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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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ukraine's president vows to do everything in his power to stop the turmoil sweeping his country announcing an amnesty for those detained in the kiev riots while in other cities. officials buildings. and as many protesters reject any negotiations with the leadership we look at the radical elements in the midst of the chaos escalate the situation then. in karo a force a bomb goes off bringing the day's death toll to at least six with dozens more injured ahead of the anniversary of the two thousand and eleven uprising.
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this international live from australia center here in moscow where just ten nine pm and seven pm in ukraine where the government is offering further concessions to calm the unrest with president you know which pledging to free those arrested during the riots this week meanwhile protests are engulfing cities across the west of the country all of the reports now from kiev. we've been hearing from president picked the on a covert shaft of the latest rounds of talks between the government and the opposition now he's announced what's been achieved so far he said the january sixteenth laws that were brought in to clamp down on demonstrations that they would be changes to those laws now the opposition and the government have agreed that there will be an amnesty for all people who are being detained by police during the riots that we've seen here in kiev as well as across the rest of the country now
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what we're going to see next week is a emergency session of parliament here in ukraine during that emergency session we're expecting to see a reshuffle of vick the other covert his government he said he's going to change a few members of personnel around now in terms of the violence that's been going on here because the on a covert you said that he points the finger towards a groups all foreigners who be responsible for the majority of the worst violence blaming them for coming in provoking the situation here the president said that he will do everything to try and bring about peace saying that all legal means at his disposal would be used as he tries to bring some kind of calm back to the back to kiev and the rest of ukraine we're looking at about a dozen cities in the west of the country where police and rioters have clashed it's government buildings official buildings that have been the targets for these these new riots in the west of the country the worst affected cities where we're
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looking at the cities of yvonne of their friend gulf where writers had tried to take government buildings on thursday night we now see after a vicious standoff that they have succeeded in breaking their way into government buildings and now the city in the elsewhere in chad north sea. well what we've seen there is around one thousand riot is facing off against around one hundred. riot police in one of the main government buildings there it's been some quite horrific scenes coming from from not standoff the police there of course outnumbered ten to war and not situation under loophole which was one of the first cities outside of kiev to see violence there they had occupied the government buildings also major roads in the city how being barricaded some ways towards the he had this well the ukrainian prime minister mr is out of has said that there will
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be negotiations over talking to the e.u. and switzerland about. trying to ease tensions here in ukraine and see if they can help to perhaps broker some kind of peace between opposition right is. the government here now the news what's been coming out from ukraine has been making headlines around the world and we've heard comments from you and u.s. leaders some of those comments is being claimed only really succeeding in inflaming tensions here in inflaming the violence you can have a look at some of those comments that are being. well let's now across to former e.u. foreign policy chief javier solana we'll talk about those comments that was just reporting on just a few moments ago the e.u. stance now this is a lot of was involved in mediating a crisis in ukraine ten years ago this looks a lot of thanks very much indeed for joining us there from davos now of course these protests of much more violent than what we saw in ukraine in the orange revolution back in two thousand and four what do you make of the armed fighters and
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the violence we're seeing at the moment how does that affect your perception of these protests today. well we have been discussing this situation ukraine here doubles that i think the difference between two thousand and four and two thousand and fourteen is ten years difference and a lot of things have taken place in the world in green this period of time so nothing new sort of the same that two thousand and two i did receive before this solution should be just about the same i think a negotiation between the government and the opposition is necessary in one thousand the corporation though of russia and the european union to help as we did help in two thousand and four i think that these were de will recommend to be done here to ask me just are you you talk about the e.u. helping but the e.u. on this occasion has been accused of inflaming the situation how do you react to that accusation. well i don't see that e.u. the european union is inflaming the situation i don't think so i mean i'm not doing
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enough is now and i i don't know exactly what has happened they've just single minute but i don't believe that they are told that the european unity please address the situation contrary what are these they want to do and i think the european union as a whole is trying to do is to try to find peaceful solutions or to detail says some kind of negotiation like you or any other created between the government and the opposition with this help of other countries that are interested in a. good way which we should move on but we've seen m.p.'s from. if you are taking part in the demonstrations before christmas we also understand that the e.u. in some ways it has been encouraging in effect a change of government there saying there should be a snap election immediately in other words compromising and coaches democrat only. elected position. i don't think anybody would be half of the european union has
