tv [untitled] January 23, 2014 8:00am-8:31am EST
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a posin ukraine standoff protesters and security forces declare a temporary truce while the e.u. warns it will step in if the crisis is not result. he wants preparing the ground for syria's rival delegations to meet face to face on monday after day one of the long awaited peace jobs was marred by bitter changes. and a whistleblower as worries edward snowden is reportedly planning asking russia for personal protection after getting death threats.
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watching r.t. international coming to live from moscow with me marina joshie welcome to the program protesters and police in kiev have declared a truce which is expected to hold for the next five hours earlier the ukrainian opposition threatened to escalate street riots if the government refused to call early elections meanwhile the e.u. is entering the fray was ahead of the european commission voicing his concern and a phone call to president yanacocha are just peed all over reports from. well what we're seeing right now is a relatively peaceful scene and what's been the place where the most of the clashes the the most violent clashes have taken place here in kiev there's a cease fire be respected by by both the right police and the the writers themselves but in terms of the the international reaction to what's being going on here in ukraine we've been hearing that the e.u. president jose manuel barroso held a phone call with victory on
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a call which the ukrainian president and which mr but also pony express his deep concern about what is unfolding here in ukraine now in response was the on a covert said that there would be no state of emergency calls here that the army would not be deployed this is the coming off the back you know the things we're hearing from this phone call is that. the bottles to said that if the situation here in ukraine didn't improve that the e.u. could step in there is still a very large nationalistic ultra nationalistic element. controlling what's going on with regards to the to the riots here they're saying that ok we're going to respect this truce for now if the demands that are being placed upon the government on met on met in a suitable way that the writers do deem that they they should be that we could be seeing some quite some further violent clashes more war we've just seen vitaly klitschko one of the leaders of the opposition here he's obviously of course the
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former world heavyweight boxing champion delivering a speech to the writers here on the front line the very front line of the barricades here just in front of the arts say this wall of fire that exists between the the riots and the riot police right now. he's been talking to to to his supporters and giving them messages who what we have heard is that this this after . and see for wow was of this ultimatum that was delivered to the. victory on a covert ukrainian president. that there could be. potentially more violence and we would expect to see that if those if their demands are met now the center of kiev has turned into a battlefield this is independence square right here on the map known as my dawn which has become the main hub of the protests and that's where the opposition camp
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is but some of the most fierce clashes on wednesday broke out on nearby street right here in the tires were set alight there and you just heard peter all of our reporting from the scene there two people were killed both reportedly with bullet once it's already however say police on the streets did not have live ammunition and there do appear to have been vigilantes with firearms among the protesters as you can see in this picture right here british journalist graham phillips who are returned from just recently says the protesters have been resorting to very aggressive tactics. i was a schiavo on sunday and i saw guys lining up with fuse the laws of missing. cocktails and noise and weapons of every single man attacking police in every way they codes and i return from that we've been on the internet checking the news and it has been reported immediately that the us has introduced sanctions against the ukrainian government. police and government are being criticized but to be there on
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the ground it's it's absurd to reconcile that with what you see which is highly military lines that in fact i've been in city hall just proceeding events these guys were getting militarized were getting mobilized they were getting ready to go into war they knew exactly they were receiving briefings they were receiving instructions on that basis of going into war they went in on that basis and they went to that end to effectively instigate a civil war in ukraine and i think it would really be too dangerous to say that we have at the moment isn't a degree of civil war in ukraine or a foreign groups are gaining momentum in ukraine as those anti-government protests continue to rage and they're making it clear that they did not favor peaceful resistance nationalist factions are insisting that the government should only be addressed with the language of force meanwhile washington has responded to ukraine street violence by revoking the visas of several individuals and threatening
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sanctions from the u.s. point of view only one side is to blame in all of this is there's a government now reports. the obama administration had upped its rhetoric against ukraine on wednesday warning of possible sanctions that the government continues its crackdown on protesters there the state department spokesperson here in washington said all policy options are on the table but did not offer any more specifics now the u.s. meanwhile has revoked the visas of several ukrainian officials who are allegedly implicated in the violence against peaceful protesters no members of the opposition however have their views was revoked by the united states this is something that did come under some scrutiny at the state department press conference when a journalist or raise the issue of a double standard the united states has already revoked visas of several people responsible for violence. several officials ukrainian officials several. so there's no opposition protesters nothing like this ukrainian official.
