy to violent protest and but also quite a unilaterally and entirely showing their hand as being you know against the incumbent government of president victory on a call that. a negotiation between opposition leaders and president going to cooperate should not yielded any results and all set to resume later on today but the opposition has slapped the president with a twenty four hour deadline to call a snap election and launch what they say is their own shadow parliament however the
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prime minister has said the government will not accept any ultimatums though it is still ready to meet the protesters off way. well do stay with us here on our international we'll bring you the very latest from kiev and of course the on going unrest. it's r t international the syrian government and its main political rivals failed to find any common ground at the opening of the geneva two summit on wednesday international mediators are now rushing to make sure the first direct talks between the warring sides take place on friday as planned. you go to prison office reporting from switzerland prime minister i'm sorry to. can you just read. you live in new york i live in syria i have.
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to give you this. here in this forum the first day of the conference was expected to be spent listening to formal statements instead it was the scene of bitter exchanges as the syrian opposition pressed on with its calls for president assad to step down i think that i said is the problem and i said i don't think the problem old any solution without said going about stepping down as change of power in damascus is something washington is pushing for as well but will not be part of that transition government but according to the u.n. secretary general of this is neither up to washington nor any other outside players to be signed the syrians have themselves had the primary responsibility to end the country determine their party to their system and future and start repeating their country while democracy is willing to discuss anything from commenting territory partial cease fire anything that is except assad's resignation it seems the parties
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have a different understanding of the course of the talks indeed the only agree on the one thing that a political solution is the only way no one should go no one's trying to gloss this over. that this is the beginning of a tough and complicated process more than forty countries and organizations and all suggest together how this must end that it has to have an inclusive syria it's. still the statements were indeed emotional and there were mutual accusations but what's most important is that all the parties involved want direct talks to start as soon as peoples of the because of the first round of negotiations mediated by the u.n. and arab league special envoy on syria is expected to last one week after nearly three years of extreme violence it isn't
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a surprise the two sides of the syrian conflict aren't getting along very well frankly just getting them in the same building may already be considered a diplomatic breakthrough not to mention the talks which are scheduled to continue on friday europe is going off r t montreaux switzerland and one analyst told us it's up to foreign powers to urge the warring sides of the syrian conflict to make the concessions needed to break through some sort of deadlock they must understand that neither one of them is able to really sort of game military victory over the other in the battlefield so they need to reach some sort of accommodation for one of the opposition cannot dictate and say that i said cannot be a part of any. future syria and the syrian government cannot sort of lump everybody into the basket of terrorists so each one of them must reach out and i believe that they will ultimately they can't this is going to take a great deal of time
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a great deal of attention and a great deal of goodwill on part of those who are advocating both sides. just a few minutes or an international we had to be switzerland and the luxury of ski resort of. some of the planet's wealthiest the most influential people. in the quality. and from. the. economic down in the final. it will be.
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a pleasure to have you with us here today. if you are just joining us here welcome to the program when i see international whistleblower edward snowden reportedly set to request additional protection from russian authorities after receiving a number of death threats and. has been living at an undisclosed location in russia
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since august when he received asylum from washington's prosecution details here with an important. despite his temporary residency in russia it's fair to assume that n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden follows what's reported about him throughout the world however it's the recent death threats robert descriptive ones published in the us media that is causing the thirty year old to request extra security and protection from russian law enforcement the website buzz feed quoted an anonymous u.s. intelligence officer describing how he would have assassinated snowden if he had the chance another unnamed pentagon official has been quoted saying he would have simply love to put a bullet in snowden's head work he not restricted from killing an american snowden's lawyer says the former contractor is constantly accompanied by private
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guards but that may no longer be enough to ensure his security. we clearly understand that there was a serious danger for the life and health of edward snowden and n.s.a. intelligence officer says that it's easy to imagine a situation where he walks around for example after doing his groceries and he accidentally bumps into someone then he suddenly. goes home and dies in the shower in his situation he has to think about his security snowden's attorney stresses that according to russian law the right criminal liability he also says the former contractors refugee status makes him only entitled to ask the police for help in the meantime a new poll by pew research shows that while americans are still divided over the benefits of snowden's n.s.a. leaks when it comes to just young americans ages eighteen to twenty nine years old
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the majority believe that snowden's leaks served the public's interest reporting from new york. r.t. . and while they do what snowden remain. deeply unpopular with the u.s. officials members of the public consider him a hero and in all seeking ways to express their gratitude for exposing the american must surveillance but it was a blow because we know what they did for an honorary position of record the glasgow university caught up with one of the students who spearheaded the project the reason which shows edward snowden is because we know that he is a hero here's a brave man who rist a lot of things to us that people know the extent of us media surveillance and intrusion into our private lives and we just want to show him that we appreciate what he's done and it is a clear message sent out to those who are monitoring us that we will not stand for this and that we do not this we do not accept this kind of criminality it would be
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more symbolic than anything because he will be able to actually physically come to class go it will choose a representative. for him in situations where he cannot personally attend but his duties will be to hold the title of the rector of the university of glasgow we've had an overwhelmingly positive response of course we will do everything we can to make sure that this actually happens. stories are one of them for example. for many countries. around the world getting a soaking but not in england and wales. as we tell you on the website police bosses may soon be changing their approach. this story as well. breaking through the computer. of george w. bush's family cracking the email account of a secretary of state. in romania. and