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said that a change in the presidents had to take place i have said i keep on saying as the same theme that the government has said a while ago that he would be a need to know the urdu duma that got beaten in the coming days and there may be a reshuffle of the government if that these is fruit of an agreement between government and opposition mid to depression deal position i think you'll do better but isn't the e.u. putting pressure on the other which by saying we are rethinking the position of our relationship with ukraine and also of course the us talking about sanctions against which this is a lot of external pressure on a man in crisis at the moment. well i think that a man and also to move the situation further it's for everybody to recognise and realise that this really difficult situation in that duty government has to agree to pretty high through a parade with an open mind that we have seen in the last years of time it allows years a lot of moments of. just treat in
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a sink to the precedences which had been unable to talk to the people and get to greenland's. at least one which is still in place the others are not and the e.u. has of course been very critical of the way the forces of handled these demonstrations what do we have seen the same sort of protest getting to that sort of level of violence in the likes of madrid london brussels. well you do it in many of these places have been demonstrations of be resolved be they can give you many many examples in capitals of europe in which you have been demonstrations have been negotiation after those in the peaceful now in. only look at brazil the person of brazil had the demonstrations under streets and they negotiated and they are now in a good condition so it's old negotiation is always the only solution where you can have a level solve it for dalit people and the population a that is of concern to the e.u. the nationalist extremists are in effect taking on a control knows what remarks i am well that i am very very good what they therefore
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church has every danger they could take control of the country isn't that. i could have a great concern about the history museum and it being on the one side or india other i like to get to address to let people of common sense and trying to get negotiation to get a solution to this problem which may be very delicate to solve it later and just briefly the relationships with the e.u. and russia russia is very critical of the russia saying it's not interfering atoll with ukraine's affairs and is accusing the e.u. of meddling this is a difficult time is it not for the e.u. to fall out with russia over this. well the only thing i can say that to dick i mean the coming days next week it will be a summit of the european union and russia where i'm sure that all these things will be discussed have yes thank you so much for your time former foreign policy chief we really appreciate you joining us live on r.t. thank you thank you very much for. well opposition leader vitaly klitschko was
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booed as he publicly announce the results of talks with the government the boxer turned politician hasn't exactly been getting universal support from the protesters earlier this week he was sprayed by a fire extinguisher while trying to calm the rioting the opposition appears deeply fractured with many protesters being firmly against any talks and calling for revolution radical groups have been at the core of the protesters we've just been discussing there and investigates the unrest far right contingent. here convulsed by violence. molotov cocktails pitched battles between protesters and police a capital city spiraling out of control. and amid all it's the radicals and extremists who are spearheading this violence. and is ready teacher in a key of synagogue glickman is following it all from his hospital bed twenty four hours before the violence erupted he was beaten and stabbed by unidentified man it was the second attack on
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a jew in his many days we asked the local jewish community to comment on the matter but they refused hearing retribution from far right groups those watching on from abroad are also deeply disturbed by recent developments what. of course we're worried about jews in ukraine at the moment because if there is anti-semitic violence there will be no mercy for anyone neither women nor children. with nazi off fascist images clearly on display the concern is that even the nationalist leaders are no longer in control of their supporters and the evidence of support for ukrainian wartime leaders who lead death squads against the jews is apparent on the streets of kiev right beside the stage of kiev's independence square the heart of the protest there is a big banner with step on going down on it the 1940's insurgent leader in ukraine but despite there's lots of controversy surrounding his role in history in many countries this would hardly surprise anyone in today's kiev but that the other scene of the protest beside what seems to be future molotov cocktails we see
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a peculiar graffiti on the wall an old eric room which is unlikely to have any double meanings in european countries because back in the one nine hundred forty s. it was used by some of the not social divisions. now that altering activists have become the core of the protest some analysts say dispense bleak picture for the country. most of those rioting do not take orders from our legal opposition forces they are radical nationalists football fans revolutionary romanticists and inadequate people it's a mixed mob but radical nationalists are the only ones with knowledge and skill when it comes to mass rights they know how to handle themselves it's not only unsafe for the public but also for the future. a legacy russia of ski r.t. reporting from kiev ukraine. ukraine's leader has said he's ready for further talks with the opposition had to r.t. dot com to find out more about that development and also online we're providing
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minute by minute updates on the situation and reporting on the improvised weaponry being used by street mobs against police officers. a fourth explosion has rocked the egyptian capital killing one person that comes just hours after a series of deadly blasts shook her leaving five people dead and injuring dozens more well let's now go live to our correspondent who is in cairo. what is the latest on these attacks please. the latest as you say is that five or perhaps six people have died in explosions that took place today the first and deadliest of these bombings killed four people outside a security building in the north of the capital and shattered windows hundreds of meters away from the site of the explosion this latest bombing appeared to target a police convoy outside