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now we also heard from the state department referencing two protesters that have been shot saying that they have been shot by members of the police despite the fact that the investigation on the ground in kiev had not yet concluded president obama himself stayed silent on the recent developments a state department spokeswoman did call on the ukrainian government to abide by the protesters calls for the country to sign a trade deal with the european union instead of turning towards russia the state department's top your of europe official victoria nuland has visited the country several times recently to argue the case vice president biden had also called the ukrainian president to express his deep concerns now the united states isn't alone in pointing the finger of blame on the ukrainian government when it comes to the recent violence in kenya of we did also hear from the e.u. budget commissioner who said that sanctions were not being discussed at the moment but that the body will go beyond simply condemning the violence one possible option
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going after the bank accounts of certain all of arcs on the ruling party in ukraine . now the russian president's spokesman has reacted to western condemnation of what's happening in kiev dmitry peskov says moscow considers anti interference in ukraine's domestic affairs as absolutely unacceptable adding that russia never has and never would do such a thing the actions of ukrainian police officers have triggered much criticism and we asked a former british police officer with experience of crowd control to allies their tactics. the minute it starts becoming violent the way that they taste and then they have no option and to react sometimes in the way they did because once that situation does get out of control like that those two primary and the first they can still police quickly in whatever way you can get the demonstrators moved the vote broke. and then primary that the second part will be just to do so as safely
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as possible for the public but then for the offices second so i think you know in some ways when you get back to great advantage to go to sleep so it's in many ways it's not surprising that they have we acted as dignity as they have i mean it's not very nice as it looks very good and indeed a lot of the police and get a body injected as well about human beings at the end of the day you know they all strive however well equipped they are trying they are you know this is going to zour one analogy but it's sort of combat in the field face to face with some dangerous people many of whom are actually intended phone calls in the bomb we're closely following what's happening in kiev with peter oliver in the midst of the troubles there and across in western ukraine nationalists have captured the regional administration building in the city i live off where the hat of the region was forced to sign his resignation you can't get more details on ukraine's turmoil
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r.t.o. comments our website was minute by minute updates. dave a national mediator for syria will hold separate meetings with the government and the opposition after the warring sides failed to find any common ground during the first day of the geneva two peace conference diplomats helped to bring syria's bitter rivals together for their first face to face talks on friday we were just going off imports from switzerland you know prime minister i'm sorry to. can you just read yours and you live in new york i live in syria i have. to give you the c.v. and. here in this forum the first day of the conference was expected to be spent listening to formal statements instead it was the scene of bitter exchanges as the
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syrian opposition pressed on with its calls for president assad to step down i think that assad is the problem and i said i don't think the problem old any solution without us of going about our stepping down as a change of power in damascus is something that washington is pushing for as well bashar will not be part of that transition government but according to the u.n. secretary general of this is neither up to washington nor any other outside players to be signed the seriousness of themselves had the primary responsibility team to end the conflict to timing the party to a system and future and start repeating their country while democracy is willing to discuss anything from commenting terror to a partial cease fire anything that is except assad's resignation it seems the parties have a different understanding of the course of the talks indeed the only agree on the one thing that a political solution is the only way no one should. know one's trying to
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gloss this over. that this is the beginning of a tough and complicated process more than forty countries and organizations and all suggest together how this must end that it has to have an inclusive syria but it's. still the statements were indeed emotional and there was mutual accusations but what's most important is that all the parties involved want direct talks to start as soon as. the blizzard the first round of negotiations b.d.d. by the u.n. arab league special envoy on syria is expected to last one week after nearly three years of extreme violence it isn't a surprise the two sides of the syrian conflict aren't getting along very well frankly just getting them in the same building may already be considered a diplomatic breakthrough not to mention the talks which are scheduled to continue on friday europe is going off r t montreaux switzerland and
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a spined mutual is still in a diplomat say that both syria's government and opposition forces have signaled their willingness to discuss cease fires prisoner swaps and the delivery of humanitarian aid alice a hope in breaking the deadlock rests with the international mediators africa. they must understand that neither one of them is able to really sort of the game military victory over the other in the battlefield so they need to reach some sort of accommodation for whatever the opposition cannot dictate and say that i said cannot be a part of any. future syria and the syrian government cannot sort of lump everybody into sort of the basket of terrorists so each one of them must reach out and i believe that they will ultimately they can't this is going to take a great deal of time a great deal of attention and a great deal of goodwill on part of those who are advocating both sides stay in
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touch with developments out of peace talks as our team brings you in-depth coverage from geneva to. and we'll stay in switzerland to bring you another key global event that's underway there as business and political leaders address the world economic forum in davos along down to iran president rouhani this pledge cooperation with his neighbors and the rest of the world the details are coming up here on our t.v. . interview. feel.