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i think. the. time for the update but for now the world economic forum in davos it's picking up its pace as it enters its second day there are plenty of issues for the bill to rack their brains for example inequality tax evasion as well as a host of venture capital she's there to explain what matters most. so far here in davos it's all been about the essential the which is the reshaping
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of the well the consequences for society politics and business now we know that after day one that they intend to go out the window and people talk about what they want to talk about and this year it's been all about income inequality and the consequences of that and really here everyone appreciates that it's the biggest risk to the global economy but no one quite knows how to deal with that and it coincides with youth unemployment as well as a social rest that can come out of that and bury my zero dollars eighty billion shares that have come to talk about that so the irony is that they're to say we've also got plenty of other topics been spoken about including climate change surveillance is that it's haitian going on every morning to you know tax avoidance is still sensitive here because business leaders saying where's the rules and regulations where are the laws that we are so cool breaking and they're saying that everything is being pointed at fairly say as i say tensions on that one as they usually so we've also got plenty of other things going on for the rest of the davos
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we've got the european parliament g elections what's going to come out of those the brics club as well brazil russia india china is instead a club doesn't really exist anymore but you know what everyone is waiting for mr sun rouhani as well as israel mr netanyahu people want to know if they're going to be communicating with each other and if mr rouhani is going to be able to woo some investors so as you can see it is a part agenda here in davos plenty to concern ourselves with stagnate growth being top of the agenda ready in terms of the thing it's all about five years on from the financial crisis what kind of an economy are we dealing with now that is the question so it's all about challenges going forward. the planet's richest eighty five business men control as much wealth as a half of the world's entire population this according to a new report by oxfam presented at davos max lawson who's the head of advocacy at the charity organization a bit skeptical about any progress being made in the annual forum despite their
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proclaimed goals you've got people having more money than they could spend in ten thousand lifetimes when you have a billion people living on less than a dollar a day there's a lot that could be done on the international level to tackle the issue of growing inequality particularly issue of tax tax havens and tax avoidance so you're seeing hundreds of billions of dollars being hidden away in tax havens this is money by the richest corporations the richest people and it should be taxed if it was taxed fairly and that money could be spent on health and education on decent jobs for ordinary people so if we saw a crackdown on tax evasion that would make a major difference we think would be a lot of talk about equality rules very little action we don't expect them to do much at all. for the global it's not for you in brief or on r.t. last gunman riding motorcycles of killed five policemen and wounded two others and
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one just south of cairo souls on security forces have increased since the army toppled the country's islam as president mohammed morsi that was last july. i'm protestors in thailand have defied a government imposed state of emergency with a creek gives authorities powers to impose curfews censor media and detain suspects without charge one leading pro-government activist was shot and wounded in bangkok on wednesday and one man was killed and dozens injured when a grenade was thrown at demonstrations last week. a russian trawler has left the west african country of senegal that's offer its owners paid around a million dollars in bail the old leg at ninety on off was seized nearly three weeks ago on suspicion of illegal fishing the incident spoke diplomatic tension between moscow and dhaka the ship's captain maintains the vessel was not fishing illegally at the time of capture and wasn't even in senegalese waters. dozens of
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pentagon workers have come out on strike this in the state of virginia the generals though they're not among them it's the cleaning and support staff who are protesting against low wages that demanding the government raise their pay which now starts at about nine dollars an hour. well thanks for joining us here in the international today just on the way for you disturbing allegations about doctors who break their primary oath of caring for the sick and instead get involved into. recently facebook was ablaze with likes and shares about the two thousand and fourteen no pants subway ride this is a yearly event that has grown in popularity and spread way beyond its native new
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york to cities across the globe according to fox news and such you thousands of people ride the subway in their underwear as if it were a normal day what you're going to say is he. prank collective the cause a scenes of chaos and joy in public places yeah i guess this is kind of funny i mean hey i like wackiness but think about the effort and propaganda takes to get thousands of people the world over to simultaneously do something and then with all that effort and all those thousands of participants all you do is walk around such a pants on this idea must've been created by some people with a pretty decadent lifestyle because how can you even think about organizing people for the goal of spreading joy a lot of us can't even afford to put dinner on the table in the future could you guys please try some pantless food donating or pencils recycling or maybe best of all and artist of all pencils job creating wackiness is fine but when you have the power of thousands of trousers volunteers please use it responsibly and productively but that's just my opinion.
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the abu ghraib pictures raise the question where were the doctors while this was going on either they directly witnessed they pierce or they witnessed the consequences of it why hadn't they protested. here the doctors were complicit they were the centerpiece of torture they were enablers they were facilitators they will authorize years.
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from apocrypha used to now the standard for the healing professions has been simple bad obligation is first and foremost to the patient's interest while being torture shatters that cover. how have american physicians and psychologists come to sanction and implemented and why haven't they been held accountable for their actions. on. tonight we are a country awakened to danger. and called to defend freedom whether we bring our
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enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies. justice will be done. i. less than three weeks later u.s. forces invaded afghanistan in retaliation to the september eleventh terrorist attacks on the united states. in a radical new policy the bush administration declared afghan prisoners enemy combatants no longer protected by the geneva convention. before nine eleven prisoners of war were interrogated according to the army field manual that followed the geneva convention. the new interrogation methods involve torture.
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we have no alternative but to meet the enemy worried ways we must and we will use every means at our disposal to ensure the freedom and security of the american people. the experience of american p.o.w.'s in korea led the united states to develop a program to train soldiers how to survive torture if captured. the program was called seer. two psychologists contracted by the cia were among the first to introduce abusive interrogation techniques doctors james mitchell and bruce jessen were experts in serious survival training they adapted the sere torture regimen for use on detainees. dr.
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