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a cinema in the west of the capital and today's bombings are the most dramatic but the latest in the series which have hit egypt over the past few months as part of unrest which has followed the ouster of former president mohammed morsi of the muslim brotherhood back in the summer last year and also today three people have been killed in clashes around the country the clashes again have become commonplace every week we're seeing supporters of mr morsy and supporters of the government clashing often with police officers involved as well exchanging tear gas rocks petrol bombs and really on the eve of egypt's regine revolution the third anniversary which is taking place tomorrow a very uncertain feeling across cairo just briefly a lot of speculation as to who is behind these attacks many blaming the muslim brotherhood others and al qaeda related organization still very unclear isn't it who is behind them just briefly. yes there's been no official claim of
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responsibility as yet but the vast majority of the tank the taken place in recent months have been claimed by a group called this an organization which supports a sort of al qaeda like ideology and there have been attempts by the current administration to tie that group to the muslim brotherhood that's the claim for which they really haven't been able to provide any substantial evidence and which the brotherhood has itself strongly refuted but it's remarkable that while the rhetoric of terrorism and the accusation of the brotherhood are a terrorist group has been used to smash them has been used to suppress them as an organization remarkably the security forces have failed to do anything substantive so far it seems to stop the wave of terrorist attacks which have hit their own security operators over the past few months and today is just the latest example of that tom thanks for that reporting live from thanks. and islamic extremist group has admitted to carrying out the attack now we're learning on that police building
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and karo based journalist hugh miles says the government faces a huge challenge to keep islam is groups at bay let's hear what he has to say on this next. one of those new shows us to the islamist movement who presumably responsible for this bombing all the no one has no evidence has been produced but i mean this looks like it could well be the work of one of these charity groups who claimed responsibility for previous attacks. not going to go away it's not going to be possible for the government just to pretend that islam did not win five elections. kicked out of power they can't just carry on business as usual and if they try and carry on business as usual there's obviously we can see there's going to be able to strike that. we're getting some news just in here on r.t. that the u.n.
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mediator on syria has said that the government opposition delegations have finally agreed to sit down for the wreck talks but we've got more details on that coming up for you very shortly here on r.t. international in syria itself meanwhile rival rebel factions are facing off in a gruesome battle for supremacy with no unity in sight for the anti said camp a report from inside syria is on its way shortly here on out to international. it was terrible to take our lives very hard to take
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a. look at the long club that are back with the earthquake there's no place to. live. live live. live a pretty. much
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has been spent to get sort she's transport up to speed for the winter olympics which start in just over a couple of weeks' time but there's actually is simple way for visitors to commute between the clusters is to buy what say now explains. the twenty four. comics who have these the olympics to be very unique and it's not only because they're being hosted in a subtropical environment it's also because for the very first time in on the big history they've been created into this coastal cluster all of us are idioms in one a circular area. helped us to move from one stadium to the next but how is the air read well let's go find out. right right behind me is that the iceberg a stadium now we're going to take a walk from here to the others line to where the atlas skating ring is let's take a walk now let's see how far it's going to take us to get from this site to the
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next one in the meantime a quick line to the olympics on the coastal cluster with all the five indoor ice stadiums will also be next to the opening and closing ceremonies stadium the fish also in the coastal cluster is the main international broadcasting and press center now the beauty of this design is that it shouldn't take you more than five minutes between venue right so where were we are our experiment how long does it take to get from one venue to the next and the verdict. right so it's two minutes walking and we've now made it to gate b. of the adler stadium and there you go ladies and gentlemen it took me two minutes in high heels when one venue will be. well the symbol of the games is nearing its final destination the olympic flame is incredible journey as the north
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pole and into space right now the torch is. in southern russia it is incredible voyage at all to. there you. see. my fire. as international mediators hit a hurdle against syrian unity at geneva two in fighting among the opposition in the war zone itself activists say forty eight hundred people have been killed this month alone during clashes between rival rebel factions is at the front line just to warn you that some images in her report graphic. you know for me jim in the old in syria one of the richest and most developed before three divest eighteen years or more has been the scene of some of the fiercest clashes between government
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troops and the rebels fighting shoulder to shoulder with a number of different al qaida affiliated groups but now a different sort of war was raging on the same battlefield that. it took or a loss of gosh the moderates free syrian army an umbrella military organization united ninety assad forces since the beginning of the conflict is battling numerous radical jihadist groups who they say hijacked the revolution in order to establish an islamic a fate in syria don't you sometimes do not stand up he had up to the roof of one of the highest buildings in the city of aleppo but the syrian army's line ends at the who say from a mosque after that and has no control the militants are only fifteen others they are the mosque and the area is just food of militants five hundred meters from the fire and beyond that it's just a few of them and it's not a question we hear clashes nearby but the syrian army is not even involved just