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free to. choose your language. because we can with knowing if you're going to. choose to use the consensus to. choose the opinions that you. choose the stories that impact your life choose be access to. welcome back this is our team international average snowden has been getting an increasing number of death threats and is expected to ask russian authorities to
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help protect him the whistleblower's whereabouts here in russia are kept secret now or has details of the vindictive hand for the former n.s.a. contractor. despite his temporary residency in russia it's fair to assume that n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden follows what's reported about him throughout the world however it's the recent death threats rather descriptive ones published in the u.s. media that is causing the thirty year old to request extra security and protection from russian law enforcement the website buzz feed quoted an anonymous u.s. intelligence officer describing how he would have assassinated snowden if he had the chance another unnamed pentagon official has been quoted saying he would have simply love to quote put a bullet in snowden's head work he not restricted from killing an american now snowden's lawyer says the former contractor is constantly accompanied by private
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guards but that may no longer be enough to ensure his security but. we clearly understand that there is a serious danger for the life and health of edward snowden and n.s.a. intelligence officer says that it's easy to imagine a situation where he walks around moscow for example after doing his groceries and he accidentally bumps into someone then he suddenly feels drunk goes home and dies in the shower in his situation he has to think about his security duties snowden's attorney stresses that according to russian law a death threat carries criminal liability he also says the former contractor's refugee status makes him only entitled to ask the police for help. in the meantime a new poll by pew research shows that while americans are still divided over the benefits of snowden's n.s.a. leaks when it comes to just young americans ages eighteen to twenty nine years old
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the majority believe that snowden's leaks served the public's interest reporting from new york marina r.t. . why even knowing white house in the u.k. government considers snowden to be almost anime for some people he's a hero worthy of being honored students at glasgow university have nominated him to be their rector which would make him their representative on the university as governing body we caught up with one of the people spearheading the bid the reason which shows edward snowden is because we know that he is a hero is a brave man who rist a lot of things to us that people know the extent of us media surveillance and intrusion into our private lives and we just want to show him that we appreciate what he has done and it is a clear message sent out to those who are monitoring us that we will not stand for this and that we do not this we do not accept this kind of criminality toward be
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more symbolic than anything because he will be able to actually physically come to class go it will choose a representative. for him in situations where he cannot personally attend but his duties will be to hold the title of the rector of the university of glasgow we've had an overwhelmingly positive response of course we will do everything we can to make sure that this actually happens. well a family dinner date for tony blair saw the former prime minister served with more than food and wine when forman tried to conduct a citizen's arrest to make him face justice over the invasion of iraq had to r.t. dot com to see how dad worked out. plus deals online over the four years hacker suspected of breaking into the computers of george w. bush and he said the secretary of state has reportedly been caught by remaining in police details on that story just a few clicks away dot com. right to see.
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first street. and i think the church. on our reporters with their. instrument. to be in the. well iran says it's ready to engage with neighboring countries and other world powers president rouhani splodge came at the world economic forum and in davos artist is there. taking full advantage of the president of the country has all of the davos economic forum because it's incredibly timely for him we know that the six month interim deal struck between the six major powers has taken effect this week and the message from him is around is open for business and as i say explicitly timely because in the audience you've got two hundred fifty people the
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protests of some of the richest people in the world eighty billionaires hey we got forty has of state so he's speaking to the right people and it's the first time in twenty years that an iranian media has come to this of that and he is basically opening up the country to international investment he's worrying the likes of any tell you tell shell as well as exxon mobil throughout the day he will be drum up support for the oil industry that has been really suffering in the last two years because as they sanctions which will now be partially lifted thanks that interim deal that has been struck now he's got great expectations for his economy let's listen to the man himself. iran's economy has the potential to be among the world's top ten in the next three decades that's our long term goal which we're planning to achieve through our social economic as well as domestic and foreign policy my
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government is pursuing ideals and economic development democracy and the improvement of iran's foreign relations and that's impossible without our international engagement now considering a run has one of the biggest if not the biggest oil and gas reserves in the world that is a feasible goal for the country in a way relationships between iran and the west are now warming up thanks the sanctions being partially lifted and investors are keen to get involved as well. and also on the delegates minds in davos combat ing poverty and inequality the aid and development charity oxfam has presented its report to the gathering which says that just eighty five all the world's richest people control as much wealth as half of the planet's population and despite the goal set out in the form oxfam's not convinced anything will change and go people having more money than they can spend in ten thousand and a lot of times when you have