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about got the confrontation is now between the free syrian army and the jihad as of isis when darkness comes will join the fight but for now we are on standby let her know that we don't have any troops there we are fighting between themselves for control and certainly. according to the syrian observatory for human rights the london based opposition group relying on activists in the field for their data around fourteen hundred people have been killed in the country since hostilities between the rebels and jihadists broke out these january among the dead the hundreds of moderate rebels and nearly two hundred civilians in an audio message posted online on thursday the al qaeda leader ayman al-zawahiri called on his militants to immediately hold the fighting between the brothers but clashes exit q sions and torture between those who were once calm rates continue. and with the syrian government and opposition now starting their first dialogue and for years
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the question is now how this internal rebel fight will affect syria as a whole some say it would most likely weaken the whole and movement others fear the rebels would be completely taken over by the jihadist that's a scenario that could harm him and potentially undermine the prospects of peace that's been pursued at the current talks in geneva. raif notion r.t. from syria. well the syrian turmoil is also behind an escalation in cyber warfare on a website report how a pro-government group of syrian hackers targeted cnn's twitter and facebook accounts i don't want sort of confusion the hackers were able to cause. plus facebook facing the end research likening the website's rise to a disease epidemic users are apparently getting q good read about the study which predicts when the social network could collapse. the
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united nations mediator for the syrian peace talks is saying that government and opposition delegations have agreed to hold direct talks and he's saying in the same room this is the latest developments now from geneva now that meeting a shuttle for saturday locked up he's made the announcement holding separate meetings with syria's rival groups the first days of the geneva two peace conference were marred by bitter exchanges between the opposition and government delegations antiwar activists brownback i believe the syrian rebels are not willing to make any compromises syrian opposition has come to the conference kicking and screaming in the first place they don't really want to be there because there's nothing that they think that they can get from the conference the syrian opposition only wants one thing which is to replace the assad government with their own government and clearly the assad government at geneva is prepared for a political settlement but won't agree in advance that the assad government will disappear or no longer be present in syria there are forces within the syrian armed
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opposition those affiliated with al qaida those who are getting the bulk of their arms from saudi arabia and from other regimes in the in the middle east they don't look for a negotiated settlement they're not going to agree to a negotiated settlement so it's not possible for the syrian government to see the syrian opposition is a real partner for negotiations when there are two wings two armed wings fighting each other and fighting the assad government and one wing is determined in advance that they will never agree to some sort of transition that allows the bath this party to remain in power in any shape or form. to bring us up to date for the moment would bring more for you from the geneva two peace conference and also developed into a home for the next it's everybody and with breaking this is. recently
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facebook was ablaze with likes and shares about the two thousand and fourteen no pants subway ride this is a yearly event that has grown in popularity and spread way beyond its native new york to cities across the globe according to fox news a century thousands of people ride the subway in their underwear as if it were a normal day what you're going to say is a prank collective the cause of scenes of chaos and joy in public places yeah i guess this is kind of funny i mean hey i like wackiness but think about the effort of propaganda takes to get thousands of people the world over to simultaneously do something and then with all that effort and all those thousands of participants all you do is walk around without your pants on this idea must have been created by some people with a pretty decadent lifestyle because how could you even think of organizing people for the goal of spreading joy when a lot of us can't even afford to put dinner on the table in the future could you guys please try some pantless food donating or pencils recycling or maybe best of
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all and artist of all pencils job creating wackiness is fine but when you have the power of thousands of trousers volunteers please use it responsibly and productively but that's just my opinion. and i'm not a martin and this is breaking a set in recent weeks and al qaeda offshoot known as the islamic state of iraq and eleven on. cities may have taken control of major areas of iraq the cities of ramadi and fallujah what's even more disturbing however is that iraq the officials including iraq's deputy interior minister now fear that militant forces could be gain enough strength to launch a full on assault on baghdad if baghdad falls and that means d. entire country will be turned over to terrorist forces that didn't even exist in
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iraq until the us open liberated the country using terrorism as an excuse to do so i guess mission accomplished again now let's break this up. some of the league games they are looking very hard to take that are the. ones that are actually that are right there those. are the elite. the. little. the little league.
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i think the persistent single digit approval ratings for a so-called representatives show quite clearly that members of congress don't share the same priorities as the average american this detachment might have something to do with the fact that more than a half of congress is part of an elite millionaires club but some lawmakers stand out more than others and their ruthlessness to start there's thirteen term new jersey congressman rob andrews who doesn't seem to take any issue with lawmakers benefiting financially from their political positions see anders is currently the target of a house ethics investigation looking into the use of campaign funds for personal perks as well as the air marking of over one point five million dollars for his wife's institution next as tennessee congressman and medical doctor scott days are lame this is the type of politician who never compromise on issues most dear to him like abortion unless of course it is facts.


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