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a billion people living on less than a dollar a day there's a lot that could be done on the international level to tackle the issue of growing inequality the particular of the issue of tax tax havens and tax avoidance so you're seeing hundreds of billions of dollars being hidden away in tax havens this is money that is owned by the richest corporations the richest people and it should be target if it was taxed fairly and that money could be spent on health or education on decent job for ordinary people so if we sort of crunch down on tax evasion that would make a major difference we think would be a lot of talk about equality of divorce but very little action we don't expect them to do much at all. more world news for you now from international masked gunmen on motorcycles killed five policemen and wounded two others in egypt it happened to you checkpoint south of cairo the attackers escaped from the scene over two hundred fifty security forces personnel have been killed since the military toppled islam
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as president mohamed morsi last july. crash rally in thailand's capital has seen thousands of people defying a government imposed ban on marches there's a state of emergency there right now the sixty day decree was and acted to try and keep the peace without having a reasonable action but angry crowds have been demanding that government goes now and trying to bring government business to standstill quibbling bangkok. and there's been a walkout of the pentagon in the united states is now the general's though it's leaning and catering staff who say they're fed up with low wages they hope the strike will get president obama to put on and paying poverty wages to contract in the u.s. at federal facilities some are paid less than nine dollars an hour around forty percent less than what researchers say is a basic living wage in the area. pakistan thousands of
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shiites are staging sit ins against the killings of twenty four pilgrims and tuesday's bus explosion in some major cities demonstrations turned ugly as crowds torched tires and blog roads for a task there are refusing to bury the victims until the government punishes those behind the attack and the military intervenes latest studies show that of darion killings twenty percent last year compared with twenty twelve. the jail business partner of former oil tycoon real hard cocky has been granted an early release by russia's supreme court but only have it has been due to walk free in may but will now do so in a matter of hours. as the details basically the decision was made in both cases that of course put on a bit of but seeing as we hope that of course he was actually released after receiving presidential pardon as part of the nationwide amnesty and left
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prison at that time but it was remaining in the colony and his sentence was reduced to just. over ten and a half years but seeing as he's already served and said he is free to go as soon as the officials in the prison that he's serving his sentence and in the north of russia receive the official papers it could be as early as today it could be tomorrow basically now we're just waiting for the papers to be delivered to the prison officials now when it comes to the other parts of the case that the supreme court was looking at it has upheld the earlier ruling that another must reimburse the state just over seventeen billion rubles in taxes which he owes and that actually is part of the case because both of those conservatives have been serving their prison sentences on charges of tax evasion as well as money laundering and embezzlement basically the case for the two men now is closed and the supreme court
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has also left an opportunity for judicial rehabilitation for. oh you're a few moments away from max kaiser is latest showdown with high flying financial scammers don't know when. big bucks but. go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy trek albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been a hydrogen client handful of transnational corporations that will profit by
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destroying what our founding fathers once told us my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing up to five different job ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser last week the heritage foundation and
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the wall street journal presented their annual list of economic freedom for the seventh year running the u.s. as drop down that list now residing at twelfth most free totally in the world while the us used to be number one it is now behind ireland at number two on yes the same ireland which was a vassal state of the troika until mid december when it gained at least an appearance of economic sovereignty which makes you wonder what exactly their idea of economic freedom is max this is important to know because of course that was has been happening this past week and they're trying to deliver us economic freedom i think what we're going to see from them and what heritage foundation wall street journal when they looked at ireland what they see is this what nigel for you can't any piece said we all run by big business big banks and i'm afraid mr brace so big bureaucrats so true it's fascinating how far down this league table
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the u.s. has plummeted it's the only country that's actually dropping the other ones are kind of in status to some degree or another whether the u.s. is really you know plummeting down this list yeah but like i said i don't know if it's a bad thing in the way that they determine what economic freedom is they don't care that ireland was occupied by foreign banking powers until just a few weeks ago allegedly now i want to say that here in the u.k. there are number fourteen on this list and they could be rising very soon if they determine economic freedom and the being occupied by banks because h.s.b.c. faces seventy billion pound capital hole warns hong kong analysts h.s.b.c. could have overstated as assets by more than fifty billion pounds and ultimately need a capital injection of close to seventy billion pounds before the end of this decade according to an incendiary report published by a hong kong based research firm and the research firm is called forensic asia this is seventy billion pounds.
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